AYY Weekly Newsletter 37/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 37/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

Seats as student representatives in administration are again available for those interested in the operation of the university. The extra application round is underway at halloped.fi and will end on September 18 at 11:59 PM.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. The equality survey of AYY and Aalto University
  3. Communications 101 for the weekly newsletter
  4. Tempausgaala 20.9. @Apollo
  5. The Otarha races and Lakinlaskijaiset, September 30
  6. Volunteer to work at Lakinlaskijaiset 2016
  7. Find a new perspective to your studies through Aalto UWAS courses!
  8. Grants for students of technology
  9. Sign-up for Teekkarispeksi’s improvisation and dance classes, September 15 + Speksisauna, September 22
  10. Nyyti and YTHS’s life skills course on the web – apply by September 25
  11. The Aalto Space mobile application is being piloted right now!
  12. Ota Olut! – the first special beer and microbrewery festival in Espoo, September 24
  13. Join the Polytech Orchestra!
  14. Entrance exams for the Dominante choir
  15. Join Otaniemi Chapel Choir
  16. Come and join us as our Stratos Coordinator in 2017!
  17. Karate, kickboxing, BJJ or self-defense? Choose them all, choose Honbu!

1.    This and next week’s events

Viikko 37

Viikko 38

  • 21.9. – OUBS Uusien ilta /blog/events/oubs-uusien-ilta-2016/
  • 21.9. – Audition of The Polytech Choir /blog/events/polyteknikkojen-kuoron-koelaulut-18/
  • 23.9. – Metal Club Mökän Phuksisauna /blog/events/metal-club-mokan-phuksisauna-3/

2.    The equality survey of AYY and Aalto University

Have you experienced inappropriate behaviour at student dos? Have you noticed discrimination in teaching situations? In the student associations, does everyone have the same rights? AYY and Aalto University are trying to find answers to these questions and others with an equality survey, the results of which will be utilised in coming projects to further equality.

As a prize, after responding one 100-euro gift card for the Stockmann department store will be drawn amongst those who have submitted their contact details, as well as a number of smaller prizes. The contact details are stored separately and cannot be connected to the replies to the equality survey.

You can get to the survey form from the link below: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/EF26C0B1788DA268.par

3.    Communications 101 for the weekly newsletter

The weekly newsletter is published during the academic year on Mondays in three languages. Materials must be sent to tiedotteet@ayy.fi on the Thursday of the previous week by 10 AM. The information officer will then edit the content and send it for translation. If proficiency in a specific language is essential for your notice, state it in the text explicitly, e.g. “The seminar will be in Finnish!” to make sure it will be included in the other language versions. The translations are available for viewing at ayy.fi on Monday – take advantage of them with your Facebook events, for example. Texts delivered in English will be published in English in all language versions.

The optimal length of a notice is about two paragraphs + link for more information. This amounts to about 100 words, 750 characters or 10 lines. The more concise the text, the better. Remember to give your text a catchy title!

By default, one notice is published in the newsletter once. If there are few other notices, one news item may be published several times. The student union’s own announcements and those of organizations operating in the immediate sphere of the union take priority over other news. You can state a desired week of publication for your notice. Also, let us know if the time of publication is crucial for some promotional event, for example. Without any special information/wishes, notices will be published in the newsletter about 1-2 weeks before the big date (i.e. date of the event, deadline for sign-ups).

Questions? Feedback? Suggestions? Contact AYY information officer Henna Palonen at tiedottaja@ayy.fi or 0505209440.

4.    Tempausgaala 20.9. @Apollo

The year’s most important and impressive student event gets going this autumn – namely, Tempaus2016!

In honour of this, a massive opening party will be held on Tuesday the 20th of September at Apollo (Mannerheimintie 16, HKI). At this free event, the whole content of Tempaus will be revealed at last and people will be told how taking part works. All will be made clear here, so you should absolutely not miss it!

The timetable of the evening:

  •     5 pm: The doors open and the party starts
  •     8 pm: The live show begins
  •     9 pm: The festivities go on until 2 am!

You can find out the latest developments in the Tempausgaala from Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1198227753533335/

Hey, what was that Tempaus again? Tempaus2016 is a student project, with which the intention is to raise the importance of basic education into national discussion by visiting more than 1,400 Finnish comprehensive schools during week 44. The aim is that a student would visit these schools on Monday 31.10. or Tuesday 1.11, carrying out the predetermined programme.

So come along and hear from the front row how the whole thing is set up!

Further information: http://www.tempaus.fi/

Follow the Tempaus on the social media to stay up to speed!

  • FB: https://www.facebook.com/tempaus2016/
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/tempaus2016
  • IG: https://www.instagram.com/tempaus2016/

5.    The Otarha races and Lakinlaskijaiset, September 30

Again this year, the beautiful autumn day of Lakinlaskijaiset will start with the Otarha races, a racing contest full of action and fun! During the day, the Ossinlampi area will fill with the excitement of the race and other fun activities, as speedsters test each other’s mettle with self-made vehicles in a contest wilder than a Formula 1 race.

Read more about the races at the official site at http://otatarhanajot.ayy.fi/

The climax of the day of racing is obviously Lakinlaskijaiset. This will be a particularly special year, as the party will take place at the Vermo racing track, the temple of horseracing! Performers include Gasellit, Plutonium 74 and Big Pharma. Read more about the event on Facebook and at


6.    Volunteer to work at Lakinlaskijaiset 2016

Lakinslaskijaiset 2016 will be held on September 30 at the Vermo horseracing track, and we also need many volunteer workers for the party! We need people for different tasks, such as selling tickets, security, carrying things, decoration, technology, cooking and driving a van. You can sign up through this link: https://lomake.ayy.fi/jtmk/toihin-lakinlaskijaisiin-2016/

Workers get free admission through a separate VIP door, a badge for their overalls, one of the two points needed for earning a pink ribbon and transportation from Vermo back to Otaniemi after the party and clean-up! All employees will also ensure their place at the epic Lakinlaskijaiset herring breakfast on October 1!

Any questions can be mailed to the party directors at jtmk@list.ayy.fi. The electronic form will be closed when we have enough workers, so don’t waste time.

7.    Find a new perspective to your studies through Aalto UWAS courses!

University Wide Art Studies (UWAS) offers access to art-based and creative thinking for all Aalto University students. UWAS courses are transdisciplinary by nature and designed so that students from all disciplines can choose them as part of their studies.

UWAS courses are available for all Bachelor level students, but Master’s students have also the possibility to attend them. The intent is that each UWAS course has students from all Aalto schools. Students are not required to have previous art courses or background.

The list of UWAS courses for the academic year 2016-2017 can be found from Student mobility at Aalto website: http://studyguides.aalto.fi/minors-guide/2016/fi/university-wide-art-studies.html. You can access this page via Into: Into -> Bachelor and Master’s Students -> [select any of the schools] -> Studies in another Aalto School or in another Finnish University -> University Wide Art Studies. See also UWAS’ own website: http://uwas.aalto.fi

8.    Grants for students of technology

The School of Electrical Engineering study and student services announces application for the following grants to Aalto University students:

  • From the profits of the united student fund, two 1,000 Euro grants for successful Master’s degree students of technology who have also received a Bachelor’s degree in technology from Aalto University.

Application announcement in the grants section: Opiskelijarahasto – Studiefonden 2016 https://into.aalto.fi/display/grants/Opiskelijarahasto+-+Studiefonden+2016

  • From the profits of the Julius Tallberg fund, four 1,000 Euro grants for successful Master’s degree students of technology who have also received a Bachelor’s degree in technology from Aalto University.

Application announcement in the grants section: Julius Tallbergin rahasto – Julius Tallbergs fond 2016 https://into.aalto.fi/display/grants/Julius+Tallbergin+rahasto+-+Julius+Tallbergs+fond+2016

More grant application announcements can be found in Into: https://into.aalto.fi/display/grants/Etusivu

9.    Sign-up for Teekkarispeksi’s improvisation and dance classes, September 15 + Speksisauna, September 22

Teekkarispeksi’s popular improvisation and dance courses are here again. We welcome you to challenge yourself with new dancing styles and loosen up through improvisation! The sign-up for beginner’s improvisation and dance courses will take place on Thursday, September 15 at 12:00 AM in the downstairs lobby of Kanditalo (Main Building), and the sign-up for advanced improvisation courses on the same Thursday, September 15 at 7 PM in the lobby of JMT1.

See the more detailed schedules, level descriptions and queuing instructions at the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1639373646375813/. Click and join in! For additional information, you may also contact Sini, who is responsible for improvisation (sini.tervo@helsinki.fi) and Lotta, who is responsible for dancing (lotta.ahonen@aalto.fi).

Speksisauna, September 22

Do you already know what you want to do at Teekkarispeksi? You’ll find the answer to this question and many others at rekrysauna on the large side of Otakaari 20 on Thursday, September 22 from 6 PM onwards. Here the different sectors of production will introduce you to their activities, answer your questions and help you find the direction that interests you. Bring your own towel if you wish to bathe. Also participate in the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/241916076203103/.”


10.                  Nyyti and YTHS’s life skills course on the web – apply by September 25

Join the Life Skills course on the web! On this course, you may find new perspectives for a life of your own and means for strengthening your resources. You can also share your experiences and get tips for your own everyday life from other group members.

The group is intended for all students between the ages of 18 and 35. The group is free of charge and will be implemented through the Tukinet site during October 10 – December 2. The course will be in Finnish.

Signing up for the group has begun and will continue until September 25, 2016. Those who have been picked for the group will be contacted by e-mail.

Read more about the group and sign-up at our web site:



11.                  The Aalto Space mobile application is being piloted right now!

In August 2016, a pilot version was published of the Aalto Space mobile application that allows one to easily search and book predefined study, conference and group work spaces for students in the Otakaari 1 building.

Through the map in the application, you can also handily navigate within the building to those teaching spaces that are not covered by the booking system. The intent is to eventually add other campus buildings to the application and develop new features based on user feedback.

Aalto Space is being piloted right now. Download, use and send feedback about the application!

For more information: http://aaltocre.fi/aaltospace/

12.                  Ota Olut! – the first special beer and microbrewery festival in Espoo, September 24

Ota Olut! (Have a Beer!) is a special beer and microbrewery beer festival held in Otaniemi at Urban Mill on Saturday, September 24, 2016. The doors will open at 1 PM and the last call for drinks will be at 10:30 PM.

The tastiest microbreweries from Finland and Estonia will be present at the event. Through beer, we want to bring together Aalto students, citizens of Espoo, Otaniemi residents and beer aficionados.

More than 25 different beers will be available at the festival. Besides good beers, there will also be quality ciders as well as non-alcoholic products and tasty food. Along with beer tasting, there will also be a beer-themed panel discussion and live music.

The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1822820427947357/

The event home page: http://www.otaolut.fi

13.                  Join the Polytech Orchestra!

The Polytech Orchestra is the oldest academic symphony orchestra in Finland, turning 95 next year. We are currently almost 100 players strong and this autumn we will once again recruit more players. In the upcoming program we will play Verdi’s Requiem together with the Helsinki Philharmonic Chorus. We don’t have auditions – just arrive at our first rehearsals 12.9. at 18-21 in Smökki (Jämeräntaival 4). If you can’t make it to the first rehearsals, no worries, you can join us the next week as well. See you on Monday!

For more info about our orchestra, check out our webpage at http://www.polyteknikkojenorkesteri.fi/en/ or our Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/polyteknikkojenorkesteri.

14.                  Entrance exams for the Dominante choir

Dominante is looking for new singers to join its skilled ranks. If you enjoy singing a cappella and with an orchestra, want to develop as part of a community and would love unique concerts around the world, find out more about Dominante at the open rehearsal on Monday, September 12 at 6 PM (TuAS house, Otaniementie 17).

Welcome to the autumn entrance exams on Tuesday, September 13 (TuAS house, Otaniementie 17) or Tuesday, September 20 (chapel of the Helsinki Cathedral, small building on the right from the direction of Senate Square, entrance around midway along the large stairs) from 4 PM onwards! You can make a reservation for an entrance exam time with the mother of all freshmen, Riina Nieminen (050 3301284 or riina.nieminen(at)aalto.fi). Be prepared to sing a song without accompaniment. We will also test things like your vocal range and ability to read sheet music.

15.                  Join Otaniemi Chapel Choir

“Looking for the choir? Otaniemi Chapel Choir is a small mixed choir for you. We are practising on Thursdays at 6-8 pm. in Otaniemi Chapel (Jämeräntaival 8)

More information: http://www.kappelikuoro.net / johtaja@kappelikuoro

16.                  Come and join us as our Stratos Coordinator in 2017!

Stratos is an annual training program connecting senior students and well-known companies in Finland through various, challenging projects. The program consists of the student projects, excursions to the partner companies and an exciting exploration of the international business scene as a week long trip abroad, free of charge! In previous years we’ve had such collaborators as Fazer, ABB and Elisa, and we’ve visited such locations as Dubai, San Francisco, and Tokyo!

We are now searching for three coordinators for the program starting in the Autumn. As a coordinator, your responsibility is to run the whole program from start to finish: procuring partner companies, recruiting the participant students and arranging and participating the reward trip. Because of the multitude of these tasks, you will gain experience in many essential fields such as marketing, HR, teamwork and leadership. You will also attain important contacts to major Finnish companies and other like minded students. The coordinators will be working freely and without any strict guidelines, so you create the program in accordance to your own will!

So what do you need in order to become our new coordinator? Your qualifications aren’t all too important, although it helps to have some organizational experience. What we want is a highly motivated and proactive person, willing to wholly commit to the program and make it prosper.

Interested? Send us your CV, cover letter and study transcript to the address stratosteam16@gmail.com by 15.09.2016.

17.                  Karate, kickboxing, BJJ or self-defense? Choose them all, choose Honbu!

Practice at Karate Club Honbu combines many martial arts and styles. The goal is to make those practicing grow into good martial artists both physically and mentally.

Our basic course begins on Monday, September 12 at Unidojo, the home hall of university martial arts clubs. You can join by showing up at basic course practice. Initially, the only equipment you will need are sweatpants and a t-shirt. www.honbu.fi/peruskurssi

Do you already have a background in martial arts? Show up at our practice and find out which level suits you best.

Practice times and places:

  • Monday, 7 PM, Unidojo (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 25)
  • Thursday, 7 PM, Unidojo
  • Friday, 7 PM, Unisport Töölö (Ilmarinkatu 1)
  • Saturday, 3:30 PM, Unidojo (independent practice)

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