Weekly Newsletter 17/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 17/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Wappu.fi yet again brings all the Wappu-time events of the Aalto community together at one address. Add your event onto the pages or go and fill up your diary with more and more boisterous Wappu pursuits! May everyone have an excellent Wappu time!

P.S. Have you already tried the world’s largest sauna on Alvari? #WiikonWappuSauna http://vapaateekkarit.fi/wappusauna/

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. OtaWappu 2016
  3. The freshmen spexes and a start bang of Yöjäynä 29.4.
  4. Are you a member of Otaniemi’s craziest team? – Hullu Jussi 29.4.
  5. PELMU’s Wappufestarit on 29.4. @Smökki
  6. With great Wappu comes great Rowdiness!
  7. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2016-2017
  8. Bicycle maintenance points on the Otaniemi and Töölö campuses
  9. Interested in development cooperation? Apply to become a representative of the AYY on KENKKU
  10. Aalto Adventure Race May 7, 2016
  11. Hitchball 4000 hitchhiking competition June 10-12
  12. The apparition of Maria – a memorable city festival on 7.5.2016, 11 am – 6 pm
  13. Aalto Strategy Changetalks 26.4.
  14. BEST Viking Cantus 8.5. @ Smökki

1.    This and next week’s events

Viikko 17

  • ma 25.4. – Kevätkyykkä /blog/events/kevatkyykka/
  • ma 25.4 – Aalto in the game recruiting event /blog/events/aalto-in-the-game-recruiting-event/
  • Ke 27.4. – Ristin kilta: Teeilta /blog/events/ristin-kilta-teeilta/
  • To 28.4. Elisa: Girls in ICT Day /blog/events/elisa-girls-in-ict-day/
  • Pe 29.4. – Hullu Jussi /blog/events/hullu-jussi/
  • La 30.4. – Wappuriehan julistus
  • La 30.4. – OtaWappu
  • Su 1.5. – The Scottish Waputin /blog/events/the-scottish-waputin/

Viikko 18

  • ke 4.5. – Ristin kilta: Jouna Nousiainen, Juutalainen Jeesus /blog/events/ristin-kilta-jouna-nousiainen-juutalainen-jeesus/
  • pe 6.5. – Cafe Lingua /blog/events/cafe-lingua-5/
  • La 7.5. – Aalto Adventure race /blog/events/aalto-adventure-race/
  • La 7.5. – Metal Club Mökän AfterWappu /blog/events/metal-club-mokan-afterwappu/

2.    OtaWappu 2016

The Wappu parties get started once again when, this time, a party area of historical size will be constructed in the Otahalli. The event, which is the climax of Wappu, offers something for everyone. On the party side, Wikirock and Aste are performing, while in the Lounge hall you can hear more relaxed tunes from (vinyl) records.

Ticket sales are under way and it’s best to make sure of your place at the party soon; last year, tickets were already sold out the day before the event. You can see the selling times on the event’s Facebook pages or at http://bileet.wappu.fi/

Stay with your Wappus!


3.    The freshmen spexes and a start bang of Yöjäynä 29.4.

The freshmen of this academic year present their spexes on Friday April 29th in the Aalto Hall. Fuksispeksit are part of Fuksipeijaiset, the competition that decides in which order the freshmen get their Teekkari caps on the following morning.

The doors to the great hall open at 4pm, and the show starts at 4.30pm. Be sure to be there in time, as quite a lot of people are going to come there. During the evening you shall see 13 10-minute spexes. Please remember that it’s forbidden to bring your own alcoholic beverages to the university premises .

Also Teekkarispeksi will perform in this event.

NB! You can also watch the Fuksispeksit via a live stream: http://wappu.fi/oubs/


The second part of Yöjäynä starts with a bang at the Alvar square on Friday April 29th at 9.00pm, right after the Fuksispeksit event in Aalto Hall. Come and cheer the freshman teams in their first nightly challenge!

After the freshmen have rushed to meet other challenges you can take part in the checkpoint crawl Crazy John and compete for the title of the craziest group of students!


4.    Are you a member of Otaniemi’s craziest team? – Hullu Jussi 29.4.

As the sun sets down on the 29th of April Otaniemi is filled with Wappuspirit and a sense of adventure! Teams crawl around the campus on wild and witty checkpoints and compete for the title of the Craziest Team™!

The official after party will make sure your fun doesn’t end after completing the crawl! Pelmu, the live music association of Otaniemi, is having their annual Wappufestival at Smökki and all crawlers are welcome free of charge!

So get yourself ready and gather a team of 4 to 10 people for the night of a lifetime! You don’t have to sign up beforehand, crawl forms will be handed out in front of AYY’s central office right after the freshmen spex has ended. Remember that this competition is all about spontaneity and team spirit, with a little Wappu twist of course!

Prizes for both the crawl winners and the best checkpoint are pretty amazing: a luxurious picnic basket for the 1st of May and a bus ride to Ullanlinnanmäki! The best checkpoint will also get rewarded with a free AYY rentable sauna space for one day (has to be used by the end of the year).

The winners will be announced at the Declaration of Wappu Rowdiness on the 30th of April!


WHAT: Crazy John checkpoint crawl!

WHERE: Around the Otaniemi campus

WHEN: 29th of April ~ 22.00-1.00

CHECKPOINTS: sign up a checkpoint during 1.-20.4. at:http://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/hullu-jussi-2016-rastit/

5.    PELMU’s Wappufestarit on 29.4. @Smökki

On Friday 29th of April it is time for the biggest music festival in Otaniemi! Come to enjoy the music that ranges from party rock to grooving rap. Doors will open at 8 PM and the party will continue ‘til the morning. Wappufestarit is the official after party of Crazy John and it is completely free!

FB-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1697142950545024/

What: PELMU’s Wappufestarit (May Day Music Festival) 2016 – The official after party of Crazy John

Where: Smökki

When: On Friday 29th of April

6.    With great Wappu comes great Rowdiness!

Welcome to see the Declaration of Wappu Rowdiness on Wappu eve! All the fuzz starts on 30th April at 1PM with jazz band of Polirytmi, continued by several winners of wappu competitions.

At 3PM, from the roof of Smökki, can we hear the beginning of traditional Wappu-time festivities. Come celebrate to the Smökki courtyard!

Come experience the Wappu Rowdiness and meet with all the other people!

7.    Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2016-2017

Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Sunday, 29 May 2016. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 29 May 2016, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments to AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Palonen (henna.palonen@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440)

8.    Bicycle maintenance points on the Otaniemi and Töölö campuses

Aalto University has acquired two fixed BFIX maintenance stands for its campuses from the end of the year. The stands include the equipment required for servicing a bike – a pump, a servicing stand and tools – and also a QR code to a mobile guide. Use of the maintenance points is free for cyclists.

The maintenance stands are in Otaniemi at Otakaari 18 and in Töölö at Runeberginkatu 14-16.

Further information: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=19829918″

9.    Interested in development cooperation? Apply to become a representative of the AYY on KENKKU

Are you enthused by exerting influence globally and promoting education internationally? Are you a determined communicator or networker, or acquainted with funding? Do you have the passion to give a piece of your know-how to the world? We’re looking for committed and motivated doers who are rich in ideas for the Development Cooperation Advisory Board (KENKKU) of the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL). The Development Cooperation Advisory Board acts as the advisor of the Board of SYL in development cooperation issues and administers the development cooperation projects of SYL, together with the development cooperation coordinator. Apply to become a representative of the AYY on KENKKU by sending your application by 5.5.2016 to international@ayy.fi

Further information: /blog/2016/04/20/kiinnostaako-kehitysyhteistyo-hae-ayyn-edustajaksi-kenkkun-ja-paaset-suunnittelemaan-kehya-kaytannossa/

10.                  Aalto Adventure Race May 7, 2016

Aalto Adventure Race is an adventure/sports contest held on May 7, 2016 where the contestants ride bicycles from one checkpoint to the next in teams of three or four and carry out tasks given to them. There are a total of 35 checkpoints all over the Helsinki metropolitan area, and the time limit is 10 hours.

In Aalto Adventure Race, you get to challenge other Aalto students with your own group. Experience sports in a new way and grab the title of the most adventurous group in Aalto. Besides fame and glory, winners will also get some great prizes.


11.                  Hitchball 4000 hitchhiking competition June 10-12

Hitchball 4000 is a weekend-long adventure during which teams of two people hitchhike across Finland and the Baltics and complete fun challenges along the way. A GPS tracking system allows fellow competitors, friends, worried relatives and random drivers to follow the race and the progress of their favorite team in real time.

The winner is the team that with a cunning tactic hitchhikes the longest way possible and the farthest possible from Helsinki during the weekend, and gets back in time as well. The winning team will get to decorate their home with the Hitchball 4000 Cup – to which its name will be engraved – for one year. In addition to the main prize, one team will be awarded with the Spirit of Hitchball award, with separate criteria.

Find yourself a team mate of the opposite gender and take a leap of faith to the next level! The most exciting and eye-opening weekend or your summer is gonna be on June 10th-12th and registration is open through http://www.hitchball4000.fi/registration/ . There is room for only 45 teams, so be quick! When registering you have to provide the name of the Tumblr account you will use to send pictures and stories during your journey.

The rules and more information about the race: http://www.hitchball4000.fi/

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1665818390348792/

Joining us on the road: our fantastic sponsors Sievo, Enoro, Karttakeskus and Rehashop.

12.                  The apparition of Maria – a memorable city festival on 7.5.2016, 11 am – 6 pm

Building no. 5 of the Maria Hospital, which has been taken out of use, is opening its doors to the people of the city for one day, on Saturday 7.5.2016, from 11 am to 6 pm. The festival challenges its visitors to experience something new and to meet each other in the setting of a diverse programme. The event is organised by Tilapioneerit.

See more information about the event and Tilapioneerit: https://www.facebook.com/events/201341873582130/

http://tilapioneerit.fi/ • https://www.facebook.com/tilapioneerit •


13.                  Aalto Strategy Changetalks 26.4.

Interested in learning about change management? Aalto Strategy warmly welcomes you to Aalto Strategy ChangeTalks on Tuesday 26th of April at 17:30. During the evening you will hear representatives from EY, Nokia and Vaisala talk about change and what it is like to work as a strategist in these different companies. Come learn about the only constant in business: Change. The event is held in ENGLISH.

Find the event and register now.

Link to event: https://www.facebook.com/events/767945376672563/

Link to registration: http://goo.gl/forms/TknDow7Ogk

14.                  BEST Viking Cantus 8.5. @ Smökki

Find your inner viking or a nordic god and come to celebrate the traditional Belgian beer festival! With the admission fee you are permitted to 3 hours of unlimited beer/cider/cola while watching misbehavers getting punished in the most imaginable ways in the middle of the circle.

What: Cantus

When: 8.5 at 7:30pm-1am

Where: In Smökki, afterparty in Rantasauna

Price: 15 euros

Tickets: We will sell only 63 tickets!

Selling day and time: 26.4 and 27.4 at 11-13 in main building lobby.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1724899674419714/

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