Weekly newsletter 22/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 22/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter.

The weekly newsletter is taking a summer holiday. The first weekly newsletter of the autumn is coming out on Monday, 29.8. and the deadline for the material is, as usual, on the Thursday before; 25.8. at 10 am. An unforgettable and relaxing summer to you all!

  1. Events during summer
  2. Share your image about AYY as background for communication strategy work
  3. HelleAalto at the Hietaniemi beach on 13.8.!
  4. Apply for the finance committee in the complementary application round!
  5. The possibility to apply for the club premises of OtaHoas
  6. Send a card to someone nice!
  7. AYY is looking for temporary and part-time employees in Otaniemi
  8. Call for volunteers to help asylum seekers
  9. Tempaus2016 is coming up in the autumn – stay up to date by watching social media
  10. Sibelius Park minigolf season starts on Monday 30 May!
  11. DASH’16 New Media Festival
  12. Bachelors of Arts 2016 Closing Exhibition 27.5.-17.6.2016
  13. Aalto 10K running event 18 September 2016 – registration now open!
  14. Graffathon, a computer graphics hackathon, 10.-12.6 @Startup Sauna
  15. Sailor and archipelago chief courses

1.    Events during summer

30.5. DASH’16 New Media Festival /blog/events/dash16-new-media-festival/

6.6. Naiskuoro KYN vs. Philomela Vocal Espoo /blog/events/naiskuoro-kyn-vs-philomela/

7.6. PK vs. YL Vocal Espoo /blog/events/pk-vs-yl-vocalespoo/

10.6. Hichball 4000 /blog/events/hitchball-4000-3/

2.    Share your image about AYY as background for communication strategy work

AYY is continuously developing its operations, and currently they are working on updating their communication strategy, among other things. As background for preparing the strategy, we would like to hear what kind of conceptions or images you have about AYY. What is AYY like in your mind? What kind of thoughts or ideas does AYY evoke? Please respond to a short survey by Sunday 5 June. Responding to the survey only takes a few minutes. https://lomake.ayy.fi/viestinta/mielikuvasi-ayysta/

3.    HelleAalto at the Hietaniemi beach on 13.8.!

Sweaty? Better already get used to it, because the most energetic event of Aalto, HelleAalto, is on its way again! HelleAalto is a summer event organised by the association section Aava on 13.8. at the Hietaniemi beach for everyone at Aalto who is more or less interested in beach games and beach weather. The event is open to everyone and suits both armchair sportspeople as well as those who have turned up on the sports fields. You can test your skills in the traditional volleyball tournament, for example. You can also come there just to hang out and enjoy the summer day!

Further information about the event is coming later, but already make room for HelleAalto in your diary now!

4.    Apply for the finance committee in the complementary application round!

The task of the finance committee is the administration and management of the assets of the Student Union. The finance committee consists of a Chair and from eight to ten members. At least half of the posts, from the Chair to the members, must be filled by members of the Student Union. Valuable experience is gained from expert members, for example on property and investment matters.

The finance committee meets 8-10 times over the course of the year. Working on the finance committee requires an excellent understanding of the finances of AYY and their structure, as well as of the operations of the Student Union.

Members are usually sought once a year for the finance committee, in October-November. Now, due to the resignation of two members, two places are being sought to be filled. The places in question are places for student members, so a requirement for the application is membership of the Student Union. The Council will select the members of the finance committee on the basis of the proposal of the Board. Working on the finance committee prevents working on the Council.

You can apply for the terms that run until 31.12.2016 and 31.12.2017 in the complementary application round. The application process ends on 6.6.2016 at 11.59 pm.

Application: /stop/raha-ja-talous/taloustoimikunta/

5.    The possibility to apply for the club premises of OtaHoas

Club premises have become available to OtaHoas (the joint resident committee of the student accommodation sites of Otaniemi owned by Hoas) in the properties of Jämeräntaipale, Servin Maijan tie and Servinkuja as well. The associations of Otaniemi, the clubs formed by the residents and other groups are being offered the opportunity to manage these premises.

The sizes of the premises on offer vary from about 25 to 80 square metres. Almost all the premises have a toilet either in the premises or near them. No rent is charged for the premises. The premises cannot be used during the quiet period because there are residential apartments around them. OtaHoas can provide support with the expenses relating to the adoption of club premises.

The purpose of use of the premises is not restricted, but it must be one that promotes the comfort of residents. The administrators have a duty to allow the residents of Otaniemi use the premises free of charge provided that they can use the premises themselves for their own requirements.

OtaHoas will arrange viewings of the premises from Monday, 20.6., when it will be possible to get acquainted with the premises. Applications for the usage plan of the club premises must be sent by Sunday, 3.7.

Further information, registering for a viewing and application instructions are on the web pages of OtaHoas: http://otahoas.ayy.fi/kerhohuoneet/tila-anti-2016/

6.    Send a card to someone nice!

Did you attend an extraordinarily good lecture? Was the janitor kind enough to help you with your heavy luggage? Did the study planning officer help you out with your complex study plans?

It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Now it’s time to say thank you to university staff. Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us who has been nice to you at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/. Let’s remember to thank each other!

7.    AYY is looking for temporary and part-time employees in Otaniemi

We are looking for employees for the busy early autumn for the positions of Emergency Housing Coordinator (1 person) and Distributors of Academic Year Stickers (2 persons). Free-form applications with CVs should be delivered to AYY Administrative Manager Johanna Pietiläinen by 12:00 on 8 June 2016, to the address rekrytointi(at)ayy.fi. Further information: /en/student-union/vacancies/ayy-is-looking-for-temporary-and-part-time-employees-in-otaniemi/

8.    Call for volunteers to help asylum seekers

Would you like to help asylum seekers living in Otaniemi with their everyday lives and teach them language in everyday situations? This activity will take place in the form of things such as theme evenings, playing board games and helping with shopping.

If you’d like to join, contact Riikka Keskitalo (turvapaikanhakijat.koordinaattori@ejy.fi) or Jimmy Nylund (jimmy.nylund@ayy.fi).

9.    Tempaus2016 is coming up in the autumn – stay up to date by watching social media

Tempaus2016 is coming up in the autumn. Stay up to date about the latest developments and the progress of the project by following Tempaus on social media.

Site: www.tempaus.fi

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tempaus2016/?fref=ts

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tempaus2016

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tempaus2016/

See you in the autumn!

10.                  Sibelius Park minigolf season starts on Monday 30 May!

Sibelius Park minigolf is a minigolf established by the Guild of the Cross in 1952 and maintained by its members in Sibelius Park in Töölö. A game round for adults costs EUR 6 and for students EUR 4.50. There is also a booth where you can buy e.g. ice-cream and refreshments. The grill is also available for customer use. In June, we are open every day between 13-20.

The profits will go to children’s charity in India, Russia and Ukraine. Minigolf does good! You can find further information on the website at http://sibeliuspuistonminigolf.fi/ and the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/sibeliuspuistonminigolf/

Welcome to play in the summer!

11.                  DASH’16 New Media Festival

DASH’16 is a three day New Media festival featuring live performances, installations, prototypes and workshops, organised by the New Media MA-students of Aalto University Media Lab Helsinki for the first time in 2016. For more information, visit: http://www.dashhelsinki.com

Monday 30.5. 17 – 02

Tuesday 31.5. 13 – 22

Wednesday 01.6. 13 – 22

Telakkakatu 6, Hietalahti, Helsinki – FREE ENTRY

12.                  Bachelors of Arts 2016 Closing Exhibition 27.5.-17.6.2016

Welcome to the exhibition of the degree work of the candidates of the Aalto ARTS Design faculty! The BOA, i.e. Bachelors of Arts exhibition, which is being held for the second time, brings together the works of students of textile, industrial design, ceramics and glass arts. With the degree reform of the Design faculty, the old training programmes are becoming history, so this year the Bachelors of Arts exhibition is the last opportunity to get to know the varied production of the different fields. You’re warmly welcomed to come to see and experience what interests young designers in the spring of 2016.

The opening ceremony is on 26.5. from 5 pm to 7 pm at the Lume Gallery, at Hämeentie 135 C!

The exhibition will be opened by its official patrons, Johan Olin and Aamu Song.

Exhibition open: Mon – Thu 8 am – 7 pm, Fri 8 am – 6 pm

13.                  Aalto 10K running event 18 September 2016 – registration now open!

The traditional Aalto 10K and Aalto 5K takes place on Sunday 18 September 2016 at 13.00. You can run, jog, walk, or Nordic walk the distance of your choice. Aalto 10K is free of charge running event for all the Aalto students, staff and alumni!

The event is part of Espoo marathon and half-marathon, which also Aalto members are welcome to take part in with discount price (40€/person). This event takes place on Saturday 17 September 2016.

Note that the participation fee for marathon is 0€ if you register as a volunteer official to work for few hours during either Friday 16 September or on Sunday 18 September at the Aalto 10K/5K event (limited amount of free places). More details of registering as a volunteer, see here: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enaalto/Officials+needed+for+Aalto+10K+running+event+on+18+September+2016

Time: Aalto 10K Sun 18.9.2016 at 13-16, Marathon Sat 17.9.2016

Location: The start line for both events is at Espoo, Otaniemi Otaranta, by Laajalahti shore.

Registration: Registration ends Sunday 11.9.2016 23:59.

(Make sure, that you select ‘Aalto University’ in the ‘Organisation’ box. Student number or place of work will also need to be given on the registration form.)

Registration link: https://secure.onreg.com/onreg2/front/step1.php?id=3256&eventkey=372692de424e96346f40dd6320c4e701&set_language=us

14.                  Graffathon, a computer graphics hackathon, 10.-12.6 @Startup Sauna

Graffathon is a three-day computer graphics hackathon aimed for novices. Every participant will create a computer program that produces a non-interactive multimedia presentation also known as demo. The event is targeted at real beginners who have no previous graphics coding and/or demoscene experience. The demos can be made in small groups of two or three people. One can also make the demo by themselves or find a group at the event.

The program consists of helpful presentations and workshops which guide you on how to create your first demo. In addition, we teach you the basics of demoscene and democulture.

Sign up is open at: http://www.graffathon.fi/2016/



15.                  Sailor and archipelago chief courses

Do you want to learn how to sail? Or have you already been out on the waters to some extent, but would like to learn the basics of sailing efficiently and comprehensively? Come on a sailor course.

  • The sailor course is meant for beginners for learning crew skills.
  • The archipelago chief course provides the basic skills for acting as the skipper of a sailing boat. The recommended amount of sailing experience is at least 100 nautical miles, as well as an archipelago navigation course or comparable skills.

Signing up for the courses will open on our web pages at http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=231 at a date to be announced later on. On the same pages, you can find further information about our courses and other activities.

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