Weekly Newsletter 11/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 11/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

The weekly bulletin will be published as normal on 21.3., but in week 13, i.e. on Easter Monday, 28.3., the bulletin is on a break.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Reply to the survey on living in shared flats or sign up your shared flat for the development project!
  3. International Sitsit – Flying away
  4. FSHS’s hay fever theme day
  5. Application for the BEST summer courses is open until March 20!
  6. Apply for AIESEC’s internship abroad
  7. Late Night with Unisport in Kumpula on 1.4.2016
  8. Start lead climbing now with a course organized by Climbing Club Oranki!
  9. The sailing courses of the Teekkari sailors
  10. The Students’ Beer Pong Championships in Smökki 25th March!
  11. Rainbow-sitsit
  12. Teekkarispeksi (technical student musical theatre show) tickets on sale
  13. Global Mindedness survey for college students
  14. Education opposition – Discussion on education, culture and science

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 11

Week 12

2.    Reply to the survey on living in shared flats or sign up your shared flat for the development project!

The campus department is carrying out a project which is intended to improve a sense of community and comfort in the shared flats of the AYY. Reply to a short questionnaire on shared flat living! You can reply until 22.3. Survey: https://goo.gl/Dfse1C

For the shared accommodation development project, we’re looking for 2-5 of shared accommodation groups of at least three people, with whom we’ll workshop several times in the spring and autumn and support them to realise ideas to improve the comfort of their accommodation, for example in the form of furnishings or common operating models. On the basis of the results, we’ll seek to make the development of the shared flats of the AYY more systematic in the future. You can state your interest in the project at the end of the questionnaire or to the address kampusjaosto@ayy.fi!

3.    International Sitsit – Flying away

Are you planning a quick getaway to the Canaries? Or flying on business to an important meeting in Berlin? Heading to Vietnam for a backpacking trip with some friends? Whichever the case, book your journey with the IC Travel for March 31st and enjoy the flight of a lifetime from the Smökki International Airport!

Seats on the flights are limited to 180, so be quick and book yours from the following three branches of the IC Travel: Otakaari 1 main lobby, Kipsari (Arabia), Töölö main lobby. You may only book your flights on March 21st, between 13:45–16:00. Be fast as these tickets are extremely wanted! (You can buy only 2 at a time.)

The plane ticket will cost you 15 euros, no matter your destination. When booking, the travel agency will need to take note of any dietary requirements you may have and if you’re travelling in a group, names of your fellow passengers. When you have secured a booking, you will be given your boarding pass, which you will need to present when boarding the plane.

The boarding begins at 18:00 on March 31st. Be on time, as the flights will depart at 18:30 from the Smökki International Airport towards your desired destinations. During the flights, you will be tended to by the IC Travel’s flight attendants.

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/576855279145772/
  • WHAT: International Sitsit – Flying Away
  • WHERE: Smökki International Airport
  • WHEN: March 31st, boarding at 18:00, departure at 18:30
  • DRESSCODE: Suitable clothing according to your destination
  • COST: 15€

4.    FSHS’s hay fever theme day

Tuesday 15th of March 2016 at 12-15

Tuesday 12th of April 2016 at 12-15

at FSHS, Otaniemi Unit, Otakaari 12

During the hay fever theme day, you will be able to meet with a doctor to renew your prescription with ease and with no advance appointment required. In addition, you will be able to obtain information about hay fever (allergic rhinitis) and its treatments.

All the visiting hay fever patients will receive an inquiry concerning their symptoms so that their medication can be made more effective or changed, when appropriate.

5.    Application for the BEST summer courses is open until March 20!

Conquering space in Greece or green energy at the sandy beaches of Spain? Intelligent urban planning in Portugal or beer brewing in the Czech Republic? What will your summer consist of?

BEST offers 50 different opportunities to see Europe during a one-week course in the summer. During the one-week course, you’ll get introduced to the topics chosen for the course through lectures, projects and visits to companies organized together by the local BEST group and university. The courses are not just about academic achievement; volunteers will entertain course participants, and you’ll get to party with other participants during the evening program. The courses are a most efficient way of networking internationally during your studies while also having fun and increasing your own skills in subjects that interest you.

You don’t want to miss this! And best of all, the courses cost Aalto students a maximum of 27 Euros, which includes everything in the target country: the academic part of the course, accommodation, food, transportation during the course and leisure activities for every day.

For all courses, see https://best.eu.org/student/courses/coursesList.jsp  Application instructions: http://besthelsinki.fi/kurssit/  Also follow our page on Facebook to get up-to-date information about our events and tips for applying for courses at https://facebook.com/BESTHelsinki

6.    Apply for AIESEC’s internship abroad

Looking for summer jobs? Why not try something different and do an internship abroad.

Work in start-ups or NGO’s around the world and gain the experience you need to kick start your career. With over 126 country possibilities AIESEC offers internships everywhere in every field. Travel and impact to make your summer unforgettable!

Application period is now open!

Find out more from our Facebook page and visit our webpage www.aiesec.fi/internships

7.    Late Night with Unisport in Kumpula on 1.4.2016

Time: Friday night on the 1st of April

Location: The UniSport in Kumpula (Väinö Auerin katu 11)

Price: €0 with a UniSport season card or €5 without a season card, regardless of customer group.

Come and enjoy and refresh yourself with friends and meet other UniSport people! What’s on store is a colourful range of exercise and well-being and plenty of good feelings until midnight!

The programme for the evening will be published soon!

Take part in the Facebook Event of the event (https://www.facebook.com/events/234712290199856/) and invite your friends to come along too!”

8.    Start lead climbing now with a course organized by Climbing Club Oranki!

If you already know how to climb and belay, come to try something new on a lead climbing course on Tue 22.3. Be quick and sign up for the course

here: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/product/6a4adde06c2e63f5dcfa9c7f4783a8f4/

9.    The sailing courses of the Teekkari sailors

Do you want to learn how to sail? Come to the sailor and helmsman courses of the Teekkari sailors! On the sailing course, you’ll learn comprehensively how to handle the boat and the basics of sailing. The course is meant for beginners and there are no requirements for preliminary information. If you already have some sailing experience, or you’ve already done a sailing course, you can continue learning with the helmsman course. The courses consist of theory and practice components.

Signing up for the courses will be available on the web pages of Trip at http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=2on Thursday, 17.3.2016 at 12 o’clock. On the same page, you can find further information on courses and the latest details on the timetables of courses will also be updated there.

Notice that we also arrange basic and advanced sailing courses in English.

10.                  The Students’ Beer Pong Championships in Smökki 25th March!

Aalto Beer Pong hosts Students Beer Pong Championship races on 25.3. in Otaniemi. There will be 96 teams at to achieve the title of a Beer Pong Champion!

Registration opens at http://abp.ayy.fi/ 11.3. 12.00, and registration is binding. The price of participation is 6e / pair at including at least two certain game. Price does not include game drinks. You can also come to encourage your own favorites towards the championships and play fun games. Admission is free.

The tournament starts at 16:00 and the tournament takes place in Otaniemi Smökki, Jämeräntaival 4, Espoo, Finland.

The tournament schedule will be announced about one week before the event, and the rules of the game you find from: http://abp.ayy.fi/the-game/rules/.


11.                  Rainbow-sitsit

GAYY welcomes everybody to Rainbow sitsit on friday 18th of march! The sitsit starts at 6:30 pm with cocktailparty. Put on the most colourful costume of the galaxy and invite all your friends with you!

You can sign up for the sitsit here: http://www.gayy.fi/sitsit/

  • WHAT: Rainbow sitsit
  • WHERE: Otakaari 20 “”small side””, Otaniemi, Espoo
  • WHEN: 18.3.2016, 18:30
  • HOW MUCH: 17 €
  • WHY: because
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/625286020967477/

12.                  Teekkarispeksi (technical student musical theatre show) tickets on sale

“The premiere of the spring 2016 Teekkarispeksi “”Atlantis 1860″” is approaching and tickets are on sale! This time, the production takes the spectators to the coast of Britain in the year of 1860. In a village community living on an isolated island, people fear God, dream of London and are building a railway bridge to the mainland. The tranquility of the small village begins to become fractured when Madame Blavatsky, who is devoted to mystical learnings, appears on the island and arouses a state of fixation on Atlantis. Whose faith is the true one? Who stays and who leaves? Will the mythical Atlantis be found?

The premiere is on 14.3. at 7 p.m. and there are shows during March and April in Kuopio, Oulu, Turku and Tampere, in addition to the capital city area. Tickets are priced from €12 to €26. On the page http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi you can get a taste of what’s to come! There is also a ticket store on the pages; be sure to buy your ticket soon!”

13.                  Global Mindedness survey for college students

Have you been studying your current subject for at least 2 years and haven’t been abroad as part of your studies as an exchange student or in an apprenticeship? If you are one of this group, go and reply to the Global Mindedness survey and say what you think about encountering different kinds of people and points of view.

Survey: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/782FE868CBD00220.par

Global Mindedness is a survey of CIMO (The Centre of International Mobility and Co-operation), which produces information on the attitudes of college students to international interactive situations and different kinds of encounters. The survey has been carried out with students going abroad and now also with those who have not been on an exchange programme.

The survey contains statements on situations of interaction and questions about your background. The questionnaire is in Finnish and replying takes about 10 minutes.”

14.                  Education opposition – Discussion on education, culture and science

“The cuts, which are of a record-high level, to higher education, the mauling of the upper secondary level, the cuts on student financial aid, the restrictions set on study time and the new division of the funding of science. The cilviised discussion has an effect under the buried economic crisis and there are surprisingly many balls in the air at the same time.

The Greens of Aalto, the left of Espoo and the Student Social Democrats of Otaniemi are organising a discussion event on the state of education, culture and science on Wednesday, 16.3. at 7 p.m. in the upstairs section of Otakaari 20. What alternatives are there to the current situation and how to proceed?

The  representatives will be Li Andersson, Jyrki Kasvi and another to be specified later by the Social Democrats. The discussion will be in Finnish.

Send your questions or thoughts in advance to the speakers from here: http://goo.gl/forms/BN0XJ2JAkR

Coffee will be offered at the event.

The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2083748775097748/


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