Weekly Newsletter 23/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 23/2015

Association-related issues are available in the association newsletter. Read the association newsletter at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

The weekly newsletter will take a summer break! The first weekly newsletter of the autumn will be published on 24 Aug 2015. Have a sunny and unforgettable summer!

  1. Events in June
  2. Exceptional opening hours at service points in the summer
  3. AYY is looking for a graphic designer in non-military service as well as organisation and communications specialist
  4. AYY Events – AYY opens a Facebook group for event marketing!
  5. ENG student: share your view on ENG facilities by 8 June and win a jopo bicycle!
  6. HelleAalto strikes Helsinki again!
  7. Nominations for the Aalto High 5 award
  8. Work at Aalto-kymppi race on 20 Sept!
  9. Come and develop the future digital Finland!
  10. Graffathon, a computer graphics hackathon 12 – 14 June @Startup Sauna

1. Events in June

In the summer, you can check out events in the calendar on AYY’s website and AYY Events facebook group that will be opened soon.

2. Exceptional opening hours at service points in the summer

AYY’s service points are partly closed during the summer months in June, July and August. Service points in Arabia, Töölö and Otaniemi and the housing office in Otaniemi are open in the summer as follows:

Arabia Service Point
Open 1-17 June 2015 Tue-Wed, 12noon-3pm.
Closed 18 June-27 July 2015
Open normally starting on Tuesday, 28 July.
Opening hours: Mon & Fri, 12noon-2pm and Tue-Thu, 12noon-3pm

Töölö Service Point
Closed, 1 June-23 Aug 2015
Open normally until 11 June 2015, opens again on 24 Aug 2015
Opening hours: Mon-Thu, 10.30am–2.30pm
NB! Between 22 July-27 Aug 2015, the office is open every Wednesday and Thursday at 4pm-6pm.

Otaniemi Service Point and Housing Office
Closed, 6 July-26 July 2015
Open normally until 3 July 2015, opens again on 27 July 2015

Opening hours:

  • Service point: Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm. From 15 June onwards, closed on weekdays at 11am-12noon.
  • Housing office: Mon-Fri, 12noon-4pm.

NB! When the office is closed, services are provided at the Otaniemi Service Point every Monday at 2pm-6pm. The housing office will respond to emails when possible (address asuntotoimisto@ayy.fi).

3. AYY is looking for a graphic designer in non-military service as well as an organisation and communications specialist

AYY is looking for a graphic designer in non-military service as well as an organisation and communications specialist for a temporary post of approximately 6 months.

The position of the graphic designer will begin in September 2015 or as agreed. The position will be filled when a suitable candidate is found. Further information: /ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/siviilipalvelus/

The call for communications and organisation specialist applications is open until 9 June. The position is a temporary post of approx. 6 months starting on 1 Aug or as agreed.  Further information: /ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/ayy-hakee-viestinta-ja-jarjestoosaajaa-noin-6-kuukauden-sijaisuuteen/

4. AYY Events – AYY opens a Facebook group for event marketing!

AYY opens a Facebook group ”AYY Events”, where different organisers can advertise their events. The closed group will be opened during June, after which any of our students can request to join the group. AYY will provide more information when the group is opened. In the group, members can publish non-commercial events aimed at Aalto students. The group can be used by all AYY’s members and associations. The group is unofficial and informal and events published in the group are not transferred to AYY’s other communication channels.

5. ENG student: share your vision on ENG facilities by 8 June and win a jopo bicycle!

A student version of the survey that reviews Aalto ENG facilities is now open. The survey is part of the research project initiated by ENG and concerns preparations the upcoming renovations at K block (/Puumiehenkortteli).

Now is a good time to have effect on the development of ENG facilities and activities! You can respond to the survey by 8 June at http://maptionnaire.com/fi/645/. You can respond anonymously but you can submit your contact details at the end of the survey and participate in the raffle for a Jopo bicycle (value €370). You can also submit your contact details if you are interested in participating in the autumn workshops where the future facility arrangements of ENG will be further discussed.

6. Heat wave will strike Helsinki!

Save the date 8 Aug, as the sunniest event of summer is coming again to Helsinki! Aalto students with their friends will gather to Hietsu beach to enjoy a laid back summer day and outdoor activities. Beach volley and beach tennis tournaments, chilling out with friends and great music will leave a smile to your face for a good while. Click “attending” and keep updated! https://www.facebook.com/events/874145819331796/

7. Nominations for the Aalto High 5 award

Six Aalto High 5 Awards will be handed out at the opening of the academic year. They reflect Aalto’s key functions: teaching, research, artistic activities and societal impact. There will also be awards for promoting community and multidisciplinarity. 

At the High 5 event at the end of February, Vice President Eero Eloranta proposed awards for members of the Aalto community to reward excellent work.

“We live to work, rather than working to live. There is a lot of talent at Aalto, and I believe that talent should be rewarded,”Eloranta said to justify stealing the microphone from the President during her opening speech.

According to Eloranta’s suggestion there will be six awards, and anyone within the Aalto community can nominate a member of staff or faculty, a student or a group for an award.

Each award is worth 1000 euros and a diploma. The winners will be announced at the opening of the academic year on 1 September 2015, together with the Aalto Act of the Year award. More information about the opening ceremony can be found here.

Nominate a member of the Aalto community and give us your reasons for nominating them by Friday 31st July by using this link

Further information on Into (https://into.aalto.fi/display/enaalto/Nominations+for+the+Aalto+High+5+award ) or Vice President Eero Eloranta (eero.eloranta@aalto.fi)

8. Work for Aalto-kymppi race on 20 Sept!

Aalto University recruits at least 30 people for Aalto-kymppi race on Sunday, 20 Sept, to help at the registration point, refreshment stations and at the finish line. Workers are provided with a running shirt, food on the day of the race and €40 gift certificate for Intersport Forum or the possibility to have free admission for half-marathon or marathon on Saturday, 19 Sept 2014.

Further information is available at /blog/2015/05/06/lahde-toimitsijaksi-aallon-yhteiseen-juoksutapahtumaan/

9. Come and develop the future digital Finland!

All About Me competition invites students to develop new kinds of creative and visual ways of presenting the public administration register data of Finnish citizens. The goal is to design the visual display of information: how figures, labels, and names are to be presented as clearly as possible and in a visually impressive way. The final result is an innovative internet service or webpage!

The All About Me competition winner’s proposal will be made use of in marketing the renewed citizen’s service view in the Suomi.fi service, for example by taking the winner’s work and trying it out in public places. The beta.suomi.fi trail version of the citizen’s service view will be launched at the end of 2015.

Competition entries must be submitted by 4pm on 31 August 2015 at the latest.

Additional information and the competition rules can be found at kaikkiminusta.suomi.fi.

10. Graffathon, a computer graphics hackathon 12 – 14 June @Startup Sauna

Graffathon is a three-day computer graphics hackathon aimed for novices organized by DOT and AaltoES. Every participant will create a computer program that produces a non-interactive multimedia presentation also known as demo. The event is targeted at real beginners who have no previous graphics coding and/or demoscene experience. The demos can be done in small groups of two or three people. One can also make the demo by themselves or find a group at the event.

The program consists of helpful presentations and workshops which guide you on how to create your first demo. In addition, we teach you the basics of demoscene and democulture.


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