Weekly Newsletter 36/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 36/2015

Association-related issues are available in the association newsletter. Read the association newsletter at ayy.fi/en/associations/association-newsletter

On Tuesday tomorrow, it is time to head to Otahalli after the Aalto Party that opens the academic year and join the greatest party of the week, Aalto Afterparty! Have a nice beginning of the academic year!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Otaniemi Service Point closed at 11am-12noon starting on 7 Sept 2015
  3. Aalto Afterparty is here on Tuesday bigger than ever before
  4. Otasuunnistus 2-3 Sept
  5. Stadisuunnistus 8 Sept
  6. Campus Expo 2015
  7. KYN – Autumn 2015 audition
  8. Fall Up by Aaltoes
  9. Info evening of Teekkaripurjehtijat on Wed, 16 Sept
  10. Humans vs Zombies Otaniemi 24-27 Sept
  11. Nominate Aalto Athlete of the Year
  12. Taido Core is here again!
  13. Run in Akateeminen Wartti race on 16 Sept
  14. Students’ Baseball Championships in Helsinki 19-20 Sept 2015
  15. Join Slush 2015 as a volunteer!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 36

Week 37

2. Otaniemi Service Point closed at 11am-12noon starting on 7 Sept 2015

Otaniemi Service Point will be closed during the lunch hour at 11am-12noon starting on 7 Sept. Otherwise, the service office is open as usual.

3. Aalto Afterparty on täällä isompana kuin koskaan aiemmin, tiistaina räjähtää!

After the Aalto Party that opens the entire academic year, it is time to head to Otahalli and the most incredibile party of the week! The performers include TEFLON BROTHERS and RONY REX! Ticket sales will start at Aava tent at Aalto Party at 5.15pm if there are tickets left. Please remember to exchange your ticket to a wristband at the same tent in order to guarantee an easy admission to Otahalli!

You can now buy your ticket in advance through Bailataan.fi web service at: https://bailataan.fi/#!/events/9732a0aa-3c6f-4a32-82b2-a6efe0b0c114

Further information on Facebook event.

4. Otasuunnistus 2-3 Sept

Freshmen are here and so is the traditional Otasuunnistus!

Otasuunnistus is a checkpoint crawl in which the freshmen have a chance to get to know the multitude of student associations in Otaniemi. The night is also about having lots of fun in a great company! The groups (consisting of 6-8 freshmen) are awarded points at the checkpoints, and the overall winner of the crawl is decided in Smökki during the afterparty.
The event starts at 17.00 at the Amphitheatre at Otakaari 1, the checkpoints are open from 17:00 to 22:00 and the afterparty starts in Smökki at 21:30.

Participants on Wednesday ARTS, Athene, ELEC, FK, KY, MK, Prodeko
Participants on Thursday CHEM, KIK, IK, TiK, TF

The artists playing at the afterparty on Wednesday are DJ Hami B ja Kylmät Lihapullat!
The artists playing at the afterparty on Thursday are DJ Pekka Lammi and Polirytmi!

5. Stadisuunnistus 8 Sept

Be aware Helsinki!

The Eastern Harbour City trembles on Tuesday 8.9. when freshmen crawl from one checkpoint to another in the center of Helsinki.
The event starts at 6PM at the Senate Square, and the afterparty starts at 9PM at Nightclub Tiger (Urho Kekkosen katu 1 A).
The entrance fee for the afterparty is 2€ + cloakroom 3€ (only if you leave belonings)

6. Campus Expo 2015

What is AYY? What are the activities of special status associations, such as the guilds or KY? What was that nice association that I visited at the Aalto Party? Do we have any tennis clubs? Who organises the parties?

Whatever is on your mind, please head to the second floor at Otakaari 1 at 10am-2pm on 22 Sept to see all that Aalto has to offer! AYY’s partners Capgemini and Tieto also participate in the event.

This year, for the first time, the day will continue with the open house to guild rooms and KY’s Espilä starting at 4pm!

WHAT: Campus Expo
WHEN: 22 Sept, 10am-2pm
WHERE: Otakaari 1, 2nd floor

WHAT: Open house in guild rooms and KY’s Espilä
WHEN: 22 Sept, 4pm
WHERE: Around Otaniemi


More information will be published on Facebook event

7. KYN – Autumn 2015 audition

KYN is looking for new enthusiastic singers! The audition will be organised on Monday, 14 Sept, approx. At 5pm-9pm at Aalto University’s School of Economics. You can sign up for the audition via e-mail at koelaulut(a)kyn.fi no later than Fri, 11 Sept. Write a message with the subject ”Audition” and tell us about your musical and singing background. Please also include your contact details. We will send you more information on the audition! The audition tests your basic musicality, such as an ear for music, sense of rhythm as well as note reading and harmony singing skills.
KYN is one of the top Finnish female choirs, which has exceeded musical barriers and introduced new Finnish jazz to the choir field.
More information on us is available on our website and Facebook.

8. Fall Up by Aaltoes

FallUp by Aaltoes – The biggest student entrepreneurship event in the history of Finland is almost here! Ilkka Paananen, the co-founder and CEO of Supercell, is only one of the high level speakers we have at Musiikkitalo on September 15th. Also the most innovative big companies of Finland are joining us, as well as many well known people from the entrepreneurship scene!
The evening ends in a mind-blowing crazy networking festival! Don’t miss one of the biggest and most memorable events of the autumn!
Please note that the event is held in Finnish.

FallUp Facebook

9. Info evening of Teekkaripurjehtijat on Wed, 16 Sept

Are you interested in fresh sea air and noble sailing skills? Do you want to learn how to read a nautical chart and identify the worst reefs in the foreground of Helsinki? Would you like to camp in the beautiful Finnish archipelago in a laid-back and good company, finding the most atmospheric campfire places, warm beach saunas and the most beautiful sunsets? Do you enjoy scraping a boat in the spring sun?

Whether you are a more experienced sea dog or a landlubber, come to Ruoholahti harbour (Tammasaarenaukio) to get to know the active members and boats of Teekkaripurjehtijat (Trip). At the same time, we will name Delphia 28 sailing boat which the club purchased in the spring. More information on boats and detailed instructions on how to come to the harbour are available on our website.

After the presentation of the boats and the naming ceremony, we will head to Ossin Linna, Otaniemi (Otakaari 18) to hear about the activities of Teekkari Sailors and about different activities organised throughout the year! There is information about sailing trips, boat maintenance evenings, courses and sauna evenings. We also provide food, drinks and sauna, and everything is free of charge!

What: Info evening of Trip
Where: Ruoholahti harbour (Tammasaarenaukio) and Ossin Linna (Otakaari 18).
When: Wed, 16 Sept, 5.30 onwards
What to bring: Open mind and sauna gear

10. Humans vs Zombies Otaniemi 24.-27.9.

The zombies are coming again! This fall’s HvZ is organized in Otaniemi on 24.-27.9. More info will be published soon, so stay tuned! Follow the event on Facebook to receive the latest updates: https://www.facebook.com/events/1631663853776256/

11. Nominate Aalto Athlete of the Year

Now is the time to nominate a fellow student who you think deserves to be rewarded as the Aalto Athlete of 2015. The criteria include sports achievements at national or international level, academic performance as well as honest and fair participation in the community.

So remember to reason the suggestion with care! The form is closed at 11.59pm on 9 Sept. The award will be presented in Aalto 10km on 20 Sept 2015.

Fill in the form here: http://bit.ly/1JVRETI

12. Taido Core is here again!

Taido Core beginners courses of the autumn will start at unidojo on Wed, 9 Sept (7pm), Mon, 19 Oct (8:30pm) and Mon, 23 Nov (8:30pm). Whether your goal is to improve your physical condition, learn marshial arts or learn to do a front flip, you can achieve it by starting taido! Students always get a discount price! Rehearsals on Mon, 8:30pm-10pm and Wed, 7pm-8.30pm.

Further information: http://www.yliopistontaido.fi/

13. Run in Akateeminen Wartti race on 16 Sept

Find your sneakers and gather your team together! METKA and AYY will organise the 65th Akateeminen Wartti race at Helsinki Olympic Stadium on 16 Sept 2015 in connection with MetroSport event.

Akateeminen Wartti race is a laid-back relay race of higher education students where teams try to proceed as far as possible in 15 minutes. The person or the team that runs the furthest is the winner. However, the contest is organised in the familiar spirit of Akateeminen Wartti and we also reward good team spirit and costumes. You can gather your team from among your own guild, subject organisation, university of applied sciences or university. This year, there are also individual series for men and women and the Color run theme!

The registration link will be published this week at https://www.facebook.com/events/958005717576600/

We also need volunteers for registration and to throw colour powder. Volunteers will get Metrosport t-shirts, free lunch, coffee and dinner.
Please sign up to volunteer at http://bit.ly/1V7tebT.

14. Students’ Baseball Championships in Helsinki 19-20 Sept 2015

OtaKoppi gathers students to students’ baseball championships and challenges all Aalto students. There are competitive series for men and women and mixed teams in the amateur series. Your skill level does not matter, we will have a suitable team for you 🙂 ! Doctoral students also have the right to participate in the contest. This is a laid-back and fun event in good company, so please register now by email: otakoppi-hallitus (ät) list.ayy.fi

Further information on the contest: http://hypetys.sporttisaitti.com/opsm-2015/

15. Join Slush 2015 as a volunteer!

15. Join Slush 2015 as a volunteer!

Volunteer application for Slush 2015 is now open!

Slush is the focal point for startups and tech talent to meet with top-tier international investors, executives and media. In 2014, Slush brought together over 14.000 attendees and more than 3500 companies for the two-day event. More than 750 investors came to Helsinki to meet startups in nearly 3.800 pre-booked meetings. This year Slush will take place in Helsinki on November 11-12th, 2015.

Slush is a non-profit event organized by a community of entrepreneurs, investors, students and music festival organizers. Although Slush has grown from a 300-person event to become one of the leading events of its kind in the world, the philosophy behind it has remained the same: to help the next generation of great, world-conquering companies forward.

This year the organization is yet growing to over 1000 volunteers and we are still looking for awesome volunteers. Sen your application by 10th of September at www.slush.org/volunteer and join the biggest event Finland has ever seen!

Additional info: www.slush.org and volunteers@slush.org


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