Weekly newsletter 46/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 46/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Power. It’s yours to take. Apply to become a student representative in administration! The call for student representatives is open on 9 Nov-6 Dec 2015. The application site is available at https://www.halloped.fi/en.

The Representative Council elections were organised and the election results are available at /vaalit/results/?lang=en.


1. This and next week’s events
2. Power. It’s yours to take. Apply to become a student representative in administration!
3. AYY wants YOU – get to know voluntary positions in the recruitment evening on 10 Nov!
4. New service – legal advice for students
5. Uncollected student cards
6. Star Wars movie marathon 15 Nov at Smökki
7. Cheap red cups for sale
8. Vaisala opens the Weather challenge @ Slush for software and weather enthusiasts!
9. Go abroad with AIESEC!
10. AWiB Students Lean In! Working abroad – the stories of Eleonora Nazander and PĂ€ivi Oinonen
11. Dominante 40th anniversary – JUBILEUM
12. Come and try out something different – underwater rugby!
13. The end time in the Book of Revelation
14. The Marketing subject club Acti presents: CHRISTMAS PARTY
15. ARENA Career Fair is here!
16. Research related to Aalto University metro station


1. This and next week’s events

Week 46

Tue, 10 Nov Radio amateur course, lecture 5/7
Tue, 10 Nov Jamming session of Teekkarispex #1
Tue, 10 Nov Engineering Girls’ autumn sauna
Wed, 11 Nov Jamming session of Teekkarispex #2
Wed, 11 Nov Aalto runners – newbies’ run and sauna
Wed, 11 Nov PÀivi RÀsÀnen speaks at Otaniemi Chapel
Wed, 11 Nov ARENA Career Fair
Thu, 12 Nov Radio amateur course, lecture 6/7
Thu, 12 Nov ESN Aalto goes to play curling
Sat, 14 Nov Open role game day
Sat, 14 Nov Dominante 40 – JUBILEUM
Sat, 14 Nov Dance audition of Teekkarispex
Sat, 14 Nov The end time in in the Book of Revelation
Sun, 15 Nov Dance course
Sun, 15 Nov Christmas party of Teekkaritennis
Sun, 15 Nov Teekkarispex casting #1&2
Sun, 15 Nov Star Wars movie marathon
Sun, 15 Nov AEGEE-Helsinki LTC brunch and game day!

Week 47

Mon, 16 Nov Teekkarispex casting #3
Mon, 16 Nov Kupla’s election meeting
Tue, 17 Nov Radio amateur course, lecture 7/7
Wed, 18 Nov Mosaic’s Running Dinner
Wed, 18 Nov ESN Aalto’s Dinner in the dark
Wed, 18 Nov Polirytmi’s Autumn Jam
Thu, 19 Nov ESN Aalto visits Fazer chocolate factory #2
Thu, 19 Nov PSK Kupla’s underwater rugby try-out
Fri, 20 Nov ESN Aalto’s Trip to SaariselkĂ€, Lapland
Sat, 21 Nov AEGEE-Helsinki Sushi Dinner Party!
Sun, 22 Nov Dance course

2. Power. It’s yours to take. Apply to become a student representative in administration!

The call for applications is open on 9 Nov-6 Dec 2015. Application site: https://www.halloped.fi/en

Aalto University Student Union has declared open the positions of student representatives in administration (hallopeds) for the year of 2016. Student representatives are needed for the university organs, such as the Academic Committee, Student Financial Aid Committee and the Restaurant Committee, as well as the University’s management and degree programmes. Whether you are interested in power, quality of the development of teaching, as a student representative you can have influence on the operations of the major organisation and make Aalto a better place!


Further information: /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/
Academic Affairs Specialist
Susanna Koistinen, susanna.koistinen@ayy.fi

3. AYY wants YOU – get to know voluntary positions in the recruitment evening on 10 Nov!

Parties, interest representation, traditions, partner companies – AYY’s voluntary positions are now open at /stop/en/ but what opportunities you have in our student union? Come and hear about the experiences of volunteers at AYY at Elisa Living Room at 5pm on Tuesday, 10 Nov! There will be casual discussion and the opportunity to ask about different positions. Snacks will be served. We want YOU!

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1610603845871903/

4. New service – legal advice for students

AYY has made a new cooperation agreement. Legal Office HavumÀki and Grönqvist offers free legal advice for students. The phone service is available at 12noon-3pm on Mondays in even-numbered weeks. You can ask for advice for various contracts, residence permits or other legal problems. Counselling is free of charge but does not include the preparation of documents or participating in hearings/court on behalf of a customer. You can contact the office primarily by phone.

Legal Office HavumÀki and Grönqvist
Tel. 010 320 6740

5. Uncollected student cards

Uncollected student cards have piled up at AYY’s Otaniemi Service Point. If you have not yet collected your card, please do so now! The service point is open on Mon-Fri at 9am-11am and 12noon-4pm. NB! On Thu, 12 Nov, the service point is only open between 9am-11am.

6. Star Wars movie marathon on 15 Nov at Smökki

Welcome to an epic Star Wars movie marathon at Smökki (JÀmerÀntaival 4) on 15th of November at 1pm! Tune yourself to the feel of the new movie in an awesome company! The movies and their order will be decided by voting in the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1726560854238907/.

7. Cheap red cups for sale

Planning to organise a beerpong tournament but something essential is missing? Aava is getting rid of extra, genuine red cups with a cheap price – 50 cups Ă  EUR 10 (that’s EUR 0.2/cup)! Cups can be freely purchased by any person, club, guild, group or a fairy tale character – the only requirements are that you have to be able to pay for your products online and to fetch them from AYY’s central office. You can order the cups from http://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/punaisia-kuppeja-halvalla/. More information on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1681853352055457/.

8. Vaisala opens the Weather challenge @ Slush for software and weather enthusiasts!

Vaisala opens the Weather challenge @ Slush for software and weather enthusiasts!

Planning to participate in Slush? Interested in exploring open weather data and creating new applications that make a difference?

Vaisala announces the Weather Challenge at Slush, at Corporate Pitching. The venue is Pitching Stage and time 15:50 on November 12th. We are looking for curious minds to leverage weather data in new, innovative ways. Be there and learn more!

Want to know more about developing weather related applications in Vaisala Software teams ? Check out this video and learn what our team members say about their work.

9. Go abroad with AIESEC!

We have opened our applications for Global Citizen! Travelling is always fun, so why not do it with us? Check out our cool destinations right from the magazine and APPLY NOW! Deadline is the 15th of November so act fast!

10. AWiB Students Lean In! Working abroad – the stories of Eleonora Nazander and PĂ€ivi Oinonen

Are you looking for work in Finland as a foreigner or dreaming of an international career abroad?

AWiB Students Lean In! – event offers a unique chance to hear how is it like to be a job-seeker in a foreign country and how to cope with language difficulties and cultural differences.

We are priviledged to have Eleonora Nazander from Stora Enso and PĂ€ivi Oinonen from Aalto Design Factory as guest speakers to share their stories.

The event is held in English and is open to all Aalto students. Some beverages and food is served during the evening. We also have RAW CAKES by GreenStreet!

WHAT: AWiB Students Lean In! Working abroad – the stories of Eleonora Nazander and PĂ€ivi Oinonen
WHEN: Tuesday 10 Nov, 5:30pm
WHERE: at KY, 3rd floor YlÀkertsi

11. Dominante 40th anniversary concert – JUBILEUM

Dominante’s 40th anniversary will be highlighted with JUBILEUM concert at the Helsinki Music Centre in November: the evening includes premiers and the most impressive works from the history of the choir.

Ordering new music and premieres have been a major part of the choir’s artistic vision. Over the years, the choir has ordered new music both from Finnish and Nordic composers. Commissioned works to be heard in the concert are composed by Matthew Whittall and Dominante’s Deputy Director Yui Katada. Whittall has composed a three-piece series love is a place based on love poems of E. E. Cummings. Katada’s UPOPO also consists of three pieces, which are based on stories of the traditions of the Japanese Ainu tribe.

In addition to premieres, the concert also includes plenty of different moods, which are strengthened by lighting and the movement of the choir and soloists. Veljo Tormis’ Raua needmine and Raymond Murray Schafer’s Narcissos and Echo contain strong dramaturgy, where dance acts as a one narrative element. Aulis Sallinen’s humoresque The Beaufort Scale also exceeds the limits of traditional choral singing. Artist Professor Jorma Uotinen is the director and choreographer of the concert.

Jaakko MĂ€ntyjĂ€rvi’s Tentatio composed for 40 voices is also very suitable for Dominante’s 40th anniversary concert. The overview to Dominante’s programme of previous decades brings up one of our main choral composer Toivo Kuula. His massive ”legacy to Finnish choirs”, Meren virsi, is heard in the concert performed by a great choir, which includes members of Dominante throughout the history of the choir.

Dominante 40th anniversary concert – JUBILEUM
Sat, 14 Nov 2015, 5pm, Music Hall, Helsinki
Dominante, led by Seppo Murto
Elja Puukko, baritone
Eino Kivisaari, tenor
Jorma Uotinen, director and choreographer

Tickets: EUR 11.50-43.50 from Lippupalvelu (incl. service fee): http://www.lippupalvelu.fi/event/dominante-40-v-jubileum-lippuja/164941
Concert on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/925409194163587/

12. Come and try out something different – underwater rugby!

Polytech Diving Club Kupla also actively plays the world’s only three-dimensional ball game.

The introduction starts with a brief lecture in Tapiola Swimming Hall at 7.55pm, which covers game positions, rules and ball handling, after which we practise in the water starting at 8.40pm. We warm up, practise swimming with the ball, passing, basket exercises, after which we will play the game. In addition to instructors, there will be players who provide tips and information on the sport. They also show us examples of the game. The rehearsals will end at approximately 10.30pm.

€5 payment on the spot.
Registration through the following link: http://goo.gl/forms/6tsE6eMGQA

All are welcome and you don’t need your own equipment, you can borrow everything. You only need a swimming costume and a towel. It is advisable to be able to swim with fins and a mask, as we do not have time to cover the swimming technique. The 15 first to sign up can participate. You will receive a confirmation to your email.

Further information and questions: Emmi Kosomaa, emmi.kosomaa (at) aalto.fi.
Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1207853075896606/
Information on underwater rugby is available at http://www.uppopallo.fi/uppopallon-lajiesittely/ (in Finnish).

13. The end time in the Book of Revelation

KY-Missio welcomes everyone to listen to prison chaplain Jouko Koistinen on the topic ”the End time in the book of Revelation” at Ruoholahti Chapel at 2pm on Saturday, 14 Nov at SelkĂ€merenkuja 1.

14. The Marketing subject club Acti presents: CHRISTMAS PARTY

Amazing food, live performances, dancing all night and – obviously – an open bar! Acti’s pre-christmas party will offer you great times and endlessly flowing dancing juice! All majors are more than welcome!

Come to Saha on Friday 20 Nov and enjoy all of this for only €22. The doors will open at 6pm and the programme begins at 6:30pm. The party will go on till midnight at Saha after which we’ll continue to Helsinki for the after-party together.

The price includes a fabulous three-course buffet dinner, a sparkling toast, buss ride to the after-party and of course the open bar. We’ll also have the opportunity to enjoy stand-up, live music performances and a party set by KY’s own party machine aKYstic. Party on!
The registration begins on 9 Nov at noon. Be ready, this is not a party to miss!

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/919051218176400/

15. ARENA Career Fair is here!

ARENA Career Fair will be held on Wed 11th November in the Aalto University School of Business main building (Töölö Campus) from 9.30 to 16.00. All the business students at Aalto (including industrial engineering) are welcome! This year there are over 60 exhibitors participating in the largest annual contact fair organized for business students in Finland. Check out the fair program and the participating exhibitors on ARENA website. For more news and employers’ postings please visit ARENA’s Facebook page!

ARENA has organized bus transportation between Otaniemi and Töölö for Aalto students. Please see the schedule below:
WED 11.11.2015, 50 places
From Otaniemi (Otakaari) From Töölö (Runeberginkatu 14-16)
klo 09.45 11.30
klo 12.00 15.30

16. Research related to Aalto University metro station

You can win movie tickets by responding to the survey. The survey is available in Finnish.

As part of the European-wide Smart Retail project of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), the project researches people’s attitudes and opinions related to retail in the future. This survey focuses on the research of pop-up stores. The survey results will be utilised when planning a pop-up store for students to the future Aalto University metro station.

You can respond to the survey here: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/56A5A4DBD9617669.par

It takes only 10-15 minutes to respond and you can win movie tickets. At the same time, you give us valuable information, which can be utilised when planning the upcoming pop-up store.

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