AYY moves over to a new housing system on 19.5.2015

On 19.5. AYY will move over to a new Domo housing system. The previous Campus system will be taken down on 15.5. on Thursday night. The last status of the database including all applicants, applications, lease contracts etc. will be transferred during the weekend to the Domo system.

After this, AYY housing services will be handled through Domo. This includes for example applying for AYY apartments, sending out apartment offers and terminating lease contracts. Compared to Campus system, Domo will be a more transparent and usable system that should help the applicants to make more accurate applications and know their situation in the queues in more detail.

The old users of Campus don’t really need to do anything except order a new password for Domo. The previous accounts will work. Please note that Domo will user the email address of the applicant as username, where Campus system used social security number or birthdate.

Please note! The applications of beginning degree or exchange students for the Fall 2015 to some queues will only be accepted into the Domo system. If a new student applies to single room apartments or furnished single room apartments through the Campus system, these applications will have to be rejected. This is because irreconcivable way Campus and Domo handle this kind of applications. As the order of applications for these queues is randomized, this won’t affect the chances of any new students receiving an apartment from AYY.

Domo system can be found at Domo.ayy.fi.

Any questions or comments can be directed to the Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula (050 520 9444, firstname.surname@ayy.fi).

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