The complete renovation of Jämeräntaival 3, 5, 7 – information and instructions

The Council of AYY decided on 16.6. that a housing technology-driven complete renovation will be begun at the Jämeräntaival 3, 5, 7 property in January 2017. Living in the property will be impossible during the renovation work. Due to the renovation work, the rental contracts of residents and users will have to be terminated in stages. The renovation will begin in January 2017 with Jämeräntaival 7 C. In the terminations, the termination period that is in accordance with the Tenancy Act shall be complied with, which is 6 months on the part of the lessor.

AYY seeks to offer residents whose contracts are being terminated the possibility to move to a comparable flat in the Teekkari Village. The resident can decide whether they want to apply for another AYY flat or arrange their accommodation themselves in some other way after the termination.

For transfer applications, one additional queue point shall be given upon the decision of the Board of AYY, so that they are first in the queue. The additional point is valid until the applicant has received an offer for a shared flat or a flat that corresponds to the terminated one and as long as the need for accommodation is urgent due to the complete renovation. If you turn down the first accommodation offer, you will be treated as a normal accommodation seeker after that.

Residents can also apply for other flats of AYY. However, no additional points will be granted for other accommodation queues due to the renovation, but instead they will be scored in accordance with the normal rules. An exception to this is residents who live in a one-bedroom flat, but who are applying for a shared flat. The additional points for an urgent need for accommodation will be granted normally on the basis of termination done by the lessor for the queues where the additional points in question are in use.

Replacement flats will be begun to be offered immediately.

Instructions for residents:

  • When you have received notice of termination on the basis of a complete renovation, you can apply for a replacement flat from AYY
  • Make an application in the normal way in the queue of the domo system
  • State in the attachment to the application that you are seeking a replacement flat due to a complete renovation
  • At the same time, make sure that the e-mail address is correct in the system!
  • A possible accommodation offer will be sent by e-mail

If necessary, you can ask for further information from the housing office

You can ask for more information about the complete renovation from the Construction Foreman of AYY, Hannes Helminen

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