Weekly Newsletter 40/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 40/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

1. This and next week’s events
2. AYY’s Representative Council elections are approaching – stand for election by Wed, 30 Sept
3. Aino magazine is looking for the hopes of Aalto, nominate candidates!
4. Esa-Pekka Mattila wins the Aalto Athlete 2015 prize
5. Lakinlaskijaiset on 30 Sept
6. International student, apply for the Student Family Friend Programme
7. Scholarships for Aalto students! Apply now or no later than 30 Sept
8. Present Aalto at upper secondary schools!
9. Which languages and communication studies would you like to study?
10. Student, share a piece of your life in Nyyti’s blog!
11. PELMU’s jam sessions on 29 Sept
12. Registration for the legendary narrow-film course of Teekkari Film Club Montaasi is open!
13. DOT Introductory Sauna 2.10
14. Would you like to try out wall climbing?
15. Floorball 2nd division starts – FLOB M1 opens its season on 3 Oct
16. FC Kissat starts the futsal season
17. Missio’s football and sauna
18. Taekwon-Do beginners’ course starts, you can join the course during September
19. Otaniemi Chapel Choir rehearsals

The end of September is approaching but there are at least two things to bear in mind before that. The nomination of candidates in the Representative Council elections will end at 12noon on Wednesday, 30 Sept. On the same day, Lakinlaskijaiset party takes place at Apollo. You can nominate candidates who are suitable for the hopes of Aalto until the middle of October. Aino is looking for young hopes in science, arts, business and politics, who will be presented in the December issue.

1. This and next week’s events

Week 40

Mon 28 Sept Development co-operation meeting!
Mon 28 Sept ESN Aalto’s Erasmus in Schools info event
Mon 28 Sept Sailing demonstrations of Teekkaripurjehtijat on 28 Sept-8 Oct.
Mon 28 Sept AEGEE-Helsinki goes Cafe Lingua
Tue 29 Sept Ristin kilta: Freshman sauna
Wed 30 Sept BARVENTURES: Neljän nautinnon infoilta
Wed 30 Sept Otatarha race
Wed 30 Sept Chapel evening – Muslim as a colleague
Wed 30 Sept Mission futis and sauna
Wed 30 Sept Lakinlaskijaiset
Thu 1 Oct Teekkaritytöt vs. RWBK potkupallo-ottelu
Thu 1 Oct ESN Aalto’s Poker Tournament
Fri 2 Oct ABP Ladyboy tournament
Sat 3 Oct Floorball: FLOB – SB Vantaa

Week 41

Mon 5 Oct KYL autumn audition / 2
Wed 7 Oct Discussion evening – Ristin kilta
Wed 7 Oct TERES Cooper
Wed 7 Oct Teepakki freshman party
Thu 8 Oct Newbies’ night of Teekkariratsastajat
Lör 10 Oct Fyysikkospex 2015: Mielenpuhaltajat
Sun 11 Oct Fyysikkospex 2015: Mielenpuhaltajat
Sun 11 Oct ESN Aalto’s Sitsit!
Sun 11 Oct Horseback riding experiment

2. AYY’s Representative Council elections are approaching – stand for election by Wed, 30 Sept

This year, AYY’s members again have the opportunity to stand for election and vote on the composition of the Representative Council. In the Representative Council elections, AYY’s Representative Council of 45 members is elected for the next two-year term. The Representative Council has the highest decision-making power in AYY. The council decides on your membership fee and the student union regulations, among other things. The Representative Council is always elected for two years at a time.

The nomination for candidates will end at 12noon on Wednesday, 30 Sept. Collect your list and join the elections! Further information on running as a candidate is available here: /vaalit/for-candidates/?lang=en

AYY’s Representative Council elections are organised on 3-4 Nov 2015 and you can vote in advance on Mon, 26 Oct-Mon, 2 Nov. More information on the elections is available at ayy.fi/vaalit/?lang=en and you can read the minutes and agendas of the Representative Council at inside.ayy.fi.

3. Aino magazine is looking for the hopes of Aalto, nominate candidates!

Who will change the world in 2020? Who will win the Nobel prize, who gets the Red Dot Award? Who will be a new start-up guru or a famous fashion designer? Who will participate in the President’s Independence Day reception after ten years?

Aino’s December issue will present the most famous Aalto names of the future. We are now looking for young hopes in science, arts, business and politics. Please participate in the nominations by responding to a brief survey at http://ainolehti.fi/aallontoivot/. You can nominate anyone who fulfills the following criteria:
a) The person studies or has graduated from Aalto within a year.
b) The person is no more than 30-years-old.
c) We will be hearing from this person.

4. Esa-Pekka Mattila wins Aalto Athlete 2015 prize

The Board of Aalto University Student Union (AYY) has elected wheelchair racer Esa-Pekka Mattila as Aalto Athlete 2015. Mattila, who has excelled in sprint distances (100m and 200m), has represented Finland in London Paralympics, as well as in a number of European and World Championships for junior or adult athletes. His best ranking is from European Championships 2012, when Mattila ranked fourth on 100m. Currently, he is preparing for the World Championships in Qatar in October. In addition to his athletic achievement, Mattila has carried out his studies at the Aalto University School of Business and successfully participated in community activities. He is known as an open and humorous student.

Aalto University’s Vice President Eero Eloranta and AYY’s Board Member Rosa Nylén awarded Mattila on Sunday, 20 Sept 2015, right before the opening shot at Aaltokymppi.

Aalto Athlete has been elected since 2010. The award requires that the student has been a successful athlete either on a national or international level, has progressed in their studies successfully and is a fair and honest member of the community. The Aalto Athlete is chosen by AYY Board based on the received nominations.

Previous Aalto athletes:
• 2014: Bowler Juhani Tonteri
• 2013: Team Gymnast Marianne Vikkula
• 2012: Taekwondoka Joonas Heikkinen
• 2011: Synchronised Ice-skater Venla Kuuluvainen
• 2010: Swimmer Katja Lehtonen

Further information:
AYY Board Member Rosa Nylén, rosa.nylen(a)ayy.fi

5. Lakinlaskijaiset 30 Sept

The end of September is approaching and the greatest student party of the autumn is here again!

Lakinlaskijaiset 2015 will be organised at Apollo in Helsinki on 30 Sept! Performers include Hausmylly, Stig and Anssi Kela! At midnight, it is time for traditional festivities when student caps are laid down along with French horn music. Even if you do not have a tassel on your hat, you should not miss this party!

What: Lakinlaskijaiset 2015
Where: Apollo Live Club, Mannerheimintie 16, Helsinki
When: 30 Sept, 9pm-4am

6. International student, apply for the Student Family Friend Programme

You will be matched with a local alumnus/alumna family/single individual, for the chance to get to know Finnish everyday life and share your own culture, traditions and country with your family friend.

Find out more: https://alumninet.aalto.fi/AlumniBenefits/StudentFamilyFriendProgramme_.aspx

Application closes on 15 October.

7. Scholarships for Aalto students! Apply now or no later than 30 Sept

The following scholarships allocated from the profit of the funds of the School of Electrical Engineering are open for applications (until 30 Sept 2015):

Student fund: https://into.aalto.fi/display/grants/Opiskelijarahasto+-+Studiefonden+2015
Julius Tallbergin rahasto: https://into.aalto.fi/display/grants/Julius+Tallbergin+rahasto+-+Julius+Tallbergs+fond+2015

Scholarships for Aalto engineering students are allocated from the student fund and Julius Tallberg fund.

8. Present Aalto at upper secondary schools!

Each year, Aalto University students visit upper secondary schools, fairs and garrisons to tell about university studies to possible future freshmen. Admissions Services will organise a training session for anyone interested in marketing and visits to upper secondary schools. The trained students will be paid a fee for the info sessions and they will also receive compensation for return journeys to upper secondary schools under certain conditions. The training session covers all basic information on Aalto University schools and basic information on how to apply for Aalto. A performance coach will also attend the training session!

Training sessions will be organised on Otaniemi Campus at Otakaari 1 and the business school info at Safa in October. Training sessions have a different emphasis based on the education field:

5 Oct Teknik (På svenska) 4pm-5.30pm
13 Oct Engineering 2pm-5pm
14 Oct Business 3pm-6pm
15 Oct Engineering 2pm-5pm

Further information on training sessions, locations and the registration form are available on Into site: https://into.aalto.fi/display/fiaalto/Abimarkkinointi.

9. Which languages and communication studies would you like to study?

Language Centre at Aalto University is conducting a survey on students’ language and communication studies. The aim of the survey is to get information about the students’ interest in studying different languages and/or communication studies as part of their degree studies. The results will be used in developing the study programme in languages of Aalto University Language Centre.

Link to the survey https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/E1EFFEE3309044F7
Deadline 25th October 2015

10. Student, share a piece of your life in Nyyti’s blog!

How are you? What are you thinking about today? Would you like to share a piece of your life in Nyyti’s blog? We are looking for texts concerning issues and phenomena in student life. We provide a gift certificate of EUR 30 for S Group for all the published texts. The blog campaign is ongoing until 4 Oct 2015.

You can write about your thoughts, experiences and feelings related to the student life. What makes you happy or confused, where you get your strength and positive attitude, how you take care of yourself. You can also write about how students’ well-being should be promoted in your opinion.

You do not have to be a skilled writer to participate in the campaign. You only need ideas that you would like to share with others. The writing style is informal and you are free to present your opinions. If you are interested, please act now. You can have your voice to be heard, get valuable experience and have influence on matters that you find important.
We publish articles in Nyyti’s Elämäntutkintoja blog from October 2015 onwards. We also share them on
Facebook (facebook.com/nyytiry) and Twitter (@nyyti_ry) with the hashtag #palaelämää.

Please participate in the campaign, send your text by 4 Oct and challenge your fellow students to join! More information on the campaign and participation instructions are available on our website.

Nyyti is a national non-profit association, the purpose of which is to promote and suppot the students’ mental well-being and life control. More information: nyyti.fi, facebook.com/nyytiry, Twitter @nyyti_ry.

11. PELMU jam sessions 29 Sept

The first jam sessions are just around the corner! Sessions are arranged by PELMU and Helmut (Helsinki University band organisation) and every PELMU member and member-to-be is welcome to jam and meet other musicians on Tuesday, 29 September at PELMU’s!

More details on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/738716136240445/

12. Registration for the legendary narrow-film course of Montaasi is ongoing!

In the legendary film-making course of Montaasi during the weekend between 9-11 Oct, we go through the basics of script writing, visual narration, lighting and filming, as well as shoot short films in groups to 8 mm colour film. The course thus provides a unique opportunity to make a film to narrow-film which becomes rarer each year.

Films are sent to the laboratory to be developed, after which they are edited in Montaasi’s film cutting room at times agreed upon by the groups. Cutting is carried out with the so-called classical method, by cutting and taping.

More detailed course schedule:

Further information and registrations via e-mail: montaasi@list.ayy.fi

Fifteen people may attend the course and the price is EUR 25 for Montaasi members. If you are not a member yet, you can pay the membership fee of EUR 5 in connection with the course fee. You can become a member at http://montaasi.ayy.fi/jaseneksi/

13. DOT Introductory Sauna 2.10

Are you interested in demos, computer graphics and other digital art or maybe you are in to computer games and making them: DOT (Digital Media Club of Aalto University) is organizing an introductory sauna for new and interested people (old members are of course welcome as well) on Friday, 2 October at 6pm at Ossinlinna (Otakaari 18). Come and hear about our activities along side with some refreshments, demos, sauna and mingling with new and old DOT-members. You don’t have to be a member or even join at the event, just come and see what we have to offer.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1636794199913201/

14. Would you like to try out wall climbing?

Now you have an excellent opportunity to try out wall climbing. Climbing Club Oranki will organise the beginners’ course on Tuesday, 6 Oct! During the course, you can learn the basics of safe wall climbing and get a good start for a new hobby. The first ten people to sign up can participate. Please register here: http://goo.gl/forms/V3HSQjcKWr

15. Floorball 2nd division starts – FLOB M1 opens its season on 3 Oct

The men’s representative team of Otaonnela Floorball will start their season with a home game at 5pm on Saturday, 3 oct, 5pm. The opponent is the forth-runner SB Vantaa. The team will play almost all the home games at Otahalli and there is a free admission. M1 wants to welcome all floorball enthusiasts to the audience. More information can be found on Facebook: like our page and join us to follow the greatest sports team of Otaniemi!


16. FC Kissat starts the futsal season

Futsal rehearsals of women’s football team FC Kissat will begin! The rehearsals will be held at 7.30pm-9pm on Thursdays, starting on 1 Oct, in Unisport facilities at Monitoimitalo in Viikki led by our coach Juho. The address is Maakaari 3, Helsinki.

See you there! First-timers are also very welcome.


17. KY Missio’s football & sauna

KY-Missio warmly welcomes you to play football at Väinämöisenkatu 4-6, Helsinki on Wednesday, 30 September at 4:30pm. The first match kicks off at 4:45pm and the second around 5:30pm. After football we will enjoy sauna and refreshments at the KY-building (Pohjoinen Rautatienkatu 21, Helsinki)

18. Taekwon-Do beginners’ course starts, you can join the course during September

Espoo TKD club will organise Taekwon-Do course for beginners in Tapiola, Tuulimäki, at 5.30pm on Wednesday, 16 Sept 2015. The rehearsals are always held on Wednesdays at 5.30pm-7pm. The course for beginners lasts for the autumn period and costs EUR 60. You can participate in two first rehearsals for free.

More information and registration: http://teamespoo.com

19. Otaniemi Chapel Choir rehearsals

Would you like to sing in a choir? Otaniemi Chapel Choir is a mixed choir for students. Come and join us!
Thu 6-8pm, address Jämeräntaival 8.

Further information: http://www.kappelikuoro.net / johtaja@kappelikuoro.net”

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