Weekly Newsletter 12/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 12/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

The Weekly Newsletter will be on Easter vacation next week. The Newsletter will be out again as usual on Monday, April 4. (DL for submissions Thursday, March 31, 10 AM). Happy Easter everyone!


  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY’s 6th Annual Ball 14.5.2016
  3. Come and work at the Wappu Party 2016!
  4. Join Aava’s Afterparty Committee 2016
  5. Report delayed course grading
  6. The Tools for Nervous Situations workshop
  7. Easter in Lapland? Some places left in TOKYO’s trip to Kuusamo
  8. Last chance to apply for a plot at Aalto Garden
  9. Engineering competition EBEC 1.4 @Urban Mill
  10. The Students Sing! – recording the oral traditions of student song culture, March 15 – June 30, 2016
  11. Aalto Adventure Race May 7, 2016
  12. Late Night with Unisport in Kumpula on 1.4.2016
  13. Registration for TRIP practical sailing courses is open!


1.    This and next week’s events

Viikko 12

Viikko 13

Viikko 14

2.    AYY’s 6th Annual Ball 14.5.2016

AYY’s – Aalto University Student Union’s 6th Annual Ball is celebrated on Saturday 14th of May 2016. The Ball begins with a cocktail reception open for all guests in the headquarters of Varma in Salmisaari. The main venue of the Ball is Loistosali, also in Salmisaari, where a delicious three-course-menu will be served. The celebration continues with Biitsi Afterparty in a beach atmosphere downstairs at Biitsi.fi Arena. After afterparty is held at Rantasauna in Otaniemi.

Tickets to the Annual Ball are available for AYY’s members and other students at the price of 80 € and non-students at the price of 100 €. Registration for invited guests is open 28.3-20.4. Other guests can purchase tickets 4.-24.4. In addition, there will be a restricted amount of tickets for sale to the Biitsi Afterparty at the price of 12 € between April 11 and 24.

The dress code for the Annual Ball is dark suite/cocktail dress with Academic medals of honour.


More information about the Annual Ball and events of the Annual Ball Week at www.vuosijuhlat.fi. Facebook-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/961130467274918/

3.    Come and work at the Wappu Party 2016!

“The 2016 Wappu Party will be held near Otaniemi on April 30, and we also need lots of workers for the most important party of the year! We need people for different tasks, such as ticket sales, security, carrying stuff, decoration, technology, cooking, bar help, van driving as well as filming/photography or making a promotional video.

You can sign up for work from Wednesday, March 23 onwards through this link: https://lomake.ayy.fi/jtmk/tyontekijaksi-wappubileisiin-2016/

Workers will get free admission through a separate VIP entrance, a patch for their overalls, one of the two points needed for getting a pink ribbon and a Wappu basket for a survival kit at Ullis! All workers are also guaranteed a seat in the group bus transportation from Otaniemi straight to Ullis on May 1!

Mail any questions to the party organizers at jtmk@list.ayy.fi. The electronic form will be closed when we have enough workers, so don’t waste time.

4.    Join Aava’s Afterparty Committee 2016

The Aalto Afterparty is one of the biggest events of the year and at the same time the first chance for the new students to see the party culture at the Aalto University. To celebrate the fifth party anniversary we are gathering an Afterparty Committee for the first time ever. The committee will get to plan and execute this spectacle that kicks off the school year! Would you like to be a part of making this year’s party even bigger?

The tasks of the Afterparty Committee will be divided according to everyone’s strengths and interests. The committee will meet once every few weeks and more frequently once the event gets closer. Aava’s Celebrantti and Bilefantti lead the committee together. Whether you’re interested in marketing or decorating or just want to be a part of organizing what will probably be the year’s biggest party, apply now to join!

Apply here /stop/en/culture-events/afterparty-committee/ ! Application period: 21.3.-4.4.

5.    Report delayed course grading

“Aalto University’s teaching and study regulations provide that exams and other study performances must be reviewed and recorded in the study register within one month. If your exam results or credits are late, you can report it to Aalto University administration.

  • ARTS: Leena Koskinen (leena.koskinen@aalto.fi)
  • BIZ: Margareta Soismaa (margareta.soismaa@aalto.fi)
  • CHEM: Hanne Puskala (hanne.puskala@aalto.fi)
  • ELEC: Perttu puska (perttu.puska@aalto.fi)
  • ENG: Marjo Immonen (marjo.immonen@aalto.fi)
  • SCI: Mari Knuuttila (mari.knuuttila@aalto.fi)


6.    The Tools for Nervous Situations workshop

Nervous about performing in public? Or about group work? Does it feel difficult to get to know new people? How about answering questions in class?

This workshop is for students whose studies are distracted by nervousness and who would like to find ways of coping with it. There are many types of nervousness: one person is nervous about public performance, another about social situations, a third about something else. The workshop provides an opportunity to process different situations and nervousness. The workshop is in Finnish.

Meetings are on Mondays at 12 AM – 2 PM, from April 11 to May 16, 2016. Sign up at opintopsykologi(at)aalto.fi by April 4. For more information: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=18387906

7.    Easter in Lapland? Some places left in TOKYO’s trip to Kuusamo

“TOKYO, the Student Association of Aalto ARTS, warmly welcomes you to join us to our traditional winter excursion to Kuusamo, Northern Finland!

The dates for this trip are 23-27.3. (mostly during Easter holidays) and the travelling will be done by a private bus (it will take 10 hours to get there). TOKYO has several cottages reserved at Juuma Camping area (http://www.juumanleirintaalue.fi/index.php?lang=en) where there are also multiple saunas, and hopefully lots of snow!

For TOKYO’s member, the trip will cost 150e (this includes travelling costs and accommodation, for non-TOKYO member the price is 200e) plus the possible extra activities (skiing at Ruka Ski Center, ski rents, pony riding etc.) You can also hike, make art, have parties or just relax in the middle of snowhere.

You can register to this trip by visiting us at TOKYO’s service point (Arabia Campus, 5th floor, next to Meccala restaurant). The payment should be done by cash. If you cannot pay a visit, contact TOKYO’s international team for any questions related to this trip: international@tokyo.fi.

Find more information and photos from last year’s trip from the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/692091227600653/

You can invite your friends from other schools to join the trip as well, the more the merrier!”

8.    Last chance to apply for a plot at Aalto Garden

Springtime and the planting season are approaching. There’s still a chance to rent a plot from the Otaniemi Urban Gardening Association. The plots are located in Martti Levón’s Park in Otaniemi, near Ossinlampi. The price of the plot depends on its size (fixed plot fee 13 EUR, 6.50 EUR per square meter). If you’re interested, contact the board of the Otaniemi Urban Gardening Association at garden-hal@list.ayy.fi.

9.    Engineering competition EBEC 1.4 @Urban Mill

“BEST Helsinki organizes once again a preselection round for the international engineering competition EBEC. The winners of the preselection will be sent to Copenhagen where the second round of the competition takes place. Teams of four will solve a Case Study provided by Sweco. The event is free of charge and open for all studying in Aalto at the moment. In addition to the free Copenhagen trip there will be good prizes, the participants will be provided with a warm lunch and after party at Tieto-sauna. More information and sign up at Facebook and website



10.                  The Students Sing! – recording the oral traditions of student song culture, March 15 – June 30, 2016

”Students sing and have sung throughout time almost anywhere: at matinees, dinner parties, demonstrations, in the sauna, at appros, on the road and in processions. Songs are an integral part of student culture. They are part of both ordinary and special days, expressing sometimes criticism, sometimes appreciation. Song traditions live in associations, but they also bring together looser communities. Singing is a way of expressing togetherness and passing on traditions.

What are your memories of student songs? Tell us your memories and experiences with student song culture. We are collecting the memories of both current and former students from the perspectives of both associations and individual students. We also want to record students’ own lyrics and stories related to them.

We hope to get submissions nationally irrespective of subject or university background. The collection is organized by the Finnish Literature Society, the Student Union of the University of Helsinki and HYYHY ry.

For more information about the collection and participating in it: www.finlit.fi/fi/arkisto-ja-kirjastopalvelut/hankinta-ja-kokoelmapolitiikka/keruut/opiskelijat-laulavat/


11.                  Aalto Adventure Race May 7, 2016

Aalto Adventure Race is an adventure/sports contest held on May 7, 2016 where the contestants ride bicycles from one checkpoint to the next in teams of three or four and carry out tasks given to them. There are a total of 35 checkpoints all over the Helsinki metropolitan area, and the time limit is 10 hours.

In Aalto Adventure Race, you get to challenge other Aalto students with your own group. Experience sports in a new way and grab the title of the most adventurous group in Aalto. Besides fame and glory, winners will also get some great prizes.


12.                  Late Night with Unisport in Kumpula on 1.4.2016

Time: Friday night on the 1st of April

Location: The UniSport in Kumpula (Väinö Auerin katu 11)

Price: €0 with a UniSport season card or €5 without a season card, regardless of customer group.

Come and enjoy and refresh yourself with friends and meet other UniSport people! What’s on store is a colourful range of exercise and well-being and plenty of good feelings until midnight!

Take part in the Facebook Event of the event (https://www.facebook.com/events/234712290199856/) and invite your friends to come along too!””

13.                  Registration for TRIP practical sailing courses is open!

Would you like to learn how to sail? TRIP (students’ sailing organization) organizes practical sailing courses also in English! The registration for the courses is open at http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=231


The basic course is for those who have none or just a little experience in sailing. Advanced course focuses on deepening the sailing skills and gives you the basic acquirements to operate as a skipper. You can read more information about the courses on our website: http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=231

The course costs 190e for students and 340e for graduated participants. To attend a course, you have to be a member of TRIP. Joining is easy, you can do it at the same time as you registrate for the course. Membership fee is 25e for AYY students, 35e for other students and 55e for the graduated.

If you have any questions, please contact our Vice Commodore Elina Valkonen elina.valkonen(at)helsinki.fi.














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