Weekly Newsletter 15/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 15/2016
Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Wappu.fi yet again brings all the Wappu-time events of the Aalto community together at one address. Add your event onto the pages or go and fill up your diary with more and more boisterous Wappu pursuits! May everyone have an excellent Wappu time!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Students’ booking practices for Aalto University facilities
  3. Apply for civilian service at the AYY
  4. The wait is finally over! – Tempaus2016 is here
  5. Apply for a study grant for your project
  6. Propose the recipients of the acknowledgement of the AYY!
  7. Tell us about your wishes for the new premises of the AYY!
  8. The Tools for Nervous Situations workshop
  9. Come to plan the development co-operation week!
  10. Master’s thesis information and the Linkedin Workshop for technology students
  11. KYL – Music greater than the film
  12. Teekkarispeksi 2016 – Atlantis 1860
  13. Master student, apply to the Aalto university mentoring programme!
  14. Julkku’s seller training 18.4. and ceremonious publication 22.4
  15. Wine club Baccus presents: Sparkling Night 2016
  16. Find a summer internship with AIESEC
  17. Mead, doughnuts and mentoring and 11.-27.4.


1.    This and next week’s events

Week 15

Week 16


2.    Students’ booking practices for Aalto University facilities

“Students may use teaching facilities when they have not been reserved for teaching purposes. Availability can be seen in the reservation list outside the facility (last minute changes are possible).

The facilities must be left in the condition in which they were found.

The meeting rooms on the fifth floor of OK1 are used primarily by staff. Students may use the rooms if they are empty but must leave if and when the rooms are needed by staff.

More information in here: /en/students/services/rental-of-facilities/students-booking-practices-for-aalto-university-facilities/

3.    Apply for civilian service at the AYY

Did you know that your Student Union serves as a civilian service site in accordance with the Non-Military Service Act (1446/2007)? At the moment, the Student Union offers three (3) work service positions at a time: those of a property assistant, graphic designer (AD) and IT support person.

The start dates for each position can be found from the directory of the Civilian Service Centre. Unfortunately, the Student Union cannot take on a new person who is obliged to do civilian service significantly before the work term of the previous person obliged to do civilian service ends. At the moment, we’re looking for a property assistant who could start in their role as soon as possible and a graphic designer to start in August.

We appreciate creativity, accuracy and co-operative ability. The AYY offers civilian service workers a pleasant working environment in Otaniemi, Espoo, cheerful and nice colleagues, accommodation near the workplace and other legally-decreed benefits.

You can read more detailed information about the contents of the roles on the web pages of the AYY at /siviilipalvelus/.

If you are interested in the Student Union as a civilian service location, contact the General Secretary of the Student Union (paasihteeri@ayy.fi / 050 520 9415).

4.    The wait is finally over! – Tempaus2016 is here

Come to Alvarin aukio on 20th April at 5pm to see what the biggest phenomenon of the year, Tempaus2016, has in store for you! https://www.facebook.com/events/510618449124335/

5.    Apply for a study grant for your project

Aalto University and its student union allocate in cooperation study grants for incredible projects that promote studies and learning. You can apply for the grant by yourself, together with your friend or association – as long as the idea is good, we want to help you to implement it!

The application period is continuous and applications are processed on a monthly basis, the idea is that your good idea does not get old and you could implement it straight away. Applications are processed and approved by Aalto University Student Union’s academic affairs sector and Aalto University’s vice president in charge of teaching.

More information: https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/2015/04/15/oppirahaa-kansalle/

6.    Propose the recipients of the acknowledgement of the AYY!

Do you know of a pioneer, an open-minded bridge-builder or a cross-disciplinary toiler in the Aalto community who deserves recognition?


You can propose the recipient of an AYY community badge, merit badge, honour badge or hero badge at https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/bling/ until 20.4.


7.    Tell us about your wishes for the new premises of the AYY!

In the near future, the Student Union has the opportunity to undertake many construction projects. For the planning, we need guidance on what kinds of premises the users want. Premises can be built in conjunction with new student flats and also in separate properties. Go and tell us your wishes here (https://lomake.ayy.fi/hallinto/tilakysely/) by Thursday 14.4.2016!

8.    The Tools for Nervous Situations workshop

Nervous about performing in public? Or about group work? Does it feel difficult to get to know new people? How about answering questions in class?

This workshop is for students whose studies are distracted by nervousness and who would like to find ways of coping with it. There are many types of nervousness: one person is nervous about public performance, another about social situations, a third about something else. The workshop provides an opportunity to process different situations and nervousness. The workshop is in Finnish.

Meetings are on Mondays at 12 AM – 2 PM, from April 18 to May 16, 2016. Sign up at opintopsykologi(at)aalto.fi by April 13. For more information: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=18387906″

9.    Come to plan the development co-operation week!

The AYY is organising a development co-operation work week in October, the purpose of which is to raise awareness of global issues and development co-operation work as a part of an Aalto person’s career and life. If you are interested or want to learn more about development co-operation work, take part in our first meeting at the centre office of the AYY (Otakaari 11), in the upstairs meeting room on Thursday 21.4. at 6 pm to hear more!

You do not have to have experience of development co-operation work. Everyone is welcome to come and generate ideas, even if they won’t be in Finland in the autumn. If you can’t make it, send a mail to the address saana.rossi@ayy.fi and we’ll get in touch with you.


10.                  Master’s thesis information and the Linkedin Workshop for technology students

“Career Services for the schools of technology is organizing the following training sessions.

Diplomityöinfo (in Finnish)

To 14.04.2016, klo 14:15-15:45

LinkedIn Workshop (in English)

Thu 21.04.2016, at 13:15-14:45

Otaniemi campus, Otakaari 1, computer classroom U257


Read more and remember to register in the CareerWeb! https://into.aalto.fi/display/encareerweb/Home (requires Aalto login)”

11.                  KYL – Music greater than the film

Thursday 14.4., beginning at 7 pm

Savoy theatre, Kasarmikatu 46, Helsinki

Tickets €22.50/€17.50 (incl. 2.50 the service charge of the ticket service): http://www.ticketmaster.fi/event/kyl-elokuvaa-suurempaa-musiikkia-lippuja/176077

The Helsinki Academic Male Choir (KYL) and the Tikelo film club are arranging a concert at the Savoy theatre which combines choral singing and films in a new way. The pieces to be performed have even surpassed the films that they come from in terms of how widely they are known. In the background, extracts from the films will be shown on the screen along with the animation art of the video artist Sellekhanks. The duration of the concert is one and a half hours.

12.                  Teekkarispeksi 2016 – Atlantis 1860

Welcome with the spring 2016 Teekkarispeksi to the coast of Britain in the year of 1860! In a village community living on an isolated island, people fear God, dream of London and are building a railway bridge to the mainland. The tranquility of the small village begins to become fractured when Madame Blavatsky, who is devoted to mystical learnings, appears on the island and arouses a state of fixation on Atlantis. Whose faith is the true one? Who stays and who leaves? Will the mythical Atlantis be found?


The running time of the performance is about three hours, including intervals.

The ticket office and further information can be found at: http://www.teekkarispeksi.fi/

Ticket prices €12-26

Coming performances:

15.4. Tampere, Hällä Stage

17.4. Helsinki, Alexander Theatre

18.4. Helsinki, Alexander Theatre

19.4. Helsinki, Alexander Theatre

13.                  Master student, apply to the Aalto university mentoring programme!

Mentors are University graduates, our alumni. As a student (mentee) you will get support and guidance how to face working life, especially in another culture, a chance to improve your job application skills and a unique possibility to build your network among a cross-disciplinary group of professionals.

Application period 1.4.–10.5.

Grab the chance for a great opportunity: http://alumninet.aalto.fi/mentoring


14.                  Julkku’s seller training 18.4. and ceremonious publication 22.4

Does it feel like you aren’t quite prepared for the challenges that you will come up against in selling the magazine. Not to worry, Julkku will provide guidance on the best selling gimmicks and the answers to the trickiest questions! Put 6 pm on 18.4. in your diary and come to the Design Factory to hear and practise the most effective tips for Wappu, while at the same time enjoying snacks and refreshments!

The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/967828346604834/

BANG BANG! Julkku’s Ceremonious Publication on Friday, 22.4. from 6 pm

The 21st Julkku in the series will be published with the support of fanfares, a boisterous saloon atmosphere and surprising turns of events in hall A (Aalto Hall, Otakaari 1), and now at the very latest, the elation of Wappu will go through the roof!

The spectacle, that begins at 6 pm, is jam-packed in familiar fashion, so get there on time. You can best make sure of your seat by becoming a Julkku seller! At the same time, you will also get entry to the Cock&Tail event which begins at 5 pm! Thus your shouting voice will also be lubricated before the publication itself!

The publication event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/922323101215487/

Keep track of additional info, keep an eye on the deal engine as well as on Julkku’s web pages and Facebook, and you’ll stay up to speed!


15.                  Wine club Baccus presents: Sparkling Night 2016

Wine Club Baccus welcomes everybody to the greatest and biggest event of the year, Sparkling Night, held at Saha on April 22nd. This time we pop big bottles! Whether you’re a rookie or a bit more experienced wine enthusiast, this event is for you! Registration is now open on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/events/1038010259603374/), you will find the registration link on the event page. Note that the event will be held in Finnish.

16.                  Find a summer internship with AIESEC

The deadline to apply for summer internships with AIESEC is nearing. Work in start-ups or NGO’s around the world and gain the experience you need to kick start your career. We are the world’s largest student run organization offering many international opportunities to students in order for them to develop into inspiring leaders of the world.

If you would like to start your adventure abroad in May or June this year, you have until the 30th of April to apply through the following:


17.                  Mead, doughnuts and mentoring and 11.-27.4.

Aalto Alumni Relations and Career Services welcome you to enjoy a traditional Finnish Vappu (= First of May) drink called sima (mead) and doughnuts in every Campus. Come to hear about our services for students. You may want to hear more about the Aalto mentoring program for students and alumni (https://alumninet.aalto.fi/Palvelut/Mentorointi.aspx). The application period is on right now. Or maybe you want to get tips for summer job seeking from Career Services.


– 11.4. klo 12-14 restaurant Kasper, Vuorimiehentie 2, Espoo

– 12.4. klo 12-14 CS building lobby, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo

– 13.4. klo 15.15-19 Life after Graduation -event, Runeberginkatu 14-16, Helsinki

– 27.4. klo 12-14 Meccala, 5th floor, Hämeentie 135c, Helsinki

You are welcome to join any of these despite of your studies.

Aalto Alumni Relations, alumni@aalto.fi, mentorointi@aalto.fi

Career Services, Career-tech@aalto.fi, career-biz@aalto.fi

Join the Alumni Network if you have a Bachelor Degree! As a foreign student at Aalto you can join the Network already now: alumninet.aalto.fi

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