Weekly Newsletter 42/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 42/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Send a card to someone nice!
  3. Aava’s info evening on 18.10. from 6 pm
  4. AYY Presents: Student Waves @ Baltic Queen (2.11.2016–3.11.2016)
  5. Recruiting session at KASKI, Northern Europe’s largest scaleup event
  6. 30 years of Rantsu and the beginning of the new shore sauna project on 26.10.
  7. Humans vs. Zombies 19.-22.10.
  8. Come and join the Public Service Hackathon / #PSHACK100 (6 ECTS Credits)
  9. HELP SCIENCE, GET PAID!” IBSEN – The Human Behaviour Simulator
  10. Mindfulness workshops in November-December
  11. Humpsvakar Teekkari Orchestra 55 years
  12. The release concert of the record ’Jos minä puhuisin sinulle’ by the Academic Female Choir KYN
  13. The musical HYLJE by former speksi performers at Konepajan Bruno
  14. Fossil Free movie nights 19.10. & 25.10.!
  15. Climbing courses for students!

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 42

Week 43

2.    Send a card to someone nice!

Did you attend an extraordinarily good lecture? Was the janitor kind enough to help you with your heavy luggage? Did the study planning officer help you out with your complex study plans?

It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Now it’s time to say thank you to university staff. Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us who has been nice to you at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/ . Let’s remember to thank each other!

3.    Aava’s info evening on 18.10. from 6 pm

Would you like to organise the larger events of AYY, such as the Aalto Afterparty or WappuAallto or further cross-disciplinariness, for example as the person in charge of the Aaltositsis or the Aalto Amazing Race? It sounds as if Aava could be the thing for you! Don’t quite know what Aava does? Don’t fret, because on Tuesday, 18.10. you’ll get the answer to all the questions on your mind, at the first info evening in Aava’s history!

So come at 6 pm to the upstairs of OK20 to hear what Aava, officially known as the Association Section of the Student Union of Aalto University, really does, everything that Aava covers and how great it is to be involved in making the Aalto community better for everyone! We promise a fun and informative evening, great company and something small to eat and wet your whistle. You don’t really want to be a square, so better to be there!

  • WHAT: Aava’s info evening!
  • WHEN: Tuesday, 18.10. from 6 pm
  • WHERE: Upstairs at OK20
  • WHAT IT COSTS: Nothing at all
  • WHAT TO WEAR: Come as you are (clothes are a plus)
  • WHY: Because you too really want to get to develop the Aalto community!

N.B.! Take a look at the other voluntary jobs at AYY too, at /stop/  and remember to apply before 6.12.!

4.    AYY Presents: Student Waves @ Baltic Queen (2.11.2016–3.11.2016)

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1619548428342267/

It’s time to forget the greyness of the autumn and head to the sea! The most epic cruise of the year gathers together a whole shipful of students – you might even meet some people outside of Aalto! The whole ship is reserved for students, and the party will be pumped up by our cruise programme in the great company as well as by our glorious performers, Thrill Mode and Olavi Uusivirta!

You should arrive at the terminal, Länsisatama, on 2nd November by 5 pm, and the ship will be back in Helsinki the next day at 4:30 pm. You also have a chance to visit Tallinn in the morning between 8:00-12:00.

You can already sign up – but remember to do it by 20th October (until midnight) the latest! But hurry, you can only sign up if there’s enough space ? If you sign up by 13th Oct, you have a chance to win a suite or a deluxe cabin! So why not do it right away?! In addition, we recommend you to book your meals for the cruise in advance.

The cost of the cruise is 25 EUR/person, and should be booked by cabin groups. Cabins are available for 2-4 people. Within sign up, the names, birthdays and nationalities of the participants will be asked, as well as your student ID if you are a Tempaus volunteer.

Book your cabin at: https://holvi.com/shop/AYYshop/section/risteily-2016/  So put on your overalls and get to know the fellow cruisers! All aboard!

The cruise is also the official closing party for the student volunteers of Tempaus2016 student project! Volunteers have had booking instructions earlier by email. Remember to take your passport or other ID with you.

5.   Recruiting session at KASKI, Northern Europe’s largest scaleup event

Järjestäjä: Kasvuryhmä Ry

Helsinki Music Centre

Mannerheimintie 13 A, Helsinki

8.11.2016 15:30-16:30 (+ main show 5pm onwards)

When looking for your future dream job, have you ever wished there was an option that would combine the upsides of an entrepreneurial startup and an established big company? A job where you’d have the possibility to work in an entrepreneurial culture with strong drive to change the world, but with ample resources to actually make change happen quickly, get coaching from experienced doers, travel the world and scale up things that work?

Did you say yes? Of course you did! We invite you to join us at KASKI and Kasvuryhmä’s first ever tailor-made recruiting event for young doers (students and recent graduates with max 5 years from graduation) and a selection of Kasvuryhmä members – i.e. the best Finnish mid-sized growth companies looking to build their next growth phase. Come and see for yourself how these hidden champions of our society are shaping the future – and what your role could be in taking their next growth step

How to apply?

Due to limited availability, tickets are distributed through an application process. Please read more and apply for a ticket here: http://www.kasvuryhma.fi/kaski#kaski-for-students-and-recent-grads

6.    30 years of Rantsu and the beginning of the new shore sauna project on 26.10.

Rantasauna will now be 30 years old this year and that has to be celebrated! Over the years, there have been numerous generations of teekkaris and memories honed by the löylys, so come and remember them with us! There’ll be birthday cake and some information about the foggier events of Rantsu.

At the same event, on Wednesday, 26.10. the Rantsu 2.0 sauna project coming to Otaranta will be launched. At Rantsu, the models of the new building will be made public and the progress of the project will be reported. The project also needs active participants, so it’s totally worth coming to enquire.

At the event, there’ll be cake made by the Campus Section for the quickest.

In a nutshell:

  •     WHAT: Rantsu 30 years + Rantsu 2.0 project initiation
  •     WHERE: Rantasauna, Vastaranta
  •     WHEN: 26.10., at 7 pm
  •     WHY: The birthday and new conception!

7.    Humans vs. Zombies 19.-22.10.

The signup can be found at lomake.ayy.fi/aava/humans-vs-zombies Zombie virus is spreading! Does humanity have any chance against the ever growing zombie horde? Delays with the metro have also delayed the spread of the virus to Otaniemi, but it is only a matter of time until the virus hits.

Humans vs. Zombies is a moderated game of tag where zombie players try to spread the infection by tagging human players. Humans can in turn protect themselves by hiding, fleeing or fighting back (using clean socks or foam gun darts to “”stun”” zombies). Exciting missions and quests will be available every day. The game is fun and interactive. Since teamwork is often the best strategy players are guaranteed to meet new people.

So join the fun! Spread the hype! Come help make a great game by being a great player. And the best part: Participation is completely free of charge. The organizers will provide the game scarf and ID-tag for you. All you have to do is sign up, show up and play.

The preliminary rules of the game can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1987mA_3xeu4my_epuEdtsovsxcJ358ohHHtfqujjAVo/

The final rules might have slight modifications. Info-events will be earlier that week, exact schedule later.

After the game ends there will be a closing sauna on Sunday October 23rd at Otakaari 20.

Questions can be sent to the moderators: hvzotaniemi@gmail.com

8.    Come and join the Public Service Hackathon / #PSHACK100 (6 ECTS Credits)

We warmly welcome you to join the Public Service Hackathon / #PSHACK100! While solving real-life digitalization challenges of key Finnish public sector organizations, you can earn 6 ECTS credits. You can also show your talent as an individual worthwhile hiring e.g. for an internship. You can include the project into elective courses in any study program at Aalto University. Alternatively, the project substitutes the Capstone course in most Master’s programs at the School of Business.

The project starts with a kick-off event 1st November 2016 and final presentations will be given in December 2016. In addition to the 24h Hackathon event 17th-19th November, the project includes teamwork, lectures, coaching sessions, and presentations.

Find out more on the project website: https://nordic-events.accenture.com/hackathon/#/

Sign up by 25th October 2016 at Aalto University WebOodi: https://oodi.aalto.fi/a/

Join the FB event https://www.facebook.com/events/1784367925140396/

9.    HELP SCIENCE, GET PAID!” IBSEN – The Human Behaviour Simulator

Department of Computer Science at Aalto University is participating in IBSEN – a project funded by Horizon 2020, the biggest EU Research and Innovation Programme. Our goal is to develop a human behaviour simulator, a technology providing a basis for socio-economic simulations that would radically change many fields.

We are now recruiting volunteers for IBSEN.

Want to participate? Just follow the link: http://participants.ibsen- h2020.eu/en/join-csgaalto, and register to be included in the participants data base of IBSEN. Once an experimental session is open, starting in a few weeks, you will receive all the information via e-mail and  your social networks (Twitter, Facebook…). Then, all you have to do is to register for the sessions you are interested in before all vacancies are completed. The participation in these sessions, which  have been approved by the corresponding Ethics Committee, involves uniquely simple decisions in modelled situations. Every data collected will be treated anonymously so your privacy is guaranteed.

http://participants.ibsen- h2020.eu/en/join-csgaalto

More info: http://ibsen-h2020.eu/recruitment/

Contact for inquiries:

daniel.monsivais-velazquez@aalto.fi  / kunal.bhattacharya@aalto.fi

10.                  Mindfulness workshops in November-December

Mindfulness is accepting presence. It means a conscious choice to be able to stop and concentrate on this moment – our thoughts wander easily to the future or past. Mindfulness skills help you to notice the current moment and live in it. Regular mindfulness practice is known to reduce stress. The practising of conscious presence in studies helps to bypass unnecessary disruptive factors, concentrate better and avoid the fear of failure that comes from excessive self-criticism. At the end of autumn, there are two Finnish-language mindfulness workshops on offer.

Mindfulness in stress management: Fridays 9 am -11 am, 4.11-9.12.2016, Otakaari 1. Further information and registrations: https://into.aalto.fi/display/fiopintopsykologi/Mindfulness+stressinhallinnassa  and opintopsykologi@aalto.fi

Mindfulness – sympathetic learning: Fridays 1 pm – 3 pm, 4.11.-9.12.2016, Otakaari 1. Further information and registrations: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=18606243  and opintopsykologi@aalto.fi

11.                  Humpsvakar Teekkari Orchestra 55 years

The Humpsvakar Teekkari Orchestra is 55 years old on the 22nd of October, and what better way to celebrate than to turn the Tapiolasali hall upside down and hold the greatest concert in living memory? When the price of the ticket for a student is a derisory €10, now is an excellent opportunity to enjoy music and breezy teekkari humour.

So that you get the best possible access to information, it’s worth following the Facebook page of the event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1000354250050353/ , or alternatively you can navigate directly to buying a ticket from the homepage of the orchestra at https://www.humpsvakar.fi/

12.                  The release concert of the record ’Jos minä puhuisin sinulle’ by the Academic Female Choir KYN

KYN, which is amongst the leading female choirs of Finland, has always made music boldly by creating new things and breaking barriers. Under the leadership of the Music Counsellor Kaija Viitasalo, it has become known for a distinctive programme, expressive performances and vocal group-style lively cadences.

In honour of its 35th anniversary, KYN is bringing out its 8th recording. The record includes ethnic jazz composed and accompanied for KYN and KYN and a jazz group by Mikko Hassinen, who won the Teosto prize last year. Ethnic jazz is a genre of choral music that KYN has created with its commissioned works. In it, the melodic elements of our national tradition, expressive methods and texts, and modern poetry are combined with jazz rhythms and harmonies.

Both on the record and in the concert, the choir sings out in three musical colour worlds: with the jazz group, in the middle of it and alone.

’Jos minä puhuisin sinulle’ record release concert, the Academic Female Choir KYN, conducted by Kaija Viitasalo

Wed 26.10.2016, 7 pm, at the Savoy theatre (Kasarmikatu 46-48, Helsinki)

Manuel Dunkel, tenor saxophone/Ville Herrala, double bass/Mikko Hassinen, drums

Tickets €20/€15, ticket + record combo €30/€25, VIP ticket €35 from choir members and at the door, from Ticketmaster €22.50/€17.50, €32.50/€27.50 and €37.50.

Further information www.kyn.fi  and fb.com/KYNchoir

13.                  The musical HYLJE by former speksi performers at Konepajan Bruno

The ambitious new musical HYLJE by former speksi performers had its premiere on 13.10. at Konepajan Bruno. HYLJE tells the story of an advertising man who realises that his life is fake and signs up as a mascot on a ship to Sweden to try to find himself. On the stage, there will be 23 actors and dancers, a 12-strong orchestra and three electric forklifts. Tickets (€26/€22) and further information: www.hylje.com

14.                  Fossil Free movie nights 19.10. & 25.10.!

Come learn about the global divestment movement and join the Fossil Free Finland campaign! We will watch a climate documentary and have a discussion about the campaign and how to launch it at Aalto University.

The Aalto University movie night will be held on 25 October from 18:00 to 21:00 (6 pm to 9 pm) at Aalto Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5, Espoo. The event is also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/206538049767058/

Join us for a free screening of “Disruption”, a new, fast-paced cinematic journey through the wild world of climate change: the science, the politics, the solutions, and the stories that define this crisis at this pivotal point in human history. You can watch the trailer of the movie here:  https://vimeo.com/watchdisruption/trailer

The movie is about an hour long, and after we watch it we’ll have a discussion about what we can all do together on this important issue.

Fossil Free is a campaign demanding educational and religious institutions, governments, and other organizations that serve the public good to cut their ties to the fossil fuel industry. See more at: http://world.350.org/finland/campaigns/divest-from-fossil-fuels/?lang=en


Even if you can’t make it, you can still join the campaign by following us in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FossilFreeFinland/

15.                  Climbing courses for students!

Looking for a new hobby? Doesn’t boulder-climbing interest you? Do you want to reach the heights?

The autumn courses of Climbing Club Oranki are here! The cost of the courses is €55€ and €45 for members (membership €5) A very student-friendly price in comparison with the prices of commercial centres!

On the basic climbing course, you’ll learn what you need to know and the skills for top rope climbing, as well as how to belay, meaning you can go to any climbing centre by yourself.

On the lead course, you’ll learn the secrets of bottom rope climbing and how to belay safely when a friend is leading.

The timetables and registration for the courses can be found here: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/section/kurssit/

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