Weekly Newsletter 38/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 38/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

The elections are approaching! AYY’s Representative Council elections will be held on 3-4 Nov 2015 and the nomination of candidates is ongoing in September. More information on the elections is available on the election site at /vaalit/?lang=en. Vaaleja odotellessa voi aloittaa esimerkiksi uuden harrastuksen tai petrata vanhoja taitoja, sillĂ€ useat yhdistykset esittelevĂ€t toimintaansa ja etsivĂ€t riveihinsĂ€ uusia jĂ€seniĂ€.

  1. This and next weeks’ events
  2. AYY’s Representative Council elections are approaching – stand for election by Wed, 30 Sept
  3. OUBS info evening at the studio on Wed, 16 Sept
  4. Humans vs Zombies Otaniemi 24.-27.9., signup open!
  5. Dominante’s audition
  6. Dominante’s great vocal group soiree
  7. Interested in consulting? Join AMCA!
  8. Karate club Honbu’s basic course
  9. Taekwon-Do course for beginners starts on 16 Sept
  10. Glider trial flight – Polyteknikkojen Ilmailukerho ry
  11. Aalto Predators Cheerleaders is looking for members!
  12. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower
  13. Aalto chaplains inform: Confirmation school refresher course and contact information of Aalto chaplains
  14. Come along to ParaUniSportDay on 24 Sept!
  15. The Finnish Student Championships in the autumn of 2015
  16. Run in Academic Race on 16 Sept
  17. Aalto Complex Systems Society meeting: HCI & reinforcement learning
  18. Participate in well-being themed workshops on 22 Sept
  19. Mindfulness in stress management

1. This and next week’s events

Week 38

Week 39

2. AYY’s Representative Council elections are approaching – stand for election by Wed, 30 Sept

This year, AYY’s members again have the opportunity to stand for election and vote on the composition of the Representative Council. In the Representative Council elections, AYY’s Representative Council of 45 members is elected for the next two-year term. The Representative Council has the highest decision-making power in AYY. The council decides on your membership fee and the student union regulations, among other things. The Representative Council is always elected for two years at a time.

The nomination for candidates will end at 12noon on Wednesday, 30 Sept. Collect your list and join the elections! Further information on running as a candidate is available here: /vaalit/for-candidates/?lang=en

AYY’s Representative Council elections are organised on 3-4 Nov 2015 and you can vote in advance on Mon, 26 Oct-Mon, 2 Nov. More information on the elections is available at ayy.fi/vaalit/?lang=en and you can read the minutes and agendas of the Representative Council at inside.ayy.fi.

3. OUBS info evening at the studio on Wed, 16 Sept

Are you interested in filming, lighting, recording, technology, being a journalist or writing a manuscript? You can do all of these things at OUBS! On Wednesday, 16 Sept, from 6pm onwards you can get to know the renovated studio of OUBS and hear more about OUBS activities.

OUBS is an association which purpose is to connect Aalto University students who are interested in the electronic media and promote the awareness of the electronic media at the university. OUBS continues from where the former Otaniemi Underground Broadcasting System left off.

Welcome to hear more and get to know the studio at JÀmerÀntaival 1 A 50!

If you cannot attend the event, please join the FB group and check out OUBS production on Youtube!

FB event

4. Humans vs Zombies Otaniemi 24-27 Sept, sign-up is open!

The signup for the Humans vs Zombies game is now open! Link to the signup.
More information can be found behind the link and from the Facebook-event.

5. Dominante’s audition

Dominante is looking for new singers for its talented crowd. If you enjoy singing a cappella and with orchestras, want to develop as part of a community and want to participate in concerts around the world, get to know Dominante in the open rehearsals at 6pm on Mon, 14 Sept (TuAS building, Otaniementie 17).

Welcome to the audition on Tue, 15 Sept or Wed, 23 Sept at 4pm-9pm (TuAS building)! You can reserve your audition from Lotta Lundell (044 374 3800 or lotta.lundell(at)aalto.fi). Please prepare to sing an unaccompanied song. In addition, we will test your register and note reading skills.

Dominante is Aalto University’s mixed choir, which is one of the best ones in Finland. Their repertoire includes modern Finnish music, old choir classics and orchestra pieces. Dominante does everything with a great passion but is spiced up with the humour of engineering students.

6. Dominante’s great vocal group soiree

On Friday, 18 September, a vocal group soiree will be held at Helsinki Music Centre where you can see the resurrection of new, current, former, future and pre-historical vocal groups. Dominante vocal groups from over the past 40 years will take over the stage.

During the evening, each vocal group can reminiscence their best times with two songs. After the marathon, three performers plus a wild card are voted for Dominante’s great anniversary in November, where the groups will compete for the title of the best group.

Great vocal group soiree
Fri, 18 Sept, 6pm
Restaurant of Helsinki Music Centre
Tickets €10 (incl. one drink) at the entrance

7. Interested in consulting? Join AMCA!

The Fall 2015 application period of Aalto Management Consulting Association is now open! Fill in the form before September 30 in order to apply for AMCA membership. And like us on Facebook.

The Aalto Management Consulting Association (AMCA) aims at smoothening the transition of our members from being talented Aalto Students to professional Management Consultants. Through case solving sessions and member-exclusive events with partnering top consulting companies, AMCA provides an excellent platform for getting the skills and knowledge you need for working in the field of management consulting.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at amcaemail@gmail.com

8. Karate club Honbu’s basic course

Karate, kickboxing, muay thai, BJJ or self-defence? Choose all, choose Honbu!

Rehearsals of the karate club Honbu combine many marshial arts and styles. The goal is that a person can grow both physically and mentally to become a good martial artist.

The basic couse will start at 7pm on Monday, 14 Sept at Unidojo, which is the home of university martial arts clubs in Töölö (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 25). You can join the beginners’ course during September. At first, you will only need jogging pants and a t-shirt.

9. Taekwon-Do course for beginners starts on 16 Sept

Espoo TKD club will organise Taekwon-Do course for beginners in Tapiola, TuulimÀki, at 5.30pm on Wednesday, 16 Sept 2015. The rehearsals are always held on Wednesdays at 5.30pm-7pm. The course for beginners lasts for the autumn period and costs EUR 60. You can participate in two first rehearsals for free.

More information and registration: http://teamespoo.com

Come and try out this diverse sport!

10. Glider trial flight – Polyteknikkojen Ilmailukerho ry

Get airborne in a glider on a trial flight. Aalto University students aviation club PIK organises an introductory course on gliding on two weekends in September (19-20 Sept and 26-27 Sept). The course includes a theory lesson and two flights with a flight instructor in a two-seater at RÀyskÀlÀ airfield.

Pre-flight theory sessions are on Friday, 18 Sept and Thursday, 24 Sept at 5pm in the association facility of Maarintalo (SÀhkömiehentie 3, 2nd floor). Please register in advance by e-mail purjelento@pik.fi or show up in the theory session. For more information, please send e-mail or visit our website.

Price: €140
Includes 2 flights with the instructor, theory lesson, membership fee

11. Aalto Predators Cheerleaders are recruiting!

KyllÀ, luit oikein! Etsimme joukkoomme cheerleadereitÀ, ikÀÀn, kokoon, sukupuoleen tai taitoihin katsomatta. Tarkoitus on pitÀÀ hauskaa, oppia uutta tai verestÀÀ vanhaa!

Yes, that’s right, cheerleaders! Predators are recruiting cheerleaders, no matter the age, size, gender or skills! All you need is a great spirit and enthusiasm!
The cheer team will practise mainly cheer stunts and pyramids. As the team grows, so will the skills broaden to acrobatics, cheers and dance!

We are NOT talking about any bimbo cheer dance girls, this is a serious and demanding sport! Check out Finland’s performance in the last world championships! (they came in 3rd place): https://youtu.be/g5rWcFpWifA

Sign up for the mailing list, no strings attached, you’ll just be informed when the rehearsals start: http://predators.fi/ilmomasiina/signup/18

Do you have some experience in cheerleading and want to help out? Please contact us now, we need all the help you can give us!
More info from Cheer Captain Reeta Ojala (reeta.ojala@aalto.fi)

12. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Persons who are at the final stage of their studies or who have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students and other student activities at Aalto University and promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member. Nominations can be made until 10.15am on 10 Oct 2015 at https://lomake.ayy.fi/ptk/ehdota-uusia-arwoisia/

Nominations can be made by an individual, guild, association or by several people, guilds or associations.

More information on PTK is available at: http://ptk.ayy.fi/

13. Aalto chaplains inform: confirmation school refresher course and contact information of Aalto chaplains

A confirmation school refresher course in Hila, Kirkkonummi, on 6-8 Nov 2015

In the confirmation school refresher course in November, you learn more about God and have the opportunity to participate in high-quality events in the evening in a good company. And if you did not participate in the confirmation school when you were young, you can do it now. The participation fee is EUR 30, including full board and transportation.

Inquiries and registration by 5 Oct: Aalto Chaplain Jenny Vainio 050-365 2256, jenny.vainio@evl.fi

Aalto Chaplains Jenny Vainio and Henri JĂ€rvinen can be met on the campuses when agreed in advance. You can turn to Aalto pastors when you want to discuss confidentially about any issues related to life, studies or relationships. We are available for all Aalto students, regardless of their religion or their view of life.

Contact information
Jenny (Otaniemi) jenny.vainio@evl.fi tel. 050 3652256
Henri (Arabia and Töölö) henri.jarvinen@evl.fi tel. 050 355 9294

14. Come along to ParaUniSportDay on 24 Sept!

Do you want to know what it feels like to play volleyball in a wheelchair? Or how you would do at catching while blindfolded?

Now you will have an excellent opportunity to try these things during our para-sports day. ParaUniSportDay will be organised on 24 September 2015 at 9am–4pm in UniSport Meilahti, based in Meilahti Sports Centre in Helsinki. Sports offered will include wheelchair volleyball, the precision sport boccia and goalball. Get a group together from your association, your tutors or your friends. Come along and give it a go!

Apart from para-sports, the day will also include a panel debate on accessibility at university, among other things. Aalto’s own Esa-Pekka Mattila is also participating in the discussion!

OLL and UniSport are organising the event in cooperation with the Paralympic Committee.

Check out the event on Facebook

15. The Finnish Student Championships in the autumn of 2015

This autumn, the Finnish Student Championships are organised in tennis and weight lifting. More information at http://www.oll.fi/tapahtumat/opiskelijoiden-sm-kisat/

The Finnish Student Championships (FSC contest) are national championship tournaments for thousands of Finnish higher education students from across Finland. The idea behind the FSC is to offer an enjoyable sporting format for students regardless of performance level. The whole concept is based on the joy of sport and joining together for the fun of it!

The FSC includes two series: the competitive series and the relaxed series, the latter being meant for beginners and less experienced athletes. The winners of the competitive series are granted the right to represent Finland in the European Universities Championships or EUSA Games multi-sport event in the following year.

16. Run in Akateeminen Wartti race on 16 Sept

Find your sneakers and gather your team together! METKA and AYY will organise the 65th Akateeminen Wartti race at Helsinki Olympic Stadium on 16 Sept 2015 in connection with MetroSport event.

Akateeminen Wartti race is a laid-back relay race of higher education students where teams try to proceed as far as possible in 15 minutes. The person or the team that runs the furthest is the winner. However, the contest is organised in the familiar spirit of Akateeminen Wartti and we also reward good team spirit and costumes. You can gather your team from among your own guild, subject organisation, university of applied sciences or university. This year, there are also individual series for men and women and the Color run theme!

UniSport organises warming up for the runners! UniSport also donates one-month pass on all six campuses of Unisport for the winners!

See more information and sign up: https://www.facebook.com/events/958005717576600/

17. Aalto Complex Systems Society meeting: HCI & reinforcement learning

This time at Aalto University Complex Systems Society meeting we have a keynote from doctoral student Antti KangasrÀÀsiö about the combination of human-computer interaction and reinforcement learning. Once Antti gets us excited, we are free to discuss any complex topics that pop into our minds. All who happen to be interested are welcome.

FB event
Time: 2015-09-17 17:00
Place: SÀhkömiehentie 3, Maarintalo (R017), 240-241 (2nd floor)

18. Participate in well-being workshops on 22 Sept

AYY’s partners, Nyyti, Aalto chaplains, student psychologists and FSHS will organise well-being workshops at 10am-2pm on Tuesday, 22 Sept 2015 during the well-being week. The workshops last for one hour and you can participate in all of them if you like. 30 students can participate in one group. Student psychologists’ mindfulness workshop is held in English, other workshops are organised in Finnish. Please read the more specific workshop descriptions and sign up at: http://voihyvin.ayy.fi/?page_id=7. Sign up at the latest on Fri, 18 Sept at 8am.

19. Mindfulness in stress management

Do you need tools to reduce stress or anxiety? In ”mindfulness in stress management” workshop, you learn to detect your own thoughts, emotions and bodily messages. In the workshop, we practise ways to recude stress and anxiety and to have a compassionate attitude on ourselves when facing problems. The workshop is held in Otaniemi on Fridays at 1pm-3pm between 25 Sept-13 Nov.

Further information: https://into.aalto.fi/display/fiopintopsykologi/Mindfulness+stressinhallinnassa


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