Weekly Newsletter 20/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 20/2015

Association-related issues are available in the association newsletter. Read the association newsletter at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

AYY declared open the May Day celebrations, participated in the May Day parade, crowned the Manta statue at 6pm and for the second time at midnight and did much, much more. THANK YOU to all for the most incredible Aalto May Day 2015!

NB! Due to the Ascension Day, the deadline for the material for the next week’s weekly newsletter is already at 10am on WEDNESDAY, 13 May!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2015-2016
  3. Report delayed course grading
  4. AYY transfers to a new housing application system from 19 May onwards
  5. Join the volunteering group of AYY Development Cooperation Week 2015!
  6. Study grants available for projects
  7. Apply for KENKKU for the term 2015–2016!
  8. Participate in TEDxOtaniemiED event on your couch and join the afterparty!
  9. Become a trainee at Elisa
  10. A few farming plots available in Aalto Garden
  11. Scholarships of Polytech Choir Fund available for applications – new DL 11 May, 11.59pm
  12. Aalto Festival is here soon – come enjoy this spring’s most inspiring festival!
  13. Try out Sanoma’s Flou application for free until the end of the year
  14. KYN audition on 18 May
  15. Hitchball 4000 hitchhiking contest 12-14 June
  16. Summer Opportunities abroad by AIESEC
  17. Sailing demonstrations of Teekkaripurjehtijat on 26 May-27 May

1. This and next week’s events

Week 20

Week 21


Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Tuesday, 26 May 2015. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 26 May 2015, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments to AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440).

3. Report delayed course grading

Aalto University’s teaching and study regulations provide that exams and other study performances must be reviewed and recorded in the study register within one month. If your exam results or credits are late, you can report it to Aalto University administration.

4. AYY transfers to a new housing application system from 19 May onwards

AYY transfers to a new housing application system Domo on Tuesday, 19 May. The former Campus system will be run down on the night between Thursday and Friday on 15 May, after which the latest information on users, applications and rental agreements is transferred to Domo system during the weekend.

The former users need to order a new password and update their information when transferring to Domo system. Please note that the Campus system used a social security number as the username whereas Domo uses the e-mail address.

Domo system is available at Domo.ayy.fi

In case of any problems or special situations, please contact Housing Specialist Jaakko Koivula (050 520 9444, firstname.surname@ayy.fi).

5. Join the volunteering group of AYY Development Cooperation Week 2015!

Are you interested in global issues, economic development, or technology cooperation between northern and southern countries? How can education foster development? What is Finland’s role in global development questions? AYY Development Cooperation Week, on last week of October 2015, would be the one for you!

As a volunteer, you will help with event planning, project organizing and networking. No prior experience is required and all that matters is your interest and passion.  Sound interesting? Please send a short description to development.cooperation@ayy.fi by 20 May, including the contents of your name + major + contact number + email address + why are you interested +your expectations. Join our team with your ideas and enthusiasm!

Our first meeting will be on 21 May (Thu) at 6pm at AYY Office (Otakaari 11), Otaniemi Campus. Snacks & drinks will be provided. Welcome to hear more! If any questions, please contact Junhui.wang@ayy.fi (0451660598)/ briana.romero@ayy.fi (0406471852). If you cannot join the meeting but would like to be involved in the team, don’t hesitate to contact us!

6. Study grants available for projects

Aalto University and its student union allocate in cooperation study grants for incredible projects that promote studies and learning. You can apply for the grant by yourself, together with your friend or association. The application period is continuous and applications are processed on a monthly basis, the idea is that your good idea does not get old and you could implement it straight away.

Act as follows:

  1. Get an idea.
  2. Get to know the allocation criteria (below).
  3. Refine your idea.
  4. Apply for funding (application form below).
  5. Execute the project.
  6. Tell us how it went.
  7. Congratulate yourself and count how many likes your project gets on social media.

If you need help in any of the above-mentioned phases or want to discuss your idea before submitting the application, please do not hesitate to contact kopo@ayy.fi!

Read more and apply at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/2015/04/15/oppirahaa-kansalle/

We will respond to applications submitted in May before the summer holidays!

7. Apply for KENKKU for the term 2015-2016!

The Development Cooperation Advisory Board of SYL (KENKKU) is a group of volunteers representing different student unions. The advisory board is responsible for assisting in the administration of SYL’s development cooperation projects, such as reporting, overseeing budgets and monitoring on-going projects.

You can now apply to represent AYY in KENKKU with an informal application submitted to AYY’s International Affairs Specialist Milla Ovaska by 20 May to milla.ovaska@ayy.fi. Please describe your skills and motivation and tell us how you would develop the awareness of your student union on SYL’s development cooperation issues. Please also mention if you have experience in student exchange, internship or work abroad and how it impacts your participation in the advisory board. KENKKU members should be fluent in Finnish and English.

Further information here.

8. Participate in TEDxOtaniemiED event on your couch and join the afterparty!

TEDxOtaniemiED takes over Design Factory starting at 4pm on 12 May 2015. The theme of the event ”Designing for love of learning” covers inspiring topics related to learning and education today. Design Factory is fully booked but you can follow the event on your couch as the event is broadcasted live. You only need a facility, screen and a fairly well functioning internet connection. The live stream link will be available on the website closer to the event: http://www.tedxotaniemied.com/

You can follow TEDxOtaniemiED on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Social media will provide more detailed information on when the TEDxOtaniemiED After Party starts at the Cock restaurant at Kasarmintori. The after party is open to everyone.

9. Become a trainee at Elisa?

Check out the video, read the blog, apply for the position of IoT trainee and let Elisa surprise you!  Open trainee positions are available here.

PS. After the May Day, you should restore your energy before the last strain of the academic year. Have you already tried out relaxing in Elisa Living Room in Otaniemi?

10. A few farming plots available at Aalto Garden

Otaniemi Urban Farming Association rents farming plots from Aalto Garden in Martti Levón Park (next to Ossinlampi). There are still a few farming plots available. Act now, the fastest ones will get the plot. Further information and application instructions are available at  http://tinyurl.com/aaltogarden.

11. Polytech Choir Fund scholarships open for applications – new DL 11 May, 11.59pm

The purpose of the Polytech Choir Fund is to provide scholarships and grants and thus support and promote the singing hobby of the members of AYY and its associations. The Polytech Choir Fund opens scholarhips for applications for the period 2014-2015.

The Polytech Choir Fund will be discontinued and therefore this is the last application round, during which the entire capital of the fund will be allocated.

Applicants should describe their singing hobby and justify their need for the grant. The application should include the applicant’s personal identity number, tax municipality, contact details and account number, as well as a clarification on the expenses of the singing hobby during the period September 2014-August 2015. If you are a student, also submit a copy of AYY’s membership receipt or student card. However, the student status is not necessary, you are entitled for the grant if you are a member in an association operating within AYY.

Applications must be delivered electronically in the PDF format by 11.59pm on Monday, 11 May 2015 to the address pkr-hakemukset@polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi

12. Aalto Festival is here soon – come enjoy this spring’s most inspiring festival!

Aalto Festival is a collection of over 30 events, exhibitions, and seminars, showcasing the talents of Aalto University students, graduates and faculty. The festival takes place in various locations in Espoo and Helsinki on 18–31 May.

Welcome to the Aalto Festival Opening on 18 May at 14–17 at Bio Rex, Lasipalatsi. The programme includes interesting talks, a selection on Helsinki School’s photographs and refreshments in good company. Please register by 11 May here. The opening day’s celebrations continue at the Afterparty at the Mbar terrace starting at 8pm.

See the full programme at www.aaltofestival.fi and join also the festival’s Facebook event to stay updated. See you at Aalto Festival!

13. Try out Sanoma’s Flou application for free until the end of the year

Flou offers the widest selection of newspaper articles and web content in Finland. Aalto University students now have an exceptional opportunity to use the application for free (usually €12.99/month) until the end of the year by registering to the service with Aalto’s email address in connection with the installation.

Please download Flou from App Store and register to the service with your @aalto.fi email address. You will automatically receive free access to the service until the end of the year.

Read more: /blog/2015/05/07/testaa-flou-sovellusta-ilmaiseksi-vuoden-loppuun-saakka/

14. KYN audition on 18 May

KYN is one of the top Finnish female choirs, which has exceeded musical barriers and introduced new Finnish jazz to the choir field. KYN is looking for new enthusiastic singers!

The audition will be organised on Monday, 18 May, approx. 5pm-9pm at Aalto University’s School of Economics. You can sign up for the audition via e-mail at koelaulut(a)kyn.fi no later than Thu, 14 May. Write a message with the subject ”Audition” and tell us about your musical and singing background. Please also include your contact details. You will receive more information on the audition!

The audition tests your basic musicality, such as an ear for music, sense of rhythm as well as note reading and harmony singing skills.

15. Hitchball 4000 hitchhiking competition June 12-14

Hitchball 4000 is a weekend-long adventure during which teams of two people hitchhike away from Helsinki and back. The winner is the team that with a cunning tactic hitchhikes the longest way possible and the farthest possible from the starting point during the weekend, and gets back in time as well.

Look for a team mate of the opposite gender and take a leap of faith to the next level – you won’t regret it. The third edition of Hitchball 4000 will be held on the 12th to 14th of June 2015 and registration is open through http://www.hitchball4000.fi/registration/ . There is room for only 45 teams, so be quick! When registering you will have to provide the name of the Tumblr account you will use during the race. The participation fee is EUR 10 per person, which includes a jersey.

16. Summer Opportunities abroad by AIESEC

We at AIESEC offer you a unique alternative, maybe something you have never heard or thought about. Together with Poland, Uganda, Colombia, Greece and the Philippines we are organizing social internships, one could also describe them as volunteering abroad. If you would like to start your adventure abroad in May or June this year, you have until 15 May to apply through the following: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ocRFdyhsf4WCsNnIQbw-wg4X16jktYfPVHymivSDcj8/viewform

We will then get back to you as soon as possible and invite you for a meeting to help you find your dream internship and destination. We’re looking forward to hearing from you soon!

For more information contact hastam.mann@gmail.com

17. Sailing demonstrations of Teekkaripurjehtijat 26 May-27 May

Are you interested in sailing? Would you like to get to know the activities of Teekkaripurjehtijat? Join the sailing demonstrations! Sailing demonstrations are open to all who are interested in the club activities and no previous information is required – you can participate even if you have never been on the boat. The demonstration starts from Ruoholahti harbour at 5pm on Tue, 26 May and Wed, 27 May and lasts for about 3-4 hours, during which we explore the beautiful marine landscape on the coast of Helsinki. Read more and register through Trip website at trip.ayy.fi – there is a limited number of participants!

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