Weekly Newsletter 22/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 22/2015

Association-related issues are available in the association newsletter. Read the association newsletter at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

The last weekly newsletter of the spring will be published next week. Have a nice end of May!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2015-2016 DL TOMORROW
  3. Check your income and pay back student financial aid by the end of May if necessary!
  4. Student, apply for student financial aid for the summer now!
  5. Study grants available for projects
  6. Read a story about Giant Leaper Jesse
  7. HelleAalto strikes Helsinki again!
  8. Follow Tieto on social media and stay up-to-date on new jobs and internships
  9. Aalto Festival is here soon – come enjoy this spring’s most inspiring festival!
  10. They have escaped movie screening for students and the staff on 27 May
  11. Out of Sight art exhibition of virtual reality
  12. Nyyti’s theme chat on the combining of studies and family on 28 May
  13. Nominations for the Aalto High 5 award
  14. Tenured Professors’ Installation Lectures
  15. PoliSprint 2015 orienteering event

1. This and next week’s events

Week 22

Week 23

Wed, 3 June – KY’s official entrance exam party

2. Submit your events for AYY’s year calendar 2015-2016 DL Tomorrow

Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Tuesday, 26 May 2015. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 26 May 2015, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments to AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Lahti (henna.lahti@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440).

3. Check your income and pay back student financial aid by the end of May if necessary!

You can check your income easily on KELA’s electronic customer service, for example. If you do not pay back the excess financial aid voluntarily and KELA will claim it back after income control, an increase of 15% will be added to the amount. So act now!

Further information: http://www.kela.fi/opiskelijan-omat-tulot_vapaaehtoinen-palauttaminen

4. Student, apply for student financial aid for the summer now!

Students may receive student financial aid for the summer if they study full-time completing courses included in their degree. Student financial aid may be granted for lecture courses, literature examinations, internships or for writing a thesis.

Apply for student financial aid for the summer either online at Kela’s customer service www.kela.fi/asiointi or submit the the notification of changes to student financial aid (form OT 15).

Further information: online www.kela.fi/opintotuki or student financial aid service number 020 692 209 weekdays, 8am–6pm

5. Study grants available for projects

Aalto University and its student union allocate in cooperation study grants for incredible projects that promote studies and learning. You can apply for the grant by yourself, together with your friend or association. The application period is continuous and applications are processed on a monthly basis, the idea is that your good idea does not get old and you could implement it straight away.

Act as follows:

  1. Get an idea.
  2. Get to know the allocation criteria (below).
  3. Refine your idea.
  4. Apply for funding (application form below).
  5. Execute the project.
  6. Tell us how it went.
  7. Congratulate yourself and count how many likes your project gets on social media.

If you need help in any of the above-mentioned phases or want to discuss your idea before submitting the application, please do not hesitate to contact kopo@ayy.fi!

Read more and apply at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/2015/04/15/oppirahaa-kansalle/

We will respond to applications submitted in May before the summer holidays!

6. Read a story about Giant Leaper Jesse

How is it like to work as a Giant Leap intern at Vaisala? Jesse’s first days as a Giant Leaper in software team included lots of post-it notes, but what else? Read the story via link below! /blogi/2015/05/21/my-first-two-weeks-as-a-giant-leap-intern-at-vaisalas-software-team/

7. Heat wave will strike Helsinki!

Save the date 8 Aug, as the sunniest event of summer is coming again to Helsinki! Aalto students with their friends will gather to Hietsu beach to enjoy a laid back summer day and outdoor activities. Beach volley and beach tennis tournaments, chilling out with friends and great music will leave a smile on your face for a good while. Click “attending” and stay updated! https://www.facebook.com/events/874145819331796/

8. Follow Tieto on social media and stay up-to-date on new jobs and internships

Check out the latest news on our Facebook site, like us and participate in our contests! In this way, you are one of the fist ones to hear about our internships, Master’s thesis positions and our next trainee programme. In addition, you can follow us on Twitter with #Tietolife hashtag and see what it is like to work for us.

Our blog is available at perspectives.tieto.com.

9. Aalto Festival is here soon – come enjoy this spring’s most inspiring festival!

Aalto Festival is a collection of over 30 events, exhibitions, and seminars, showcasing the talents of Aalto University students, graduates and faculty. The festival takes place in various locations in Espoo and Helsinki on 18–31 May.

See the full programme at www.aaltofestival.fi and join also the festival’s Facebook event to stay updated. See you at Aalto Festival!

10. They Have Escaped movie screening for students and the staff 27 May

Welcome to the screening of the movie They Have Escaped on Wednesday 27 May at 5.15pm at Kino Sheryl (Media Centre Lume, HĂ€meentie 135 C). The screening is open for all Aalto University students and the staff members. Please arrive early as the seating at the screening is first come, first served. Free entry.

They Have Escaped is a road movie of a boy and a girl who meet at a detention center for problematic youth. The film is spoken in Finnish, English subtitles.

The event is part of Aalto Festival.

Read more

11. Out of Sight art exhibition of virtual reality

Aalto University’s PdP course Team Espoo proudly presents the virtual reality art gallery at Rautatieasema and Kamppi metro stations. The exhibition is open until 31 May. The exhibition was created by Aalto’s interdisciplinary student group during the academic year. The exhibition presents works of art from EMMA (Espoo Museum of Modern Art) and the artwork of Aalto students in a completely new way. The exhibition uses augmented reality technology and the Finnish mobile application Arilyn. Further information and instructions on how to participate are available on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/777427875708795/

12. Nyyti’s theme chat on the combining of studies and family on 28 May

Nyyti will organise two group chats with themes during the spring. The second chat is held on Thursday, 28 May, 6pm-8pm with the topic ”combining studies and family”.

Chats are open to all students and you do not have to sign up in advance. So if you need someone to talk to and want to exchange ideas, join the chat. Nyyti’s employees also participate in the chat. The chats are organised in cooperation with Perheasiaa.fi service of the Family Federation of Finland, where the chatting also takes place (https://www.perheaikaa.fi/live-chat/).

Further information on chatting is available on Nyyti website: https://www.nyyti.fi/nettiryhmat/.

13. Nominations for the Aalto High 5 award

Six Aalto High 5 Awards will be handed out at the opening of the academic year. They reflect Aalto’s key functions: teaching, research, artistic activities and societal impact. There will also be awards for promoting community and multidisciplinarity. 

At the High 5 event at the end of February, Vice President Eero Eloranta proposed awards for members of the Aalto community to reward excellent work.

“We live to work, rather than working to live. There is a lot of talent at Aalto, and I believe that talent should be rewarded,”Eloranta said to justify stealing the microphone from the President during her opening speech.

According to Eloranta’s suggestion there will be six awards, and anyone within the Aalto community can nominate a member of staff or faculty, a student or a group for an award.

Each award is worth 1000 euros and a diploma. The winners will be announced at the opening of the academic year on 1 September 2015, together with the Aalto Act of the Year award. More information about the opening ceremony can be found here.

Nominate a member of the Aalto community and give us your reasons for nominating them by Friday 31st July by using this link. 

Further information on Into (https://into.aalto.fi/display/enaalto/Nominations+for+the+Aalto+High+5+award ) or Vice President Eero Eloranta (eero.eloranta@aalto.fi)

14. Tenured Professors’ Installation Lectures

Aalto University celebrates its Tenured Professors with popular lectures presented by the new tenure track professors of Associate or Full level.

Welcome to hear about Aalto University’s research on Thursday 28 May 2015 at 15.15 at Open Innovation House (Otaniementie 19–21, Espoo). All lectures will be held in English and are open for everyone: professors, students, faculty, staff, and the public.

The multidisciplinary lectures will be followed by a reception hosted by Ilkka NiemelÀ, the Provost of Aalto University.


Read more about the lecturers.


15. PoliSprint 2015 orienteering event

Would you like to try out orienteering or refresh your skills? Teekkarisuunnistajat organises PoliSprint orienteering event in Otaniemi on Monday, 25 May. Routes start near the parking lot in Otaranta and go around Otaniemi on an excellent sprint map. We provide routes of different lengths and difficulties that are also suitable for first timers! Maps cost EUR 5/route or EUR 8 /two routes.

Further information on the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/932389273491377/

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