Weekly Newsletter 36/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 36/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

The academic year will be begun in grand carnival style tomorrow, on Tuesday 6.9. in Otaniemi. The opening ceremony begins at 12 noon and Aalto Parties will take over the Alvarin aukio square from 3 pm. A joyous week to you all!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. The equality survey of AYY and Aalto University
  3. Emergency housing offered in August-September
  4. Tempausgaala 20.9. @Apollo
  5. Aalto Afterparty 2016
  6. Orientation Week’s SuperSillis
  7. Aalto 10K running event 18 September– registration open until 11 September!
  8. Mindfulness – Compassionate Learning
  9. Info sessions on EU Careers
  10. Ticket sales for RWBK’s and PK’s Teekkarikulttuurin Tähdistö concert are now open!
  11. The singing auditions of Polyteknikkojen Kuoro 14.9. and 21.9.
  12. Retreat of silence in Heponiemi 14.-16.10.2016
  13. FK70 kick-start – swimming in a ball pit with 70 000 balls at Aalto Party!
  14. Boston Promenade Big Band is looking for a new female vocalist
  15. The largest evening bonfire of the capital city area, just for you!
  16. Ballroom dancing courses for students are beginning
  17. Interested in cheerleading? APC Foxes is starting a new season!

1.    This and next week’s events

Viikko 36

2.    The equality survey of AYY and Aalto University

Have you experienced inappropriate behaviour at student dos? Have you noticed discrimination in teaching situations? In the student associations, does everyone have the same rights? AYY and Aalto University are trying to find answers to these questions and others with an equality survey, the results of which will be utilised in coming projects to further equality.

As a prize, after responding one 100-euro gift card for the Stockmann department store will be drawn amongst those who have submitted their contact details, as well as a number of smaller prizes. The contact details are stored separately and cannot be connected to the replies to the equality survey.

You can get to the survey form from the link below:


3.    Emergency housing offered in August-September

In cooperation with the Aalto University, AYY organises emergency housing for Aalto University students who have no other accommodation option. The emergency housing is located in Otaniemi, Espoo. Further information about the emergency housing is available on the AYY website: /asuminen/hatamajoitus/.

You can also contact the emergency housing coordinator at: emergencyhousing@ayy.fi or 050 520 9450.

On-call hours (Asuntotoimisto – Otakaari 11):

29.8.-9.9.   12:00-16:00

12.9.-30.9.   12:00-14:00

Other times according to agreement.

4.    Tempausgaala 20.9. @Apollo

The year’s most important and impressive student event gets going this autumn – namely, Tempaus2016!

In honour of this, a massive opening party will be held on Tuesday the 20th of September at Apollo (Mannerheimintie 16, HKI). At this free event, the whole content of Tempaus will be revealed at last and people will be told how taking part works. All will be made clear here, so you should absolutely not miss it!

The timetable of the evening:

  • 5 pm: The doors open and the party starts
  • 8 pm: The live show begins
  • 9 pm: The festivities go on until 2 am!

You can find out the latest developments in the Tempausgaala from Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1198227753533335/

Hey, what was that Tempaus again? Tempaus2016 is a student project, with which the intention is to raise the importance of basic education into national discussion by visiting more than 1,400 Finnish comprehensive schools during week 44. The aim is that a student would visit these schools on Monday 31.10. or Tuesday 1.11, carrying out the predetermined programme.

So come along and hear from the front row how the whole thing is set up!

Further information: http://www.tempaus.fi/

Follow the Tempaus on the social media to stay up to speed!

FB: https://www.facebook.com/tempaus2016/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tempaus2016

IG: https://www.instagram.com/tempaus2016/”

5.    Aalto Afterparty 2016

Aalto Afterparties will again start the term with a bang, this year bigger and faster than ever! This is the fifth time the Afterparty is celebrated at Otahalli on the Tuesday of the Orientation Week, with faster moves than Kimi Räikkönen! You will experience flaming hot atmosphere and fast, bold and beautiful fellow party-goers. The evening is topped off with the shaking rhythms of AKYSTIC, the main star of the night UNIIKKI and rising star LENNO!

No shame in being fast, so grab your flame hat, biking glasses and waistbag and come to Otahalli on Tuesday 6 September at 21:00 for the biggest party of the Orientation Week!  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/533125386886320/

WHAT: Aalto Afterparty

WHERE: Otahalli, Otaranta 6

WHEN: Tuesday 6.9, doors open at 21:00

PRICE: €13 + €2 overall badge

TICKETS: https://bailataan.fi/#!/events/efd500ff-3a8d-4962-a03e-65d6ea339568

Further information: afterparty[ä]list.ayy.fi

6.    Orientation Week’s SuperSillis

AYY’s Community Committee Aava organizes a first ever Supersillis for the orientation week! Now it is okay to rest your limbs and liver after the roughest week of the year (so far). Come enjoy the sillis sparkling, food and atmosphere on Saturday the 10th of September at Rantasauna! On top of food and new friends the sillis contains everything that a good sillis needs + sauna and tube. Because orientation week is a collective experience, all aalto students are welcome to the Sillis! Price is only 10 euros or after the sign up 12 euros at Rantsu if there’s room left.

Sign up for SuperSillis opens at 12 am on Monday, August 29th, at https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/supersillis/. There will be room for only 150 people so be quick! Sign up ends at 12 pm on September 8th.

Ps. You’d better start choosing your sillis swag already, because the best costume will be rewarded!

WHAT: Orientation Week’s SuperSillis

MEANING: better versio of a brunch

WHEN: Sat 10th of September

WHERE: Rantasauna, Vastaranta 1, Otaniemi

HOW MUCH: 10 euros (12 euros at the door if there’s room left after the end of the sign up)

FOR WHOM: all heroes of the orientation week!

WHY: because your body needs it

DRESSCODE: sillis clothing + a funny hat

7.    Aalto 10K running event 18 September– registration open until 11 September!

Free of charge running event for all the Aalto students, staff and alumni!

The event is part of Espoo marathon and half-marathon, which also Aalto members are welcome to take part in with discount price (40€/person). This event takes place on Saturday 17 September 2016.

Time: Aalto 10K Sun 18.9.2016 at 13-16, Marathon Sat 17.9.2016

Location: The start line for both events is at Espoo, Otaniemi Otaranta, by Laajalahti shore.

Registration: Registration ends Sunday 11.9.2016 23:59.

(Make sure, that you select ‘Aalto University’ in the ‘Organisation’ box. Student number or place of work will also need to be given on the registration form.)

Registration link: https://secure.onreg.com/onreg2/front/step1.php?id=3256&eventkey=372692de424e96346f40dd6320c4e701&set_language=us

8.    Mindfulness – Compassionate Learning

Mindfulness is a state of open attention on the present. It’s living here and now. Mindfulness involves nonjudgmental conscious awareness of one’s feelings, thoughts and surroundings. In an educational context mindfulness applied to learning is the practice of ignoring distractions, disregarding unhelpful self-criticism and keeping focused. It can deepen our understanding and help us to find learning as fascinating as it should be.

The workshop consists of five session on Fridays 9-11 hrs, September 16th to October 14th, class room Majakka (M140), Otakaari 1. The workshop is in English.

More information: opintopsykologi@aalto.fi,


9.    Info sessions on EU Careers

  • Date: 14.9.2016
  • Time: 10-11:30
  • Place: Otakaari 1 M, U1, Espoo
  • Date: 14.9.2016
  • Time: 14-15:30
  • Place: Arkadiankatu 22, Helsinki

Director of European Personnel Selection Office, David Bearfield, will inform about career opportunities in the EU during this exclusive info session. In addition, Lotta Nymann-Lindegren (Senior Specialist, Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU) will tell about the traineeship options in EU.

The info sessions will take place in Otaniemi and in Helsinki at Hanken School of Economics. The info sessions have the same content.

Further info: https://www.facebook.com/EUCareersFinland

Enrollment: confirm your participation to the session

  • in Hanken by filling in the requested information at: https://www.hankennetwork.fi/Portal/Public/Event/Apply.aspx?EventID=1160
  • in Aalto University by filling in the requested information at: https://alumninet.aalto.fi/Portal/Public/Event/Apply.aspx?EventID=607″

10.                  Ticket sales for RWBK’s and PK’s Teekkarikulttuurin Tähdistö concert are now open!

Retuperän WBK and Polyteknikkojen Kuoro (The Polytech Choir) are proud to present an unprecedented joint concert in the concert hall of the Helsinki Music Centre on 29.10.2016 at 1 pm and 5 pm. What will happen when Finnish male choir music and more modern French horn music are combined? What kind of confusion will result when the artistic misconductor Torturo Canini has to take charge of a bobble-capped male choir? Will the Choir Leader Saara Aittakumpu find a world-class ’whisky bass’ from the horn orchestra? Will the Retuperäns tune up with a tuning fork or a malty note liquor?

You can find the ticket selection, further information and the latest updates on the Facebook page of the concert:


Book your ticket now, before they’re gone!

11.                  The singing auditions of Polyteknikkojen Kuoro 14.9. and 21.9.

Singing with an attitude! Polyteknikkojen Kuoro (The Polytech Choir) is looking for new members to join its ranks! Are you burning with desire to enchant with your singing from the Servin Mökki house to the Helsinki Music Centre and the ends of the Earth? Welcome!

The singing auditions of PK will be held on two Wednesdays in September, on 14.9. (4.30 pm – 5.30 pm) and 21.9. (5 pm – 6 pm) in the rehearsal rooms of the choir in the TUAS building, in the 1st-floor hall AS2 (Otaniementie 17/Maarintie 8). At the event, you will get to perform one unaccompanied piece of your choice.

Don’t dilly-dally, but sign up for the singing auditions by bravely getting in touch with our Freshman Czar Olli Kontkanen (tel. 040 865 8731, fuksikeisari@polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi) or ask us more on Facebook. See you at the singing try-outs!

Further information http://www.polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi/koelaulut/

12.                  Retreat of silence in Heponiemi 14.-16.10.2016

The retreat of silence is a good way to recharge your batteries, relax and set aside some time for your own thoughts. At the retreat, you have the opportunity for rest, outdoor activities and reading. There is good food, beautiful surroundings and communal prayers in the chapel on offer. You can chat with the director at agreed times.

The directors of the retreat will be the college pastors Jyri Hakala and Jenny Vainio, and Elsa Sihvola will attend as the musician.

The retreat is meant for the students and staff of universities, polytechnics and vocational colleges. Participation fee: €90 for staff and €45 for students

(incl. full board and picking up from Leppävaara station).

Registration by 15.9.2016 to the secretary of the yhteinen seurakuntatyö (’joint congregation work’) Niina Heinonen (yst.toimisto.espoo@evl.fi). When you register, please give your name, educational establishment, whether you are a student or a member of staff, your contact details and special dietary requirements, and whether you have been at the retreat before. People taking part in the retreat for the first time take precedence. You will get a notification of a retreat place after the registration period has ended.

Further information: the Aalto vicar Jenny Vainio, tel. 050 3652256

13.                  FK70 kick-start – swimming in a ball pit with 70 000 balls at Aalto Party!

Ball pit swimming competition? Yes, you heard it right!

The Guild of Physics celebrates its 70th anniversary in March 2017 with an elegant gala. However, March is still far away and the autumn is right behind the corner. To brighten the shortening days, the Guild of Physics kickstarts its anniversary year at Aalto Party on the Alvari Square on September 6th 2016 with a huge ball pit with over 70 000 colorful balls.

Are you ready to dive in? Everyone is welcome to jump in and enjoy the comforting sea of colour. You’re also warmly welcome to compete against others for the title of the fastest ball pit swimmer in Aalto, with fabulous prizes for the winners!

There will also be an invite-only tournament, which will certainly be a whole lot of entertainment.

The event begins with a friendly match of relay swimming between the Board of AYY and the leadership of Aalto at 3 pm, don’t miss this either!

The event can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/1170049616380729/

This event is part of the Aalto Party: https://www.facebook.com/events/1170049616380729/

14.                  Boston Promenade Big Band is looking for a new female vocalist

“Boston Promenade is a big band originating from the Aalto Student Union. Our 25-strong horn monster has entertained party people with their tunes since 1964. You may have heard us at Aalto Party, the Mursujaiset, Boston Night, the annual gala or Pre-Manta. In addition to these, Boston does around 15 big company gigs over the course of the year, occasionally with star artists such as Michael Monroe, Jenni Vartiainen or Elastinen. In addition, the band’s programme includes a trip to Ylläs every spring and a tour abroad at intervals of a few years.

The repertoire of Boston consists, in addition to traditional big band music, of jazz, soul, rock and funk. Even though Boston may seem supremely professional, there is always room in the band for new Aalto musicians. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings in the cellar at Vaasankatu with only three vocalists at the moment, so right now we need:


Welcome to the audition, if:

–      karaoke bars just aren’t enough for your lungs

–      you belt it out into the mic convincingly, both in a solo and as part of an ensemble

–      you are a charismatic performer or on the way to becoming one, and

–      you can put up with even bad jokes when necessary.

The auditions will be held during September, so sign up quickly with our conductor Matti or ask more: kapu@bostonpromenade.com. If you don’t have the gift of a golden voice yourself, but point us in the way of a singer lead that results in a selection, you’ll get free tickets to our gig at Dubrovnik on Friday 28.10.2016.

15.                  The largest evening bonfire of the capital city area, just for you!

Bonfire – an urban evening campfire is a scouting event for adults and students that makes trying out scouting easier than ever.  Bonfire will be held at the Paulig Villa on Thursday 15.9. from 6 pm. The event begins with a joint start, but you can easily join in later on too, so there’s no need to worry about being late. The evening ends when the flames go out, at around 9 pm.

Bonfire offers everything that you might want from your Thursday evening: an appro-style checkpoint task course, free food, a boiler suit badge and an atmospheric evening campfire that you surely won’t get to experience elsewhere. Bring along a friend and come and enjoy the urban evening campfire!

Further information on the social media!

IG: @urbanbonfire2016, FB event: Bonfire – Urbaani iltanuotio https://www.facebook.com/events/548363195364207/

16.                  Ballroom dancing courses for students are beginning

On the elementary courses, the basics will be taught for the most common styles of ballroom dancing (incl. waltz, foxtrot, jenkka and bugg). For the elementary courses, you don’t need your own partner, dancing ability or a background in dancing.

Hämäläisten Dancing Club

Price of elementary courses €40 (€20 for members of the Hämäläis Union), three free trial sessions.
Place: Punainen mylly, Hämäläis-osakunta, Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6 (next to the Kamppi centre)
Further information: facebook.com/events/1645913575736834 and hamalais-osakunta.fi/kerhot/hot

Pohjalaisten Dancing Club

Price: €20 (for members of the Pohjalaisten Union)/€40 (students)/€80 (others)
Place: Ostrobotnia, Töölönkatu 3A, 4th floor
Two free trial sessions. You can also join in mid-course.
Further information: facebook.com/events/622381901276495 and pv.osakunta.fi/tanssikerho/kurssit.htm

17.                  Interested in cheerleading? APC Foxes is starting a new season!

APC Foxes is the coed cheerleading squad of Aalto Predators. The team was started in fall 2015 and we are now getting ready for the new semester. All students interested in cheerleading are welcome to join us! Mark the following events to your calendars:

11.9 Info evening at End Zone (Jämeräntaival 7) https://www.facebook.com/events/932125023601083/

Practices every Sunday starting from 18th of September at Aalto-sali, Unisport Otaniemi

17.00-19:00 Baby Foxes (New team for beginners)

18:30-21:00 APC Foxes (Performing team)

We will perform at Aalto Predators’ American football games, but also at other various events like parties. If you would like us to perform at your event or have questions, contact cheercaptain@predators.fi

The academic year will be begun in grand carnival style tomorrow, on Tuesday 6.9. in Otaniemi. The opening ceremony begins at 12 noon and Aalto Parties will take over the Alvarin aukio square from 3 pm. A joyous week to you all!

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