Weekly Newsletter 41/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 41/2016

One theme week after another! This week, we’re having a development co-operation week. There are events from a flea market to a movie night at all the campuses. Find out about the offerings of the week: https://www.facebook.com/events/163565394092010

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/ You may read the newsletter also on AYY’s webpage.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY’s global development week is ongoing this week!
  3. The volunteer search of AYY is now open!
  4. Campus section bikes sale 12th Oct 4 p.m.
  5. AYY Presents: Student Waves @ Baltic Queen (2.11.2016–3.11.2016)
  6. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower
  7. Aalto Amazing Race adventure for first year students!
  8. Get Tailored at KY-talo on 13th Oct
  9. Humans vs. Zombies 19.-22.10.
  10. Better traffic connections from Otaniemi through  Meilahti and Pasila all the way to Viikki? Sign the initiative for Science Tram!
  11. 30 years of Rantsu and the beginning of the new shore sauna project on 26.10.
  12. AMCA Case Competition Bootcamp
  13. OUBS Premieren video editing training 12.10.2016, 6 pm at the Studio
  14. Junction x Otaniemi pre-event 14.10.
  15. Pikkuääniaalto: DADA Sound Showcase
  16. Humpsvakar Teekkari Orchestra 55 years
  17. Get ready for the ARENA Career Fair – only one month to go!
  18. Growth entrepreneurship on the radio
  19. Find out about entrepreneurship on the yritä.fi website

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 41

  • 10.10. The opening flea market of the development co-operation week in Otaniemi /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-avajaiskirpputori/
  • 10.10. The opening flea market of the development co-operation week in Töölö /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-avajaiskirpputori/
  • 10.10. Bag of Fun Sweatshop /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-bag-of-fun-sweatshop/
  • 10.10. On the couch with Antti Ahlava /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-on-the-couch-with-antti-ahlava/
  • 11.10. Inequality coffees /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-eriarvoisuuskahvit/
  • 11.10. Running Dinner /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-world-dinner/
  • 12.10. Picture night: Käsisalama workshop /blog/events/valokuvailta-kasisalama-tyopaja/
  • 12.10. The foundations of the OUBS Premiere /blog/events/oubs-premieren-perusteet/
  • 12.10. The Guild of the Cross: Jani Heino: Ordinary for Life /blog/events/ristin-kilta-jani-heino-elamantavallista/
  • 12.10. Development co-operation week: Start Up market /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-start-up-tori/
  • 12.10. ImpactTalk by Mika Välimäki /blog/events/impacttalk-by-mika-valimaki/
  • 12.10. Industry & Innovation debate by Aalto Debating Society /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-industry-innovation-debate-by-aalto-debating-society/
  • 13.10. A performance about inequality /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-performanssi-eriarvoisuudesta/
  • 13.10. Maailmanvaihto Reg Assn. will present voluntary work opportunities at /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-maailmanvaihto-ry-esittelee-vapaaehtoistyomahdollisuuksia/
  • 13.10. “Tomorrow” movie @ Kino Sheryl /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-tomorrow-movie-at-kino-sheryl/
  • 14.10. A brunch from leftover food /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-brunssi-ylijaamaruoasta/
  • 14.10. A comics workshop at /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-sarjakuvatyopaja/
  • 14.10. The closing event of the development co-operation week /blog/events/kehitysyhteistyoviikko-paatostilaisuus/

Week 42

2.    AYY’s global development week is ongoing this week!


How you would like to make the world better place before 2030? What is you’re the impact of your behavior or career on environment here on in the developing countries? Learn and become enthusiastic about themes and innovations on sustainable development in AYY’s global development week. The week begins with a flea market in Otaniemi and Töölö campus and after that the week continues with inequality coffees, movie night, discussion and debates, “running dinner”, comic workshop etc. The events will be held in all campuses. Welcome!

3.    The volunteer search of AYY is now open!

The best student union in the world, AYY, is looking for volunteers! There are numerous voluntary roles at our Student Union that differ in terms of their tasks and amount of work, so everyone is sure to find a job that they like! Roles can be found from, amongst others, event production, campus development, international affairs, student advocacy and corporate relations. See the timetable, search objects and the experiences of those who’ve acted as volunteers at /stop/. Also follow the communications regarding the volunteer searches on Instagram (@ayy_fi) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta/)

4.    Campus section bikes sale 12th Oct 4 p.m.

Go green and give a home to an abandoned bicycle! AYY and Campus section will we selling over 500 abandoned bicycles on 12th October from 4pm to 7pm on the grass plot between Jämeräntaival 1 and 3. These were collected during the Otaniemi junk bicycle collection this spring, when all Otaniemi bike storages were cleaned. These bikes have been abandoned and forgotten by their previous owners who either moved away or simply forgot about them, so come give them a new home. Bikes will go for 20€ to 40€ each, depending on the condition.. Be sure to arrive early, as last time the bikes were sold out almost instantly. More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/659367910879902/

5.    AYY Presents: Student Waves @ Baltic Queen (2.11.2016–3.11.2016)

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1619548428342267/

It’s time to forget the greyness of the autumn and head to the sea! The most epic cruise of the year gathers together a whole shipful of students – you might even meet some people outside of Aalto! The whole ship is reserved for students, and the party will be pumped up by our cruise programme in the great company as well as by our glorious performers, Thrill Mode and Olavi Uusivirta!

You should arrive at the terminal, Länsisatama, on 2nd November by 5 pm, and the ship will be back in Helsinki the next day at 4:30 pm. You also have a chance to visit Tallinn in the morning between 8:00-12:00.

You can already sign up – but remember to do it by 20th October (until midnight) the latest! But hurry, you can only sign up if there’s enough space 😉 If you sign up by 13th Oct, you have a chance to win a suite or a deluxe cabin! So why not do it right away?! In addition, we recommend you to book your meals for the cruise in advance.

The cost of the cruise is 25 EUR/person, and should be booked by cabin groups. Cabins are available for 2-4 people. Within sign up, the names, birthdays and nationalities of the participants will be asked, as well as your student ID if you are a Tempaus volunteer.

Book your cabin at: https://holvi.com/shop/AYYshop/section/risteily-2016/ So put on your overalls and get to know the fellow cruisers! All aboard!

The cruise is also the official closing party for the student volunteers of Tempaus2016 student project! Volunteers have had booking instructions earlier by email. Remember to take your passport or other ID with you.

6.    Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

“The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Persons who are at the final stage of their studies or who have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students and other student activities at Aalto University and promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member. Nominations can be made until 23.59 on 12 Oct 2016 at https://lomake.ayy.fi/ptk/ehdota-uusia-arwoisia/.

Nominations can be made by an individual, guild, association or by several people, guilds or associations.

More information on PTK is available at: http://ptk.ayy.fi/.

7.    Aalto Amazing Race adventure for first year students!

AYY’s Community Committee Aava and Teekkari Section as well as KY’s Cultural Committee KUVA are organizing Aalto Amazing Race, which is a checkpoint race on the Otaniemi-Töölö axis, on Thursday 13.10. You and your randomly chosen interdisciplinary team (you can choose a friend to join the team) will go on an adventure and solve Amazing Race styled tasks, and then the journey will continue with a prize ceremony at the KY Building with other activities as well.

Do you want to know what the rush in Amazing Race feels like? Join the Aalto Amazing Race by registering through this form: http://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/aaltoamazingrace2016/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/988873637901490/

8.    Get Tailored at KY-talo on 13th Oct

This is to all of you, who wish for perfect fitting clothes in your life. Together with Zantino Tailor, we are organizing our second custom made clothing fitting event at KY-talo in Kamppi on Thursday 13th of October for everyone who is interested having their own, quality tailor-made clothes. This is a great chance to get measured, design your own classic style and finally get your own fair priced shirts, suits, jackets, trousers, overcoats etc. Prices start from a student friendly 229€ for a full suit, shirt and a tie package and varies depending on the fabric quality.

Further about the event, tailors and time reservation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1204331066291814/”

9.    Humans vs. Zombies 19.-22.10.

The signup can be found at lomake.ayy.fi/aava/humans-vs-zombies Zombie virus is spreading! Does humanity have any chance against the ever growing zombie horde? Delays with the metro have also delayed the spread of the virus to Otaniemi, but it is only a matter of time until the virus hits.

Humans vs. Zombies is a moderated game of tag where zombie players try to spread the infection by tagging human players. Humans can in turn protect themselves by hiding, fleeing or fighting back (using clean socks or foam gun darts to “”stun”” zombies). Exciting missions and quests will be available every day. The game is fun and interactive. Since teamwork is often the best strategy players are guaranteed to meet new people.

So join the fun! Spread the hype! Come help make a great game by being a great player. And the best part: Participation is completely free of charge. The organizers will provide the game scarf and ID-tag for you. All you have to do is sign up, show up and play.

The preliminary rules of the game can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1987mA_3xeu4my_epuEdtsovsxcJ358ohHHtfqujjAVo/

The final rules might have slight modifications. Info-events will be earlier that week, exact schedule later. After the game ends there will be a closing sauna on Sunday October 23rd at Otakaari 20. Questions can be sent to the moderators: hvzotaniemi@gmail.com

10.                  Better traffic connections from Otaniemi through  Meilahti and Pasila all the way to Viikki? Sign the initiative for Science Tram!


The Science Tram is a light rail line that is planned to replace bus 506 and handle cross traffic between Viikki and Otaniemi. The Science Tram 2025 campaign wants to connect Viikki and Otaniemi with a light rail line via Pasila. The Science Tram route will feature ten campuses from seven different higher education institutions. The new line takes over 10 minutes off travel times between certain stops. The goal of the campaign is to expedite the implementation of the Science Tram so that its construction will have begun by 2025. Read more about the campaign www.tiederatikka2025.fi and please sign the initiative https://www.kuntalaisaloite.fi/fi/aloite/3211.

11.                  30 years of Rantsu and the beginning of the new shore sauna project on 26.10.

Rantasauna will now be 30 years old this year and that has to be celebrated! Over the years, there have been numerous generations of teekkaris and memories honed by the löylys, so come and remember them with us! There’ll be birthday cake and some information about the foggier events of Rantsu.

At the same event, on Wednesday, 26.10. the Rantsu 2.0 sauna project coming to Otaranta will be launched. At Rantsu, the models of the new building will be made public and the progress of the project will be reported. The project also needs active participants, so it’s totally worth coming to enquire.

At the event, there’ll be cake made by the Campus Section for the quickest.

In a nutshell:

  • WHAT: Rantsu 30 years + Rantsu 2.0 project initiation
  • WHERE: Rantasauna, Vastaranta
  • WHEN: 26.10., at 7 pm
  • WHY: The birthday and new conception!

12.                  AMCA Case Competition Bootcamp

Do you want to participate in the Case Competitions that Aalto takes part in and travel around the world to win it all?

Now you have the chance to come and show that you have the skills needed to be elected to the A-team. Or you can just come and see what it is all about. Teaching Development Specialist Christa Uusi-Rauva is the Coach for all the Case Competitions that Aalto takes part in.

  • WHEN: 11.10, 17:00
  • WHERE: Töölö campus
  • FOR WHOM: Everyone who wants to know what case competitions are all about and for those who want to participate in one of the upcoming 4 case competitions Aalto is taking part in. Apply alone or gather a team of 4 people.
  • REGISTER HERE: https://goo.gl/forms/5GaH11dIb2HjGHqH3
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/303932816637656/

13.                  OUBS Premieren video editing training 12.10.2016, 6 pm at the Studio

Running out of the features of Windows Movie Maker? Is video editing a new acquaintance? Whatever the reason, you’re welcome to OUBS’s Premieren Perusteet (’The Basics of Premiere’) training!

In the training, the use of Adobe Premiere in video editing will be looked at. The training will cover the basic tools and working methods of editing from the point of view of Premiere, through examples. Previous experience of Premiere or video editing isn’t essential; rather, the training starts right with the basics. If you want to follow the training by doing it yourself alongside it, you can bring along your own laptop with Premiere installed on it (please install it before the training). You can get the trial version of Premiere free of charge at http://adobe.com .

Registration and further information at the Facebook event or by e-mail, hallitus@oubs.fi. The training is open and free to the members of AYY and OUBS.

  •     What: Premiere video editing training
  •     Where: OUBS’s Studio, Jämeräntaival 1
  •     When: 12.10.2016, 6 pm to 9 pm
  •     FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/167797320335131/
  •     What it costs: Free!

14.                  Junction x Otaniemi pre-event 14.10.

Take a soft landing for the toughest hackathon of the year this week on Friday, 14.10., when Junction brings its co-operative companies to the TUAS building! Play great games like Halo 3 and GoldenEye 007 with the representatives of the companies and find out about their challenges at the same time! There’ll also be food and refreshments!

You can already sign up now at: https://register.hackjunction.com/

15.                  Pikkuääniaalto: DADA Sound Showcase

Come and get immersed in the sound of selfbuilt synthesizers and controlling systems at Pikkuääniaalto 2016, made by MediaLab Helsinki’s new sound makers!


Friday 14th October, 2016

Doors Open 17.30, performances start at 18.00

Place: Ossinkulma – staircase of Otakaari 18 A

For more information about the performances: https://www.facebook.com/events/1164956570217446/

16.                  Humpsvakar Teekkari Orchestra 55 years

The Humpsvakar Teekkari Orchestra is 55 years old on the 22nd of October, and what better way to celebrate than to turn the Tapiolasali hall upside down and hold the greatest concert in living memory? When the price of the ticket for a student is a derisory €10, now is an excellent opportunity to enjoy music and breezy teekkari humour.

So that you get the best possible access to information, it’s worth following the Facebook page of the event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1000354250050353/ , or alternatively you can navigate directly to buying a ticket from the homepage of the orchestra at https://www.humpsvakar.fi/.”

17.                  Get ready for the ARENA Career Fair – only one month to go!

“The annual ARENA Career Fair is organized for the 25th time on Wed, 9th November at 9:30-16:00 at the School of Business main building, Töölö campus. All the business students at Aalto (including industrial engineering) are welcome to the largest contact fair organized for business students and companies in Finland! This year we have over 50 exhibitors as well as interesting employer presentations, CV & LinkedIn Clinic and CV photo shooting.

Check out the fair program on ARENA website (http://fairs.aalto.fi/arena/). See also ARENA Code for students – tips on how to prepare for the fair.

You can already tune yourself to the fair mood on ARENA Career Fair Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ARENACareerFair/?fref=nf), where ARENA-On-Line is already under way!

18.                  Growth entrepreneurship on the radio

Startup Radio gets under way every Monday on Radio Helsinki, 98.5Mhz, from 5 to 6 pm! In the programme, current issues during the life cycle of the growth company will be analysed, not forgetting well-known guests. Have you always pondered how you could also become an entrepreneur? Or can a programmer really run a radio programme? Or what about scaling and pivoting, are they flavours of ice cream? Listen and you’ll find your answers!

Also remember to like it on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/StartupRadioFin

  • What: Startup Radio
  • Where: Radio Helsinki or https://www.radiohelsinki.fi/kuuntele
  • When: Mondays, 5 pm to 6 pm
  • Why: Hustle and bustle!

19.                  Find out about entrepreneurship on the yritä.fi website

Yritä.fi is a new website that seeks to be the de facto place for those interested in entrepreneurship.

At the moment, there are articles on the site about trading name entrepreneurship and a Trading Name Course of about one and a half hours. This online course, open and free to everyone, contains about 25 video lectures and deals with setting up and running a trading name. The intention next year is to add material about the limited company and light entrepreneurship too.

The Yritä.fi site and Trading Name Course are completely free for the user.

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