Weekly Newsletter 17/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 17/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

#Aaltowappu will start on Wednesday when WappuAalto takes over the Alvari Square! You do not want to miss this party. The journey of the student cap to Havis Amanda statue at the Market Square will also begin in the event on Wednesday. #matkallamantalle

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. #Aaltowappu is here – check out the events on wappu.fi site
  3. WappuAalto: AYY’s start-of-wappu -festival!
  4. Engineering student – introduce Otaniemi to business students
  5. Badge sales, Tue, 21 Apr and Wed, 22 Apr
  6. ÄPY GALA 2015 22 Apr
  7. Sitsi contest 25 Apr – sign up by 22 Apr
  8. Crazy John
  9. Participate in Nyyti’s theme chats
  10. Otaniemi POP UP living room is looking for makers!
  11. Students wanted for Hub development!
  12. Aalto in the Game – Recruitment and Networking Event 23 Apr
  13. TLKS Spex in Helsinki 28 Apr
  14. Theatre group Thespians Anonymous presents: “Don Juan on Trial”
  15. OtaKoppi teams are looking for new players

1. This and next week’s events

Week 17

Wappu.fi and you know where to go! 🙂

Week 18

2. #Aaltowappu is here – check out the events at wappu.fi site

A huge number of events are organised in Aalto community during the weeks before May Day. By following the site wappu.fi you know what is happening! This year’s main event takes place at Kauppatori Square on May Day Eve when it is AYY’s turn to press the student cap on Havis Amanda statue.

AYY declares open the traditional #AaltoWappu contest, the purpose of which is to share positive May Day photos and updates on social media. So publish your photo or update with the hashtag #AaltoWappu on instagram and/or twitter and participate in the contest. The contest is open between 00:01am, Mon, 13 Apr 2015 – 11.59pm on 1 May 2015. The best May Day photos and updates are rewarded with AYY’s hoodies and t-shirts. You can also participate in the contest by sending your photo by email to tiedottaja@ayy.fi.

Read more about Wappu traditions and event in Otaniemi here.

3. WappuAalto: AYY’s start-of-wappu -festival!

AYY’s community committee Aava organizes a spectacular start-of-vappu -festival for the entire Aalto on Wednesday 22nd of April! Don’t be square and show up at Alvarin aukio from 5 p.m. onwards to enjoy the feel of the festival! On the spot you’ll have a chance to check out all the fun activities our clubs have prepared and to see what the cap of Manta looks like from close by. Your good party will be guaranteered by bands like Järjestyshäiriö, Wikirock, aKYstic and Saattue! From Alvarin Aukio the party moves to Bada Bing in Tapiola, where the afterparty by us and Chemistry Guild will blow your minds! The doors to the afterparty open at 9pm, and you’ll be entertained by Fii Fighters and Cut & Slice!

What: WappuAalto & WappuAalto afterparty: PreWappu
When: 22 Apr from 5pm ->, afterparty from 9 pm->
Where: Alvarin Aukio and Bada Bing, Tapiola
How much: Afterparty EUR 8 (incl. cloakroom)

Afterparty ticket sales:
Arabia: 21 Apr from 11 am to 2pm in front of TOKYO-lounge/next to Kipsari
Otaniemi: 20 Apr and 21 Apr in the lobby of Kanditalo from 10am to 2pm, 22 Apr M-lobby from 1pm to 3pm.
Töölö: 20 Apr and 21 Apr in the main lobby at 12noon and 2pm breaks

4. Engineering student – introduce Otaniemi to business students

When business bachelor students arrive in Otaniemi in the autumn, we need a reception committee to welcome them. We are now looking for active and positive engineering students who are ready to take care of business students in the autumn. So if you have the time and motivation to help business students to get to know Otaniemi in the autumn of 2015, please sign up through the following form (https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/ilmoittaudu-kummiksi-auta-ekonomia-niemessa/). We will get in touch with those who sign up during the summer and they will guide freshmen, 2nd or 3rd year business students in August-September 2015.

5. Badge sales, Tue, 21 Apr and Wed, 22 Apr

Teekkari Section will organise the traditional overall badge sales on Tuesday, 21 Apr, 10am-2pm in the lobby of Otaniemi main building and on Wednesday, 22 Apr, in connection with WappuAalto. Welcome to buy the funniest overall badges for May Day!

6. ÄPY GALA 2015 22 Apr

Äpy 2015 will be published at Äpy gala on Wednesday, 22 Apr 2015! Come to Hall A at Otakaari 1 on Wednesday, 22 Apr! Before the gala, there is an exclusive cocktail event for Äpy sellers starting at 5pm in front of Hall A and the most anticipated show of May Day will start at 6pm.


7. Sitsi contest 25 Apr – sign up by 22 Apr

It is time for the traditional sitsi contest on Saturday, 25 Apr! In this event, you can let your imagination run wild and execute your wildest sitsi dreams. So gather together a merry group of enthusiastic participants and plan sitsit for your team, including the theme, setting and catering. You have the opportunity to organise the sitsit that you have planned at Alvari Square on 25 Apr, starting at 2pm. A prestigious jury will choose the winners based on the best theme, attitude and implementation. The awards ceremony will take place in connection with the declaration of May Day celebrations on 30 Apr.

Please sign up your team here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/sitsikilpailut-25-4-2015/ by 11.59pm on Wednesday, 22 Apr.

Please remember that the most important thing in this contest is a good atmosphere and that Alvari is left in a tidy condition.

8. Crazy John 

Otaniemi night will be filled with May Day atmosphere at Crazy John event on 29 Apr, when it is time to find out the craziest, funniest and the most innovative group of friends in Otaniemi! So gather together a group of 4-10 members and adventure around Otaniemi, complete checkpoints and compete for the title of the ”craziest group of engineering students”.

You can register your team via this link. The deadline is 25 April.  https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/hullu-jussi-crazy-john/

After Crazy John, you can move to the official afterparty, the Wappufestival by PELMU in Smökki! 🙂

The winning team and the best checkpoint will be announced at the announcement of the Wappurieha at 1pm on 30 April at Smökki!

9. Participate in Nyyti’s theme chats

Nyyti will organise two group chats with themes during the spring. The first group chat will start on Thursday, 24 Apr, 6pm-7pm with the theme ”hoping to find a relationship”, where we talk about being single, longing for a partner and finding a relationship. The second chat is held on Thursday, 28 May, 6pm-8pm with the topic ”combining studies and family”.

Chats are open to all students and you do not have to sign up in advance. So if you need someone to talk to and want to exchange ideas, join the chat. Nyyti’s employees also participate in the chat. The chats are organised in cooperation with Perheasiaa.fi service of the Family Federation of Finland, where the chatting also takes place (https://www.perheaikaa.fi/live-chat/).

Further information on chatting is available on Nyyti website: https://www.nyyti.fi/nettiryhmat/.

10. Otaniemi POP UP living room is looking for makers!

We invite you to join our group and organise a communal living room to OUBS studio. The living room is open on 29 Apr-22 May but we are already brainstorming ideas. The idea of the pop up living room is to be a communal meeting place, where anyone can organise workshops, events and hangout nights.

Get in touch: otaniemi.livingroom (at) gmail.com

11. Students wanted for Hub development!

Aalto University Learning Center Beta is looking for students to participate in our development projects. First, we invite the students to design the new and improve the existing Learning Hubs. Typically, this kind of work takes about a month per Learning Hub. Second, we would like to form a Project Taskforce that would give feedback on our new services and help us develop the learning Center Beta premises. We hope that the Project Taskforce is active for at least 6 month at a time. Students from all backgrounds are welcome to join!

For more information, please contact Valeria Gryada (valeria.gryada@aalto.fi).

12. Aalto in the Game – Recruitment and Networking Event 23 Apr

Aalto in the Game is a recruiting event for students, alumni and young experts fascinated by the game industry. It will take part in two venues:

Game Industry Pros Take the Floor Urban Mill (Betonimiehenkuja 5E) at 12noon-2pm
Meet the top employers of the field Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja  5C) at 2pm-5pm

Enjoy also the Game Demo Studio showing demos made at Aalto University at Design Factory!

More information and enrollment at:

13.TLKS Spex in Helsinki on 28 Apr

Welcome to laugh at performers from Turku! TLKS Spex will perform greater than ever at Alexander Theatre at 7pm on Tuesday, 28 Apr! Tickets for students €12. Tickets and further information is available at  www.turkuspeksi.com.

14. Theatre group Thespians Anonymous presents: “Don Juan on Trial”

Theatre group Thespians Anonymous proudly presents its latest production “Don Juan on Trial” by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt (translated by Jeremy Sams). This engaging and witty comedy reinterprets Don Juan’s myth and explores the relationships between men and women, sex and love, trying to answer the following questions: What if Don Juan would be judged for his actions? What if his former victims would gather and organise the trial themselves?

The shows are taking place at Tanssiteatteri Hurjaruuth (Kaapelitehdas, Tallberginkatu 1A), Helsinki, on the following dates:

Thursday, 23 April at 7pm
Friday, 24 April at 7pm
Saturday, 25 April at 7pm
Sunday, 26 April at 5pm

More information about the production:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/427281974114015/

Buy tickets online : https://holvi.com/shop/thespiansanonymous/ (€12 normal price/€10 discount price)
or at the door (€13 normal price/€11 discount price)

15. OtaKoppi teams are looking for new players

The teams of Aalto’s Baseball Club OtaKoppi are looking for new players. You can play in men’s county league, women’s regional league and men’s fitness league. The atmosphere in the teams is laidback although we play on full speed in the field. Players on all levels are welcome, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Further information and more detailed team descriptions are available at http://otakoppi.fi/index.php/joukkueet.



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