Weekly Newsletter 37/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 37/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

The autumn has started and new students have arrived in campuses! New students, please fill in the survey aimed at new students. For older students, the call for applications for Capgemini’s Young Professionals Academy is ongoing. There will be plenty of activities in the autumn, as the development cooperation week and Lakinlaskijaiset party are approaching, among other things.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Otaniemi Service Point closed at 11am-12noon starting on 7 Sept 2015
  3. New students – we have a survey just for you!
  4. Work at Lakinlaskijaiset 2015!
  5. Get to know the nature in Otaniemi!
  6. Join the volunteering group of AYY Development Cooperation Week
  7. Call for applications for Capgemini’s Young Professionals Academy is ongoing!
  8. Cleaning bee in Teekkari Village
  9. Otatarha Race 30 Sept
  10. Chatable opened at Alvari
  11. Sign up for improv and dance courses of Teekkarispex
  12. Aalto Predators Cheerleaders is looking for members!
  13. Polytech Choir autumn audition 9 Sept and 16 Sept
  14. Info evening of Teekkaripurjehtijat, Wed, 16 Sept
  15. Become an active member of ESN Aalto!
  16. AIESEC Aalto – world’s largest student run organization looking for newbies and oldies!
  17. Nominate for Aalto Athlete
  18. Run in Akateeminen Wartti race on 16 Sept
  19. The most urban recruitment event of the autumn
  20. Become a support person for children or the young!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 37

Week 38

2. Otaniemi Service Point closed at 11am-12noon starting on 7 Sept 2015

Otaniemi Service Point will be closed during the lunch hour at 11am-12noon starting on 7 Sept. Otherwise, the service office is open as usual.

3. New students – we have a survey just for you!

Share your feelings about studies and your new situation in life, and you’ll have a chance to win a €50 gift card to S Group stores or Nyyti products!


4. Tule töihin Lakinlaskijaisiin 2015!

The autumn is approaching and we need to lay down our student caps again. Lakinlaskijaiset 2015 is organised at Apollo on 30 Sept and there will be renowned performers, incredible Djs and much more! We need several people for various tasks, such as ticket sales, decoration, cooking, van driving and an unforeseen pre-party!

Volunteers will be rewarded with a free admission to the party, overall badge and breakfast for employees on 1 Oct as well as a party for volunteers on Friday, 9 Oct! In addition, volunteers get one achievement required for a desired pink ribbon. In order to get this ribbon, you need to work twice in one of the three major parties (Gravitaatio, May Day, Lakinlaskijaiset). There are also workstations for freshmen!

Registration will open at 12noon on 8 Sept at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/jtmk/toihin-lakinlaskijaisiin-2015/

5. Get to know the nature in Otaniemi!

Feeling stressed? Need to exercise? Come and find out ways to be energized by nature. Navigate and explore your surroundings and your mind. Find out how nature empowers you and discover nature navigation as a key to mindfulness.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/465321776984089/

6. Join the volunteering group of AYY Development Cooperation Week 2015

Our next meeting will be held on September 9th at 6:30 p.m. in Otaniemi Campus. Otakaari 11, AYY building. Access through 2nd floor.

Are you interested in global issues and technology cooperation between northern and southern countries? How can education foster development? What is Finland’s role in global development questions? The aim of the week is to raise the awareness of global responsibility in Finland and mutual cooperation with developing countries. The week is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and it takes places in most of the Finnish student unions.

As a volunteer, you will help with event planning, project organizing and networking. No prior experience is required and all that matters is your interest and passion. Sound interesting? Lunch vouchers are provided at student cafeteria restaurants for volunteers during the Dev-Co week and possibly other benefits! Dev-Co week happens last week of October 2015. Join our team with your ideas and enthusiasm!

Please send a short description to development.cooperation@ayy.fi including the contents of your name + major + contact number + email address + why are you interested +your expectations.

If any questions, please contact Dev-Co coordinators Junhui.wang@ayy.fi (0451660598)/ orbriana.romero@ayy.fi (0406471852)

7. Call for applications for Capgemini’s Young Professionals Academy is ongoing!!

Capgemini is one of the world’s foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services, which employs almost178,000 employees in more than 40 countries. Of them, more than 1,600 work for the Finnish customers.

We help our customers to succeed by designing and integrating technical solutions to support their changing and evolving business operations. Capgemini provides management, development and hosting services for applications and infrastructure, as well as the outsourcing of business processes. We can also take care of our customer’s entire information system resources.

Capgemini is looking for recent graduates in engineering and business for Young Professionals Academy (YPA) programme 2 times a year. The programme provides an excellent opportunity to start a career as an IT consultant in a permanent job. During the six-month introduction period, you work in customer projects supported by an experienced mentor, deepen your technological knowledge and learn the basics of consulting. The next call for applications for Capgemini Young Professionals Academy programme is ongoing on 31 Aug-20 Sept 2015.

Read more and join the team at http://www.capgeminiypa.fi/

Like us on Facebook: Capgemini Finland Careers

8. Cleaning Bee in Teekkari Village

The events of the summer and the orientation week have left their mark on Teekkari Village and now it is time to tidy up. Come to the cleaning bee on Thursday, 10 Sept. The Village Senate provides cleaning equipment. We will meet at the terrace in front of Smökki at 5pm. You can find cleaning equipment from the same location if you join us later. After the bee, you can enjoy the sauna, hot tub and snacks at Tietosauna (Otaranta 8) from 8pm onwards.

Any questions can be sent to jtmk@list.ayy.fi

9. Otatarha Race on 30 Sept

Vauhdin hurmaa ja yhdessä tekemisen meininkiä!

Lakinlaskijaispäivänä 30.9. järjestetään Otatarhan ajot, kilpailu, jota et halua missata!

Otatarha Race s is organised on Lakinlaskijaiset Day on 30 Sept. This is a contest that you do not want to miss!
Design, create, build, the fastest, most stylish and funniest vehicle with your group of friends. Challenge yourself and others by participating in this formula-like race with a self-made, non-motorised vehicle. The best teams will be rewarded and preparing for the competition starts NOW! Each group receives points for the speed and stylishness of their vehicle, as well as for their team spirit.

Even if you do not participate in the contest, come and watch the show as the entire Alvari square is filled with good vibes on 30 Sept! Jäynä and Julkku also attend the event.
In addition to the actual race, there are also other activities, such as a toy car contest, tricycle race, goose hunting, mini croquet and tug-of-war.

You can have a look at the last year’s race on the video by OUBS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-Buz9uAMSU

You can challenge another group to participate in the tug-of-war through the link below. You can also compete without an advance challenge but if you challenge a group in advance, we will notify them about the challenge: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/otatarhan-ajot-koydenveto/

Team registration at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/otatarhanajot2015/

Registration will end at 11.45pm on 27 Sept.
Also remember Lakinlaskijaiset party in the evening!
TEK also participates!

Check out the official site at http://otatarhanajot.ayy.fi/ http://otatarhanajot.ayy.fi/

10. Chatable opened at Alvari

If you need some company over lunch, you can now head to Chatable located at Restaurant Alvari (Otakaari 1). For once, you can sit next to a stranger and start chatting without anyone wondering your untypical Finnish behaviour! You can recognise the table from a blue tablecloth and the dice that decide the topics.

If you want to develop the concept further or open a Chatable in your own favourite restaurant, please join our FB group or send email to heikki.j.pulkkinen (at) gmail.com.

The project is supported by TTE-Fund.

11. Registration for improv and dance courses of Teekkarispex

The autumn is just around the corner and improv and dance courses of Teekkarispex are also here. Come and challenge yourself with new dance styles or by trying out improvisation! Registration for improv and dance courses for beginners will start at 12noon on Wednesday, 9 Sept, in the lobby of Kanditalo (main building). You can register for advanced improv courses at 7pm on Wednesday, 9 Sept, in the lobby of JMT1.

IMPROV courses are organised in Otaniemi during the weeks 38-49 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and eight three-hour rehearsals are organised for each group. The leader of the course is Aki Haikonen, the director of the next spring’s production Teekkarispex 2016. Improv courses costs EUR 45 for the members of Teekkarispex and EUR 50 for others.

DANCE courses will be arranged in Otaniemi on Wednesdays and Sundays starting on week 38. Rehearsals are organised during 12 weeks. Dance courses costs EUR 35 for the members of Teekkarispex and EUR 40 for others for the entire autumn.

Further information on courses and practical arrangements are available at http://teekkarispeksi.fi/speksi/tapahtumat/improvisaatio-tanssikurssien-ilmoittautuminen

12. Aalto Predators Cheerleaders are recruiting!

Yes, that’s right, cheerleaders! Predators are recruiting cheerleaders, no matter the age, size, gender or skills! All you need is a great spirit and enthusiasm!
The cheer team will practice mainly cheer stunts and pyramids. As the team grows, so will the skills broaden to acrobatics, cheers and dance!

We are NOT talking about any bimbo cheer dance girls, this is a serious and demanding sport! Check out Finland’s performance in the last world championships! (they came in 3rd place): https://youtu.be/g5rWcFpWifA

Sign up for the mailing list, no strings attached, you’ll just be informed when the practices start: http://predators.fi/ilmomasiina/signup/18

Do you have some experience in cheerleading and want to help out? Please contact us now, we need all the help you can give us!

More info from the Cheer Captain, Reeta Ojala (reeta.ojala@aalto.fi)

13. Polytech Choir autumn audition 9 Sept and 16 Sept

The autumn auditions of Polytech Choir will be organised at following times:

Wednesday, Sept 2015 at 5pm TUAS building
Wednesday, 16 Sept 2015 at 5pm TUAS building

More information and registration:

14. Info evening of Teekkaripurjehtijat on Wed, 16 Sept

Are you interested in fresh sea air and noble sailing skills? Do you want to learn how to read a nautical chart and identify the worst reefs in the foreground of Helsinki? Would you like to camp in the beautiful Finnish archipelago in a laid-back and good company, finding the most atmospheric campfire places, warm beach saunas and the most beautiful sunsets? Do you enjoy scraping a boat in the spring sun?

Whether you are a more experienced sea dog or a landlubber, come to Ruoholahti harbour (Tammasaarenaukio) to get to know the active members and boats of Teekkaripurjehtijat (Trip). At the same time, we will name Delphia 28 sailing boat which the club purchased in the spring. More information on boats and detailed instructions on how to come to the harbour are available on our

After the presentation of the boats and the naming ceremony, we will head to Ossin Linna, Otaniemi (Otakaari 18) to hear about the activities of Teekkari Sailors and about different activities organised throughout the year! There is information about sailing trips, boat maintenance evenings, courses and sauna evenings. We also provide food, drinks and sauna, and everything is free of charge!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1017192448345808/

15. Become an active member of ESN Aalto!

ESN Aalto is the local section of ESN Finland and ESN International. ESN Aalto has a great group of active members who help organizing events and with other smaller tasks and now it’s your chance to join! Active members also get special benefits such as priority registration, special member events and the possibilty to join events on the national level. Our active members consist of Finnish students, international degree students and exchange students.

Join us by coming to one of our general meetings (always posted in our Facebook groupabout a week ahead, here you can also find more info on our events). We will organize a recruitment eventon the 10.9 (at 18 in Jämeräntaival 5a living room) where we will tell more about us and becoming an active member. You can also contact us by sending email to contact@esnaalto.org.You can find more info on our webpage: http://esnaalto.org/.

16. AIESEC Aalto – world’s largest student run organization looking for newbies and oldies!

Recruitment at the Aalto Party was a huge success but we still want more students and all the talent we can get! We are an international organization with 86000 members. By providing exchange opportunities to students we are able to generate new talent and develop skills in youth. Interested? Fill in your details here for Youth Talent!

17. Nominate for Aalto Athlete 2015

Now is the time to nominate a fellow student who you think deserves to be rewarded as the Aalto Athlete of 2015. The criteria include sports achievements at national or international level, academic performance as well as honest and fair participation in the community.

So remember to reason the suggestion with care! The form will be closed at 11.59pm on 9 Sept. The award will be presented in Aalto 10km on 20 Sept 2015.
Fill the form here: http://bit.ly/1JVRETI

18. Run in Akateeminen Wartti race on 16 Sept

Find your sneakers and gather your team together! METKA and AYY will organise the 65th Akateeminen Wartti race at Helsinki Olympic Stadium on 16 Sept 2015 in connection with MetroSport event.

Akateeminen Wartti race is a laid-back relay race of higher education students where teams try to proceed as far as possible in 15 minutes. The person or the team that runs the furthest is the winner. However, the contest is organised in the familiar spirit of Akateeminen Wartti and we also reward good team spirit and costumes. You can gather your team from among your own guild, subject organisation, university of applied sciences or university. This year, there are also individual series for men and women and the Color run theme!

The registration link will be published this week at https://www.facebook.com/events/958005717576600/

We also need volunteers for registration and to throw colour powder. Volunteers will get Metrosport t-shirts, free lunch, coffee and dinner.
Please sign up to volunteer at: http://bit.ly/1V7tebT.

19. The most urban recruitment event of the autumn

This autumn, job search has street credibility! Barona loosens up and welcomes you to StreetRekry event on 17 Sept at Helsinki Kansalaistori and Sanomatalo Mediatori. Between 4.30pm-8.30pm, there will be open job positions, speeddate recruitment events, live music, active social media users, street chalk art, contests and so much more! We also want to invite Aalto University students to join us!

Sign up on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/432796760245873/
Read more about Barona: https://instagram.com/baronarecruiters/?hl=en ja www.barona.fi

20. Become a support person for children or the young!

Every children and young people need an adult who has time to be present and the willingness to listen. Are you the reliable adult that we are looking for?

Become a voluntary support person for children or the young!

As a voluntary support person, you can support a child by giving your attention and time. A support person is an adult who listens, encourages and meets the child a few times a month and does nice things together with the child. A support person and a child can go ice-skating or to the library, for example. EHJÄ is now looking for support persons for the Espoo region.

Adults who have their own life in order and are able to commit to activities may apply for the position of a support person. Training and support are provided for the position. The next training session will begin at the end of September, please get in touch and tell us about yourself!

tiina.tuomala@ehja.fi / tel. 045 125 6201

See also:


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