Weekly newsletter 44/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 44/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. The newsletter is available at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

AYY’s development cooperation week started today! See the programme for the entire week at: /jasenille/kansainvalisyys/kehyviikko/. Advance voting in AYY’s Representative Council elections will start today and last for a week. Actual voting dates are Tuesday, 3 Nov and Wednesday, 4 Nov: /vaalit/?lang=en.

1. This and next week’s events
2. AYY’s Töölö Service Point to close on 28 Oct
3. AYY’s Representative Council elections are approaching!
4. AYY’s development cooperation week this week!
5. Photoshop trainings
6. The Physicist Spex Presents: the Mindblowers!
7. Computer graphics training sauna by DOT at 6pm on 28 Oct @Rantasauna
8. Belgian cantus @ Smökki 10 Nov
9. Dominante 40th anniversary concert – JUBILEUM
10. Aalto School of Students 2015 is almost here!
11. The ICT coaching sessions for jobhunters are taking appointments!

1. This and next week’s events

Week 44

Mon, 26 Oct Mosaic Café Lingua
Mon, 26 Oct Dark room course for beginners
Mon, 26 Oct Physicist Spex 2015: The Mindblowers:
Mon, 26 Oct AYY’s Development Cooperation Week
Tue, 27 Oct Mosaic World Campus Festival
Tue, 27 Oct Physicist Spex 2015: The Mindblowers:
Tue, 27 Oct Radio amateur course, lecture 1/7
Wed, 28 Oct OUBS training: Adobe After Effects basics
Wed, 28 Oct Vesa Ollilainen: How would Paul tell about Jesus today?
Thu, 29 Oct Radio amateur course, lecture 2/7
Fri, 30 Oct KYN Goes Hassinen
Fri, 30 Oct ESN Aalto’s Trip to St.Petersburg (visa-free)
Fri, 30 Oct Metal Club Mökä’s sauna evening
Sat, 31 Oct Open role game day
Sun, 1 Nov Dance Course

Week 45

Tue, 3 Nov Radio amateur course, lecture 3/7
Wed, 4 Nov Evening prayer
Wed, 4 Nov Finland’s largest ICT recruiting event TalentIT 2015
Wed, 4 Nov Polin Appro
Thu,5 Nov Radio amateur course, lecture 4/7
Fri, 6 Nov L’âge du Romantisme concert
Sat, 7 Nov Teekkari tradition party
Sun, 8 Nov ESN Aalto goes to Pirates of the Baltic Sea!
Sun, 8 Nov Teekkari herring breakfast

2. AYY’s Töölö Service Point to close on 28 Oct

AYY Töölö Service Point will be closed on 28 Oct. The reason for this is the transfer of bachelor students to Otaniemi and the reduced need for services on Töölö Campus in general.

The aim is to have the university to continue services on Töölö Campus if possible. Of all the services, the distribution of year tags in the autumn will be carried out in Töölö, for example. The location will be confirmed later. In AYY’s view, it is important to continue to organise necessary services for students in Töölö in the future.

The farewell party of Töölö service point will be celebrated from 2pm onwards on 28 Oct. Welcome to spend a moment at the service point before the doors close!

In the future, the services of Töölö Service Point will continue as follows:

– Copy and printing cards can be purchased from Aalto University’s Töölö Library.
– KY products can be purchased at KY office. At KY office, you can also renew the membership tag of KY.
– Language material can be requested directly from teachers.
– Seasonal year tag distribution points will be available in Töölö.
– Student cards can be ordered to Otaniemi or Arabia service points.
– Ongoing search for a successor for book delivery service. For now, the service is not available.

3. AYY’s Representative Council elections are approaching!

In the Representative Council elections, AYY’s Representative Council of 45 members is elected for the next two-year term. The Representative Council has the highest decision-making power in AYY and decides on your membership fee and the student union regulations, among other things. The Representative Council is always elected for two years at a time.

You can find a suitable candidate from AYY’s candidate matcher at http://edustajistovaalit.fi/index_en.html.

All AYY’s members who have paid the student union’s membership fee by Friday, 16 Oct 2015 are entitled to vote. You can vote in advance through the electronic election system between 12noon on Mon, 26 Oct-12midnight on Mon, 2 Nov or on actual voting days at 12midnight on Tue, 3 Nov – 4pm on Wed, 4 Nov 2015. The election system is available at /vaalit/?lang=en.

In the electronic election system, you can log in with Aalto University username. If your Aalto username does not work for some reason, please contact the University’s IT Service Desk by email at servicedesk@aalto.fi or by telephone: +358 50 513 2000.

The election night party is organised with KY at Saha (Konemiehentie 1) on Wednesday evening on 4 Nov. More information on the elections is available at /vaalit/?lang=en and the minutes and agendas of the Representative Council elections are available at inside.ayy.fi.

4. AYY’s development cooperation week this week!

AYY’s development cooperation week has kicked off!

Why do we engage in development cooperation? How can technology make the world a better place? What kind of projects does the university have in the developing countries? How about a career in saving the world? The development cooperation week is part of the annual theme week funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which brings global development issues among students. AYY’s week on 26 Oct-30 Oct 2015 includes theme workshops, problem solving, an international fair, inspiring lectures, high-ranking international speakers – not forgetting languages, cultures and culinary delights of the world.

Join the development cooperation week and see the world with new eyes! Like the week on Facebook and check out the entire programme on AYY’s website and remember to sign up for workshops.

Hashtag for the week is #kehyviikko.

5. Photoshop trainings

Do you want to learn how to make your photos look professional or learn how to create amazing graphics for your marketing materials?

The marketing subject club Acti ry organizes Photoshop trainings in Töölö on 26 Oct and 29 Oct and in Otaniemi on 23 Nov and 25 Nov. The registration is now open and we welcome all Aalto students regardless of the major to participate! Sign up, it’s going to be super useful but also a lot of fun!

Check out the details from the Facebook-event:

Sign up:

6. The Physicist Spex Presents: the Mindblowers!

A small band of illusionists, the Mindblowers, is in a sticky situation: The Swedish mafia, who control the entertainment industry with an iron fist, intend to collect their last pennies and earthly possessions. Will they succeed in the heist of century and escape from the dreary and dangerous North for good? Or will the Swedes ruin our youth with their pop music?

A English show of The Physicist Spex Mindblowers is coming in early December. Stay tuned, like The Physicist Spex on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fyysikkospeksi

Get ready for the most exciting and dramatic experience of the year! See you in the spex!

7. Computer graphics training sauna by DOT at 6pm on 28 Oct @Rantasauna

The first training sauna of the academic year is here again. Welcome to learn new things about graphic coding, spend a nice evening, go to the sauna and enjoy refreshments sponsored by Futuremark. We will tell you about what DirectX 12 has offered and a demo presented at Assembly Summer 2015 party.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/946434952098355/

8. Belgian cantus @ Smökki 10 Nov

Have you hear of a Belgian festivity called cantus? It is similar to sitsit, but there is no food, only an endless amount of beer and cider! A qualified senior, a real viking, will fly to this event, who will lead drinking songs and order penalties for those who beg for them in the spirit of Halloween!

What: Cantus, Belgian student evening with plenty of drinks
Where: Smökki, after party at Rantsu
When: 10 Nov, 8pm-1am
Tickets: €15, selling times and locations in FB event.
Why: Belgian student culture at its best!
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/505487416300667/

9. Dominante 40th anniversary concert – JUBILEUM

Dominante’s 40th anniversary will be highlighted with JUBILEUM concert at the Helsinki Music Centre in November: the evening includes premiers and the most impressive works from the history of the choir.

Ordering new music and premieres have been a major part of the choir’s artistic vision. Over the years, the choir has ordered new music both from Finnish and Nordic composers. Commissioned works to be heard in the concert are composed by Matthew Whittall and Dominante’s Deputy Director Yui Katada. Whittall has composed a three-piece series love is a place based on love poems of E. E. Cummings. Katada’s UPOPO also consists of three pieces, which are based on stories of the traditions of the Japanese Ainu tribe.

In addition to premieres, the concert also includes plenty of different moods, which are strengthened by lighting and the movement of the choir and soloists. Veljo Tormis’ Raua needmine and Raymond Murray Schafer’s Narcissos and Echo contain strong dramaturgy, where dance acts as a one narrative element. Aulis Sallinen’s humoresque The Beaufort Scale also exceeds the limits of traditional choral singing. Artist Professor Jorma Uotinen is the director and choreographer of the concert.

Jaakko Mäntyjärvi’s Tentatio composed for 40 voices is also very suitable for Dominante’s 40th anniversary concert. The overview to Dominante’s programme of previous decades brings up one of our main choral composer Toivo Kuula. His massive ”legacy to Finnish choirs”, Meren virsi, is heard in the concert performed by a great choir, which includes members of Dominante throughout the history of the choir.

Dominante 40th anniversary concert – JUBILEUM
Sat, 14 Nov 2015, 5pm, Music Hall, Helsinki
Dominante, led by Seppo Murto
Elja Puukko, baritone
Eino Kivisaari, tenor
Jorma Uotinen, director and choreographer

Tickets: EUR 11.50-43.50 from Lippupalvelu (incl. service fee): http://www.lippupalvelu.fi/event/dominante-40-v-jubileum-lippuja/164941
Concert on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/925409194163587/

10. Aalto School of Students 2015 is almost here!

Have you ever wondered what all the other Aalto-people study? Do as a hobby? Do their research on? What they’re passionate about?

Now is the chance to widen your horizons and take part in Aalto School of Students where students share their ideas, knowledge and passions. We’re really excited about this and we’re inviting you to join in!

We’ve got some places for eager teachers still available, but most importantly – STUDENTS: save the date & join us! The lessons will take place in the Kandi-building in Otaniemi (U-wing, to be specific). All of the lessons won’t be in English, but as we have a couple simultanious lessons going on, we are able to fix the schedule so that there is at least one lesson in English going on all the time.

Check out all the details, lessons and timetables (to be updated!) at https://www.facebook.com/events/1663219953921858/

In case of questions, please contact: aaltoschoolofstudents@gmail.com

11. The ICT coaching sessions for jobhunters are taking appointments!

Are you the new leading edge of ICT, but don’t know how to tell that to an employer? At TalentIT Career Forum’s popular advice desk, you can enhance your job-hunting skills with the help of IT industry recruiters and get closer to landing your dream position.

TalentIT Career Forum:
– Video Resume
– Interview Coaching
– CV + LinkedIn Clinic
– Photo Station

Times are available only for the quickest. Register soon!

TalentIT Recruitment and Career Fair, 4th of November 2015, Otahalli.

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