Weekly Newsletter 7/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 7/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

1. This and next week’s events
2. Participate in the organising of the teekkari tradition party!
3. Participate in AYY’s security officer course for free!
4. Sign up for Smökki’s kitchen training
5. Become a tutor for international students!
6. Winter aalto is coming on 1 March!
7. Application period for Tieto GenerationT trainee program has started!
8. Are you interested in sustainable development? AYY is looking for a coordinator for the development cooperation theme week
9. Retuperän WBK’s record release concert
10. Navigation courses of Teekkaripurjehtijat
11. Chat about dating and anxiety in February! There is room in Nyyti’s discussion groups!
12. Need to complete the compulsory Swedish course? Courses available in period IV!

1. This and next week’s events
Week 7
17 Feb Chapel evening: Game night
18 Feb KY-Spex 2016: Messias-Protokolla
19 Feb KY-Spex 2016: Messias-Protokolla
20 Feb ESN Aalto Beer Pong

Week 8
22 Feb Ice Climbing with A!dventures
24 Feb Ristin kilta: prayer night
25 Feb Smökki’s kitchen training
26 Feb ESN Aalto trip to Saariselkä, Lapland /blog/events/esn-aalto-trip-to-saariselka-lapland/
26 Feb Aalto Startup Spring 2016 Kick-Off

2. Participate in the organising of the teekkari tradition party!
The culture of engineering students celebrates its 144th anniversary this year. To honour this, we organise the tradition week of engineering students on 7-13 Nov 2016. The highlight of the week is the teekkari tradition party which gathers together engineering students over the years, regardless of their age of the field of education. Teekkari Tradition Director is now looking for a committee to organise the party. Join the committee!

Application and further information at: /stop/en/culture-events/teekkari-tradition-party-committee/

3. Participate in AYY’s security officer course for free!
AYY will organise a security officer course at the beginning of March on 4-7 Mar 2016. The course is free of charge if you commit to act as a security officer in four (4) AYY’s events by the end of the year of 2017.

Ten people may participate in the course which is organised in AYY’s facilities in Otaniemi.

Registration is ongoing and will end on 22 Feb 2016.

The course is held in Finnish.

Further information and registration: https://lomake.ayy.fi/vapaaehtoiset/kouluttaudu-jarjestyksenvalvojaksi/

4. Sign up for Smökki’s kitchen training
Would you or your association like to organise a party at Smökki and take care of catering by yourself? Are you not familiar with how to use a catering kitchen?

There is a solution to your problems: Smökki’s kitchen training.
Training session will be held at 5pm on Thursday, 25 Feb 2016.

Please sign up by 3pm on Wed, 24 Feb at https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/ilmoittautuminen-servin-mokin-keittiokoulutukseen/. We will confirm your registration by email. The maximum of the first 20 people to sign up can participate in the training session. If more than 20 people register, the rest will be added on the waiting list in case of cancellations. The training session will be held in Finnish!

Further information: IE Director 2014 Henry Sanmark (henry.sanmark@ayy.fi)

If you are interested in participating in the English training session later in the spring, please contact Administrative Director (johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi, 050-5209434).

5. Become a tutor for international students!
Do you want to help international students to get a smooth start in their studies and guide them through student life at Aalto University? Would you like to try your intercultural skills in practice?

International tutors have a very important role in leading an international group, showing them around the campus and holding get-togethers. Tutors get to know new cultures, make new friends and have a great time! Tutors can get a credit point, a certificate and reimbursement of their expenses. Enthusiastic international tutors are searched for in early spring. Student associations coordinate tutoring together with Aalto schools (CHEM, ELEC, ENG and SCI, BIZ and ARTS).

More information on tutoring and how to apply /en/students/new-students/tutors/international-tutoring/

Arctic freeze, slush and grey in all of its shades – has your winter been like this? Now it is the time to bring some joy to this season of coldness because Winter Aalto is here!

Winter Aalto, arranged by Community Committee Aava, is an energizing event and it’s for everyone who’s open minded. On the 1st of March there’s going to be more or less wintery sports at Otaranta which are suitable for everybody from couch potatoes to top athletes. In addition, there’s (of course) aftersauna, sport demos and awesome program which is presented by our very own sport associations. The program starts at 3 pm, exact schedule and list of participating associations will be announced soon. Book the date on your calendar already!

FB-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1688013164746464/

WHAT: Winter Aalto!
WHEN: At 3 pm, 1st of March 2016
WHERE: Near the sports field at Otaranta
WHY: Get in shape because Wappu might be coming
FOR WHO: For You!
HOW MUCH: Nothing

7. Application period for Tieto GenerationT trainee program has started!

Are you graduating soon and interested in business and IT? If yes, Tieto GenerationT -trainee program is your chance! GenT -trainee program is a Nordic, 10 months long program which gives you an understanding of Tieto and its business. During the program you get to participate in four training modules in different Tieto locations complemented with online sessions in-between. The program gives you an opportunity to build a wide network across the company and enables a rapid career development. Read more and apply by March 6 at: http://tieto.com/careers/students/gent-trainee-program

Check out also our interesting summer job opportunities at http://tieto.fi/kesätyö

8. Are you interested in sustainable development? AYY is looking for a coordinator for the development cooperation theme week
The development cooperation theme week is part of the communication and global education project coordinated by the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL), which is implemented with the project grant of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

The theme week aims to bring global development problems and solutions close to a student’s everyday life.

The coordinator is responsible for the arrangements of AYY’s local theme week. The coordinator gathers a team of volunteers, which consists of students who help to implement the theme week. The planning work takes place in the spring. Most work is to be done during the theme week organised in the autumn and the reporting process will take place approximately one month after the event.

A one-time fee of €1,530 is paid for the position. Applications should be sent to rekrytointi@ayy.fi by 5pm on Tuesday, 23 Feb 2016. The coordinator’s orientation period will take place at SYL’s office in Helsinki on 14-15 Mar 2016. It is important that the dates of the training session are suitable for the coordinator’s schedule at least to a large extent.

Further information on the position and the development cooperation week: International Affairs Specialist Milla Ovaska, milla.ovaska@ayy.fi, tel. 050 520 9446 (on vacation on 17-28 Feb 2016) and AYY Board Member in charge of international affairs Rosa Väisänen rosa.vaisanen@ayy.fi, tel. 0505272401. Further information on the position: /en/student-union/vacancies/ayy-is-looking-for-a-coordinator-for-the-development-cooperation-week/

9. Retuperän WBK’s record release concert
The world’s best voluntary fire brigade orchestra of engineering students from Espoo, Retuperän WBK, has made a new record.

The record will be published in the concert organised at Tapiola main fire department at 4pm on 2 Apr. In the concert, Retuperän WBK presents the brightest stars of classical music led by Torturo Canini. Simeon Suihkutsalo has arranged the music for the orchestra.

In addition to the orchestra, Juhani Luikku is the soloist in the concert.

Tickets are sold online at http://liput.rwbk.fi
Ticket prices €15/30 (Students / Others)

10. Navigation courses of Teekkaripurjehtijat
Would you like to learn how to navigate in the sea? Would you like to find your way to the nicest island? Traditional navigation courses of Teekkaripurjehtajat will start again soon and registration is ongoing!

The leisure skipper course is the beginner’s course on navigation theory and maritime traffic regulations. Teaching begins from the basics, so previous knowledge is not required. In the coastal skipper course, you learn more skills and learn about tides, meterology and the use of the radar. If you want, you can take both courses at the same time.

The leisure skipper course will start on Tuesday, 23 Feb 2016. The course is held in lecture hall S2 at Otakaari 5 A (Sähkötalo) on Tuesdays at 5.30pm-8pm.

The coastal skipper course will start on Thursday, 10 Mar 2016. The course is held in lecture hall S1 at Otakaari 5 A (Sähkötalo) on Thursdays, 5.30pm-8pm.

The courses will end in the national examination on Friday, 22 Apr 2016, 6pm-10pm.

Teekkaripurjehtijat offers the courses to their members at a very student-friendly price! The course fee of €70 includes the examination fee. You can also only participate in the examination for the price of €45.

In order to participate in the courses, you must be a member of TRIP.

You can register, become a member and receive more information on the club website:

Leisure: http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=211

Coastal: http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=214

11. Chat about dating and anxiety in February! There is room in Nyyti’s discussion groups!
In Nyyti’s group chats, you can ponder on life, change the world or just vent your thoughts together with others. So whether you need someone to talk to or want to exchange ideas, join the discussion every other Thursday at 6pm-8pm. Nyyti’s employee always participates in the discussion and sometimes specialists from different fields take part in the discussion.

The chat can be found on Nyyti website: http://nyyti.fi. The site also includes more specific dates and topics of chats in the spring.

Chats in February:

Thursday 25 Feb 2016, 6pm-8pm: Ease your anxiety
Are you nervous about performing or in the company of others? Does your anxiety limit your studies or other areas of life? You are not alone. Come and talk about anxiety and the ways to make it easier.


12. Need to complete the compulsory Swedish course? Courses available in period IV!
There is still plenty of space in Swedish courses that will begin in period IV. Now you have an excellent opportunity to complete compulsory Swedish courses included in your degree.

Below is the list of groups that will begin in period IV, which is the week starting on 22 Feb. The exception is Group H13 in the course LC-5411, which will start on 29 Feb. Students are chosen based on the priorities mentioned on Oodi but students from all schools can sign up.

Kie-98.5410 Swedish in the field of engineering

  • H4 Wed and Fri, 8.30am–10am (TIK freshmen are prioritised)
  • H5 Mon 4.15pm–5.45pm and Thu, 8.30am–10am (TIK freshmen are prioritised)

LC-5411 Advanced Swedish in the field of engineering

  • H2 Mon, 8.30am–10am and Thu, 12.30pm–2pm (SCI freshmen are prioritised)
  • H3 Mon and Fri, 2.15pm–3.45pm (TIK freshmen are prioritised)
  • H13 Mon and Wed, 4pm–5.30pm (SCI students who will graduate before the end of the transition period of the degree regulation on 31 Oct 2016 are prioritised. NB! Starts on 29 Feb)

Both courses prepare you for the written and oral Swedish examination. Preparatory courses are recommended for all students who are not particularly familiar with the Swedish language and basic vocabulary in their own field.

The easiest way to find the suitable course for you is to complete the starting level test: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=13426802