Weekly Newsletter 16/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 16/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Wappu.fi yet again brings all the Wappu-time events of the Aalto community together at one address. Add your event onto the pages or go and fill up your diary with more and more boisterous Wappu pursuits! May everyone have an excellent Wappu time!

P.S. The new Aino is here! Get your own magazine from the campus or from the service point of the AYY.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Apply scholarships from AYY – DL 20.4.
  3. Do a bungee jump at WappuAalto on 20.4.
  4. OtaWappu 2016
  5. Are you a member of Otaniemi’s craziest team? – Hullu Jussi 29.4.
  6. Finnish skittles tournament 25.4.
  7. Register to AYY’s Annual Ball – DL 24.4.
  8. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2016-2017
  9. Aalto in the Game – Recruiting Event, Mon 25.4.@ DF
  10. Final of the Jäynä Competition Fri 22.4. at 3 p.m.
  11. Prodeko 50 seminar: “Achieving growth” 29.4.
  12. Come to plan the development co-operation week!
  13. Aalto Runners Wappu’s half marathon 23.4.
  14. Startup Crawl 2016

1.  This and next week’s events

  • Mon 18.4. – Teekkarispeksi 2016: Atlantis 1860 /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2016-atlantis-1860/
  • Tue 19.4. – Teekkarispeksi 2016: Atlantis 1860 /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2016-atlantis-1860/
  • Wed 20.4. – Wappuaalto /blog/events/wappuaalto-3/
  • Wed 20.4. – WappuAalto After Party 2016 /blog/events/wappuaalto-after-party-2016/
  • Wed 20.4. – Ristin kilta: Mikko Matikainen: Innostavan elämäntavallista /blog/events/ristin-kilta-mikko-matikainen-innostavan-elamantavallista/
  • Thu 21.4. – Suklaanmaisteluilta /blog/events/tety-suklaanmaistelu/
  • Fri 22.4. – Jäynäfinaali /blog/events/jaynafinaali/
  • Fri 22.4. – Julkun Juhlallinen Julkaisu /blog/events/julkun-juhlallinen-julkaisu/
  • Fri 22.4. – TRIP laivurikurssien lopputentit ja tentinkaato /blog/events/trip-laivurikurssien-lopputentit-ja-tentinkaato/
  • Fri 22.4. – PreWappu 2016 /blog/events/prewappu-2016/
  • Sat 23.4. – Sitsikisat /blog/events/sitsikisat/
  • Sat 23.4. – Aalto Runners: Wapun puolimaraton /blog/events/aalto-runners-wapun-puolimaraton/

Viikko 17

  • Mon 25.4. – Kevätkyykkä /blog/events/kevatkyykka/
  • Wed 27.4. – Ristin kilta: Teeilta /blog/events/ristin-kilta-teeilta/
  • Fri 29.4. – Hullu Jussi /blog/events/hullu-jussi/

2.  Apply scholarships from AYY – DL 20.4.

AYY is distributing exchange, community and study scholarships this spring to support the internationalisation of students, support community activities and encourage for successful combination of studies and the student life.

The spring application period for the scholarships is Wednesday 30.3., 12:00, – Wednesday 20.4., 23:59.

More information: /en/students/services/scholarships/

3.  Do a bungee jump at WappuAalto on 20.4.

At WappuAalto on Wednesday, 20.4, you can also do a bungee jump; you won’t want to miss this!

When you sign up in advance, the jump costs a paltry 35 euros, or it’s 40 euros on the day. Advance registration is open until 6 pm on Tuesday, 19.4. you can jump alone or with a friend in tandem. There are jump times from 2 pm to 8 pm.

It’s rarely this easy to get to do a bungee jump (the bungee isn’t very often seen in Otaniemi), or this cheap (at festivals, the same slice of fun will set you back €100!).

Warm and sunny weather is promised for the WappuAalto, so what would be a more unforgettable way to enjoy the weather and Wappu than being upside down! 😉

Signing up is open at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/bungee-jump-2016/

WappuAalto’s Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/970880509616068/

4.  OtaWappu 2016


The Wappu parties get started once again when, this time, a party area of historical size will be constructed in the Otahalli. The event, which is the climax of Wappu, offers something for everyone. On the party side, Wikirock and Aste are performing, while in the Lounge hall you can hear more relaxed tunes from (vinyl) records.

Ticket sales begin at WappuAalto 20.4. Get there. Get here. Everyone.

5.  Are you a member of Otaniemi’s craziest team? – Hullu Jussi 29.4.

As the sun sets down on the 29th of April Otaniemi is filled with Wappuspirit and a sense of adventure! Teams crawl around the campus on wild and witty checkpoints and compete for the title of the Craziest Team™!

The official after party will make sure your fun doesn’t end after completing the crawl! Pelmu, the live music association of Otaniemi, is having their annual Wappufestival at Smökki and all crawlers are welcome free of charge!

So get yourself ready and gather a team of 4 to 10 people for the night of a lifetime! You don’t have to sign up beforehand, crawl forms will be handed out in front of AYY’s central office right after the freshmen spex has ended. Remember that this competition is all about spontaneity and team spirit, with a little Wappu twist of course!

If you’re already too familiar with all sorts of crawls, opt for having a checkpoint with your organization or friends! The sign-up sheet is open until the 20th of April: http://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/hullu-jussi-2016-rastit/

And that’s not all! Prizes for both the crawl winners and the best checkpoint are pretty amazing: a luxurious picnic basket for the 1st of May and a bus ride to Ullanlinnanmäki! The best checkpoint will also get rewarded with a free AYY rentable sauna space for one day (has to be used by the end of the year).

The winners will be announced at the Declaration of Wappu Rowdiness on the 30th of April!


  • WHAT: Crazy John checkpoint crawl!
  • WHERE: Around the Otaniemi campus
  • WHEN: 29th of April ~ 22.00-1.00
  • CHECKPOINTS: sign up a checkpoint during 1.-20.4. at:http://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/hullu-jussi-2016-rastit/

6.  Finnish skittles tournament 25.4.

“Gather a team and participate in the best Finnish skittles tournament of this Wappu! First 16 teams are guaranteed to have a place in the tournament and the make-up of your team is completely up to you, the type of your cap or the color of your overalls doesn’t matter as long as there’s four of you!

In short, Finnish skittles is a game where you throw a wooden bat at the (wooden) skittles and try to knock them out of the field. The rules are explained more specifically here: http://kyykka.fi/rules

The registration opens on April 18th at 12:00 and closes on the 24th at 23:59. Fill the registration form here: http://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/kevatkyykka-2016/

The official after party begins at 19 in Gorsu (Jämeräntaival 5) and both the participants and the audience are welcome.


  • WHAT: Finnish skittles tournament
  • WHERE: Sähkömiehenpolku, Otaniemi
  • WHEN: 25th of April 14.00-20.00, official afterparty 19.00 @Gorsu

7.  Register to AYY’s Annual Ball – DL 24.4.

AYY’s – Aalto University Student Union’s 6th Annual Ball is celebrated on Saturday 14th of May 2016. The Ball begins with a cocktail reception open for all guests in the headquarters of Varma in Salmisaari. The main venue of the Ball is Loistosali, also in Salmisaari, where a delicious three-course-menu will be served. The celebration continues with Biitsi Afterparty in a beach atmosphere downstairs at Biitsi.fi Arena. After afterparty is held at Rantasauna in Otaniemi.

Tickets to the Annual Ball are available for AYY’s members and other students at the price of 80 € and non-students at the price of 100 €. Registration for invited guests is open 28.3-20.4. Other guests can purchase tickets 4.-24.4. In addition, there will be a restricted amount of tickets for sale to the Biitsi Afterparty at the price of 12 € between April 11 and 24.

The dress code for the Annual Ball is dark suite/cocktail dress with Academic medals of honour.

More information about the Annual Ball and events of the Annual Ball Week at www.vuosijuhlat.fi. Facebook-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/961130467274918/

8.  Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2016-2017

Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Sunday, 29 May 2016. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 29 May 2016, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments to AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Palonen (henna.palonen@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440)

9.  Aalto in the Game – Recruiting Event, Mon 25.4.@ DF

Aalto in the Game is a recruiting event for current and future talents – students, alumni and young experts fascinated by the game industry.

At the event you will find some of the most exciting employers of the industry who are looking for new talents in the various fields of game design, programming, graphic design as well as marketing and business. There is also a DemoZone presenting game demos made by the student in Game Design and Production Master’s programme, lecture and CV-clinic.

Aalto in the Game – Recruiting Event, Mon 25 April 2016 , 12 -17 at Design Factory¨

Further information: http://fairs.aalto.fi/aaltointhegame/”

10.           Final of the Jäynä Competition Fri 22.4. at 3 p.m.

Come and check out the most exhilarating and invigorating jäynäs in the lecture hall U2 (Otakaari 1) on Friday 22 April at 14:45! It will be full of surprises! It’s traditionally been a full house, so arrive early to make sure you fit in.

Don’t forget to vote, as the voting is open for everyone and starts immediately after the final at www.jäynä.fi!

The winner of the 29th annual Jäynä Competition as well as the public’s favourite will be announced on 30 April as part of Wappurieha announcement in the yard of Smökki.

11.           Prodeko 50 seminar: “Achieving growth” 29.4.

On Friday, 29.4. from 12 noon to 5pm, Prodeko is arranging a top-class event at the Finlandia Hall, in which top-notch speakers talk about creating growth from different perspectives. The speakers include Matti Alahuhta and the CEO of Kasvuryhmä, Annu Nieminen.

Alongside its impressive subject content, the event is relaxed in mood and takes you towards Wappu. All those who want to take part are welcome to buy a ticket to the event.

Further information: http://files.prodeko.org/Prodeko50/Seminaari.pdf

Tickets: https://holvi.com/shop/Prodeko50-seminaariliput/

12.           Come to plan the development co-operation week!

The AYY is organising a development co-operation work week in October, the purpose of which is to raise awareness of global issues and development co-operation work as a part of an Aalto person’s career and life. If you are interested or want to learn more about development co-operation work, take part in our first meeting at the centre office of the AYY (Otakaari 11), in the upstairs meeting room on Thursday 21.4. at 6 pm to hear more!

You do not have to have experience of development co-operation work. Everyone is welcome to come and generate ideas, even if they won’t be in Finland in the autumn. If you can’t make it, send a mail to the address saana.rossi@ayy.fi and we’ll get in touch with you.”

13.           Aalto Runners Wappu’s half marathon 23.4.

Aalto Runners invites everyone to run a half marathon (21km). Usually there have been couple of groups depending of the condition of the runners. The slowest group runs about 2 hours 10-20 minutes.

The start of the run is 15pm at Otaniemi sports track. The route goes through Lauttasaari, Hietaniemi, Meilahti, Lehtisaari and Kuusisaari. Remember to take water with you.

There are food and drinks served after run and a possibility for sauna at OK20 small side. You can bring your stuff before run until 14:45. Welcome! The event on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/256634051349060/

14.           Startup Crawl 2016

Startup Crawl is here again! This time Aaltoes has partnered with HankenES to make this event bigger, brighter and better than ever before!

The theme for this year is diversity. Hence, we have chosen the most promising startups from different business sectors, both big and small. Venture capital companies are attending for the first time too.

All the companies are very excited to receive us and most are looking to fill quite a few positions. So bring your best A-game and be prepared to leave a lasting impression! Free beer on offer too!

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/219182088447970/.

  • WHAT: Startup Crawl (like bar crawl but with startups)
  • WHERE: Helsinki City Centre
  • WHEN: Friday 22nd of April 16.30-21
  • PRICE: 5€
  • AFTERPARTY: 21 o’clock @ Smartly.io
  • WHY: Meet new people, get hired and enjoy the free beer!

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