Weekly Newsletter 39/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 39/2016

Next week, we’ll be celebrating the wellbeing week that’s shared by all of Aalto. N.B.! Signing up for the web training of Aivokunto in already ending on 29.9. https://www.facebook.com/events/1779827855620679/

P.S. There’s a great and diverse event day on Friday, when there are the Otatarha races during the day, the pre-party for the Lakinlaskijaiset (cap lowering) will be at Smökki and the Lakinlaskijaiset themselves will be celebrated at Vermo. The events are open to everyone. You’re welcome to come along!

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

  1. Tällä ja ensi viikolla tapahtuu
  2. Tempaus2016 registration 20.9.-30.9.
  3. The equality survey of AYY and Aalto University
  4. Capgemini’s Young Professionals Academy application is now open
  5. Elo Data Science Hack 27.– 28.10.2016 LEARN AI AND WIN 5000€
  6. Mp3 Experience by MOSAIC on September 29th
  7. The Otatarha Races- a race full of fun and excitement, September 30
  8. The Lakinlaskijaiset pre-party at Smökki
  9. Lakinlaskijaiset at Vermo, 30.9.
  10. OUBS’s camera training evening Wed 28.9.
  11. Train up your mental fitness or take part in an expert lecture during Aalto Wellbeing week
  12. Development co-operation week at Aalto 10.-14.10.!
  13. Campus Expo 28.9.2016
  14. Cycling-themed Campus Sauna 26.9.
  15. Apply for Slush Volunteer 2016
  16. AMCA Case Interview Workshops
  17. A free basic course on Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu for Aalto university Students
  18. Start up aikido in Otaniemi!
  19. Introductory gliding course by PIK
  20. Try sailing in Teekkaripurjehtijat’s introduction sailing

1.    Tällä ja ensi viikolla tapahtuu

Viikko 39

  • 5.9.-2.10. Capgemini Young Professionals Academy application period: /blog/events/capgemini-young-professionals-academy/
  • 28.9. Campus Expo /blog/events/kampuskarkelot-2016/
  • 28.9. Ristin kilta: rukous- ja ylistysilta /blog/events/ristin-kilta-rukous-ja-ylistysilta-2/
  • 28.9. OUBS Camera training /blog/events/oubs-kamerakoulutus/
  • 29.9. Ristin kilta: Freshmen Sauna /blog/events/ristin-kilta-fuksisauna/
  • 29.9. KUJin kyydillä Kauppakadun Approon /blog/events/kujin-kyydilla-kauppakadun-approon/
  • 30.9. Otatarhan ajot
  • 30.9. LL etkot Smökissä
  • 30.9. Lakinlaskijaiset /blog/events/lakinlaskijaiset-2016/
  • 2.10. Capgemini Young Professionals Academy application period ends /blog/events/capgemini-young-professionals-academy-application-period-5-9-2-10-ends/

Viikko 40

  • Aalto Wellbeing Week – Tapahtumia kaikilla kampuksilla https://www.facebook.com/events/1779827855620679/
  • 4.10 Taiji Alkeiskurssi /blog/events/taiji-alkeiskurssi-5/
  • 5.10. Otaniemen Ympäristöseuran uusien ilta /blog/events/otaniemen-ymparistoseuran-uusien-ilta/

2.    Tempaus2016 registration 20.9.-30.9.

Signing up for Finland’s largest student drive is now open. Click to https://tempaus.fi/ilmo and sign up! You can look at the schools that are involved, as well as those who have signed up for the schools at https://tempaus.fi/kartta.

You’ll find all the information you need at tempaus.fi. If anything still remains unclear, just send us a mail to tempaus-info@list.ayy.fi.

Tempaus2016 in the social media:

  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tempaus2016
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tempaus2016/
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/tempaus2016
  • Hashtags: #Tempaus2016, #aarre
  • www.tempaus.fi

3.    The equality survey of AYY and Aalto University

Have you experienced inappropriate behaviour at student dos? Have you noticed discrimination in teaching situations? In the student associations, does everyone have the same rights? AYY and Aalto University are trying to find answers to these questions and others with an equality survey, the results of which will be utilised in coming projects to further equality.

As a prize, after responding one 100-euro gift card for the Stockmann department store will be drawn amongst those who have submitted their contact details, as well as a number of smaller prizes. The contact details are stored separately and cannot be connected to the replies to the equality survey.

You can get to the survey form from the link below: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/EF26C0B1788DA268.par

4.    Capgemini’s Young Professionals Academy application is now open

Capgemini’s Young Professionals Academy application process is now open again! Apply now and begin your career as an IT consultant in a dynamic environment!

The link to the application process: https://www.fi.capgemini.com/careers/your-career-path/capgemini-young-professionals-academy

5.    Elo Data Science Hack 27.– 28.10.2016 LEARN AI AND WIN 5000€

Elo Pension Company, in collaboration with Tieto Experience Hub, is offering you a chance to improve the wellbeing of entrepreneurs. Elo data science hack is an one-of-a-kind opportunity to innovate with industry leaders and to get access to latest technology and unique data sources. Come up with a new idea, tool or service concept that identifies new potential entrepreneurs and helps Finnish entrepreneurs flourish in their hectic work life with the help of media data and deep learning artificial intelligence. The winning team gets a prize of 5000 euros and there are also some additional prizes.

Collect 1-5 talents and sign up as a team before 5.10. Show your potential in the application by describing your interests and if possible, an initial idea to solve one of the 3 hackathon  challenges. Find more information at https://sites.tieto.com/micro-sites/elohack/ #elohack

6.    Mp3 Experience by MOSAIC on October 5th

Join the MP3 Experience that has attained an incredible international reputation! But this time with Harry Potter, the wizard’s adventure!!! This event is definitely something that you have never experienced before.

Mosaic will organise this hugely successful event for the 9th time on Wed, 5th October 2016. The idea is to download a music file (approx. one hour) to your phone or music device, push PLAY simultaneously with the crowd and follow the instructions you hear. The purpose is to attract positive attention, delight other people and have fun in a great group.

What is going to happen this year? There’s only one way to find out – come and explore the city with us!

MP3 file link https://www.facebook.com/events/194657760955989/

Download the Mp3 to your devices but do not listen to it before the event starts.

Dresscode: Overalls or anything else

7.    The Otatarha Races- a race full of fun and excitement, September 30

The beautiful autumn day of Lakinlaskijaiset will kick off traditionally at Ossinlampi at 2 PM with a race full of fun and excitement, the Otatarha Races! Sign up for the race, build your own non-motorized vehicle and fight for victory in the tightest race of the year!

Even if you don’t intend to participate in the race yourself, be there to enjoy the dazzling racing atmosphere, beautiful autumn day and various activities. For example, you can get to know the race’s main sponsor Vaisala at a checkpoint through fun activities.

You and your team can also challenge your nemesis to a tug-of-war! You may choose to compete on the spot, but parties who have been challenged in advance will be notified of the challenge. https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/oa2016koydenveto/

The sign-up for teams participating in the race will open on September 5 at 9 AM and close on September 26 at 11:59 PM.

  • https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/otatarhanajot2016/
  • The event’s official site: http://otatarhanajot.ayy.fi/
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/612882155555725/

8.    The Lakinlaskijaiset pre-party at Smökki

In between the Otatarha races and the Lakinlaskijaiset, the pre-party of the Lakinlaskijaiset, which has already become a tradition, will be held at Smökki. The doors of Smökki open at 5 pm and there is bus transportation to Vermo from 8 pm. As the culmination of the programme at the Lakinlaskijaiset pre-party, the digital songbook of TEK will be published! At Smökki, it will also be possible to get reacquainted with the Internet sensation of the year when Kalevauva.fi, known amongst other things for the super hit ’Pitääkö synnytyksessä todellakin olla alapää paljaana?’ (’Does the bottom half really have to be bare when giving birth?’) takes to the stage!

A Lakinlaskijaiset bracelet gets you admission. More on Facebook:


9.    Lakinlaskijaiset at Vermo, 30.9.

“When the goal has been reached at the Otatarha races and there has been partying in between to the sounds of Kalevauva.fi at Smökki, it’s time to move with chartered buses to the actual Lakinlaskijaiset. This year is extremely special because the party is held at the temple of horse racing, on the race course at Vermo! The performers are Gasellit, Plutonium 74 and Big Pharma. Everyone is welcome to the Lakinlaskijaiset regardless of field of study or owning a cap. In previous years, the tickets have been sold out almost without exception and there have been invigorating cross-disciplinary meetings going on!

Ticket sales for the Lakinlaskijaiset are open! More information about the event on Facebook, and at


10.                  OUBS’s camera training evening Wed 28.9.

At OUBS’s camera training evening, the filming equipment of OUBS will be introduced and the basics of video filming will be studied in theory and practice. No previous experience of use of a camera is required, but instead the basics will be gone through according to need!

The training event will be held on Wednesday 28.9 at the studio at Jämeräntaival 1 (the basement). The event begins at 6 pm, going on until around 8. Sign up to the event on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/events/1121705051248010/ ) or by e-mail to hallitus@oubs.fi, so that we can estimate the number of participants.

The event is free for all members of AYY and the OUBS Reg. Assn. The event will be in Finnish.

11.                  Train up your mental fitness or take part in an expert lecture during Aalto Wellbeing week

The shared wellbeing week of Aalto will be held from 3.10. to 7.10. The offering of the week includes Aivokunto’s web training to develop how to use your mind (sign up by 29.9.), stand days and Frank Martela’s lecture titled “How to find your inner motivation” (sign up by 29.9.). On Friday, it will be possible to prepare for the weekend with Mindfulness or Yin yoga. See the whole week’s programme on Facebook or from Aalto Inside. https://inside.aalto.fi/…/tapahtumat/Aalto+Wellbeing+Week+3… (requires logging in with Aalto IDs).


12.                  Development co-operation week at Aalto 10.-14.10.!

In the third week of October, it will become clearer to the people of AYY how the world can be improved during the study time and career. The theme of the development co-operation week in 2016 is Agenda 2030, i.e. the sustainable development targets of the UN. Events in store include film screenings at Kino Sheryl, discussion and debate evenings, a comics workshop, a start-up and association market, a clothes workshop and a flea market. In addition, you’ll get to hear the experiences of the people of Aalto of working for sustainable development and the possibilities that we already have during our study years to take part in development projects.

13.                  Campus Expo 28.9.2016

What is AYY? What are the activities of special status associations, such as the guilds or KY? What was that nice association that I visited at the Aalto Party? Do we have any tennis clubs? Who organises all the parties? All of you freshmen, don’t worry, you will find answers to all these questions from one place – AYY’s Campus Expo!

Whatever is on your mind, please head to the second floor at Otakaari 1 at 10am-2pm on 28 September to see all that Aalto has to offer! All associations that operate within AYY are there to present their activities, so you might even find a new hobby for yourself 😉

Psst! Sign up for associations is open until 11:59 pm September 26th at https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/kampuskarkelot2016/

  • FB-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/333465500320423/
  • WHAT: Campus Expo 2016
  • WHEN: 28 Sept, 10am-2pm
  • WHERE: Otakaari 1, 1st and 2nd floor
  • WHAT DOES IT COST: Nothing!

14.                  Cycling-themed Campus Sauna 26.9.

Come hear about the campus area cycling traffic planning to beach sauna (Rantasana, a.k.a. Rantsu) on Sep 26th! AYY Campus section begins their traditional Campus saunas this autumn. At 7PM people responsible of the campus cycling route planning process will discuss campus development. Among other invited speakers we are hearing Olli Koivula, who is development engineer in the city of Espoo responsible of Otaniemi area traffic planning. The rest of the speakers will be announced later!

The occasion will be relaxed and after professionals we will give all the participants the opportunity to tell their development ideas on campus biking. Now is the perfect time to come influence the traffic planning of the future!

The sauna is free, and campus section provides light snacks. Also the tub is hot and the sauna is heated!

The event is in Finnish and English if need be.

15.                  Apply for Slush Volunteer 2016

Slush would not exist without our volunteers. By volunteering you will see how Europe’s leading startup and tech event is built – from the inside. You will meet interesting people, learn a lot of new things and get a chance to be part of the unique volunteer community with people from over 50 countries.

There are about 30 different tasks that you can apply for, from improving the Slush visitor experience, production to communications. Previous experience is not required – we want to give you an opportunity to learn something new.

Apply here: http://www.slush.org/volunteers/

16.                  AMCA Case Interview Workshops

Aalto Management Consulting Association (AMCA) welcomes you to workshops listed below  REDDAL Case Interview Workshop 29.9.2016

  • REGISTRATION: https://goo.gl/forms/jVAQHLtrV2P8AUjw2.
  • WHEN: Thursday 29 September, 18.00-21.00
  • WHERE: Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5, Espoo), the Stage hall, from the main entrance to the right.
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/231810897222098/

Case Interview Workshop with ACCENTURE 6.10.2016

  • WHERE: Accenture Finland Headquarters
  • WHEN: 6th of October, 17:30 – 20:30 WHO: 15-20 students of Aalto, preferably Finnish speaking. Experience in financial analysis is a plus.
  • EVENT TYPE: A strategy case for a Nordic company.
  • REGISTRATION: To register send your CV to amca@kyweb.fi.

17.                  A free basic course on Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu for Aalto university Students

Bujinkan Budō Taijutsu is a traditional budō or martial art. The course  will teach you the material for the first belt level in the system (9.kyu) After the basic course, the novice must obtain a black practice  suit and pay the membership and practice fees (instructions will be given for both).

  • Equipment: A t-shirt and track suit will be enough for practice, but you  should also bring a thicker hoodie or something similarly durable for practicing freeing yourself from sleeve / chest grips with your partner.
  • Address: Jämeräntaival 5, Tatamisali
  • Time: Tuesdays 7-9 PM, Oct 11 – Dec 13, 2016
  • Signing up: The first ten persons to sign up will be accepted for the course.
  • Additional information: Mikko Toivanen, mikko.j.toivanen@gmail.com

18.                  Start up aikido in Otaniemi!

Aalto Aikikai Reg. Assn. Is arranging an aikido display on Tuesday 27.9. at 5 pm in the tatami hall of Jämeräntaival 5A. Training for new beginners begins on Thursday 29.9. at 5 pm in the same place. You’re welcome to come and watch and try it out! More info: www.aaltoaikikai.ayy.fi

19.                  Introductory gliding course by PIK

“On the introductory gliding course, you’ll get to go on a glider flight with an instructor. The course includes a theory session in which the basics of gliding will be gone through, along with practical matters for the day of the flight. After the theory, you’ll get straight down to action; to fly in a two-seater training glider over great autumnal landscapes. If you want, you can also get to steer the glider under the supervision of the instructor.

Weather permitting, there are introductory flights available during the first weekend of October (1.-2.10.). The flight day begins at 10 am at the flight centre of Räyskälä and you should set aside the whole day for the course. Carpooling will be agreed on in the theory events.

The theory event will be held on Thursday 29.9. from 5 pm in the association premises of Maarintalo (Sähkömiehentie 3, 1st floor). You can ensure your place by signing up beforehand with this form https://goo.gl/forms/ScoRkr2wUkGvoxZj1, or alternatively by signing up at the theory event. Further information by e-mail from purjelento@pik.fi and on the web pages of the club http://pik.ayy.fi/joomla/index.php/koulutus/purjelennon-tutustumiskurssi.

Price: €125 (The price includes the membership fee for the rest of the year, the theory training and two flights with an instructor.)

20.                  Try sailing in Teekkaripurjehtijat’s introduction sailing

Interested in sailing? Come to an introduction sailing with Teekkaripurjehtijat! These sailing trips are free and open to anyone (no previous sailing experience is required). Sailing trips start from Ruoholahti marina after school (around 1700) and your skipper tours you around the Helsinki archipelago for 3-4 hours. Wear something rain/wind proof, warm (it’s quite cold at the sea), shoes that don’t leave black marks, a hat and gloves for handling ropes. Introduction sailing days are listed below. *Registration, dates and more info on our website:* http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=200 <http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=200>.

Spots are filled fast, be quick!

Read more about the club: http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=44

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