Weekly newsletter 35/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 35/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Our weekly newsletter is back from summer holiday, and it will come out every Monday. Do you want your own news piece in the newsletter? Send us a concise text with a heading by Thursday during the week before to the address tiedotteet@ayy.fi. The editor of the weekly newsletter is the Information Officer, and he/she has the overall responsibility for the content of the newsletter.

We wish you a good beginning of the new academic year!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Get your academic year sticker, calendar and update the student status on your travel card
  3. Emergency housing offered in August-September
  4. Problems with the insurance?
  5. Nominate for Aalto Athlete 2016!
  6. Opening of the academic year 2016–2017 at Aalto University
  7. Aalto Afterparty 2016
  8. Volunteers for Aalto Afterparty and Aalto Party!
  9. Share information about study opportunities in the AYY Study Events group
  10. TOKYO: 55 years of being organized -exhibition
  11. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower
  12. Join in organising the Development Cooperation Week
  13. Aalto 10K running event 18 September 2016 – registration now open!
  14. Power Shift Finland climate event from Otaniemi to Forssa

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 36

2.    Get your academic year sticker, calendar and update the student status on your travel card

The new academic year is here! Don’t forget to register your attendance and pay the Student Union membership fee by Friday 16 September. Registration and membership fee payment are easiest to do online through WebOodi (https://oodi.aalto.fi/)kautta!

You can pick up your new academic year sticker and calendar at AYY service points in Otaniemi and Arabia or at temporary sticker points at the HUB of Otaniemi Undergraduate Centre or Töölö Campus. Everyone will want the sticker for their cards at approximately the same time, so you should prepare for some queues during the first weeks of September.

It is also time to update your student status for your travel card. The student status updated for your HSL travel card last year is valid until the end of October. If your studies continue in the autumn and you wish to have the discount also in the future, you have to update your student status. If you do not perform the appropriate update, the system will charge a normal adult price starting on 1 September.

You can update your student status for the travel card at HSL service points or temporary travel card service points. The Aalto University temporary service point is located at the HUB of Otaniemi Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1) Until 9 September 2016 during weekdays 12:00-16:00 Further information: /blog/2016/07/11/uudet-lukuvuositarrat-jaossa-elokuusta-2016-alkaen/

3.    Emergency housing offered in August-September

In cooperation with the Aalto University, AYY organises emergency housing for Aalto University students who have no other accommodation option. The emergency housing is located in Otaniemi, Espoo. Further information about the emergency housing is available on the AYY website: /asuminen/hatamajoitus/.

You can also contact the emergency housing coordinator at: emergencyhousing@ayy.fi or 050 520 9450.

On-call hours (Asuntotoimisto – Otakaari 11):

29.8.-9.9.   12:00-16:00

12.9.-30.9.   12:00-14:00

Other times according to agreement.

4.    Problems with the insurance?

Have you taken the SIP-complement insurance recommended by the university? Have you had any problems with getting your medical or other costs refunded? If so, please write about your case to international@ayy.fi . Many students have had problems with the insurance provider and to start the negotiations again, we need more information about the scope of problems. Many thanks for your cooperation!

5.    Nominate for Aalto Athlete 2016!

Hi, now is the time to nominate a fellow student who you think deserves to be rewarded as the Aalto Athlete of 2016. The criteria include sports achievements at national or international level, academic performance as well as honest and fair participation in the community.

So remember to reason the suggestion with care! The form is closed 5.9. at 23:59. The award will be presented in Aalto 10km 18.9.2016.

Fill out the form here: https://lomake.ayy.fi/liikunta/ehdota-vuoden-aalto-urheilijaa-2016-nominera-aalto-athlete-2016-nominate-for-aalto-athlete-2016/

For more information: henrikki.soininen (a) ayy.fi

6.    Opening of the academic year 2016–2017 at Aalto University

The opening ceremony

Students, faculty and staff at Aalto University are invited to celebrate the opening of the academic year on Tuesday 6 September 2016, at 12.15. The festivities will take place on the Otaniemi campus. The opening ceremony will start with the traditional procession of professors and continues until approximately 13.40. The students participating in the ceremony will receive a limited edition badge.

Register to the ceremony
Registration to the inauguration ceremony, DL 1.9

7.    Aalto Afterparty 2016

Aalto Afterparties will again start the term with a bang, this year bigger and faster than ever! This is the fifth time the Afterparty is celebrated at Otahalli on the Tuesday of the Orientation Week, with faster moves than Kimi Räikkönen! You will experience flaming hot atmosphere and fast, bold and beautiful fellow party-goers. The evening is topped off with the shaking rhythms of AKYSTIC, the main star of the night UNIIKKI and rising star LENNO!

No shame in being fast, so grab your flame hat, biking glasses and waistbag and come to Otahalli on Tuesday 6 September at 21:00 for the biggest party of the Orientation Week!

The tickets will be on sale closer to the event, and it is also possible to buy them online. A more detailed schedule and programme for the night will be published later, stay tuned!

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/533125386886320/
  • WHAT: Aalto Afterparty
  • WHERE: Otahalli, Otaranta 6
  • WHEN: Tuesday 6.9, doors open at 21:00
  • PRICE: €13 + €2 overall badge
  • TICKETS: https://bailataan.fi/#!/events/efd500ff-3a8d-4962-a03e-65d6ea339568
  • Further information: afterparty[ä]list.ayy.fi

8.    Volunteers for Aalto Afterparty and Aalto Party!

Orientation week is closing up, and so is the biggest and fastest party of the year, Aalto Afterparty! Now we need volunteers to make this event awesome, varying from helping with decoration and preparing to cloakroom and sales.

In return volunteers are rewarded with a free VIP entrance to the Aalto Afterparty, the event’s badge, access to an exclusive volunteers’ afterparty after the main event, and an invitation to a knock-out party later in the autumn! During the shift, there is also a little bit of time for just partying 😉

Apply now, if you want to be a part of the greatest party of the year! https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/tyontekijaksi-aalto-partyihinafterpartyihin-2016/

9.    Share information about study opportunities in the AYY Study Events group

AYY Study Events is a new FB group for informing about interesting study opportunities. You can share study opportunities aimed at Aalto students both within Aalto University and by other organisers. The group is open for all! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1079976045426133/

10.                  TOKYO: 55 years of being organized -exhibition

The Student Association TOKYO, representing the students of Art, Design and

Architecture, embodies one of the main cultural streams present in the University. On TOKYO’s 55th anniversary, this exhibition aims to give an historical perspective of its development. Without being exhaustive in our revision, we want to show what Aalto ARTS owes to the energy and efforts of organized students from the past, and how the present students are keeping alive and updating this culture, drawing on it to help create Aalto’s own mix.

  • TOKYO: 55 Years of Being Organized, curated by Emilio Zamudio (ViCCA) will be on display in beta SPACE from August 25th until September 10th.
  • Exhibition Producer: Ksenia Kaverina
  • Special thanks to: Kalle Keinonen (TOKYO’s chairman 2016), Anna Merikari (TOKYO’s executive manager 2016).
  • beta SPACE, Otakaari 1 X, Otaniemi, Espoo
  • Opening hours: Mon -Thu 9 –18, Fri 9 – 15, Sat 10 – 15, Sun Closed.
  • #aaltobetaspace
  • www.showcase.aalto.fi/beta-space

11.                  Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Persons who are at the final stage of their studies or who have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students or other same-minded student activities at Aalto University and promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member. Nominations can be made until 23.59 on 12 Oct 2016 at https://lomake.ayy.fi/ptk/ehdota-uusia-arwoisia/.

Nominations can be made by an individual, guild, association or by several people, guilds or associations.

More information on PTK is available at: http://ptk.ayy.fi/.

12.                  Join in organising the Development Cooperation Week

Are you looking for something meaningful to do in the autumn? Are you interested in global development issues? Do you want to meet new people? AYY organises a Development Cooperation Week with the support of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in October 2016. During this week, different kinds of events related to the UN’s goals of sustainable development are organised, from movie nights to debates and fairs at Aalto campuses. If you want to be a part of implementing and planning this week, please contact coordinator Saana Rossi at saana.rossi(at)ayy.fi!

13.                  Aalto 10K running event 18 September 2016 – registration now open!

The traditional Aalto 10K and Aalto 5K takes place on Sunday 18 September 2016 at 13.00. You can run, jog, walk, or Nordic walk the distance of your choice. Aalto 10K is free of charge running event for all the Aalto students, staff and alumni!

The event is part of Espoo marathon and half-marathon, which also Aalto members are welcome to take part in with discount price (40€/person). This event takes place on Saturday 17 September 2016.

Note that the participation fee for marathon is 0€ if you register as a volunteer official to work for few hours during either Friday 16 September or on Sunday 18 September at the Aalto 10K/5K event (limited amount of free places). More details of registering as a volunteer, see here: https://into.aalto.fi/display/enaalto/Officials+needed+for+Aalto+10K+running+event+on+18+September+2016

  • Time: Aalto 10K Sun 18.9.2016 at 13-16, Marathon Sat 17.9.2016
  • Location: The start line for both events is at Espoo, Otaniemi Otaranta, by Laajalahti shore.
  • Registration: Registration ends Sunday 11.9.2016 23:59.
  • (Make sure, that you select ‘Aalto University’ in the ‘Organisation’ box. Student number or place of work will also need to be given on the registration form.)
  • Registration link: https://secure.onreg.com/onreg2/front/step1.php?id=3256&eventkey=372692de424e96346f40dd6320c4e701&set_language=us

14.                  Power Shift Finland climate event from Otaniemi to Forssa

The largest and most beautiful event in Finland regarding climate influence is organised in Forssa in the autumn. Power Shift Finland event is aimed to enable influential climate activity that aims for social change. Power Shift Finland’s speakers come from universities and companies as well as the public sector and organisations. There will also be guests from European climate movements.

We invite all those interested in climate wellbeing around Finland to spend time together and network, learn and create change together. Power Shift provides the time and the place to create concrete actions for the environment together. This is a great opportunity to take charge and steer society in a more environmentally friendly direction.

  • Time: 30.9.-2.10.2016
  • Place: Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) Campus, Forssa
  • Registration and further information: www.powershiftsuomi.org
  • The registration fee for the event is EUR 20. A part of the travel costs will be reimbursed and the participants will be provided free accommodation and food.

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