Weekly Newsletter 35/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 35/2015

Association-related issues are available in the association newsletter. Read the association newsletter at ayy.fi/yhdistystiedote

The weekly newsletter returns from a summer holiday! Deadline for the material for following newsletters is 10am on Thursdays as usual. You can deliver the material to the address tiedotteet@ayy.fi.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Aalto Afterparty is here and bigger than ever before!
  3. AYY’s web store does not currently deliver products
  4. Aalto Sofa Surfing
  5. Welcome to Otaniemi – smooth start for the autumn
  6. AYY’s new website is alive!
  7. Respond to the love survey of Aino magazine and win a gift certificate for a cake buffet
  8. Akateeminen Wartti is here again 16.9.!
  9. Participate in well-being workshops on 22 Sept
  10. FSHS: Electronic appointment reminders are unavailable until the beginning of October
  11. All About Me contest judges eager to see works
  12. Join the world’s largest student organization AIESEC
  13. The first Mini Maker Fair in Finland on 17 and 18 October on Otaniemi Campus
  14. Mindfulness workshops start in September
  15. Come along to ParaUniSportDay on 24 Sept!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 35

Week 36

2. Aalto Afterparty is here and bigger than ever before!

After Aalto Party that opens the academic year, it is time to head to Otahalli to the most incredible party of the week! The afterparty performers include TEFLON BROTHERS and RONY REX! Sign up to volunteer at Aalto Party/Afterparty: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/2015/07/21/aaltoparty/. Volunteers are rewarded with a free entrance (VIP) to the Afterparty, Afterparty + Aalto Party badges and party for volunteers (aka Kaato) held later in fall.
WHAT: Aalto Afterparty
WHERE: Otahalli, Otaranta 6
WHEN: Tuesday, 1 Sept, doors open at 9pm
PRICE: 13 e (incl. cloakroom), overall badge 3 e, ticket + badge 15 e
TICKET SALES: Bailataan.fi from 25 Aug onwards & Aalto Party, Otaniemi 1 Sept

3. AYY’s web store does not currently deliver products

AYY Shop web store does not currently deliver products. AYY Board will decide on the future of the web store during August.

4. Aalto Sofa Surfing

Ahoy Aalto!

Aalto Sofa Surfing is a completely voluntary program where people staying in Finland can offer short-term accommodation at their homes for new international students that don’t have an apartment yet.

Aalto Sofa Surfing helps you meet and adventure with new friends around the world. It is a cheap way to learn about different exciting cultures, and at the same time brush up on your language skills or even learn a new language. By opening your home to a new friend, you will make his/her visit in Finland a lot easier and less stressful. The time your new friend will spend in your home is totally up to you: it might be just for a few nights or months. You decide!

You don’t need anything special: your enthusiasm and a spare bed or your couch is more than enough! You don’t have to be an AYY member to become a Aalto Sofa Surfing host.

Hosts: Fill in the application here:

Guests: Fill in the application here:

5. Welcome to Otaniemi – smooth start for the autumn

The new academic year is (almost) here. Hooray! The coming autumn will bring many changes to Otaniemi Campus. One of the greatest change is, of course, that the teaching of business bachelor students moves to Otaniemi. What a unique experience to be a freshman in this particular autumn! 🙂 AYY has compiled some information to help you to start your autumn in the final ”Welcome to Otaniemi” newsletter. The newsletter is available here: här.
Have an unforgettable academic year!

6. AYY’s new website is alive!

AYY’s new web pages went live on 18 Aug 2015. The site is now more decisively organised than previously. Even though the layout went through a complete change, the content is still the same as before. Only some old obscure pages were deleted.
You can give feedback about the new pages with this form.
The new pages were designed by Viiksimaisteri.

7. Respond to the love survey of Aino magazine and win a gift certificate for a cake buffet

Aalto Student Magazine Aino will feature an article about university students’ love stories in the first magazine of the autumn published on 18 Sept. Please help us to write the article by responding to the survey.
Among all the respondents, we will raffle a gift certificate for two for Kakkugalleria cake buffet. Thank you for your participation!

8. Akateeminen Wartti is here again 16.9.!

Dust off your sneakers and gather your team together! METKA and AYY will organize the 65th Akateeminen Wartti at Helsinki’s Olympic Stadium on 16.9.2015.

Akateeminen Wartti is a relaxed and action-packed relay-race. Over 15 minutes, teams try to run as far as possible and the person or team that got furthest wins! However, in the spirit of the competition, there will also be prizes for good team spirit and team outfits. So you can gather a team, for example, for your guild, student association, polytechnic or university fellow gang. Unlike last year, there’s also an individual series for both men and women. New things do not stop there, because this year’s games and fun will be held in accordance with the Color Run theme!

Registration link will be published this week in FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/958005717576600/

9. Participate in well-being workshops on 22 Sept

AYY’s partners, Nyyti ry, Aalto chaplains, student psychologists and FSHS will organise well-being workshops at 10am-2pm on Tuesday, 22 Sept 2015 during the well-being week. The workshops last for one hour and you can participate in all of them if you like. 30 students can participate in one group. Student psychologists’ mindfulness workshop is held in English, other workshops are organised in Finnish. Please read the more specific workshop descriptions and sign up at: http://voihyvin.ayy.fi/?page_id=27&lang=en

10. FSHS: Electronic appointment reminders are unavailable until the beginning of October

Electronic appointment reminders are currently unavailable. The service will be restored at the beginning of October.
Please be on time for your appointment.
Please cancel your appointment if you are unable to attend. You can do this online at
A fee of €35 will be charged for missed appointments that have not been cancelled.

11. All About Me contest judges eager to see works

The All About Me competition, a collaborative project of the Ministry of Finance, the Population Register Centre, and Aalto University’s Media Factory, has reached the final stretch. The competition involves a search for new and groundbreaking ways to present personal data of individuals. The deadline for submitting entries is 31 August, when the jury whose composition was announced in June, will select a maximum of three best entries.

The judge of the competition, Anna Valtonen, Dean of the Aalto University School of Arts, Design, and Architecture, says that the competition is important on a societal level. According to Valtonen, citizens today are accustomed to receiving information in visual form, and it is therefore important to bring something unexpected into play. “In large national projects it is standard practice to use look for models from other places and to develop them further in a linear manner. Now I would like to see a completely new type of thinking from the competitors – something that people would not yet know about enough to actually order it”, she says.

One of the members of the six-member panel, Sami Niemelä, Creative Director at Nordkapp, is looking forward to seeing the entries in the competition with a feeling of curiosity and an open mind. “It is important to get thoughts and ideas from the people themselves, from outside the organisation: it makes the activity more transparent and more modern”, Niemelä ponders.

According to Niemelä, good infographics involves a journalistic process. “Good infographics is clear. It sustains the story and crystallises something about a larger whole.”

According to Anna Valtonen, good design can achieve much more than just sharing of information. “Design that is genuinely good can inspire, open horizons, and give people a better understanding of themselves and their environment.”

Entries will be accepted through 31 August. The winning work will be used to market the citizens’ service view, or Suomi.fi service that is undergoing changes, to be set up in the National Architecture for Digital Services. Join us in the creation of a new, digital Finland!

12. Join the World’s Largest Student Organisation AIESEC!

AIESEC Aalto is excited for the new year and we are now looking for new members to join us! Working in 124 countries with 86,000 members, we are the biggest youth-run organisation of the world! A platform for youth talent development, it offers young people the opportunity to volunteer and intern abroad and participate in a global environment. See our video here.

Interested to know a little more? Say no more and sign up here. Come find us at the Aalto Party and check out how you can contribute or even go abroad!

13. The first Mini Maker Fair in Finland on 17 and 18 October on Otaniemi Campus

Espoo Mini Maker Fair is a gathering to honor the DIY (do-it-yourself) culture. It is a celebration of learning, daring, crafting and sharing and it features innovation and experimentation across the spectrum of science, engineering and art.
We are inviting all makers in Aalto to join the party!
You can enroll right now or by 20 September 2015 at the latest.
You are welcome to participate on your own or with your friends, associates, colleagues or the like. Whether your specialty is 3D printing, robotics, knitting, electronics, radio controllables, open data, fixing or tuning, renewable energy, building instruments, traditional technologies or something completely different – all maker projects created with passion are equally interesting.
Introduce your project on a maker stand or give a workshop. Tell the audience about your expertise on the stage or prepare a performance. We wish to present the visitors a multitude of opportunities to see, explore and learn new skills.
Additional information: http://espoomakerfaire.fi/kutsu-varkkaajille/

Espoo Mini Maker Fair is organised by Wärk association whose aim is to advance creativity, curiosity and experimentation by supporting the DIY culture.
Contact: Event Producer Pauliina Jalonen, 045-873 2828, pauliina.jalonen@gmail.com

14. Wake up with mindfulness

Mindfulness is a state of open attention on the present. It’s living here and now. Mindfulness involves nonjudgmental conscious awareness of one’s feelings, thoughts and surroundings. Our mind often wanders to the past or the future. Mindfulness skills will help you to focus on the present moment. Share a morning moment with other students doing mindfulness practices for 30 minutes. Every Thursday at 9.15am-9.45am in Otakaari 1, class room Majakka (M140).
More information: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopintopsykologi/Wake+up+with+mindfulness

15. Come along to ParaUniSportDay 24 Sept!

Do you want to know what it feels like to play volleyball in a wheelchair? Or how you would do at catching while blindfolded?

Now you will have an excellent opportunity to try these things during our para-sports day. ParaUniSportDay will be organised on 24 September 2015 at 9am–4pm in UniSport Meilahti, based in Meilahti Sports Centre in Helsinki. Sports offered will include wheelchair volleyball, the precision sport boccia and goalball. Get a group together from your association, your tutors or your friends. Come along and give it a go!
Apart from para-sports, the day will also include a panel debate on accessibility at university, among other things. Aalto’s own Esa-Pekka Mattila is also participating in the discussion!
OLL and UniSport are organising the event in cooperation with the Paralympic Committee.
A detailed programme will be published closer to the date.


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