Weekly Newsletter 10/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 10/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

The co-operation between AYY (the Aalto University Student Union) and the law firm Havumäki and Grönqvist ended in February 2016. Havumäki and Grönqvist offered the members of AYY legal advice free of charge. AYY is investigating the opportunities for offering its members the same kind of service in the future.

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 10
8.3. Women’s Day serenade concert /blog/events/naistenpaivan-serenadikonsertti/
8.3. Women’s Day bash in the lobby of the main building /blog/events/naistenpaivan-tempaus-paarakennuksen-aulassa/
9.3. Ristin kilta (The Guild of the Cross): Vili Sarento: the love of God /blog/events/ristin-kilta-vili-sarento-jumalan-rakkaus/
9.3. Student grant demonstration /blog/events/opintotukimielenosoitus-5/
9.3. PSK Kupla’s drysuit course 2016 /blog/events/psk-kuplan-kuivapukukurssi-2016/
10.3. Ääniaalto (sound wave) – 1st DADA Sound Festival /blog/events/aaniaalto-1st-dada-sound-festival/
10.3. Cafe Lingua /blog/events/cafe-lingua-2/

Week 11
14.3. Teekkarispeksi (technical student musical theatre show) 2016: Atlantis 1860 premiere /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2016-atlantis-1860-ensi-ilta/
15.3. KYN 35 festival concert /blog/events/kyn-35-juhlakonsertti/
16.3. Education opposition – Discussion about education, culture and science /blog/events/koulutusoppositio-keskustelua-koulutuksesta-sivistyksesta-ja-tieteesta/
19.3. Cuba Night 101 /blog/events/cuba-night-101/
20.3. Cuba Night Sillis /blog/events/cuba-night-sillis/


2.    Cuts in student allowance! A student allowance demonstration in Helsinki on March 9 and pre-demonstration banner workshops on March 7-8

The Finnish government is planning significant cuts to student allowance. They intend to reduce the allowance by 70 million within three years and by 150 million in the long term. This amounts to about one quarter of the present level.

Before the elections, they promised not to make cuts in education. But they cut education anyway, and the resulting need for tightening budgets can now also be seen at Aalto. They specifically promised not to reduce student allowance, but now there are significant changes ahead.

This has to end. Student allowance is a student’s basic social security, not a tool for steering educational policy.

What to do, then? Let’s show that students are not going to take this sitting down. The  student allowance demonstration against education cuts will be organized in Helsinki on March 9, and AYY will be there as well. We need associations to join us, flags, banners, gadgets and enthusiastic spirits!

Come and show the decision-makers that this can’t go on anymore!

You can find the Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/events/983431838405738/. Information will be updated as soon as it is available.

Banner workshops in Otaniemi on March 7th and in Arabia March 8th

Join the counteraction and let out some steams caused by the government’s policy. TOKYO’s professionals will guide you to the art of making demonstration banners on Monday 7th of March at 5pm at Game Room in Otaniemi (Jämeräntaival 3 A, Espoo) and on Tuesday 8th of March at at 5pm at TOKYO Hub (Hämeentie 135 C, Helsinki).

All the materials needed are waiting for you so you just need to bring yourself, preferable foods and drinks and your friends!

Link to Otaniemi banner workshop: https://www.facebook.com/events/1687539171521837/

Link to the Arabia banner workshop: https://www.facebook.com/events/985546701538775/

3.    Apply for study grants for incredible projects that promote studies and learning

“Aalto University and its student union allocate in cooperation study grants for incredible projects that promote studies and learning. You can apply for the grant by yourself, together with your friend or association – as long as the idea is good, we want to help you to implement it!

The application period is continuous and applications are processed on a monthly basis, the idea is that your good idea does not get old and you could implement it straight away. Applications are processed and approved by Aalto University Student Union’s academic affairs sector and Aalto University’s vice president in charge of teaching.

More information: https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/2015/04/15/oppirahaa-kansalle/

4.    FSHS’s hay fever theme day

Tuesday 15th of March 2016 at 12-15

Tuesday 12th of April 2016 at 12-15

at FSHS, Otaniemi Unit, Otakaari 12

During the hay fever theme day, you will be able to meet with a doctor to renew your prescription with ease and with no advance appointment required. In addition, you will be able to obtain information about hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and its treatments.

All the visiting hay fever patients will receive an inquiry concerning their symptoms so that their medication can be made more effective or changed, when appropriate.

5.    The Students’ Beer Pong Championships in Smökki 25th March!”

Aalto Beer Pong hosts Students Beer Pong Championship races on 25.3. in Otaniemi. There will be 96 teams at to achieve the title of a Beer Pong Champion!

Registration opens at http://abp.ayy.fi/ 11.3. 12.00, and registration is binding. The price of participation is 6e / pair at including at least two certain game. Price does not include game drinks. You can also come to encourage your own favorites towards the championships and play fun games. Admission is free.

The tournament starts at 16:00 and the tournament takes place in Otaniemi Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4, Espoo, Finland.

The tournament schedule will be announced about one week before the event, and the rules of the game you find from: http://abp.ayy.fi/the-game/rules/ .


6.    Aalto Gamers Shuffled Tournament: CS:GO ft. SIK-lan

Are you a gamer? Interested in meeting fellow gamers of Aalto? Join this casual tournament and play for fun!

WHERE: Otakaari 5, Sähkötalo (at SIK-lan)

WHEN: 12 March from 14:00 onwards

FORMAT: Random shuffle. The competing teams will be formed randomly from all participants by shuffling. Depending on the number of participants, shuffling will be done after a certain number of matches to mix the teams repeatedly. Winning the tournament will be based on your personal RWS (Round Win Shares).

PURPOSE: Kicking-off Aalto Gamers. The purpose of the tournament is mainly to kick off Aalto Gamers activities in a fun and exciting spirit – not CS:GO itself. So, don’t worry even if you have never played much Counter-Strike – come, spend some time laughing at ridiculous plays, and meet the gamers of Aalto!

REGISTER: tinyurl.com/aaltocsgo

The tournament will be organized as a part of the semi-annual SIK-lan.

Follow us at https://www.facebook.com/ aaltogamers for updates on our events and activities.

7.    Teekkarispeksi (technical student musical theatre show) tickets on sale

“The premiere of the spring 2016 Teekkarispeksi “”Atlantis 1860″” is approaching and tickets are on sale! This time, the production takes the spectators to the coast of Britain in the year of 1860. In a village community living on an isolated island, people fear God, dream of London and are building a railway bridge to the mainland. The tranquility of the small village begins to become fractured when Madame Blavatsky, who is devoted to mystical learnings, appears on the island and arouses a state of fixation on Atlantis. Whose faith is the true one? Who stays and who leaves? Will the mythical Atlantis be found?

The premiere is on 14.3. at 7 p.m. and there are shows during March and April in Kuopio, Oulu, Turku and Tampere, in addition to the capital city area. Tickets are priced from €12 to €26. On the page http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi you can get a taste of what’s to come! There is also a ticket store on the pages; be sure to buy your ticket soon!

8.    Homebrew beer tasting 22nd March

Finnish Beer Society, Viikki Brewing Society, Akateeminen Olutseura and KYllä Oluelle invites you to The Homebrew beer tasting in March 22nd starting at 6 pm.  Every society has brew their own unique craft beer. We have also invited jury to judge the beer.

* Registration: First to the members of organisations till 6.3.2016 time 11.59 PM. After that there no limit to the registration, just be sure to register before 20.3.2016 at 11.59 PM.

* The price: 10 €. The deadline for the payment is 20.3.2016. The amount is paid to our club account: Handelsbanken FI58 3131 3003 2400 58 SWIFT/BIC: HANDFIHH

(write into the message section the following: ”Own Name + the Homebrew beer tasting). Write Ilmo Teikari as the recipient.

Registrations: http://goo.gl/forms/Q6pnwFuJG9″

9.    DADA proudly presents their first Sound Festival – Ääniaalto!

Come and experience MediaLab’s 5th floor under a new aural and visual experience. On Thursday 10th and Friday 11th March, Ääniaalto will fill the space with fixed sound & A/V works, as well as having performances on each day from 16.30.




To read more about the event, and see the programme, visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/162853340766666/

10.                  Cafe Lingua – March 10, 2016

New people, new cultures, new languages? Tea, sauna and a hot tub on an almost Spring evening? Chatting with people from all around the world? Yes, this and much more is Mosaic’s Café Lingua.

Once every month, one of the lovely venues of Otaniemi turns into a pop-up café hosting an open language & culture exchange event, the Café Lingua. The point is to get to know people, practice languages, learn about cultures and enjoy a cup of tea at the same time. You can also bring your own refresments, and do bring your towel for the sauna and the hot tub!

  • WHAT: Mosaic’s Café Lingua
  • WHEN: Thursday, March 10, 18:30 onwards
  • WHERE: Rantasauna, Otaniemi
  • HOW MUCH: Free of charge

11.                  Global Mindedness survey for college students

Have you been studying your current subject for at least 2 years and haven’t been abroad as part of your studies as an exchange student or in an apprenticeship? If you are one of this group, go and reply to the Global Mindedness survey and say what you think about encountering different kinds of people and points of view.


Survey: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/782FE868CBD00220.par

Global Mindedness is a survey of CIMO (The Centre of International Mobility and Co-operation), which produces information on the attitudes of college students to international interactive situations and different kinds of encounters. The survey has been carried out with students going abroad and now also with those who have not been on an exchange programme.

The survey contains statements on situations of interaction and questions about your background. The questionnaire is in Finnish and replying takes about 10 minutes.

12.                  Respond to the quality survey on Aalto student and staff restaurants from 8 to 10 March

A survey on the quality of the staff and student restaurants will be conducted on the Arabia, Otaniemi and Töölö campuses from Tue 8 to Thu 10 March, 2016 to collect information on the views of the restaurant users on the e.g. the variety in menus, opening hours, main reasons for the choice of restaurant and the importance of the environmental impact of the food served at the restaurants. At the end of the questionnaire, there is also room for comments and suggestions for improving our services.

Questionnaires are available at the student and staff restaurants.

All respondents are entered into a draw to win, e.g. lunch tickets.

13.                  Aalto Strategy Case Competition 2016

Are you a case cracking champion? Want to put your knowledge and skills to test, add more value to your CV and network with top students and corporate partners? The application period for Aalto Strategy Case Competition 2016 is now open!

Aalto Strategy Case Competition brings the best Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students from different schools to compete on a real case. The competition will be held on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd of April 2016 at Aalto Design Factory. Teams will compete in strategic analysis and strategy formulation for a real Finnish case company to test their skills in teamwork, analysis, and presentation. Winners will take home an amazing network of top students, valuable merit in their CV, and a unique prize from our main partner – The Boston Consulting Group.

Form a team of four and apply by March 14th, 2016 at http://ascc.aalto.fi/apply/