Weekly newsletter 48/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 48/2015


Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /yhdistystiedote/


The call for applications for the position of Aino’s chief editor ends tomorrow morning at 8am!



The panel for AYY board member candidates is held today at Learning HUB (Vuorimiehentie 2) starting at 5pm. You can also follow the panel at /live/.

Seasonal influenza vaccine for risk groups at FSHS:

Mon 30th November 1:30pm-3pm, no advance appoinment required – sign up at the patient office.

More information about influenza vaccine free of charge – call FSHS.

If you are not entitled to influenza vaccine free of charge – call FSHS to get prescription.



  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Aino is looking for the chief editor – DL tomorrow at 8am
  3. Delayed course gradings
  4. Torchlight procession of the Independence Day 6 Dec
  5. Aava’s shadow Independence Day reception
  6. My Career in Finland – AYY’s International Career Evening 1 Dec
  7. Host Families needed for Iloa Tupaan Project
  8. OIKOSULKU 2015 – ENIGMA 25 Nov @OK20
  9. Tikelo General Meeting and Christmas Party today
  10. Physicist Spex in English on 3 Dec
  11. Call for applications for BEST spring courses open until 29 Nov
  12. Work as an intern at a startup or volunteer for a project abroad for 6 weeks!
  13. Grief group for those who have lost their loved ones
  14. Application for Stratos programme 2016 has begun!
  15. Universum’s career test



  1. This and next week’s events


Week 48


25 Nov ESN Aalto’s Trip to Levi, Lapland: /blog/events/esn-aaltos-trip-to-levi-lapland/

25 Nov Missionary evening: /blog/events/lahetysilta-3/

26 Nov Autumn concerts of the Polytech Orchestra: /blog/events/polyteknikkojen-orkesterin-syyskonsertit/

27 Nov Metal Club Mökä’s election sauna: /blog/events/metal-club-mokan-vaalisauna-2/

27 Nov Autumn concerts of the Polytech Orchestra: /blog/events/polyteknikkojen-orkesterin-syyskonsertit-2/

28 Nov Open role game day: /blog/events/avoin-roolipelipaiva-4/

28 Nov OUBS training session: documentary TV work: /blog/events/oubs-koulutus-dokumentaarinen-tv-tyoskentely/

29 Nov Dance course: /blog/events/tanssikurssi-12/


Week 49

Week 49


30.11 .ESN Aalto’s Christmas sweets baking /blog/events/esn-aaltos-christmas-sweets-baking/

1.12. Mosaic Café Lingua /blog/events/mosaic-cafe-lingua_dec2015/

1.12. My Career in Finland – AYY’s International Career Evening /blog/events/my-career-in-finland-ayys-international-career-evening/

2.12. ESN Aalto Lasertag #2 /blog/events/esn-aalto-lasertag-2/

2.12. ESN Aalto’s Farewell Party /blog/events/esn-aaltos-farewell-party-2/

2.12. Ilkka Puhakka: Järkyttävä sanoma /blog/events/ilkka-puhakka-jarkyttava-sanoma/

3.12. OUBS is back /blog/events/oubs-is-back-studion-avajaiset/

5.12. FLOB – SCH /blog/events/salibandya-flob-sch/

6.12. Aava’s shadow Independence Day reception /blog/events/varjolinnanjuhlat/

6.12. Torchlight procession of the Independence Day on 6 Dec /blog/events/itsenaisyyspaivan-soihtukulkue-2/






  1. Aino is looking for the chief editor – DL tomorrow at 8am


AYY’s student magazine Aino is looking for the chief editor! Do you have a sharp pen and a great vision on the future Aino? Read more and apply: /ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/ayy-hakee-ylioppilaslehti-ainolle-paatoimittajaa/. The call for applications is open until 8am on Tuesday, 24 Nov.



  1. Report delayed course grading

Aalto University’s teaching and study regulations provide that exams and other study performances must be reviewed and recorded in the study register within one month. If your exam results or credits are late, you can report it to Aalto University administration.

ARTS: Leena Koskinen (leena.koskinen@aalto.fi)

BIZ: Margareta Soismaa (margareta.soismaa@aalto.fi)

CHEM: Hanne Puskala (hanne.puskala@aalto.fi)

ELEC: Perttu puska (perttu.puska@aalto.fi)

ENG: Marjo Immonen (marjo.immonen@aalto.fi)

SCI: Mari Knuuttila (mari.knuuttila@aalto.fi)



  1. Torchlight procession of the Independence Day on 6 Dec


University students in the metropolitan area traditionally celebrate the Finnish Independence Day with a torchlight procession on 6 Dec. All are welcome to join the procession, torchlights are provided at the beginning of the procession. Associations can participate in the procession with their own flags.


The event instructions and schedule are available at http://itsenaisyyspaiva.ayy.fi/en/.

The schedule will be updated as soon as possible.


AYY traditionally provides the following services to its members:


Transport of flags:

Association flags must be delivered to the service point (Otakaari 11) by 4pm on Thursday, 3 Dec 2015 AND recorded in the transport list. Please make sure that you record your flag in the list, as we only bring the flags mentioned in the list. Flags are returned to the same place from where you can collect them by Wednesday, 9 Dec.


Flag carrying belts and sashes in the colours of the Finnish flag:

The Student Union can borrow a limited number of flag carrying belts and the blue and white sashes suitable for all flags. Reservations for the fastest ones to arkisto@ayy.fi. Equipment can be found next to the flags at the beginning of the procession.


During the procession, flag-bearers and heralds can leave their bags to the vehicle which drives to the Senate Square. When you leave your flag for the return transport, you can get your items back. Flag-bearers and heralds are not allowed to wear bags in the procession.



  1. Aava’s shadow Independence Day reception


Did you not receive an invitation to the President’s Independence Day Reception even though you think you would have certainly deserved one? Don’t worry, AYY’s Community Section Aava invites all AYY’s members to the traditional Shadow Independence Day Reception at Yläkertsi in KY Building on 6 Dec 2015! We provide a delicious three-course menu, incredible company and certainly more drinks than what is offered at the real Independence Day reception. In order to guarantee a genuine Independence Day atmosphere, you can follow the Independence Day reception on the screen while having dinner! So find your suit or cocktail dress and come to celebrate the 98-year-old Finland! The link to the web store will be published in Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/1658227507795174/ at 12noon on 23 Nov. Be fast, as this party is at least as popular as the original!


Ps. It is easy to come to the event directly from the torchlight procession of university students 😉



  1. My Career in Finland – AYY’s International Career Evening 1 Dec


How does the Finnish job market function? What is the role of the trade unions? What is essential for finding a job in Finland? What do you need to take into account when starting your own business in Finland? How have international Aalto alumni found their ways into Finnish work life and what is the Finnish working culture like through their eyes?


Come to Aalto University Student Union’s career evening “My Career in Finland” 1 Dec 2015 at 5pm-9pm in Otaniementie 17 (TUAS-building) to hear the essentials of working in Finland and to meet and mingle with potential employers.


Check out the Facebook-event and save the date: https://www.facebook.com/events/1647305585528798/



  1. Host Families needed for Iloa Tupaan Project


International Students are coming to Finland in January 2016 to do 6-weeks of volunteer work at nursing homes where they will organise activities for the elderly and enjoy and have a beautiful time together.

We really need host families for our students and appreciate all the help!

  • 1 student/host family
  • Duration is 6 weeks starting from January 2016

Help us to promote intercultural development and our beautiful Finnish culture!

Please contact us before 4 December if you or someone you know would be willing to be help!

Email: thi.tran@aalto.fi

Tel: +358 44 974 1305


The project is part of AIESEC Aalto.


  1. OIKOSULKU 2015 – ENIGMA 25 Nov @OK20


Prepare for the most baffling party of the year!

Organised by Freshmen, Oikosulku does not take inspiration from other parties, but instead will remain distinctive, to the level that the theme of the party itself is an enigma. So, be prepared for anything. (especially around midnight!)


The coolest and the shyest are encouraged to wear the most mysterious mask they can get their hands on!


25 Nov, 9pm

Be there or be ε²


€3 in advance, €5 at the door + official patch €2!

16 Nov – 23 Nov, 12noon-2pm (Mon-Fri)

Otaniemi 1, the main building lobby


FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1059497870767680/


“Oikosulku 15 is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.”

– Chunston Wirchill



  1. Tikelo General Meeting and Christmas Party today


Tikelo General Meeting Mon, 23 Nov, 4pm, choosing the new board

Welcome to the Tikelo’s bi-annual General Meeting on Monday, 23 November at 4pm at Yläkertsi in the KY Building on Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21, 00100 Helsinki. At the meeting we will present a plan for next year and choose a new board for the association.


If you love chilled out movie evenings this is a great chance to join a club that is not all about drinking. We have meetings about once every two to three weeks where we plan the monthly movie events. Tikelo is a great opportunity to get some practise as a board member and organise awesome chill out events to get your mind off school and work. No previous experience is required to organise awesome movie events.


If you have any questions about Tikelo or positions available in the board please don’t hesitate to ask!


Tikelo Christmas Party, Mon 23 Nov, 6pm

At 6pm, we’ll open the doors to Yläkertsi for the legendary chill out Tikelo Small Christmas Movie Night. With awesome movie snacks on the house we’ll enjoy Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, a badass christmas movie starring Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer. Get ready for the christmas season with Tikelo!


Find more info here: http://lyli.fi/TIkeloChristmas



  1. Physicist Spex in English on 3 December


Time for an interactive musical! The Physicist Spex presents: The Mindblowers!


A small band of illusionists, the Mindblowers, is in a sticky situation: The Swedish Mafia, who control the entertainment industry with an iron fist, intend to collect their last pennies and earthly possessions. Will they succeed in the heist of the century and escape from the dreary and dangerous North for good? Or will the Swedes ruin our youth with their pop music?


The English show of Mindblowers by the Physicist Spex is coming on 3 December at 6pm.

More info from http://www.fyysikkospeksi.fi

Tickets from https://holvi.com/shop/fyysikkospeksi/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1650388425231120/


See you in the spex!



  1. Call for applications for BEST spring courses is open until 29 Nov


Say no to an unpleasant spring and yes to the best trip of your life in Europe. The legendary spring courses of BEST are now open for applications, and you can choose your destiny from Paris, Thessaloniki, Moscow and Torino. 17 courses! 25 nationalities! 8-12 days! 1 credit! And the maximum price for full board is EUR 27! Does it sound good to you? Check out more information at BEST Helsinki site http://besthelsinki.fi/kurssit/ and the list of courses http://www.best.eu.org/student/courses/coursesList.jsp and APPLY.


Info sauna at Tieto sauna on 24 Nov, check out -> https://www.facebook.com/events/1040301716021470/



  1. Work as an intern at a startup or volunteer for a project abroad for 6 weeks!


AIESEC is the world’s largest student run organisation offering many international opportunities to students in order for them to develop into inspiring leaders of the world. Our partner countries Thailand, Peru, Greece, Italy and Uganda are waiting to get interns for startups and also offering projects for those interested in volunteering. Both internships and volunteering positions last for 6 weeks!


Interested? Book an appointment with us and we will handle the rest! http://aiesec.fi/students/globalcitizen/


Like and follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AIESECinAalto/?fref=ts


Or Contact our Vice President for more details at hastam.mann@aiesec.net



  1. Grief group for those who have lost their loved ones

School chaplains in Espoo organise a grief group for students and young people who have lost their loved ones. In the grief group, you can confidentially share your feelings and thoughts that arise in times of sorrow together with others in the same situation. There is no deadline for grieving, you can participate even if it has been a while since your loved one passed away.

The group meets in Otaniemi at Jämeräntaival 8 B on Mondays:

11 Jan, 25 Jan, 8 Dec, 22 Dec and 7 Mar 2016, 5pm-6.30pm.

Further information and registrations by 15 Dec 2015:

Jenny Vainio (tel. 050 365 2256) and Margit Peltovirta (tel. 040 5130852), email: firstname.surname@evl.fi



  1. Application for Stratos programme 2016 has begun!


Looking for a real life business project for top companies in Finland? Looking for a free trip to the business centre in the world? Then apply for Stratos programme today!


Stratos is a training programme connecting senior students and well-known companies in Finland through various projects. Our partnership companies in the past included ABB, Elisa, Fazer, Neste Oil, Fortum, Capgemini, Metso, Op-Pohjola, Vaisala and Wärtsilä, etc. After the project, you will get the chance to have a eye-opening one-week trip abroad, e.g. San Francisco, Hong Kong, Milano, Singapore, and Tokyo in previous years.


Are you in the final stage of your studies at Aalto and with some background/interested in business studies? Stratos is here for you! (And in some cases without any business knowledge, strong technical background can also win you a ticket)


How to apply: Send your CV, cover letter and transcript to stratosteam16@gmail.com

Deadline: 13 Dec 2015

Questions? Drop us a line by email.

More information please refer to our website http://www.remburssi.org/

Follow our facebook page for all the updated projects https://www.facebook.com/Stratos-Program-1569182183326321/



  1. Universum’s career test


Have you already begun to consider your future career?


Before you know it, you will find yourself finishing your studies and facing a large number of options for the next step in your life. Our goal at Aalto University is to support you to find your strengths and identify the best options for you.


For this reason, we share the link to Universum’s career test, which will help you to consider what to do after your graduation.


Start the career test here: https://career-test.com/s/aaltotech


At the end of the survey, you get a summary of your answers, which shows your own career profile and a list of ideal employers for you. You also get more information on your working life expectations compared to other students at your university. The responses are particularly useful when filling in summer job and internship applications.


The test is open until 10 Dec 2015. The career test is filled in anonymously.

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