Weekly Newsletter 8/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 8/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

AYY is also recruiting: we are looking for secretary general and a coordinator for the development cooperation week.

1. This and next week’s events
2. Send a card to someone nice!
3. Apply for the Humans vs. Zombies committee 2016!
4. Winter Aalto is coming on March 1st!
5. Sign up for Smökki’s kitchen training
6. Become a tutor for international students!
7. Apply for your own garden plot!
8. KY kuntis 26.2. at Kaivohuone!
9. JÀynÀsauna on Thursday, March 3rd
10. Tech Women’s Day in Tampere March 5-6, 2016
11. Internship abroad
12. Bujinkan Dojo Espoo offers Aalto University students a free basic course on Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu
13. Ice hockey, floorball and volleyball Student Finnish Championships
14. Masters’ Clubs Wine & Tapas event March 4th

1. This and next week’s events
Week 8
22.2. Ice Climbing with A!dventures
24.2. Ristin kilta: rukous- ja ylistysilta
25.2. Smökin keittiökoulutus
26.2. ESN Aalto trip to SaariselkÀ, Lapland
26.2. Aalto Startup Spring 2016 Kick-Off
26.2. Metal Club MökÀn vuosikokoussauna
26.2. Nippolin saunailta ニッポăƒȘăźă‚”ă‚ŠăƒŠăƒ‘ăƒŒăƒ†ă‚Ł

Week 9
29.2. AEGEE-Helsinki after work movie night
1.3. Talviaalto
4.3. TeamUp Bootcamp
5.3. Ristin killan avoin sÀhlyvuoro
5.3. Ristin killan avoin lautapeli-ilta

2. Send a card to someone nice!
Did you attend an extraordinarily good lecture? Was the janitor kind enough to help you with your heavy luggage? Did the study planning officer help you out with your complex study plans?

It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Now it’s time to say thank you to university staff. Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us who has been nice to you at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/ Let’s remember to thank each other!

3. Apply for the Humans vs. Zombies committee 2016!
[X] Ever felt the need to feel the real thrill of survival? Or better yet, felt like it would be cool to have other people run for their lives as the zombie apocalypse endangers the future of humankind? Just say yes, and join the gamemaster force of the Humans vs. Zombies committee!

[X] Humans vs. Zombies is an extremely intensive role-playing experience organized twice a year, which calls for hundreds of Otaniemi students to join forces fighting the brain-hungry parasite-ridden zombies in the brink of the apocalypse! We are now looking for recruits to be the game masters of this year’s games. The committee plans the course of the gameplay and organizes the game during the playdays in this April and autumn. More importantly, the committee will have a great time planning events and get-togethers, which will improve your game-organizing skills and lets you do stuff with other fun-and-action-loving people! Please join now, and tell all the important facts about yourself right here: /stop/en/culture-events/humans-vs-zombies/

[X] If you ever felt like playing the puppet master, now is your chance!

[X] If you missed it, here’s the link: /stop/en/culture-events/humans-vs-zombies/

Slush, arctic frost and all different shades of grey – has your winter been like this, too? Now it’s time to turn Finland’s national season into a new bloom, for Winter Aalto is here!

Winter Aalto is a sporting jolt of energy for all students of Aalto organized for the first time by the Community Committee Aava. To participate, all you need is an open mind. On Tuesday, March 1st, there will be more or less wintery sports in accordance with the unpredictable weather, suitable for everyone from couch potatoes to Olympic level athletes. Winter Aalto offers American football by the Aalto Predators, an introduction of the Predators’ very own cheerleading team Foxes and sporting activities offered by the traditional Polyteknikkojen raittiusseura (Polytechnicians’ Sobriety Club). There will also be opportunities for trying out different sports with Aalto’s own associations and Aava, as well as little sporting snacks.

The program will begin at Alvarin aukio at 3 PM, a more precise schedule and a list of all participating associations will be published at a Facebook event. Throw your office clothes in the closet and join us!

FB-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1688013164746464/

WHAT: Winter Aalto!
WHEN: Tuesday, March 1, 2016 from 3 PM
WHERE: Alvarin aukio
WHY: Get your Wappu body into shape for 2016
FOR WHOM: For you!

5. Sign up for Smökki’s kitchen training
Would you or your association like to organise a party at Smökki and take care of catering by yourself? Are you not familiar with how to use a catering kitchen?

There is a solution to your problems: Smökki’s kitchen training.
Training session will be held at 5pm on Thursday, 25 Feb 2016.

Please sign up by 3pm on Wed, 24 Feb at https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/ilmoittautuminen-servin-mokin-keittiokoulutukseen/. We will confirm your registration by email. The maximum of the first 20 people to sign up can participate in the training session. If more than 20 people register, the rest will be added on the waiting list in case of cancellations. The training session will be held in Finnish!

Further information: IE Director 2014 Henry Sanmark (henry.sanmark@ayy.fi)

If you are interested in participating in the English training session later in the spring, please contact Administrative Director (johanna.pietilainen@ayy.fi, 050-5209434).

6. Become a tutor for international students!
Do you want to help international students to get a smooth start in their studies and guide them through student life at Aalto University? Would you like to try your intercultural skills in practice?

International tutors have a very important role in leading an international group, showing them around the campus and holding get-togethers. Tutors get to know new cultures, make new friends and have a great time! Tutors can get a credit point, a certificate and reimbursement of their expenses. Enthusiastic international tutors are searched for in early spring. Student associations coordinate tutoring together with Aalto schools (CHEM, ELEC, ENG and SCI, BIZ and ARTS).

More information on tutoring and how to apply /en/students/new-students/tutors/international-tutoring/

7. Apply for your own garden plot!
The spring time is approaching and now it is time to apply for your own garden plot.

If you had a plot this year but we haven’t contacted you, it means that you have to reapply this year. If you didn’t have a plot last year, now is your chance!

The application can be found at the address http://tinyurl.com/viljely16. Please notice that the deadline for applications is the 13th of March.

If you are a member of the Otaniemi Garden Association but you don’t intend to apply for a plot and you want to cancel your membership, please inform the board at the address garden-hal@list.ayy.fi.

Spread the word to your colleagues and friends! We grant plots to the students and staff of the Aalto University and the staff of the Aalto student union.

8. KY kuntis 26.2. at Kaivohuone!
Big things poppin’ as KY turns 105! We’ll kick the birthday celebrations into high gear at KY Kuntis (f.k.a. Vuosijuhlakuntis) on February 26th from 9 pm onwards at Kaivohuone, and as tradition dictates, it’s going to be legendary! Anssi Kela will tear the place up around midnight and, as we all know, that is something not to be missed.

Cake and some refreshments will be served by KUJ, the Cultural Sub-Committee of KY. The smart move is to come by early, avoid the queues, eat cake and get a KY 105 overall badge. KUJ will also host an afterparty at KY’s Alakertsi to keep everyone’s party mode on during KY Week.

Tickets to KY Kuntis are 7 euros for KY members and 15 euros for others (including coat check fee). This week, tickets are sold *DRUM ROLLS

Tue 23.2. 11-13 in the U-wing lobby at Kandikeskus
Wed 24.2. in Aalto BIZ main lobby in Töölö during the 12 and 14 o’clock breaks
Thu 25.2. 11-13 in the U-wing lobby at Kandikeskus



Put on your overalls and dance through the night!

WHAT: KY Kuntis feat. Anssi Kela
WHEN: Friday Feb 26th 2016 at 21-04, showtime at 23.30
WHERE: Kaivohuone, Iso Puistotie 1, 00140 Helsinki
TICKET: KY members 7 euros, others 15 euros (incl. coat check fee), http://www.tiketti.fi/KY-Kuntis-2016-feat-Anssi-Kela-Helsingin-Kaivohuone-Helsinki-lippuja/37545
FOR: Everyone is warmly welcome ♄
AFTER PARTY: Hosted by KUJ at 03-06 am @ Alakertsi (KY building, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 B)

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1087500194603562/

9. JÀynÀsauna on Thursday, March 3rd
The sauna was the place where even Kekkonen planned his jÀynÀs. Or what was the crash course on jÀynÀ like, again?

Find out and get to Rantsu on Thursday, March 3rd at 6 PM to hear the spring’s hottest updates on participating in the jĂ€ynĂ€ contest and to enjoy free food. We recommend you to get there on time, as there may not be enough pizza for late arrivals. Along with the munching, we’ll review the crash course on jĂ€ynĂ€ and present the details and prizes of this year’s jĂ€ynĂ€ contest.

Also present will be last year’s winning team BANG!, who also won TEK’s latest national jĂ€ynĂ€ contest.

WHAT: JÀynÀsauna
WHERE: At Rantsu
WHEN: March 3rd at 6 PM
WHY: Hottest tips for jÀynÀs, better löyly and free pizza!
More information at the FB event: https://facebook.com/events/1672201139727320/
or by e-mail at ylituomari@jayna.fi.

10. Tech Women’s Day in Tampere March 5-6, 2016
Interested in networking with other young tech women and businesses? Have you ever wondered where and how to apply for a job in your own field?

If your answer is yes, Tech Women’s Day is just the right place for you! Tech Women’s Day offers a great opportunity for networking with other tech women around Finland and forming contacts with businesses.

Tech Women’s Day is held on March 5-6, 2016 at the Tampere University of Technology. The day program for Saturday will be strictly business, with workshops held by top experts from all over Finland. The climax of Saturday will be the evening sitting, which provides a real opportunity for building relationships with the other great women in the field of technology. On Sunday, the weekend will be reviewed at a brunch. The price of the whole weekend is 30 Euros, which includes the Saturday day program, lunch, the sitting, accommodation in Tampere and the brunch.

You can sign up at the Tech Women’s Day web site at http://naisteekkaripaivat.com. Sign-up will remain open until February 25, 2016, so act quickly!

The event will be held mostly in Finnish, but there will also be some program that does not require Finnish skills.

You can find more information at the web site, and if necessary, at naisteekkaripaivat@gmail.com.

See you in Tampere in March!

11. Internship abroad
Looking for summer jobs? Why not try something different and do an internship abroad.

Work in start-ups or NGO’s around the world and gain the experience you need to kick start your career. With over 126 country possibilities we offer internships everywhere in every field. Travel and impact to make your summer unforgettable!

Find out more from our facebook page and visit our web page http://aiesec.fi/internships

12. Bujinkan Dojo Espoo offers Aalto University students a free basic course on Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu
Bujinkan Budƍ Taijutsu is a traditional budƍ or martial art. The course will teach you the material for the first belt level in the sport (9.kyu) After the basic course, the novice must obtain a black practice suit and pay the membership and practice fees (instructions will be given for both).

Equipment: A t-shirt and track suit will be enough for practice, but you should also bring a thicker hoodie or something similarly durable for practicing freeing yourself from sleeve / chest grips with your partner.

Address: JÀmerÀntaival 5, Tatamisali
Time: Tuesdays 7-9 PM, March 15 – May 31, 2016
Signing up: The first ten persons to sign up will be accepted for the spring course.
Additional information: Mikko Toivanen, mikko.j.toivanen@gmail.com
Web: http://bujinkan.fi

13. Ice hockey, floorball and volleyball Student Finnish Championships
Ice hockey Student Finnish Championships on 8-9 April in Rovaniemi
For more information, see the event’s web site at http://santasport.fi/osm2016

Floorball Student Finnish Championships on April 9-10 in VierumÀki
Sign up through the event’s web site at http://osmsalibandy2016.wix.com/osmsalibandy2016
There is also more information at the event’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/osmsalibandy2016/

Volleyball Student Finnish Championships on April 16-17 in Tampere
For more information, see the event’s Facebook page at https://facebook.com/events/223739011298734/

14. Masters’ Clubs Wine & Tapas event March 4th
Masters’ ĐĄlub warmly welcomes masters to the Wine & Tapas event on the 4th of March at 18:30 in YlĂ€kertsi! Ticket sales are held on the 23rd and 24th of February.

8 euro ticket for Wine & Tapas event will also include free entrance to club Maxine before midnight and discounts on drinks!

Ticket sales are organized in the lobby of the main building (Töölö campus) on:
Tuesday 23.02 and Wednesday 24.02 at 11:30-12:15 and 13:45-14:15.

WHAT: Masters’ Club WIne & Tapas Night
WHEN: March 4th 2016, 18:30
WHERE: YlÀkertsi, 3rd floor, KY Building
PRICE: 8 euros
WHO: Master’s students of Aalto BIZ
DRESS CODE: Smart casual

The event will be held in English. The event is aimed primarily at the master’s level students of Aalto University School of Business.

For more information please visit the event’s page on Facebook: http://facebook.com/events/1701816576705871/