Weekly Newsletter 20/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 20/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

The last weekly newsletter this spring will come out on Monday, June 30.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2016-2017
  3. Surface Pro 4 is for real doers who want to get their studies done as lightly and efficiently as possible with one device.
  4. Call for volunteers to help asylum seekers
  5. Cleaning Day on 28.5. at Otaniemi Recycling center
  6. Tempaus2016 is coming up in the autumn – stay up to date by watching social media
  7. Apply for a study grant for your project
  8. The annual Product Design Gala is approaching!
  9. Aalto Festival 16 – 31 May: fashion, future materials, sustainability business models and electronic gadgets.
  10. World Telecommunication Day focuses on ICT startups
  11. Millennium Technology Prize Award Ceremony satellite event at Design Factory on May 24th
  12. Exchanging ideas and peer support on the net – join in!
  13. BEST Autumn Course application period is open
  14. Mestariopiskelija – a free e-book on the optimization of studying
  15. Orienteering in Otaniemi on May 18
  16. The cheapest green card course in Finland for all students
  17. Join TRIP’s introductory sailing trip!


1.    This and next week’s events

Viikko 20

  • 17.5. – TAK ratapäivät Ahvenistolla /blog/events/tak-ratapaivat-ahvenistolla/
  • 19.5. – PK:n konsertti Alussa ja lopussa /blog/events/alussa-ja-lopussa-konsertti/
  • 21.5. – ESN Aalto Farewell Sauna /blog/events/esn-aalto-farewell-sauna/
  • 21.5. – Aalto Gamers Hearthstone Tournament /blog/events/aalto-gamers-hearthstone-tournament/

Viikko 21

  • 27.5. – Aalto Gamers Casual League of Legends Tournament /blog/events/aalto-gamers-casual-league-of-legends-tournament/
  • 28.5. – Kevätsitsit kadettien kanssa /blog/events/kevatsitsit-kadettien-kanssa/

2.    Submit your events for AYY’s academic year calendar 2016-2017

Associations and actors within AYY have the opportunity to submit important event dates for the student union’s academic year calendar. Events can be submitted through the google docs file linked below until Sunday, 29 May 2016. Please add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Please enter the text you want in the calendar ”Event name/Text” field (yellow background). Please note that one line can hold up the maximum of 25 characters of text, including spaces. When writing the text, please consider how many lines from  your own calendar you wish to be ”wasted”. The calendar is trilingual so please take this into account when planning the text.

If there are several events marked on the same date, the event that concerns most of the students will end up in the calendar. The file is editable until the provided deadline 29 May 2016, until which you can make changes to your events. Please fill out the columns carefully, and check and double check that the information is correct. Please also remember to include information on who is organising the event.


Questions and comments to AYY’s Communications Officer Henna Palonen (henna.palonen@ayy.fi or 050 520 9440)

3.    Surface Pro 4 is for real doers who want to get their studies done as lightly and efficiently as possible with one device.


As a member of AYY, you can now get Surface Pro 4 and the Type Cover keyboard cover with a discount of €199 from the Microsoft Online Store. Make use of the special offer at http://bit.ly/SurfacePro4OfferMSStore (campaign period 16.-29.5.2016)

The thinness and lightness of Surface Pro 4, combined with the powerful Intel® Core™ processors, guarantee peak performance level throughout the day. The compatibility with all programs, the super-precise touch display, the incomparable pen and detachable keyboard make multi-faceted use possible at school, work and at leisure. Surface Pro 4 replaces the desktop PC, the laptop and the tablet – you don’t need anything else.

4.    Call for volunteers to help asylum seekers

Would you like to help asylum seekers living in Otaniemi with their everyday lives and teach them language in everyday situations? This activity will take place in the form of things such as theme evenings, playing board games and helping with shopping.

If you’d like to join, contact Riikka Keskitalo (turvapaikanhakijat.koordinaattori@ejy.fi) or Jimmy Nylund (jimmy.nylund@ayy.fi).

5.    Cleaning Day on 28.5. at Otaniemi Recycling center

Cleaning Day comes again on Saturday 28.5. It changes cities and neighborhoods into huge flea markets and marketplaces. Otaniemi Recycling center will be open, and outside near the recycling center anybody can come and sell their stuff flea market style. At the end of the day you can donate your extra items to the recycling center if you want to. Coffee and tea will be served at the recycling center.

Time: Sat 28.5. at 10-15

Address: Servin Maijan tie 6D

More info about the event: http://outside.ayy.fi/en/blog/events/siivouspaiva-otaniemen-kierratyskeskuksella/

More info about Cleaning day: http://siivouspaiva.com/en/

More info about Otaniemi recycling center: http://kierratyskeskus.ayy.fi/

6.    Tempaus2016 is coming up in the autumn – stay up to date by watching social media

Tempaus2016 is coming up in the autumn. Stay up to date about the latest developments and the progress of the project by following Tempaus on social media.

Site: www.tempaus.fi

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tempaus2016/?fref=ts

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tempaus2016

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tempaus2016/

See you in the autumn!

7.    Apply for a study grant for your project

Aalto University and its student union allocate in cooperation study grants for incredible projects that promote studies and learning. You can apply for the grant by yourself, together with your friend or association – as long as the idea is good, we want to help you to implement it!

The application period is continuous and applications are processed on a monthly basis, the idea is that your good idea does not get old and you could implement it straight away. Applications are processed and approved by Aalto University Student Union’s academic affairs sector and Aalto University’s vice president in charge of teaching.

More information: https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/2015/04/15/oppirahaa-kansalle/”

8.    The annual Product Design Gala is approaching!

On Friday 20th May the doors are open 9am-5pm, come and go according to your own schedule. All 18 projects from ABB and Airbus to Valmet and Valtra will be present at their exhibition stands – as well as the teams and sponsoring companies. For brief introduction to projects go to http://pdp.fi/product-design-gala/

The entrance is free for the whole day, but it will help in organising if you express your attendance through: https://www.facebook.com/events/1680132682236373/

9.    Aalto Festival 16 – 31 May: fashion, future materials, sustainability business models and electronic gadgets.

Aalto Festival showcases the talents of Aalto University students, graduates and faculty. The two-week festival is a collection of over 60 events, exhibitions, seminars, parties and galas. Come to hear students’ experiences about international development projects, to see the outcomes of corporate collaboration projects, to look at future materials, to learn the secrets of graphic design and to enjoy fashion. You can find the whole programme from the website:  http://aaltofestival.fi/2016/en/

Follow Aalto Festival and share your own experiences:  #aaltofestival




Aalto Festival takes place in various locations in Helsinki and Espoo 16–31 May.

10.                  World Telecommunication Day focuses on ICT startups

How to become a startup entrepreneur in Finland? What does it take to become a startup entrepreneur? How to grow and develop further from the startup stage?

Tuesday, May 17, 11 AM – 4 PM, lecture room S4, Otakaari 5 A, 02150, Espoo

The event will be in Finnish. Program and signups: http://sci.aalto.fi/fi/current/events/2016-04-15/

11.                  Millennium Technology Prize Award Ceremony satellite event at Design Factory on May 24th

The Millennium Technology Prize is Finland’s tribute to innovations for a better life. The prize promotes technological research and Finland as a high-tech country. The rationale behind the international Millennium Technology Prize is the extensive impacts of science and innovation on society, even on humanity at large.

Come and follow the Millennium prize award ceremony live streaming to Aalto Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5 C). The event is open for all. Please sign up by Thursday May 19th to ensure refreshments: https://aaltodf.typeform.com/to/xteJpe

The event is part of Aalto Festival: http://aaltofestival.fi/2016/en/millennium-streaming/

More information about the prize: http://taf.fi/en/millennium-technology-prize/

12.                  Exchanging ideas and peer support on the net – join in!

In the group chat and discussion forum of Nyyti you can chat about different kinds of things to do with a student’s life. You can find the chat and the forum at: https://www.nyyti.fi/keskustele-netissa/


Thursday 12.5., 6 pm – 8 pm: The Diversity of Gender

Thursday 19.5., 6 pm – 8 pm: The End of the Studies and Becoming Employed

Thursday 26.5. 6 pm – 8 pm: Money Matters in a Mess

The Nyyti Reg. Assn. is a national association that promotes the mental well-being and life management of students. Further information about Nyyti and the chats: www.nyyti.fi. You can also find us on social media: Instagram (@nyytiry), Twitter (@nyyti_ry) and Facebook (nyytiry).”

13.                  BEST Autumn Course application period is open

You can choose between 49 events, which are located in 48 cities of 23 countries.

– A course lasts for approximately 7-12 days.

– 20-24 participants are accepted to each courses from all over Europe

– In case of basic courses you will get know the basics of the course topic, while at advanced courses you can obtain more deep insight on the chosen field

It costs maximum 45 €. Above that, you only have to pay your travel fees.

STEP #1 Register on the international website www.best.eu.org

STEP #2 Pick up to 3 courses from here www.best.eu.org/student/courses/coursesList.jsp

STEP #3  Write your motivational letter and apply.

New experiences, friendships and unforgettable memories are waiting for you! Apply before 15 May 2016 at 23:00 CEST

Follow LBG Helsinki on Facebook for other BEST events:


14.                  Mestariopiskelija – a free e-book on the optimization of studying

An engineer who was just about to graduate decided to employ his problem-solving skills and find out in detail how studying really works and how to make it more efficient. The result was a science-based book called Mestariopiskelija – tiedettä muistin ja opiskelun optimointiin (Master Student – Science for the Optimization of Memory and Studying).

Mestariopiskelija mixes entertaining popular science, serious studies and grassroots-level tips on how to make the psychology of learning a part of everyday studying. The book is written by Tommi Valkonen, student of industrial engineering and management, and the graphical look was designed by Joonas Heloterä.

The book is a hobby project and a sort of a life challenge rather than a way of making money. That is why the book is available for free download in PDF format at www.tommivalkonen.com. The English version of Mestariopiskelija will be published in the late summer / early autumn of 2016.

15.                  Orienteering in Otaniemi on May 18

Have you always wanted to try out real orienteering? Now is your chance, as TeekSu (Teekkari Orienteers) organize an event called Polisprint on Wednesday, May 18. You can participate by showing up near Ossinlampi between 5 and 7 PM. You can also sign up in advance at roope.nasi@aalto.fi. Also provide the number of your emit card, if you have one. There are two 2-3 km routes going around the Otaniemi campus with a brand new map. The price is 7€, and if you want to orienteer through both routes, the second one only costs 3€ extra! Find out more at teeksu.ayy.fi

16.                  The cheapest green card course in Finland for all students

Don’t have a green card yet? Don’t worry – KY-Slice ry will be organizing the cheapest green card courses in Finland again this year. The price is only 99€, and the card will be valid for the rest of your life. An introduction to golf won’t get any easier or more fun than this! See the event for more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1687938724810128/

We offer all Aalto students a membership for 2016 and full playing rights at Nevas Golf for a combined price of 450 Euros! The playing rights give you unlimited access to the course for the entire season!

Join now at www.nevasgolf.fi/seura/#tarjoukset, send your personal information to ng@nevasgolf.fi or call 010 400 6400. During the 2016 season, Nevas’ green fee selection again includes the highly popular age green fee: all those under the age of 29 get to play for the day at the price of their own age. The offer is valid at all times during the entire golf season.

17.                  Join TRIP’s introductory sailing trip!

Introductory sailing trips are targeted especially at new students and others interested in our activities who are not yet members of TRIP. Introductory sailing trips are free, and you can participate without prior sailing experience. The trips are usually organized in the evening, and often include a first mate in addition to the skipper. There is room on a trip for 4-5 persons at a time. Introductory sailing trips are organized in the evening; the meeting at the boat is usually around 5 PM. Skippers will send participants more detailed instructions by e-mail.

Read more and sign up for our introductory sailing trips at our web site: http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=200. Slots will be filled in the order of signups.


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