Weekly Newsletter 40/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 40/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

This week, the Aalto Wellbeing week is under way at all the campuses. See the week’s programme on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1779827855620679/

P.S. The equality survey of Aalto and AYY is still open until tomorrow! Reply and tell us of your experiences!  https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/DFB80A899DE3466B.par

  1. Tällä ja ensi viikolla tapahtuu
  2. Problems with SIP-insurance? Claim your refunds now
  3. Report delayed course grading
  4. Civilian service at AYY? Property assistant wanted!
  5. The volunteer search of AYY is now open!
  6. Teekkariperinneviikko is coming in November!
  7. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower
  8. Aalto Crossroads – Case competition for all Aalto BSc and MSc students!
  9. Aalto Amazing Race adventure for first year students!
  10. Mp3 Experience by MOSAIC on Oct 5th
  11. Humans vs. Zombies 19.-22.10.
  12. TalentIT Fair 2016 – Boost your career!
  13. OUBS Premieren video editing training 12.10.2016, 6 pm at the Studio
  14. Tikelo presents: Info/Movie Night – The Grand Budapest Hotel
  15. Registration for the cinefilm course of the Montaasi film club is now open!
  16. Humpsvakar Teekkari Orchestra 55 years
  17. Global Shapers Helsinki Hub kickoff 5th Oct
  18. Join AIESEC and make a difference!
  19. Registration for the alpine trip of Skipoli on 6.10. and the Kaukkarit on 15.10.
  20. Pole-dancing during the Aalto Wellbeing Week
  21. Aalto Predators Tryouts

1.    Tällä ja ensi viikolla tapahtuu

Viikko 40

Viikko 41

2.    Problems with SIP-insurance? Claim your refunds now

Do you have a SIP-Complement Insurance and have you had problems getting refunds for your medical costs? Now you can claim your missing costs from the insurance company! Many students have had problems with SIP-Complement insurance. Chubb, the insurance company has been interpreting the insurance policy in a disadvantageous way and has only paid a 20% compensation for medical costs if the students have not been able to prove they have a Kela-card (which international students most often do not have). AYY has explained the insurance company how the social security system, YTHS, municipality of residence and international degree students status function in Finland. Now Chubb has admitted it has interpreted the insurance policy in a wrong way and it is ready to review its decisions and pay back refunds in full to students. If you have applied for refunds for your medical costs and Chubb has only paid you a 20% compensation claiming that you do not have access to a mutual health care cover in Finland, you can now send your case for a review and get full compensation for your costs. Send your claim number to  beneluxclaims@chubb.com and request a review of the decision. If the insurance company is still refusing to pay you compensation, do not hesitate to contact international@ayy.fi.

3.    Report delayed course grading

Aalto University’s teaching and study regulations provide that exams and other study performances must be reviewed and recorded in the study register within one month. If your exam results or credits are late, you can report it to Aalto University administration.

  • ARTS: Leena Koskinen (leena.koskinen@aalto.fi)
  • BIZ: Markus Torkkeli (markus.torkkeli@aalto.fi)
  • CHEM: Hanne Puskala (hanne.puskala@aalto.fi)
  • ELEC: Perttu puska (perttu.puska@aalto.fi)
  • ENG: Marjo Immonen (marjo.immonen@aalto.fi)
  • SCI: Mari Knuuttila (mari.knuuttila@aalto.fi)

4.    Civilian service at AYY? Property assistant wanted!

Did you know that your Student Union serves as a civilian service place in accordance with the Civilian Service Act (1446/2007)? At the moment, the Student Union is offering three work service positions at the same time: a property assistant, a graphic designer (AD) and an IT support person.

The start dates for each role can be found in the position directory of the civilian service centre. Unfortunately, the Student Union can’t take on a new civilian service worker significantly earlier than when the work service of the previous worker ends. At the moment, we are looking for a property assistant who could start in their position as soon as possible.

We value creativity, precision and an ability to work together. AYY offers a civilian service worker a pleasant work environment in Otaniemi, Espoo, cheerful and nice colleagues, a flat near the workplace and other legally-decreed benefits.

The task of the property assistant is to take care of the upkeep and development of the Student Union’s association premises and residential sites, together with the association and accommodation sectors and the construction foreman.

The work profile includes checking the condition and fittings of the rented premises and the residential sites of the Teekkari Village, as well as the small repair jobs associated with these. The work of the property assistant occasionally includes office work and looking after current matters at the office of the Student Union. It would be desirable for the applicant to have experience of the construction field and maintenance. A class B driving licence is a minimum requirement. In short, we’re looking for someone comparable to a caretaker.

If you’re interested in the Student Union as a place for civilian service, contact the General Secretary of the Student Union, Niko Ferm (paasihteeri@ayy.fi / 050 520 9415).

5.    The volunteer search of AYY is now open!

The best student union in the world, AYY, is looking for volunteers! There are numerous voluntary roles at our Student Union that differ in terms of their tasks and amount of work, so everyone is sure to find a job that they like! Roles can be found from, amongst others, event production, campus development, international affairs, student advocacy and corporate relations. See the timetable, search objects and the experiences of those who’ve acted as volunteers at /stop/. Also follow the communications regarding the volunteer searches on Instagram (@ayy_fi) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta/)

6.    Teekkariperinneviikko is coming in November!

Teekkariperinneviikko, the teekkari tradition week, is coming again and this time it’s time to lay teekkari knowledge on the table. Do you know in which year the teekkaris moved to Otaniemi? Or why there’s a bobble in the teekkari cap? If you know, excellent, but if you don’t, no worries! This year, the Teekkaripeli game playable online during the Teekkariperinneviikko will tell you the answer.

Teekkariship will be 144 old this year and this will be celebrated for a whole week on 7.11.-12.11. There will be a plentiful array of familiar events, but also new fun stuff to do. During the week, you can, for example, challenge your friends to compete in knowledge of the teekkari culture in the Teekkaripeli, think up new words for songs and perform them at the Laulukilpailusitsis and go out to conquer the eastern neighbour city, Helsinki, under the guidance of the checkpoint map of the Polin Appro! The Teekkariperinneviikko concludes with the 200-strong Teekkariperinnejuhla party, which offers guaranteed festive bustle, and best of all, you can continue the party on the next day with the Teekkarisillis. So make a note of the week in your diary and listen out, because all the events of the week will be presented this week on the Facebook of the Teekkari Section!

Signing up for the Teekkariperinnejuhla and sillis will be open from Wednesday, 5.10. at 12 noon! So be quick and ensure your place in the coolest party of the year at www.teekkarius144.ayy.fi. Ticket sales for the Polin Appro and the Dipolin Appro starts for the associations on Wed 5th Oct.  More information about all the events of the week can be found from the web pages www.teekkarius144.ayy.fi. See you in November!

7.    Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

“The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Persons who are at the final stage of their studies or who have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students and other student activities at Aalto University and promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member. Nominations can be made until 23.59 on 12 Oct 2016 at https://lomake.ayy.fi/ptk/ehdota-uusia-arwoisia/.

Nominations can be made by an individual, guild, association or by several people, guilds or associations.

More information on PTK is available at: http://ptk.ayy.fi/.

8.    Aalto Crossroads – Case competition for all Aalto BSc and MSc students!

What? A case competition open to all Aalto BSc and MSc -students. To participate, you can form your own team of 4. If you want to participate but don’t have a team yet, you can apply individually and the organizers will create teams.

Altogether 15 teams can participate! Apply by writing a short motivational letter (max. 1 page), in which you tell us why you would like to participate. Challenge your friends to participate, too! The application deadline is October 15, 2016.

Where and when? The competition will take place at the Töölö campus on November 7-8, 2016 as follows:

  • Monday, November 7: 3-6 pm: “Solving a case”” – workshop where you’ll learn how to solve cases
  • Tuesday, November 8: 9 am-8 pm: Case competition

How to apply? Send your motivation letter by email to Christa Uusi-Rauva (christa.uusi-rauva(at)aalto.fi) by October 15, 2016. The teams will be selected by October 23. If you have any questions, please contact Christa!”

9.    Aalto Amazing Race adventure for first year students!

AYY’s Community Committee Aava and Teekkari Section as well as KY’s Cultural Committee KUVA are organizing Aalto Amazing Race, which is a checkpoint race on the Otaniemi-Töölö axis, on Thursday 13.10. You and your randomly chosen interdisciplinary team (you can choose a friend to join the team) will go on an adventure and solve Amazing Race styled tasks, and then the journey will continue with a prize ceremony at the KY Building with other activities as well.

Do you want to know what the rush in Amazing Race feels like? Join the Aalto Amazing Race by registering through this form: http://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/aaltoamazingrace2016/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/988873637901490/

10.                  Mp3 Experience by MOSAIC on Oct 5th

Join the MP3 Experience that has attained an incredible international reputation! But this time with Harry Potter, the wizard’s adventure!!! This event is definitely something that you have never experienced before.

Mosaic will organise this hugely successful event for the 9th time on Wednesday, 5th October, 2016. The idea is to download a music file (approx. one hour) to your phone or music device, push PLAY simultaneously with the crowd and follow the instructions you hear. The purpose is to attract positive attention, delight other people and have fun in a great group.

What is going to happen this year? There’s only one way to find out – come and explore the city with us!

11.                  Humans vs. Zombies 19.-22.10.

The signup can be found at lomake.ayy.fi/aava/humans-vs-zombies Zombie virus is spreading! Does humanity have any chance against the ever growing zombie horde? Delays with the metro have also delayed the spread of the virus to Otaniemi, but it is only a matter of time until the virus hits.

Humans vs. Zombies is a moderated game of tag where zombie players try to spread the infection by tagging human players. Humans can in turn protect themselves by hiding, fleeing or fighting back (using clean socks or foam gun darts to “”stun”” zombies). Exciting missions and quests will be available every day. The game is fun and interactive. Since teamwork is often the best strategy players are guaranteed to meet new people.

So join the fun! Spread the hype! Come help make a great game by being a great player. And the best part: Participation is completely free of charge. The organizers will provide the game scarf and ID-tag for you. All you have to do is sign up, show up and play.

The preliminary rules of the game can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1987mA_3xeu4my_epuEdtsovsxcJ358ohHHtfqujjAVo/

The final rules might have slight modifications. Info-events will be earlier that week, exact schedule later. After the game ends there will be a closing sauna on Sunday October 23rd at Otakaari 20. Questions can be sent to the moderators: hvzotaniemi@gmail.com

12.                  TalentIT Fair 2016 – Boost your career!

Are you looking for career opportunities in the field of ICT? TalentIT 2016 Career Fair offers an excellent chance to land an internship, summer job or Master’s thesis position. There are over 80 great employers at the fair this year from small startups to widely known ICT businesses and exciting operators in Otahalli, on Thursday November 3, 11am – 5pm.

This year, we are taking networking to the next level with Snap Meeting service that enables you to book 15-minute meetings with interesting companies. Read more about the service and get to know our Career Forum’s other offerings from our website, talentit.aalto.fi. Only one month to go – get ready.

TalentIT @ Twitter / TalentIT @ Facebook

13.                  OUBS Premieren video editing training 12.10.2016, 6 pm at the Studio

Running out of the features of Windows Movie Maker? Is video editing a new acquaintance? Whatever the reason, you’re welcome to OUBS’s Premieren Perusteet (’The Basics of Premiere’) training!

In the training, the use of Adobe Premiere in video editing will be looked at. The training will cover the basic tools and working methods of editing from the point of view of Premiere, through examples. Previous experience of Premiere or video editing isn’t essential; rather, the training starts right with the basics. If you want to follow the training by doing it yourself alongside it, you can bring along your own laptop with Premiere installed on it (please install it before the training). You can get the trial version of Premiere free of charge at http://adobe.com .

Registration and further information at the Facebook event or by e-mail, hallitus@oubs.fi. The training is open and free to the members of AYY and OUBS.

14.                  Tikelo presents: Info/Movie Night – The Grand Budapest Hotel

Tikelo is a movie club for all Aalto students, with a long tradition dating back to 1965. In the first event of the fall you will hear more about the movie club and about the range of activities that we organize.

After the introduction, it’s time for the movie! We will be showing you The Grand Budapest Hotel directed by Wes Anderson. This visual masterpiece with a fascinating plot and witty dialogue won four Oscars in 2015.

In addition, we will serve punch, pizza and movie snacks. The event and the refreshments are free of charge.

See you at 3. floor Yläkertsi in KY Building (address Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21, Helsinki) on Wednesday 5.10. at 18.00!

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/648643658633339/

15.                  Registration for the cinefilm course of the Montaasi film club is now open!

On the basic filmmaking course held on the weekend of 7. – 9.10., the basics of script-writing, visual narrative, lighting and filming will be gone through, and short films will be filmed in groups on 8 mm colour film. So the course still offers an opportunity that is unique to make a film on cinefilm, which becomes rarer with each year that passes.

The films will be sent to be developed at the laboratory, after which they will be edited at the film editing suite of Montaasi at a time agreed on by the groups amongst themselves. Editing will be done with the so-called classic method, i.e. by cutting and taping together.

The more detailed timetable of the course is at montaasi.ayy.fi

Further information and registration by e-mail: montaasi@list.ayy.fi

The course will be held in Otaniemi, Espoo. There are 15 places on the course and its price is 25 euros for members of Montaasi. If you’re not a member yet, you can take care of the membership fee of 5 euros together with the course fee. You can become a member on the web pages of Montaasi.

16.                  Humpsvakar Teekkari Orchestra 55 years

The Humpsvakar Teekkari Orchestra is 55 years old on the 22nd of October, and what better way to celebrate than to turn the Tapiolasali hall upside down and hold the greatest concert in living memory? When the price of the ticket for a student is a derisory €10, now is an excellent opportunity to enjoy music and breezy teekkari humour.

So that you get the best possible access to information, it’s worth following the Facebook page of the event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1000354250050353/ , or alternatively you can navigate directly to buying a ticket from the homepage of the orchestra at https://www.humpsvakar.fi/.

17.                  Global Shapers Helsinki Hub kickoff 5th Oct

The Global Shapers Helsinki Hub will kickoff with the event “Lessons on how to change the world” with some amazing speakers, and open the hub’s membership applications for year 2016-2017.

Time: Wednesday, October 5 at 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Place: Startup Maria, Marian Sairaala, Lapinlahdenkatu 16

Further information on Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/136672740123926/

Register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lessons-on-how-to-change-the-world-tickets-27643708075

18.                  Join AIESEC and make a difference!

AIESEC, with over 70,000 members is one of the largest student run organizations in the world. We are currently looking for more members to add to our amazing team. AIESEC provides opportunities to go on an exchange and have an internship abroad.

If you want to practice business management, public speaking or if you want to hang out with students from all around the world then AIESEC is for you. The application period will close shortly!

Send a message to: krzysztof.plecinski@aiesec.net

19.                  Registration for the alpine trip of Skipoli on 6.10. and the Kaukkarit on 15.10.

Skipoli’s Kaukkarit 15.10

What would it sound like to get a head start for the downhill season? Skipoli is arranging for truckloads of snow to be brought to the Rantasauna on 15.10., so wild rail jams are guaranteed! There are fantastic prizes on store for the best tricks and falls. Come along and enjoy the good feeling with either your shoes or ski boots on! The after-ski will go on long into the night!!

Skipoli’s THÖ Alps Trip

Are you yearning to get on the big slopes? Would you like to go down through metres of powder? The alpine delegation of Skipoli is heading this year to Nauders in Austria! The trip starts on 14.1.2017, and after two weeks of pounding the pistes, the return to Finland is on 28.1! Registration in the Alvar lobby on 6.10 at 10 am!! Both hardened veterans and alpine virgins are welcome to come along! Further information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1809299115949862/

20.                  Pole-dancing during the Aalto Wellbeing Week

Come and try out pole-dancing in Otaniemi! Otanko Reg. Assn. offers weekly pole-dancing lessons and workshops. More info at otanko.ayy.fi. N.B.! Registration for lessons is not necessary during Aalto Wellbeing Week.

  • What: pole-dancing
  • When: Wednesdays, 4.30 pm to 5.45 pm
  • Where: Association premises, Jämeräntaival 1
  • Equipment: a drink bottle, short shorts, your own small towel
  • Why: because orange is the best colour in the world!

21.                  Aalto Predators Tryouts

Aalto Predators is organizing open practices on the 5.10 at 18:00 at Tali Football Hall (Purotie 8, Helsinki).

You need: Outdoor sports clothes, cleats/sneakers (natural grass), water bottle. (Mouthguard is optional)

The women’s american football team is open to all female university and university of applied science students in the greater metropolitan area. The men’s team is open for all male Aalto University students.

No previous football experience is needed, during the tryout days you will learn the foundational skills and techniques of American Football, as well as get a feel for what position suits you best. American Football is a sport with player positions for a varied range of athletic types.

Tryouts for Men’s team:



Tryouts for Women’s team:




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