Weekly newsletter 5/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 5/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

1. This and next week’s events
2. Questionnaire for Aalto students with children
3. Are you interested in sustainable development? AYY is looking for a coordinator for the development cooperation theme week
4. Would you like to carry out non-military service? AYY is looking for a maintenance assistant
5. Gravitaatio 2016
6. Follow AYY on social media
7. Ticket sales for Teekkarispex 2016 has started
8. First karaoke event of the spring 5 Feb
9. TAK winter race day 14 Feb
10. Recruitment sauna of OtaKoppi baseball teams

1. This and next week’s events

Week 5
2 Feb PSK Kupla’s scuba diving experiment 2016
3 Feb Ristin kilta: Tea evening
3 Feb Meioosi
4 Feb PSK Kupla’s scuba diving beginner’s course 2016
6 Feb ESN Aalto visit to Nuuksio National Park

Week 6
8 Feb ESN Aalto Shrove Monday Baking
9 Feb Gravitaatio 2016
9 Feb Shrovetide celebration
10 Feb Ristin kilta: Outi and Jouko Lahtinen: Me, you and interaction

2. Questionnaire for Aalto students with children

Tell us how AYY could help to promote the learning of students with children. Also join the Facebook group. The questionnaire closes on 8 Feb 2016.

Questionnaire: http://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/?p=294

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1632326910390380/

3. Are you interested in sustainable development? AYY is looking for a coordinator for the development cooperation theme week

The development cooperation theme week is part of the communication and global education project coordinated by the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL), which is implemented with the project grant of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The theme week aims to bring global development problems and solutions close to a student’s everyday life.

The coordinator is responsible for the arrangements of AYY’s local theme week. The coordinator gathers a team of volunteers, which consists of students who help to implement the theme week. The planning work takes place in the spring. Most work is to be done during the theme week organised in the autumn and the reporting process will take place approximately one month after the event.

A one-time fee of €1,530 is paid for the position. Applications should be sent to rekrytointi@ayy.fi by 5pm on Tuesday, 23 Feb 2016. The coordinator’s orientation period will take place at SYL’s office in Helsinki on 14-15 Mar 2016. It is important that the dates of the training session are suitable for the coordinator’s schedule at least to a large extent.

Further information on the position and the development cooperation week: International Affairs Specialist Milla Ovaska, milla.ovaska@ayy.fi, tel. 050 520 9446 (on vacation on 17-28 Feb 2016) and AYY Board Member in charge of international affairs Rosa Väisänen rosa.vaisanen@ayy.fi, tel. 0505272401. Further information on the position: /en/student-union/vacancies/ayy-is-looking-for-a-coordinator-for-the-development-cooperation-week/

4. Would you like to carry out non-military service? AYY is looking for a maintenance assistant

Did you know that your student union is a service location in accordance with the Non-Military Service Act (1446/2007)? Currently, the Student Union is offering three (3) service positions: maintenance assistant, graphic designer (AD) and IT support person.

Starting dates for each position can be found in the directory of the civil service centre. Unfortunately, the Student Union cannot hire a new person for non-military service much earlier than the service of the previous person ends. Currently, we are looking for a maintenance assistant for the year of 2016 to start in the position in February.

We appreciate creativity, accuracy and the ability to cooperate. AYY offers a pleasant working environment in Otaniemi, Espoo, nice colleagues, apartment close to the working place as well as other statutory benefits.

The maintenance assistant is responsible for taking care of the maintenance and development of the student union’s organisational facilities and residential properties together with organisation and housing sectors and the building contractor.

The job description includes the checking of rental facilities and the condition and equipment of residential properties in Teekkari Village. The position includes office work at times and the management of everyday affairs at the student union office. Applicants are expected to have experience from the construction and maintenance field. A driving licence (at least category B) is a must. In brief, we are looking for a person who is responsible for a janitor’s duties.

If you are interested in the student union as a non-military service location, please contact the Student Union’s Secretary General (paasihteeri(at)ayy.fi / 050 520 9415).

4. Gravitaatio 2016

Gravitaatio is here again! The biggest interdisciplinary party of the early year will be held at the Circus on Shrove Tuesday on 9 Feb!

After sledding, come and warm up at the Circus, where our incredible performers, Tiisu and Uniklubi, will entertain you! The DJ will keep the dance floor busy between the artists and at the end of the party!

6. Follow AYY on social media

Are you aware of all the social media channels where AYY is present?

Follow AYY on
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta
– Twitter: @AYY_FI, https://twitter.com/AYY_FI
– Instagram: @AYY_FI, https://instagram.com/ayy_fi/

7. Ticket sales for Teekkarispex 2016 has started

Ticket sales for Teekkarispex of the spring of 2016, “Atlantis 1860”, has started! This time, the production takes the audience to the British coast in 1860. The premiere will take place in March. In addition to the metropolitan area, there are performances in Kuopio, Oulu, Turku and Tampere. On the page http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi, you can take a peek to the upcoming spectacle. At the same location, you can also find the ticket shop. Welcome to Teekkarispex!

8. First Karaoke event of the spring 5 Feb

OtaKaLa – Otaniemi Karaoke Singers organises the first karaoke event of the spring! Bring yourselves and buddies with to enjoy the cozy evening in good company and melodic atmosphere! We have songs mainly in Finnish and English in addition to a couple of Swedish ones in between.

What: Karaoke and refreshments
Where: Neste Cabinet (Otakaari 3A)
When: 5th February 2016 from 6pm onwards
Why: Why sing “Yesterday”, when you can sing today

9. TAK winter race day 14 Feb

Are you bored of driving in the slush in a traffic jam and would like to drive to your summer cottage. However, your rally skills required by wintery roads are still a bit rusty? Don’t worry, TAK’s winter race day is your solution!

Teekkari Car Club will organise a winter race day at the rallycross track in Hyvinkää Vauhtipuisto Park on Sunday, 14 Feb, 12noon-3pm. The driving session for club members costs €15 (per vehicle) and €30 for non-members. One option is to pay the membership fee €12 and become a member.

The minimum standard for a vehicle is functioning seat belts, so you do not need an actual rally car for this purpose. We will also drive to the location together leaving from Otaniemi, so you don’t have to find the place by yourself.
More information is available on the club website at http://tak.ayy.fi or on facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/572616769581394

10. Recruitment sauna of OtaKoppi baseball teams

Aalto’s baseball association OtaKoppi gathers teams together for the next summer. Teams play in men’s provincial league, women’s regional league and men’s amateur league.

Baseball is a nice way to exercise and take care of your physical condition. There are a total of 10 matches before mid-summer and in August-September, depending on the number of teams that participate in the league. If you are interested, please sign up by email (otakoppi-hallitus@list.ayy.fi) and you will receive more information during the spring. The team will have a few rehearsals in April-May. Welcome!

Teams in men’s provincial league and women’s regional league will organise sauna evenings where they gather together and create ideas for each team. Welcome to get to know our activities! If you cannot attend the event but you are interested in our activities, please send email to otakoppi-hallitus@list.ayy.fi.

Men’s provincial league: Tuesday, 9 Feb, 6pm, Rovio sauna