Weekly newsletter 49/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 49/2015

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /yhdistystiedote/

The Board for the next year will be elected in the Representative Council meeting today. Watch the meeting at ayy.fi/live starting at 5.15pm. Also remember to get an advent calendar and purchase your ticket to Aava’s Independence Day reception. The weekly newsletter will be published two more times this year. Have a great December!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY wants YOU – apply for volunteer positions NOW!
  3. Torchlight procession of the Independence Day 6 Dec
  4. Aava’s shadow Independence Day reception
  5. My Career in Finland – AYY’s International Career Evening 1 Dec
  6. Apply to become a student representative in administration by 6 Dec
  7. Send a card to someone nice!
  8. Invent new names for Otakaari facilities rented on a one-time basis
  9. Physicist Spex in English on 3 Dec
  10. Riku and Tunna from Madventures lecture in Otaniemi 4 Dec
  11. Otaniemi services & campus workshop 9 Dec
  12. Music events in Otaniemi chapel in December
  13. OUBS is back – opening of the studio
  14. CEMS Info Event on 1 Dec and CEMS Stage 2015 on 2 Dec.


  1. This and next week’s events

Week 49

Mon, 30 Nov – Advent Jubilee
Mon, 30 Nov – ESN Aalto’s Christmas sweets baking
Tue, 1 Dec – Mosaic Café Lingua
Tue, 1 Dec – My Career in Finland – AYY’s International Career Evening
Wed, 2 Dec – ESN Aalto Lasertag #2
Wed, 2 Dec– ESN Aalto’s Farewell Party
Wed, 2 Dec – Ilkka Puhakka: Earthmoving message
Wed, 2 Dec – Training session for associations
Thu, 3 Dec – OUBS is back – opening of the studio
Sat, 5 Dec – Floorball: FLOB-SCH
Sun, 6 Dec – Shadow Independence Day reception
Sun, 6 Dec – Independence Day reception ball at Smökki
Sun, 6 Dec – Torclight procession of the Independence Day

Week 50

Wed, 9 Dec – Game night of Ristin kilta
Fri, 11 Dec – Dominante’s Christmas Concert at Tapiola Church
Fri, 11 Dec – Metal Club Mökä’s Christmas party sauna
Sat, 12 Dec – Open role game day


  1. AYY wants YOU – apply for volunteer positions NOW!

AYY’s voluntary positions are now open for applications! The call for applications for the chairpersons of sections will end on Monday, 30 Nov and for section members on Sunday, 6 Dec. What do the teekkari section, Aava, Mosaic, Village Senate, corporate relations section and the advocacy management group do? Read more and apply on AYY’s STOP site! /stop/


  1. Torchlight procession of the Independence Day on 6 Dec

University students in the metropolitan area traditionally celebrate the Finnish Independence Day with a torchlight procession on 6 Dec. All are welcome to join the procession, torchlights are provided at the beginning of the procession. Associations can participate in the procession with their own flags.

The event instructions and schedule are available at http://itsenaisyyspaiva.ayy.fi/en/.

The schedule will be updated as soon as possible.

AYY traditionally provides the following services to its members:

Transport of flags:

Association flags must be delivered to the service point (Otakaari 11) by 4pm on Thursday, 3 Dec 2015 AND recorded in the transport list. Please make sure that you record your flag in the list, as we only bring the flags mentioned in the list. Flags are returned to the same place from where you can collect them by Wednesday, 9 Dec.

Flag carrying belts and sashes in the colours of the Finnish flag:

The Student Union can borrow a limited number of flag carrying belts and the blue and white sashes suitable for all flags. Reservations for the fastest ones to arkisto@ayy.fi. Equipment can be found next to the flags at the beginning of the procession.

During the procession, flag-bearers and heralds can leave their bags to the vehicle which drives to the Senate Square. When you leave your flag for the return transport, you can get your items back. Flag-bearers and heralds are not allowed to wear bags in the procession.


  1. Aava’s shadow Independence Day reception

Did you not receive an invitation to the President’s Independence Day Reception even though you think you would have certainly deserved one? Don’t worry, AYY’s Community Section Aava invites all AYY’s members to the traditional Shadow Independence Day Reception at Yläkertsi in KY Building on 6 Dec 2015! We provide a delicious three-course menu, incredible company and certainly more drinks than what is offered at the real Independence Day reception. In order to guarantee a genuine Independence Day atmosphere, you can follow the Independence Day reception on the screen while having dinner! So find your suit or cocktail dress and come to celebrate the 98-year-old Finland! The link to the web store will be published in Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/1658227507795174/ at 12noon on 23 Nov. Be fast, as this party is at least as popular as the original!

Ps. It is easy to come to the event directly from the torchlight procession of university students 😉


  1. My Career in Finland – AYY’s International Career Evening 1 Dec

How does the Finnish job market function? What is the role of the trade unions? What is essential for finding a job in Finland? What do you need to take into account when starting your own business in Finland? How have international Aalto alumni found their ways into Finnish work life and what is the Finnish working culture like through their eyes?

Come to Aalto University Student Union’s career evening “My Career in Finland” on 1 Dec 2015 at 5pm-9pm at Otaniementie 17 (TUAS-building) to hear the essentials of working in Finland and to meet and mingle with potential employers.

Check out the Facebook-event and save the date: https://www.facebook.com/events/1647305585528798/


  1. Apply to become a student representative in administration by 6 Dec

The call for applications is open on 9 Nov-6 Dec 2015. Application site

Aalto University Student Union has declared open the positions of student representatives in administration (hallopeds) for the year of 2016. Student representatives are needed for the university organs, such as the Academic Committee, Student Financial Aid Committee and the Restaurant Committee, as well as the University’s management and degree programmes. Whether you are interested in power, quality of the development of teaching, as a student representative you can have influence on the operations of the major organisation and make Aalto a better place!


Further information: ayy.fi/halloped and Academic Affairs Specialist Susanna Koistinen, susanna.koistinen@ayy.fi

Power. It’s yours to take.


  1. Send a card to someone nice!

Did you attend an extraordinarily good lecture? Was the janitor kind enough to help you with your heavy luggage? Did the study planning officer help you out with your complex study plans?

It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Now it’s time to say thank you to university staff. Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us who has been nice to you at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/. Let’s remember to thank each other!


  1. Invent new names for Otakaari facilities rented on a one-time basis

AYY has several facilities rented on a one-time basis along Otakaari, the names of which have not always been that inventive. In 2016, Otakaari will have a new facility rented on a one-time basis when the former TEK office will be transformed into a facility that is suitable for academic seated dinner of 50-100 people. This new facility is located above the main hall of OK 20. Please suggest new, better and more descriptive names using the form below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1diIJxEYuWdRLxaXMIDH9c381SuIzGkatojN1_zKfcwM/viewform?usp=send_form


  1. Physicist Spex in English on 3 December

Time for an interactive musical! The Physicist Spex presents: The Mindblowers!

A small band of illusionists, the Mindblowers, is in a sticky situation: The Swedish Mafia, who control the entertainment industry with an iron fist, intend to collect their last pennies and earthly possessions. Will they succeed in the heist of the century and escape from the dreary and dangerous North for good? Or will the Swedes ruin our youth with their pop music?

An English show of Mindblowers by the Physicist Spex is coming on 3rd of December at 6pm.

More info from http://www.fyysikkospeksi.fi/
Tickets from https://holvi.com/shop/fyysikkospeksi/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1650388425231120/

See you in the spex!


  1. Riku and Tunna from Madventures lecture in Otaniemi on 4 Dec

Riku Rantala and Tuomas Milonoff lecture to Aalto University students on the benefits of internationalisation on Friday, 4 Dec, 1pm-2.30pm.

After Riku’s and Tunna’s lecture, you have a great opportunity to ask Aalto coordinators about exchange studies and visit the photo exhibition with photos of our exchange destinations. In addition, you can participate in a draw and win Madventures books.

The event is held in Finnish, no advance registration. Welcome! #Madventures @aaltouniversity
The event on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1638424373086452/


  1. Otaniemi services & campus workshop 9 Dec

How would you develop Otaniemi campus and the services? What kind of activities are needed for student, alumni, company and university collaboration?

We would like to invite you to join our workshop “Otaniemi services & campus” on Wednesday, 9 December at 5pm at Urban Mill (address Betonimiehenkuja 3 E, please note the entrance is located at the loading platform). The workshop will be held partly in English and partly in Finnish.

The purpose of the workshop is to develop further the ideas received by Aalto University metro centre survey and the followed group interviews. In this workshop, we will focus on the company and student collaboration and alumni.

In order to confirm the amount of refreshments, please register by email to milla.uusitalo@aalto.fi no later than 2 December.

More information can be found: http://aaltocre.fi/en/welcome-to-otaniemi-services-campus-workshop-on-9th-december/


  1. Music events in Otaniemi chapel in December

Several concerts are organised in Otaniemi chapel in December. There is a free admission to all the events. Voluntary programme fee is directed at charity and asylum seekers. Welcome!

Tue, 1 Dec, 6.30pm Christmas carol concert of Espoo Adult Education Centre
Sat, 5 Dec, 4pm “Swinging Christmas” – Singing group Drambuie’s Christmas concert. Winter punch provided.
Sat, 12 Dec, 5pm Christmas concert of Tapiolan Laulu, conducted by Uli Kontu-Korhonen. Christmas coffee.
Sun, 13 Dec, 6pm The Most Famous Christmas Carols. Sing-along in Finnish and English, featuring Otaniemi Chapel Choir conducted by Katja Kangas
Tue, 15 Dec, 6pm Christmas concert – EMO’s vocal students
Sat, 19 Dec, 6pm Chamber Choir Dissonanssi’s Christmas concert conducted by Yki Kortesniemi

  1. OUBS is back – the opening of the studio

OUBS has been revived after a few years of silence. In order to celebrate the comeback, we will organise ”OUBS is back” party at the studio on Thursday, 3 Dec. The evening starts for invited guests and others interested in cooperation with OUBS at 7pm. The opening party of the studio starts at 8pm, after which the studio is open to all who are interested in OUBS and the studio! Polirytmi and Entropy’s DJ perform in the event. Welcome!

FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/975363659190412/


  1. CEMS Info Event on 1 Dec and CEMS Stage 2015 on 2 Dec

The student club of Aalto Unversity’s CEMS MiM master’s programme, CEMS Club Helsinki, is organising its annual speaker event CEMS Stage again next Wednesday, on 2 December at 5 PM. The event will take place in Chydenia building of the Töölö campus.

The theme this year is “Innovating towards a smarter future”. We’ll have inspiring talks by Bruce Oreck, Jani Toivola and UPM’s Päivi Salpakivi-Salomaa who will share their personal views of building a smarter future through sustainability, entrepreneurship and innovation. After the speeches there is an opportunity to network and enjoy some complementary snacks and sparkling wine!

CEMS Club has organised a free bus transport from Otaniemi to Töölö, and back. More information and sign up instructions in the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/444007265806498/

INFO Event for new applicants is held on 1 December at 2 pm in E-127, Arkadia (Lapuankatu 2, Helsinki), School of Business. Welcome! Find out more about CEMS: http://www.cems.org/ and about eligibility and application: http://biz.aalto.fi/en/studies/cems/.

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