Weekly Newsletter 9/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 9/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Slush, arctic frost and all different shades of grey – has your winter been like this, too? Now it’s time to turn Finland’s national season into a new bloom, for Winter Aalto is here! Tuesday March 1st, this you do not want to miss!

1. This and next week’s events
2. Cuts in student allowance! A student allowance demonstration in Helsinki on March 9
3. TOKYO’s pre-demonstration banner workshop March 7th
4. Apply for the Humans vs. Zombies committee 2016!
5. Representative Council Workshop March 3rs – Come with!
6. Become a tutor for international students!
7. KY Economics & Aaltoes: Start Up Your Career March 3rd
8. TeamUp Bootcamp March 3 -6, 2016
9. Bughouse chess at the Guild of Physics’ guild room every Thursday
10. Apply for your own garden plot!
11. The SELL games in Tampere between May 13- 15, 2016, sign-up is underway
12. FSHS’ spring groups are on!
13. Application for the BEST summer courses is open until March 20!
14. Bring your extra men’s clothes for asylum seekers!
15. You’re welcome to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the Guild of Mechanical Engineers on Cuba Night on March 19, 2016!
16. Annihilation 2016!

1. This and next week’s events
Week 8
29.2. AEGEE-Helsinki after work movie night
1.3. Winter Aalto
2.3. Ristin kilta: Kokemuksia yhtÀlöstÀ muslimi(opiskelija) + evankeliumi = X
3.3. TRIP Veneenhoitoilta
3.3. Representative Council Workshop 1/2016
4.3. TeamUp Bootcamp
5.3. Ristin killan avoin sÀhlyvuoro
5.3. Ristin killan avoin lautapeli-ilta

Week 9
8.3. NaistenpÀivÀn serenadikonsertti
8.3. NaistenpÀivÀn tempaus pÀÀrakennuksen aulassa
9.3. Ristin kilta: Vili Sarento: Jumalan rakkaus
9.3 Opintotuki mielenosoitus

2. Cuts in student allowance! A student allowance demonstration in Helsinki on March 9
The government is planning significant cuts to student allowance. They intend to reduce the allowance by 70 million within three years and by 150 million in the long term. This amounts to about one quarter of the present level.
Before the elections, they promised not to make cuts in education. But they cut education anyway, and the resulting need for tightening budgets can now also be seen at Aalto. They specifically promised not to reduce student allowance, but now there are significant changes ahead.

This has to end. Student allowance is a student’s basic social security, not a tool for steering educational policy.
What to do, then? Let’s show that students are not going to take this sitting down. The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) will organize a student allowance demonstration against education cuts in Helsinki on March 9, and AYY will be there as well. We need associations to join us, flags, banners, gadgets and enthusiastic spirits!

You can find the Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/983431838405738/. Information will be updated as soon as it is available.

Come and show the decision-makers that this can’t go on anymore!

3. TOKYO’s pre-demonstration banner workshop March 7th
The Finnish Government has decided on historical cutbacks on student allowance. Demonstration against this act will occur on 9th of March at 13 in Helsinki.

Join the counteraction and let out some steams caused by the governments policy. TOKYO’s professionals will guide you to the art of making demonstration banners on Monday 7th of March at 5pm at Game Room in Otaniemi (JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 3 A).

All the materials needed are waiting for you so you just need to bring yourself, preferable foods and drinks and your friends!

Here is a link to the facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1687539171521837/

4.Apply for the Humans vs. Zombies committee 2016!
[X] Ever felt the need to feel the real thrill of survival? Or better yet, felt like it would be cool to have other people run for their lives as the zombie apocalypse endangers the future of humankind? Just say yes, and join the gamemaster force of the Humans vs. Zombies committee!

[X] Humans vs. Zombies is an extremely intensive role-playing experience organized twice a year, which calls for hundreds of Otaniemi students to join forces fighting the brain-hungry parasite-ridden zombies in the brink of the apocalypse! We are now looking for recruits to be the game masters of this year’s games. The committee plans the course of the gameplay and organizes the game during the playdays in this April and autumn. More importantly, the committee will have a great time planning events and get-togethers, which will improve your game-organizing skills and lets you do stuff with other fun-and-action-loving people! Please join now, and tell all the important facts about yourself right here: /stop/en/culture-events/humans-vs-zombies/

[X] If you ever felt like playing the puppet master, now is your chance!

[X] If you missed it, here’s the link: /stop/en/culture-events/humans-vs-zombies/

5. Representative Council Workshop March 3rs – Come with!

It is time for the first workshop of this year! There will be two matters that we will work on:

1) The language questions of the council and how to make the council work so that everyone can keep up with the discussion

2) The municipal elections are coming in the fall of 2017 and for that we need to decide that what kind of goals and issues AYY will bring up to discussion and try to affect to.

Sauna will be warm after workshopping. Bring your towels!

Don’t worry if you are not a council member, all AYY members are welcome to participate!

Event in Facebook: https://facebook.com/events/199358720422876/

6. Become a tutor for international students!
Do you want to help international students to get a smooth start in their studies and guide them through student life at Aalto University? Would you like to try your intercultural skills in practice?

International tutors have a very important role in leading an international group, showing them around the campus and holding get-togethers. Tutors get to know new cultures, make new friends and have a great time! Tutors can get a credit point, a certificate and reimbursement of their expenses. Enthusiastic international tutors are searched for in early spring. Student associations coordinate tutoring together with Aalto schools (CHEM, ELEC, ENG and SCI, BIZ and ARTS).

More information on tutoring and how to apply /en/students/new-students/tutors/international-tutoring/

5. KY Economics & Aaltoes: Start Up Your Career March 3rd
The Start Up Your Career event will be organized on March 3 from 7 PM to 9 PM on the 3rd floor of the KY building at YlÀkertsi, at Pohjoinen Rautatienkatu 21b. We will have a comprehensive package about applying for jobs, career opportunities, entrepreneurship and study planning. KY Economics is organizing the event together with Aaltoes, the largest student-led entrepreneurship organization in Europe. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and aTalent will also be present.

Program at the KY building’s YlĂ€kertsi will begin with food and drinks. The program on stage will be kicked off by speeches by Aaltoes and Smartly.io founder Kristo Ovaska about their career paths, and continue with a panel discussion about the significance of personality in job application. After the program on stage, there will be a tour of the stands of our partners, which includes an opportunity to participate in aTalent’s CV/LinkedIn clinic. The event is targeted at students of economics, but is open to anyone interested!

WHAT: Start Up Your Career – a career and study event
WHERE: YlÀkertsi at the KY building, Pohjoinen Rautatienkatu 21b, 3rd floor
WHEN: March 3rd, 7 – 9 PM
FOR WHOM: The event is open to all
FB-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1066682613399185/

8. TeamUp Bootcamp March 3 -6, 2016
Have you considered founding your own company?

Come and join TeamUp, where students from different backgrounds can find a team with whom to plan a new company. Aaltoes offers a time, space, tools and world-class coaching for the event.

If you’re interested, visit our web site at http://teamup.aaltoes.com and apply for the Bootcamp weekend that kicks off the program!

9. Bughouse chess at the Guild of Physics’ guild room every Thursday
Bughouse chess is a fast-paced variant of chess for four players. In this game, captured pieces are given to the teammate, who can put them on another board during their turn. For a more detailed description of the rules: https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandemshakki

Since the game is played as teams, players of different levels can easily participate. Being able to play regular chess reasonably is enough. You’ll learn the rest by playing!

We play bughouse every Thursday starting at 5:30 PM at the Guild of Physics’ guild room (Otakaari 1, main lobby, down the stairs from the cafeteria Aino). Join our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1563544303968214/ or send e-mail to heikki.j.pulkkinen@aalto.fi if you consider joining us for a game!

10. Apply for your own garden plot!
The spring time is approaching and now it is time to apply for your own garden plot.

If you had a plot this year but we haven’t contacted you, it means that you have to reapply this year. If you didn’t have a plot last year, now is your chance!

The application can be found at the address http://tinyurl.com/viljely16. Please notice that the deadline for applications is the 13th of March.

If you are a member of the Otaniemi Garden Association but you don’t intend to apply for a plot and you want to cancel your membership, please inform the board at the address garden-hal@list.ayy.fi.

Spread the word to your colleagues and friends! We grant plots to the students and staff of the Aalto University and the staff of the Aalto student union.

11. The SELL games in Tampere between May 13- 15, 2016, sign-up is underway

The SELL Student Games event is one of the largest and most international student sport events in the Baltic countries and Finland. Events: Frisbee golf, futsal, soccer (7 vs. 7), judo, volleyball, basketball, wrestling (Greco-Roman), weightlifting, table tennis, rugby 7 vs. 7, floorball, chess, badminton, orienteering, ultimate (frisbee), powerlifting, track & field.

Signups for Aalto students are handled by Unisport. For more information and signup: https://unisport.fi/news/fi/3979734/sell-kisat-13-15-5-2016-tampereella-ilmoittautuminen-on

12. FSHS’ spring groups are on!
FSHS’ spring groups are on. The groups are organized at the Töölö premises of the Finnish Student Healtcare Services (FSHS). There is still room for more!

Life management course
Would you like to learn life skills that are useful to everyone as well the ability to maintain high spirits in everyday life? During this course, you will process things related to your own life and practice problem resolution. You will learn to identify thoughts and feelings and to work with your thoughts. You will acquire a toolkit for maintaining your welfare, mood and life control.

A doctor or nurse may put you forth as a candidate for the group, and Paula Aarnio-Tervo or Minna Pohjolainen will contact you before the group starts. You may also get in touch yourself, if you would like more information about the course. (For telephone appointments and call requests, call 046 710 1027).

Physiotherapy groups:
Binding signups starting from December 1, 2015 to the physiotherapist by telephone appointment, which may be reserved through the reservations number 046 710 1027. Only sign up for one group at a time per term. Cancellations by phone to 046 710 1028 or electronically at http://yths.fi

Strengthening of the muscles that support posture, mobility exercise and stretching. Tips on how to use gym equipment to prevent problems with the neck and back and how to relieve minor symptoms. N.B.! The group will meet mostly at the 6th floor gym.
Weeks 9-11 (March 4 – March 18) + week 16 (22.4.) Fri 1:30 PM 4x60min

Exercises for acquiring a good posture and preventing problems with the neck and back.
Weeks 7-11 (February 17 – March 16) Wed 9:30 AM 5x60min
Weeks 10-14 (March 8 – April 5) Tue 8:30 AM 5x60min

THE LOWER BACK GROUP -> N.B.! Start of the course moved to May 2!
Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the middle torso and support control of the lower back. The lower back group is suited for prevention or for those with minor symptoms. Not for people with acute back pains!
Weeks 18 -21 (May 2 – May 23) Mon 2:45 PM 4x45min

A review of alignment, stepping, strengthening exercises and stretching. Suited for those with minor knee symptoms, who have knee problems during or after exercise.
Week 13 + week 15 (includes two group sessions on April 1 and April 15) Fri 1:30 PM 2x60min

An introduction to different methods of relaxation.
Weeks 13-17 (March 30 – April 27) Wed 2:30 PM 5x60min

Stretching and relaxing breathing and movement exercises to relax a tense body and mind.
Weeks 8-11 (February 24 – March 16) Wed 2:30 PM 4x60min

13. Application for the BEST summer courses is open until March 20!
Conquering space in Greece or green energy at the sandy beaches of Spain? Intelligent urban planning in Portugal or beer brewing in the Czech Republic? What will your summer consist of?

BEST offers 50 different opportunities to see Europe during a one-week course in the summer. During the one-week course, you’ll get introduced to the topics chosen for the course through lectures, projects and visits to companies organized together by the local BEST group and university. The courses are not just about academic achievement; volunteers will entertain course participants, and you’ll get to party with other participants during the evening program. The courses are a most efficient way of networking internationally during your studies while also having fun and increasing your own skills in subjects that interest you.

You don’t want to miss this! And best of all, the courses cost Aalto students a maximum of 27 Euros, which includes everything in the target country: the academic part of the course, accommodation, food, transportation during the course and leisure activities for every day.

For all courses, see https://best.eu.org/student/courses/coursesList.jsp Application instructions: http://besthelsinki.fi/kurssit/ Also follow our page on Facebook to get up-to-date information about our events and tips for applying for courses at https://facebook.com/BESTHelsinki

14. Bring your extra men’s clothes for asylum seekers!
Are there useful men’s clothes and shoes in your closet that you never actually use? Give them a new life in the hands of asylum seekers! There are about 400 men living at the Otaniemi reception center. Most of them have been properly clothed, but there are still some who wade through banks of snow in sandals and share their winter coat with a roommate.

Bring the surplus stuff from your closet to the mall, to the premises between AYY and the barber shop behind Alepa on Tuesdays at 4 -6 PM or on Saturdays at 1 – 3 PM.

15. You’re welcome to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the Guild of Mechanical Engineers on Cuba Night on March 19, 2016!
Party program:
4 PM Cocktails at the Energy Garage, K4 building, Otaniemi, 02150 Espoo
6 PM Main party at Tapahtumatalo Bank, Unioninkatu 20, 00130 Helsinki
Midnight After-party at X

Sign-up begins on February 29, 2016 at 12 AM at http://koneinsinoorikilta.fi/cn101

Students 75€
Graduates 90€

WHAT? The 101st anniversary of the Guild of Mechanical Engineers
WHERE? Tapahtumatalo Bank, Unioninkatu 20, 00130 Helsinki
WHEN? Saturday, March 19, 2016
HOW MUCH? Students 75€, graduates 90€

16. Annihilation 2016!
Annihilation 2016, the party of the year organized by the freshmen of the Guild of Physics, is here! Get ready for the workout of your life on 9.3. by dressing for the sport you want to achieve a summer body in. The warm up will take place at Otarannan kerhotila, and the actual party starts up at 10 pm in Namu in the city center of Helsinki. At Namu there will be some amazing drink offers and activities hosted by Bimbo Oy. The tickets cost 3€ or 5€ at the door of Namu, and the badge costs 2€. Check out more information and the ticket selling times from the facebook event: