Weekly Newsletter 38/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 38/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. The equality survey of AYY and Aalto University
  3. Tempausgaala TOMORROW @ Apollo
  4. The Otatarha Races- a race full of fun and excitement, September 30
  5. Lakinlaskijaiset at Vermo on September 30
  6. FSHS physiotherapy courses in autumn 2016
  7. Become a support person for a child or youth in Espoo!
  8. Apply for the Studies and Family Internet group
  9. Campus Expo 26.9.2016
  10. OMST… – WAIT, WHAT?
  11. BEST Helsinki’s winter season application period is open!
  12. Ota Olut! – the first special beer and microbrewery festival in Espoo, September 24
  13. The autumn elementary course of Taekwon-Do
  14. New Memebers Night with Teekkariratsastajat
  15. The Skipoli First Snow and the ski freshman jamboree
  16. Polijazz classes will begin in the autumn on September 22!
  17. Poledancing in Otaniemi

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 38

Viikko 39


2.    The equality survey of AYY and Aalto University

Have you experienced inappropriate behaviour at student dos? Have you noticed discrimination in teaching situations? In the student associations, does everyone have the same rights? AYY and Aalto University are trying to find answers to these questions and others with an equality survey, the results of which will be utilised in coming projects to further equality.

As a prize, after responding one 100-euro gift card for the Stockmann department store will be drawn amongst those who have submitted their contact details, as well as a number of smaller prizes. The contact details are stored separately and cannot be connected to the replies to the equality survey.

You can get to the survey form from the link below:


3.    Tempausgaala TOMORROW @ Apollo

The most important and impressive student event of the year will kick off this autumn – Tempaus2016! Not all students get an opportunity to participate in Tempaus during their studies, so this is a rare opportunity.

In honour of Tempaus, a massive launch party will be held tomorrow, September 20, at Apollo (Mannerheimintie 16, Helsinki). At this free event, the content of Tempaus will finally be fully revealed, along with the practical details of how Tempaus works. Everything will become clear during the evening, so be there or be square!

The timetable of the evening:

  • 5 pm: The doors open and the party starts
  • 8 pm: The live show begins
  • 9 pm: The festivities go on until 2 am!

You can find out the latest developments in the Tempausgaala from Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1198227753533335/

Hey, what was that Tempaus again? Tempaus2016 is a student project, with which the intention is to raise the importance of basic education into national discussion by visiting more than 1,400 Finnish comprehensive schools during week 44. The aim is that a student would visit these schools on Monday 31.10. or Tuesday 1.11, carrying out the predetermined programme.

So come along and hear from the front row how the whole thing is set up!

Further information: http://www.tempaus.fi/

Follow the Tempaus on the social media to stay up to speed!

  • FB: https://www.facebook.com/tempaus2016/
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/tempaus2016
  • IG: https://www.instagram.com/tempaus2016/

4.    The Otatarha Races- a race full of fun and excitement, September 30

The beautiful autumn day of Lakinlaskijaiset will kick off traditionally at Ossinlampi at 2 PM with a race full of fun and excitement, the Otatarha Races! Sign up for the race, build your own non-motorized vehicle and fight for victory in the tightest race of the year!

Even if you don’t intend to participate in the race yourself, be there to enjoy the dazzling racing atmosphere, beautiful autumn day and various activities. For example, you can get to know the race’s main sponsor Vaisala at a checkpoint through fun activities.

You and your team can also challenge your nemesis to a tug-of-war! You may choose to compete on the spot, but parties who have been challenged in advance will be notified of the challenge. https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/oa2016koydenveto/

The sign-up for teams participating in the race will open on September 5 at 9 AM and close on September 26 at 11:59 PM.

  • https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/otatarhanajot2016/
  • The event’s official site: http://otatarhanajot.ayy.fi/
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/612882155555725/

5.    Lakinlaskijaiset at Vermo on September 30

After the Otatarha Races have reached the finish line, the day of Lakinlaskijaiset will continue with a pre-party at Smökki, from where charter buses will take us to Lakinlaskijaiset itself. This is a very special year, as the party will take place at the temple of horseracing, the Vermo race track! Performers include Gasellit, Plutonium 74 and Big Pharma. Everyone is welcome at Lakinlaskijaiset regardless of their field of study or whether they own a cap or not. In previous years, the tickets have sold out almost without exception, and the event has been refreshingly cross-disciplinary!

Ticket sales for Lakinlaskijaiset will begin on September 21! You can find out more about the event on Facebook and at http://www.lakinlaskijaiset.fi/

6.    FSHS physiotherapy courses in autumn 2016

FSHS will organize free physiotherapy courses for students during the autumn. The courses will take place at the exercise space at the Töölö FSHS. The courses will be in Finnish.

The course selection includes a neck and back fitness course, posture course and lower back course, among others. For more information and sign-up instructions: http://www.yths.fi/filebank/3742-Fysioterapian_kurssit_syksy_2016.pdf

7.    Become a support person for a child or youth in Espoo!

A warm memory of a safe and reliable support person will carry long into adulthood. You may provide adult presence and attention and fun activities together for a child between the ages of 7 and 17. You will see the child 1-3 times a month. You could go for a walk, for a trip in the woods, play football, go to the movies, get familiar with the library or just hang out.

A support person must have enough spare time, be able to commit himself or herself and have their own life in balance. All those interested in becoming support persons will be interviewed and trained. Peer meetings and guidance will be organized for the support persons.

The next training will begin on September 22, 2016. Contact us and we’ll reserve an interview for you!

See also: http://www.ehja.fi/fi-vapaaehtoiseksi.html and https://www.facebook.com/ehjatukihenkilotoiminta

8.    Apply for the Studies and Family Internet group

Does combining studies and family life feel challenging sometimes? Do you need support in your everyday life? Would you like to share your experiences and find new solutions?

Join the Studies and Family Internet group, where you can deal with challenges related to combining studies and work together with others in a similar situation. You may also find new perspectives and solutions for your own everyday life.

The Studies and Family Internet group will start on October 3 and end on October 28. Nyyti ry will organize the group together with the Family Federation of Finland and the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL). The group is intended for all students with families and is free of charge.

The group will be implemented in a protected environment (the Perheaikaa.fi service), meaning that only group members will be able to participate in discussions. Members will appear in the group under aliases. The group instructors are employees of Nyyti ry. Experts from the Family Federation and SYL will also participate in the discussion.

Application for the group is currently underway. You can find more information about the group as well as the application form and instructions at the Nyyti web site:


9.    Campus Expo 28.9.2016

What is AYY? What are the activities of special status associations, such as the guilds or KY? What was that nice association that I visited at the Aalto Party? Do we have any tennis clubs? Who organises all the parties?

All of you freshmen, don’t worry, you will find answers to all these questions from one place – AYY’s Campus Expo!

Whatever is on your mind, please head to the second floor at Otakaari 1 at 10am-2pm on 28 September to see all that Aalto has to offer! All associations that operate within AYY are there to present their activities, so you might even find a new hobby for yourself 😉

Psst! Sign up for associations is open until 11:59 pm September 28th at https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/kampuskarkelot2016/

FB-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/333465500320423/

WHAT: Campus Expo 2016

WHEN: 28 Sept, 10am-2pm

WHERE: Otakaari 1, 1st and 2nd floor


10.                  OMST… – WAIT, WHAT?

What is KY-Speksi all about and how can I apply? Drop by KY Corner (U-wing, Otakaari 1) to fill your cup and find out more! We’ll be serving coffee and cinnamon buns for the fastest from 9:30 – 13:00. You can find the event in Facebook here.  https://www.facebook.com/events/238913003177065/

PSST! Remember that the application for the 2017 production team is open until 25.9.!


11.                  BEST Helsinki’s winter season application period is open!

Advanced Android/iOS development in Gran Canaria? Prodution management in Ekaterinburg? Creating an eco-friendly and sustainable start-up in Paris? Winter season application period is open!

Check out the courses here https://www.best.eu.org/courses/list.jsp

BEST offers four seasons and nearly 100 courses every year. You can apply for up to three BEST Courses per season, but you can only be accepted to one of them. Apply now to develop yourself, build international networks and enjoy the parties with other European students! Courses cost only 20-40 euros and they include everything except travelling to the destination: meals, accommodation, academic content and leisure program.

Application ends on 9th October 2016 23:00!

12.                  Ota Olut! – the first special beer and microbrewery festival in Espoo, September 24

Ota Olut! (Have a Beer!) is a special beer and microbrewery beer festival held in Otaniemi at Urban Mill on Saturday, September 24, 2016. The doors will open at 1 PM and the last call for drinks will be at 10:30 PM.

The tastiest microbreweries from Finland and Estonia will be present at the event. Through beer, we want to bring together Aalto students, citizens of Espoo, Otaniemi residents and beer aficionados.

More than 25 different beers will be available at the festival. Besides good beers, there will also be quality ciders as well as non-alcoholic products and tasty food. Along with beer tasting, there will also be a beer-themed panel discussion and live music.

The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1822820427947357/

The event home page: http://www.otaolut.fi

13.                  The autumn elementary course of Taekwon-Do

The Taekwon-Do club of the University of Helsinki will organize an elementary course for students and staff of the University of Helsinki and Aalto University. The course will start on Thursday, September 8 and lasts until December. You can join at any time during September!

During practice, we will learn about the various areas of Taekwon-Do, build up our fitness, strengthen the mid-torso muscles and learn kicking and punching techniques as well as body control and maintenance. No previous experience required.

The practice will take place at the gymnasium of Helsingin Normaalilyseo, a.k.a. Norssi (Ratakatu 6, entrance through the courtyard) on Thursdays at 6:15 – 7:30 PM and at UniDojo (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 25) on Sundays at 11-12 AM.

The course fee is 50 €, which includes the belt test fee. You can try the sport for free during September.

For more information, see http://www.hytaekwondo.com/club/course.php

Sign up: Elementary course

14.                  New Memebers Night with Teekkariratsastajat

Teekkariratsastajat wish you all warmly welcome to the New Members night in 27.9.2016, 6:00 PM at Ossinkulma (Otakaari 18A, Espoo).

There is also some food and drinks served, so why not to drop by for an evening snack while getting to know the best student riding community in Aalto. 🙂

Please participate by completing the form in (http://tera.ayy.fi/tapahtumakalenteri.php) to help us know the amount food needed.

More info in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teekkariratsastajat/?fref=ts”

15.                  The Skipoli First Snow and the ski freshman jamboree

The SKIPOLI FIRST SNOW is here, bigger than ever! The trip to snowy Ruka will take place on November 17-20. Three-day ski lift tickets, transportation and accommodation only 209€. The atmosphere will be legendary, just like previous years! Sign-up at alvari on September 23 at 9:30 AM!

The Skipoli ski freshman jamboree

Are you a freshman or Skipoli virgin interested in downhill skiing, snowboarding, telemark, monoski or other uphill or downhill activities? Come and meet others like you and find out the latest information about this winter’s skiing trips and the autumn surfing trip. As per tradition, all those arriving with skiing shoes on will get a free skiing shoe drink! Bring your sauna equipment and be there on time, so you won’t miss the winter’s best snow spots. See you on Tuesday, September 20 starting at around 6 PM at Gorsu!

16.                  Polijazz classes will begin in the autumn on September 22!

The following classes are available in the autumn:


Mondays: basics 4:30 – 5:30 PM, advanced 5:30 – 6:30 PM

BREAKDANCE / Tuomo Tapanila

Thursdays: basics 7 – 8 PM, advanced 8 – 9 PM

MODERN DANCING / Sini Heinonen

Thursdays: basics 4:30 – 5:45 PM, advanced 5:45 – 7 PM

You can try out one class for free, and you can also join in during the season! The classes will take place in Otaniemi, at the multi-purpose space at Jämeräntaival 3A.

For more information about the courses and sign-up instructions, see:


17.                  Poledancing in Otaniemi

Come join us on the pole! Otanko has started a new season and it’s time to build your strength and flexibility with spins on the pole.

You’re welcome to come and try pole dancing for free, anytime. All you need is shorts, water bottle and a small towel.

The membership fee for Otanko costs 15€ for the whole year. This means that you can attend as many classes and workshops as you wish during one year.

Become a member via our website. http://otanko.ayy.fi/join-us/

And don’t forget to like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/otankoayy/

  • What: tricks on the pole
  • Where: Association Room, Jämeräntaival 1
  • When: 16.30-19.00 on tuesdays, wednesdays and sundays
  • Why: fun times on the pole!

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