Weekly newsletter 43/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 43/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

AYY’s development cooperation week is approaching! During the development cooperation week, you can participate in interesting development cooperation workshops in various events and listen to international speakers. See you in the development cooperation week on 26 Oct-30 Oct!

1. This and next week’s events
2. AYY’s Otaniemi service point closed on Wed, 21 Oct, 11am-1pm
3. AYY’s development cooperation week
4. Exchange scholarships
5. Polin appro Wed, 4 Nov
6. Survey of accessibility at higher education institutions
7. SYL: Student travel survey 2015
8. Student discounts in HCR and HCM running events
9. Finland’s largest ICT recruiting event TalentIT 2015
10. Mindfulness in University Life workshop
11. Arabia Maskerad
12. SBC On The Couch with Frugal Innovations. 26 October at 5.30pm @ Helsinki Think Company
13. Go abroad with AIESEC!
14. Global Sustainability Jam 2015 – Helsinki Edition
15. SPR’s mobile blood donation in Otaniemi

1. This and next week’s events

Week 43

Tue 20 Oct Screening of the old spex
Wed 21 Oct Ristin kilta game night
Fri 23 Oct Metal Club Mökä presents: Gig Night at the legendary Lepakkomies
Fri 23 Oct Neon Rave 2015
Sat 24 Oct ESN Aalto presents Beer Pong tournament
Sun 25 Oct Riding course for beginners starts
Sun 25 Oct Dance course

Week 44

Mon 26 Oct Mosaic Café Lingua
Mon 26 Oct Course in darkroom basics
Mon 26 Oct Fyysikkospeksi 2015: Mielenpuhaltajat
Tue 27 Oct Mosaic World Campus Festival
Tue 27 Oct Fyysikkospeksi 2015: Mielenpuhaltajat
Tue 27 Oct Amateur radio course, lecture 1/7
Wed 28 Oct Adobe After Effects basics
Wed 28 Oct Vesa Ollilainen: What would Paul tell us about Jesus today?
Thu 29 Oct Amateur radio course, lecture 2/7
Fri 30 Oct KYN Goes Hassinen
Fri 30 Oct ESN Aalto’s Trip to St.Petersburg (visa-free)
Fri 30 Oct Metal Club Mökä’s Sauna
Sat 31 Oct Open RPG day

2. AYY’s Otaniemi service point closed on Wed, 21 Oct, 11am-1pm

AYY’s Otaniemi service point is closed on this week’s Wednesday on 21 Oct between 11am-1pm. Otherwise the service point is open as usual.

3. AYY’s development cooperation week

During AYY’s development cooperation week, global affairs take over the campus in the last week of October.

Why do we engage in development cooperation? How can technology improve the world? What kind of projects does the university have in the developing countries? How about a career as a healer of the world? The development cooperation week is part of the annual theme week funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, which brings global development issues among students. AYY’s week on 26 Oct-30 Oct 2015 includes theme workshops, problem solving, international fairs, inspiring lectures, international speakers – not forgetting languages, cultures and culinary delights of the world.

Join the development cooperation week and see the world with new eyes! Like the week on Facebook and check out the entire programme on AYY’s website.

4. Exchange scholarships

AYY is distributing exchange scholarships this fall to support the internationalization of its active, low-income community members.
The fall application period for the exchange scholarship is Wednesday 21.10., 12:00, – Sunday 15.11., 23:59.

Further Information: Anu Juvonen, Producer and Culture Specialist, (anu.juvonen(at)ayy.fi)

5. Polin appro Wed, 4 Nov

Polin appro takes over the streets and pubs of the centre of Helsinki on Wed, 4 Nov, when students get to fight for the title of Hollywood’s brightest star! This year’s Polin appro theme is Hollywood. The first participants leave at 4pm from Uggla (Annankatu 10), after which you have 4 hours to tour the pubs. The afterparty starts at 9pm at Club Capital (Fredrikinkatu 51) along the tunes of Sosiaalifobia and Sima.

Ticket sales will start on Tuesday, 20 Oct on Otaniemi and Helsinki campuses.

Tickets cost €13, €13.50 from bailataan.fi and the after party only costs €7. Tickets include the cloakroom fee at the after party (€3).

Read more about the event and ticket sales on the websiteswww.polinappro.fi and www.teekkarius143.ayy.fi

The event on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1036052183082077/

6. Survey of accessibility at higher education institutions

Dear higher education student,

In autumn 2015, the Research Foundation for Studies and Education Otus has begun a survey on the accessibility at the higher education institutions in Finland. The results are to be published by the end of the year.

This survey is aimed at students at universities and universities of applied sciences. It aims to gather students’ experiences of accessibility at their own universities. We hope to receive answers from a wide variety of students.

Your answer is important, because you can give valuable information on the accessibility at your higher education institution that can be used for decision-making affecting students and for scientific research. The survey produces follow-up data which is combined with earlier data. This is of help for long term development of educational opportunities for different researched needs.

The survey is concise. It takes you 15 minutes or even less to fill in. The survey is open until 1 November 2015 here: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/41785B7DF6B9C389.par. For those who participate in the study there will be a raffle for three 50 euro gift vouchers for stores in the S group.

The data gathered is handled with strict confidentiality. The information we collect will be used only for research purposes. Your information will not be shared with anyone else.

The results will be published at the end of the year in a survey of higher education institutions’ accessibility which aims to develop accessibility at higher education institutions.

We greatly appreciate your replies, thank you for your time!

Contact details: Tiia Villa, tiia.villa@otus.fi, tel. 050 439 2611.
NB! If you would like to participate by oral interview, please contact Tiia Villa.

7. SYL: Student travel survey 2015

The National Union of University Students in Finland is surveying how students travel. We appreciate your help, thank you!

8. Student discounts in HCR and HCM running events

The Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL has negotiated student discounts with the Finnish Athletics Federation both for Helsinki City Run and Helsinki City Marathon running events.

You can get the student discount by filling in the discount code which entitles you to student discount when signing up. The discount code is available through the links on OLL website:

Helsinki City Run: http://www.oll.fi/edut/etutapahtumat/helsinki-city-run-14-5-2016/
Helsinki City Marathon: http://www.oll.fi/edut/etutapahtumat/helsinki-city-marathon-13-8-2016/

9. Finland’s largest ICT recruiting event TalentIT 2015

Wed 4th of November
11am – 5pm
Otahalli, Espoo

Hello young IT whizz! Are you looking for a career challenges in the field of ICT? Interested in meeting the potential employers face-to-face?

TalentIT 2015 Career Fair offers an excellent chance to land an internship, summer job or master thesis position. Don’t miss your opportunity and arrive at Otahalli on the Espoo Otaniemi campus of Aalto University on Wednesday, November 4th 2015, 11am – 5pm.

There are over 80 great employers at the fair this year from small startups to widely known ICT businesses and exciting operators.

Why not come too to network and discuss the latest developments with top companies in the field!

Event is organized by Aalto University Partnership Services

Free entrance – Welcome!

Website: http://talentit.aalto.fi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TalentITFair
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TalentITFair

10. Mindfulness in University Life workshop

Mindfulness is a state of open attention on the present. It is living here and now. Mindfulness involves nonjudgmental conscious awareness of one’s feelings, thoughts and surroundings. Mindfulness skills can help to decrease stress, worrying and anxiety and increase concentration and self-knowledge. The next workshop in English will be held on Mondays, 1pm-3pm, from 2 Nov until 30 Nov 2015 on Töölö campus. More information: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopintopsykologi/Mindfulness+in+University+Life+workshop

11. Arabia Maskerad

Arabia Maskerad hosted by TOKYO (Students of Art, Design and Architecture in Aalto University) returns in November and is greater, more beautiful and more utopistic than ever. This year’s theme is the Grand Illusion!

The masquerade will be held at Kaivohuone (Iso Puistotie 1, Helsinki) on Saturday, 7 Nov 2015, 9pm-4am.

From next Monday onwards, tickets are sold at TOKYO service point on Arabia Campus, Kipsari vegetarian restaurant and Tiketti (tiketti.fi).

In addition to the previously-mentioned, you can buy tickets in cash from pop-up ticket shops in Arabia, Töölö and Otaniemi in the coming weeks. The more specific times and places are mentioned below.

► 12e (TOKYO members, does not apply to tickets bought from Tiketti)
► 15e (no membership discount)

ARABIA MASKERAD (Pop-up ticket shop in the main lobby at Hämeentie 135 C, only in cash)
► Wednesday, 21 Oct, 11am-2pm
► Thursday, 5 Nov klo 11am-2pm
► Friday, 6 Nov during MAFFE festival

ARABIA MASKERAD (Pop-up ticket shop in the main lobby of Otakaari 1, only in cash)
► Wednesday, 21 Oct, 11am-2pm
► Thursday, 22 Oct, 11am-2pm
► Wednesday, 4 Nov, 11am-2pm
► Thursday, 5 Nov, 11am-2pm

ARABIA MASKERAD (Pop-up ticket shop in the main lobby at Runeberginkatu 14-16, only in cash)
► Wednesday, 28 Oct, 11am-2pm Töölö
► Thursday, 29 Oct, 11am-2pm Töölö

12. SBC On The Couch with Frugal Innovations. October 26th at 17.30 @ Helsinki Think Company

Sustainable Business Club is hosting their traditional On The Couch as part of the AYY Development Cooperation Week. Come and chat with our three experts about Frugal Innovations while enjoying our homemade pizza and beer!

Our guests are:
– Sara Lindeman, who lectures on Branding at the Base-of-the-Pyramid and is project manager at New Global. Her research takes a multidimensional view on business for poverty reduction. http://newglobal.aalto.fi/cmt-management-team/sara-lindeman/
– Arturs Alsins, an environmental engineer and Master’s student at Aalto who took part in the award winning student project Nanomaji, a collaboration between New Global and Ahlstrom. The team developed a water filter for the Tanzanian market that would remove the need to boil water thus saving on charcoal use and GHG emissions. http://www.demoshelsinki.fi/en/2015/06/16/water-filtering-solution-nanomaji-wins-finnish-finals-in-europes-largest-climate-innovation-competition/.
– Marleen Wierenga, a former student in the MSc programme in Creative Sustainability who recently graduated with a thesis on local Frugal Innovations in India.

Come and learn what Frugal Innovations actually are and hear about hands-on experiences from our guests!

To give everybody the chance to participate in the discussion, the number of participants is limited to 25. Seats allocated on a first come – first served basis, so hurry up! You can find the registration form here: http://goo.gl/forms/2sqqb7qWTq

Stay tuned and join us on Monday the 26th of October at 17.30 @ Helsinki Think Company in Vuorikatu 5!


13. Go abroad with AIESEC!

We have opened our applications for Global Citizen! Travelling is always fun, so why not do it with us? Check out our cool destinations right from the magazine and APPLY NOW!


14. Global Sustainability Jam 2015 – Helsinki Edition

Fri. 30.10 – Sun 01.11

Do you want to save the world?

Welcome to Global Sustainability Jam 2015 – Helsinki Edition – a hackathon taking place in over 20 locations worldwide to create prototypes for sustainable solutions.

This is an open event for anyone from any background who is passionate about sustainability. Come join us for a weekend of fun, creativity and brainstorming!

So how does it work?

We will get together on Friday evening and get to know each other first. Then, the global secret theme will be revealed – it can be anything – a picture, a piece of music, a poem…But that will help us to kick off our super brainstorming session. After brainstorming, each team will choose an idea to proceed with.

On Saturday the teams will work on their ideas towards creating a prototype – that can also be in any form! We will continue having fun until Sunday afternoon when all teams have to submit their prototypes to the global platform!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/758880950906047/
Sign up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/global-sustainability-jam-2015-helsinki-tickets-18485742353

The event is organized students from the University of Helsinki and Aalto University on behalf of Aalto Sustainable Business Club.

15. SPR’s mobile blood donation in Otaniemi

Time: 23 Oct 2015, 11am-4pm
Location: TuAS building, rooms 1021-1024

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