Weekly Newsletter 4/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 4/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /yhdistystiedote

You still have time to participate in Tempaus Event! Check out http://tempaus.fi

1. This and next week’s events
2. Questionnaire for Aalto students with children
3. Participate in the organising of Tempaus 2016! DL 31 Jan 2016
4. Gravitaatio 2016
5. Follow AYY on social media
6. AWiB Students personal branding event Thu 28th
7. Mediterranean sailing trip of Teekkaripurjehtijat
8. Start aikido in Otaniemi!
9. Club Lagoon is here again!
10. Silent retreat

1. This and next week’s events

Week 4
27.1. Hannu ja Lea Muilu: Armolahjat
28.1. Club Lagoon
30.1. ESN Aalto Cottage trip

Week 5
2.2. PSK Kuplan laitesukelluskokeilu 2016
3.2. Meioosi
4.2. PSK Kuplan laitesukelluksen peruskurssi 2016
6.2. ESN Aalto visit to Nuuksio National Park

2. Questionnaire for Aalto students with children

Tell us how AYY could help to promote the learning of students with children. Also join the Facebook group. The questionnaire closes on 8 Feb 2016.

Questionnaire: http://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/?p=294

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1632326910390380/

3. Participate in the organising of Tempaus 2016! DL 31 Jan 2016

The last Tempaus event was organised when Aalto University was formed. At the time, students formed a human chain from Otaniemi all the way to Arabia in Helsinki. Tempaus events are a way for the students to participate in topical matters in a light-hearted but at the same time serious manner. Now is again the time to roll up our sleeves and organise a new Tempaus event. If you are interested, please apply and participate in the creating of this unique spectacle! Check out http://tempaus.fi and apply!

4. Gravitaatio 2016

Gravitaatio is here again! The biggest interdisciplinary party of the early year will be held at the Circus on Shrove Tuesday on 9 Feb!

After sledding, come and warm up at the Circus, where our incredible performers, Tiisu and Uniklubi, will entertain you! The DJ will keep the dance floor busy between the artists and at the end of the party!

5. Follow AYY on social media

Are you aware of all the social media channels where AYY is present?

Follow AYY on
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta
– Twitter: @AYY_FI, https://twitter.com/AYY_FI
– Instagram: @AYY_FI, https://instagram.com/ayy_fi/

6. AWiB Students personal branding event Thu 28th

How to associate right values and skills to your name? How to take the most of social media when building your personal brand?

These and much more questions are answered at AWiB Students Personal branding event on Thursday 28 Jan at Service Factory.

We are priviledged to have Professor Pekka Mattila to share his thoughts on how to create a brand of yourself and our second guest of the evening, Laura Sivula, gives us hands-on advice how to bring your work personality up on LinkedIn.

Register at http://goo.gl/forms/WxHU90YDEX

Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/1509068909394309/

7. Mediterranean sailing trip of Teekkaripurjehtijat

In the middle of winter frost, Teekkaripurjehtijat offers a glimmer of warmth, sun, turquoise waters and a spinnaker filled with wind. Now you have an excellent opportunity to extend your summer in the Mediterranean sailing trip after your summer job ends and before the autumn term starts. Last year, we fell in love with Croatia and Salona sailboats so much that we decided to go there again. We also have the option to use a catamaran!

When: Saturday, 3-10 Sept 2016

Where: Split, Croatia

Registration will open at 12noon on Monday, 25 Jan 2016!!! More information and registration instructions:

8. Start aikido in Otaniemi!

Aalto Aikikai will organise an aikido performance at Otahalli at 4.30pm on Tuesday, 2 Feb. Rehearsals for new beginners will start in the tatami hall at Jämeräntaival 5 A at 5pm on Thursday, 4 Feb. Welcome to watch and try out aikido! More info: http://aaltoaikikai.ayy.fi

9. Club Lagoon is here again!

Come and experience the best summer party of the winter organised by KY’s Cultural Section. Please wear your overalls or beach clothing and surround yourself with palm trees and the hot sun. Club Lagoon will take you to a sunny place far away from the darkness of the winter and you do not have to travel beyond Kamppi! All are welcome, with or without overalls. After all, sunshine belongs to everyone! See you at the Circus on 28 January.

Are you interested? Check out the facebook event: http://on.fb.me/1N8Tlbq !

10. Silent retreat

Silent retreat for students and the personnel of education institutions in Heponiemi on 8-10 Apr 2016. Come and take a break in the middle of the busy spring term.

The silent retreat is a good way to recharge your batteries, relax and take time to your own thoughts. At the retreat, you have the opportunity to rest, spend time outdoors and read. We provide good food, beautiful environment and praying together in a chapel. You can discuss with the instructor at agreed times.

The retreat is intended for students and personnel of universities, universities of applied sciences and vocational schools. The retreat is organised at Heponiemi Retreat Centre in Karjalohja. University Pastors Margit Peltovirta and Jenny Vainio are the retreat instructors.

Please register by 4 Feb 2016 with Secretary Niina Heinonen at yst.toimisto.espoo@evl.fi or tel. 09 8050 2359. Please include your name, school, student/staff status, contact details and any special diets and please mention whether you have attended the retreat before. First-timers have the priority. After the registration period, you will receive information on whether you can attend the retreat. You will confirm your participation by paying the invoice by the due date.

The entry fee is €90 for personnel and €45 for students (incl. full board and transportation). Further information Margit 040 513 0852 and Jenny 050 365 2256 (firstname.surname@evl.fi).