Weekly Newsletter 43/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 43/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!
  3. 30 years of Rantsu and the beginning of the new shore sauna project on 26.10.
  4. Tempaus Party @Kansalaistori 2.11.
  5. Late Night with Unisport at the Meilahti Sports Centre, 28.10.
  6. Arabia Maskerad – Knights of Hearts 29.10
  7. KILROY Foundation Grants
  8. Follow the development of the MyCourses service and give feedback
  9. Mindfulness workshops in November-December
  10. The opening of the learning centre, 4.11. – register by 27.10.
  11. The release concert of the record ’Jos minä puhuisin sinulle’ by the Academic Female Choir KYN
  12. Retuperän WBK and the Polytech Choir present: The Stars of Teekkari Culture concert, 29.10.2016
  13. AIESEC is looking for motivated members
  14. TalentIT Fair 3.11. – Boost your career
  15. The winter training of OtaKoppi is beginning on 30.10.

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 43

2.    Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!

In the autumn, AYY is handing out exchange grants to support the internationalisation and active community action of students. The exchange grant can be applied for by those who are going on an exchange, are on an exchange at the moment and those AYY members who have returned from an exchange after April 2016.

The grant can be applied for from 12 noon on 26.10 to 11:59 pm, 16.11.  You can find further information about the grants and an application form here: /jasenille/palvelut/stipendit/

3.    30 years of Rantsu and the beginning of the new shore sauna project on 26.10.

Rantasauna will now be 30 years old this year and that has to be celebrated! Over the years, there have been numerous generations of teekkaris and memories honed by the löylys, so come and remember them with us! There’ll be birthday cake and some information about the foggier events of Rantsu.

At the same event, on Wednesday, 26.10. the Rantsu 2.0 sauna project coming to Otaranta will be launched. At Rantsu, the models of the new building will be made public and the progress of the project will be reported. The project also needs active participants, so it’s totally worth coming to enquire.

At the event, there’ll be cake made by the Campus Section for the quickest.

In a nutshell:

  •         WHAT: Rantsu 30 years + Rantsu 2.0 project initiation
  •         WHERE: Rantasauna, Vastaranta
  •         WHEN: 26.10., at 7 pm
  •         WHY: The birthday and new conception!

4.    Tempaus Party @Kansalaistori 2.11.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/664124320420735/

The two-day “Tempaus2016: Comprehensive Schooling, the Greatest of Treasures”” student project is crowned by the Tempaus Party, open to all, in Kansalaistori Square on Wednesday, 2.11. from 12 noon!

In the programme, there will be music performances, speeches and a panel discussion on the importance of comprehensive schooling. In addition, the audience can get to follow directly everything that happened at the schools during the last two days.

The event begins at 12 noon, and the actual main show gets going at 1 pm, ending at about 3 pm. So come on time! The Tempaus Party is open to everyone and free, regardless of whether you’re a student, comprehensive school pupil. teacher or concerned citizen. You’re all welcome to come along!

Please note that the large crowd event may cause some congestion in the event area.

Attending: Kummit Reg. Assn., TTER, Neste, IBM, Finnish Energy, Ekonomit, TEK, Fun Academy, Onnibus, the KAUTE Foundation, KY and AYY

What on Earth is Tempaus? Tempaus2016 is a student project through which the aim is to get school pupils excited about learning and bring up the importance of comprehensive schooling in national discussion. 1,400 Tempaus participants will move around Finland and visit nearly 1,500 Finnish comprehensive schools on Monday, 31.10. and Tuesday, 1.11. An invigorating and motivating programme package will be carried out at the schools, together with the pupils. After this, the project that concerns the whole of Finland will be crowned by the Tempaus Party, to which we welcome all of you to see how the Tempaus went and hear how the comprehensive school stands in the Finland of the future.

5.    Late Night with Unisport at the Meilahti Sports Centre, 28.10.

Once again, UniSport is proud and excited to present: Late Night with UniSport, the late evening training event on Friday, October the 28th from 5 pm to 12 midnight. Come and enjoy yourself and get refreshed together with friends and get to know other Unisport people! The event is free for Unisport season ticket holders; for others the price is €5 for the whole evening.

Read the timetable and programme of the event on the pages of Unisport (https://unisport.fi/news/fi/202725828/ohjelma-julkaistu-late-night-with-unisport-meilahdessa-pe ) or from Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1774465772834177 /

6.    Arabia Maskerad – Knights of Hearts 29.10

Arabia Maskerad, hosted by the TOKYO Reg. Assn. (the students of arts and design of Aalto University) returns at the end of October to its origins in Arabia – more beautiful and braver than ever before, under the Knight of Hearts – the Knighthood of Love theme. TOKYO’s 55th anniversary celebration, Finland’s largest masked ball, will be held at Mediakeskus Lume (Hämeentie 135, Helsinki) on Saturday, 29.10.2016 from 8 pm to 4 am.

Tickets to Arabia Maskerad can be bought from the Arabia campus service point of TOKYO, from the Kipsari vegetarian restaurant and Tiketti (http://www.tiketti.fi/Arabia-Maskerad-2016-Mediakeskus-Lume-Helsinki-lippuja/42596 ) A heart-felt welcome to you all!

7.    KILROY Foundation Grants

The KILROY Foundation based in Copenhagen, Denmark is awarding €1500 Grants to Finish students and young professionals perusing international:

  •           Study abroad
  •           Internship abroad
  •           Volunteer/work abroad

Why a KILROY Foundation Grant? The intent of the Foundation is to help develop individuals and communities around the world through travel and education. We want young people to have the opportunity to discover and experience global diversity, minimize any form of prejudice and maximize interest and involvement in the global community. This we do through our KILROY Foundation Grant scheme – awarding grants to students and young individuals.

How do you apply for a KILROY Foundation Grant? To begin your application and for more information about grants and international projects we support – please follow this link! Or http://www.kilroyfoundation.net/grants/grants/

We are now taking applications to the “Fall 2016” grants up until October 31st 2016.

8.    Follow the development of the MyCourses service and give feedback

The web page of the MyCourses development channel can be found from Aalto Wiki at https://wiki.aalto.fi/display/mcdev. The page is open to all users with an Aalto ID. Through the page, you can follow what features or improvements are coming next to MyCourses. You can send feedback and your own wishes for development of the service to mycourses@aalto.fi.

9.    Mindfulness workshops in November-December

Mindfulness is accepting presence. It means a conscious choice to be able to stop and concentrate on this moment – our thoughts wander easily to the future or past. Mindfulness skills help you to notice the current moment and live in it. Regular mindfulness practice is known to reduce stress. The practising of conscious presence in studies helps to bypass unnecessary disruptive factors, concentrate better and avoid the fear of failure that comes from excessive self-criticism. At the end of autumn, there are two Finnish-language mindfulness workshops on offer.

Mindfulness in stress management: Fridays 9 am -11 am, 4.11-9.12.2016, Otakaari 1. Further information and registrations: https://into.aalto.fi/display/fiopintopsykologi/Mindfulness+stressinhallinnassa  and opintopsykologi@aalto.fi

Mindfulness – sympathetic learning: Fridays 1 pm – 3 pm, 4.11.-9.12.2016, Otakaari 1. Further information and registrations: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=18606243  and opintopsykologi@aalto.fi

10.                  The opening of the learning centre, 4.11. – register by 27.10.

The official opening of the learning centre of Aalto University (address Otaniementie 9) will be held on Friday, 4.11. at 2 pm. The staff of the learning centre will guide you in the premises and Polirytmi will be taking care of the music. You’re warmly welcomed!

Register for the opening event by Thursday, 27.10. at:


11.                  The release concert of the record ’Jos minä puhuisin sinulle’ by the Academic Female Choir KYN

KYN, which is amongst the leading female choirs of Finland, has always made music boldly by creating new things and breaking barriers. Under the leadership of the Music Counsellor Kaija Viitasalo, it has become known for a distinctive programme, expressive performances and vocal group-style lively cadences.

In honour of its 35th anniversary, KYN is bringing out its 8th recording. The record includes ethnic jazz composed and accompanied for KYN and KYN and a jazz group by Mikko Hassinen, who won the Teosto prize last year. Ethnic jazz is a genre of choral music that KYN has created with its commissioned works. In it, the melodic elements of our national tradition, expressive methods and texts, and modern poetry are combined with jazz rhythms and harmonies.

Both on the record and in the concert, the choir sings out in three musical colour worlds: with the jazz group, in the middle of it and alone.

’Jos minä puhuisin sinulle’ record release concert, the Academic Female Choir KYN, conducted by Kaija Viitasalo

Wed 26.10.2016, 7 pm, at the Savoy theatre (Kasarmikatu 46-48, Helsinki)

Manuel Dunkel, tenor saxophone/Ville Herrala, double bass/Mikko Hassinen, drums

Tickets €20/€15, ticket + record combo €30/€25, VIP ticket €35 from choir members and at the door, from Ticketmaster €22.50/€17.50, €32.50/€27.50 and €37.50.

Further information www.kyn.fi  and fb.com/KYNchoir

12.                  Retuperän WBK and the Polytech Choir present: The Stars of Teekkari Culture concert, 29.10.2016

Retuperän WBK and the Polytech Choir proudly present an unprecedented joint concert in the concert hall of the Helsinki Music Centre on 29.10.2016 at 1 pm and 5 pm. What happens when Finnish male choir music and more modern French horn music are combined? What kind of confusion will arise when the artistic misdirector Torturo Canini gets to conduct a bobble-capped male choir? Will the choir conductor Saara Aittakumpu find a world-class ’whisky bass’ from the horn orchestra? Buy your ticket now!

Ticketmaster ticket sales:

1 pm concert http://www.ticketmaster.fi/event/teekkarikulttuurin-tahdisto-lippuja/188699

5 pm concert http://www.ticketmaster.fi/event/teekkarikulttuurin-tahdisto-lippuja/188701

Ticket prices: €15/€30/€40/€65 (Student/2nd class/1st class/Deluxe)

The concert event on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/events/1189701384374515

Further information on the web pages: http://www.polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi/konsertit/retuperan-wbk-polyteknikkojen-kuoro-esittavat-teekkarikulttuurin-tahdisto-konsertti/

13.                  AIESEC is looking for motivated members

AIESEC is the biggest student run organization in the world with over 70 000 active members. AIESEC provides internships abroad and develops leadership qualities in young people. Our members are interested in world issues, leadership and management.

AIESEC provides you with experience that can’t be studied. We organize several social projects around Helsinki and develop students by sending our members to attend international conferences.

There are a few ways to take full advantage of AIESEC. The easiest way is simply to join our amazing team. It’s the best way to meet the international community in Aalto. You can also come chill out in our sauna-nights, barbeques and of course unforgettable parties.

Apply: http://aiesec.fi/join/ or e-mail krzysztof.plecinski@aiesec.net”

14.                  TalentIT Fair 3.11. – Boost your career

Are you looking for career opportunities in the field of ICT? TalentIT 2016 Career Fair offers an excellent chance to land an internship, summer job or Master’s thesis position. There are over 80 great employers at the fair this year from small startups to widely known ICT businesses and exciting operators in Otahalli, on Thursday November 3, 11am – 5pm.

This year, we are taking networking to the next level with Snap Meeting service that enables you to book 15-minute meetings with interesting companies. Read more about the service and get to know our Career Forum’s other offerings from our website, talentit.aalto.fi. Only one month to go – get ready.

TalentIT @ Twitter / TalentIT @ Facebook

15.                  The winter training of OtaKoppi is beginning on 30.10.

Winter is slowly approaching, but no need to panic! OtaKoppi is beginning winter season training again in the familiar way at 8 pm on Wednesdays on the mat of Otahalli and on Sundays at 2.30 pm in the multi-purpose hall of Otahalli. The first training session is already less than a few weeks from now, on Sunday, 30.10. from 2.30 pm to 4 pm. Meet-up in the stand of the multi-purpose hall a little before the start of the training.

Everyone who’s interested in pesäpallo is welcome to come to the training! All the training sessions of the season are on the web pages of OtaKoppi in the calendar: https://otakoppi.fi/index.php/home/kalenteri See you at the training!

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