Weekly Newsletter 44/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 44/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

The blood donation point of SPR will come to the Kanditalo building in Otaniemi on Tuesday, 1.11. from 11 am to 3 pm. Test whether you’re suitable to be a donor at veripalvelu.fi and reach out a helping hand.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!
  3. Tempaus Party @Kansalaistori 2.11.
  4. An accessibility tutor advises Aalto people with accessibility questions
  5. SPR’s blood donation point in the Kanditalo building on 1.11. from 11 am to 3 pm
  6. Aalto sitsis with the theme “Weddings and Funerals”, Wed 23.11.
  7. Apply to be an actor, dancer or to join a band at the Teekkarispeksi!
  8. TalentIT Fair 3.11. – Boost your career
  9. Welcome to ARENA Career Fair 2016 on November 9th!
  10. Aalto Beer Pong Road Trip 4.11.-6.11.
  11. Digital Media Club Learning Sauna 2.11. 18:00 @ Rantasauna
  12. AIESEC global Volunteer programmes applications are open
  13. NääsPeksi in Helsinki on 28.11.

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 44

  • 31.10.-1.11. Tempaus2016: School visits
  • 1.11. Taiji Beginner’s Course /blog/events/taiji-alkeiskurssi-5/
  • 1.11. Blood donation at the Kanditalo building in Otaniemi
  • 2.11. Tempaus Party at Kansalaistori Square
  • 2.11. The Guild of the Cross: Tom Schulman ’From Otaniemi to the Middle East and Back’ /blog/events/ristin-kilta-tom-schulman-otaniemesta-lahi-itaan-ja-takaisin/
  • 3.11. TalentIT recruitment fair https://www.facebook.com/TalentITFair/
  • 4.11. The opening of the study centre
  • 4.11. Neon Rave at Smökki https://www.facebook.com/events/314921625527945/

Week 45

  • 8.11. Recruiting session at KASKI, Northern Europe’s largest scale-up event /blog/events/recruiting-session-at-kaski-northern-europes-largest-scaleup-event/
  • 9.11. ARENA Career Fair /blog/events/arena-career-fair-9-11-2016/
  • 9.11. The Guild of the Cross: Aatto Lamminpää ’Siperia Teaches You’ /blog/events/ristin-kilta-aatto-lamminpaa-siperia-opettaa/

2.    Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!

In the autumn, AYY is handing out exchange grants to support the internationalisation and active community action of students. The exchange grant can be applied for by those who are going on an exchange, are on an exchange at the moment and those AYY members who have returned from an exchange after April 2016.

The grant can be applied for from 12 noon on 26.10 to 11:59 pm, 16.11.  You can find further information about the grants and an application form here: /jasenille/palvelut/stipendit/

3.    Tempaus Party @Kansalaistori 2.11.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/664124320420735/

The two-day “Tempaus2016: Comprehensive Schooling, the Greatest of Treasures”” student project is crowned by the Tempaus Party, open to all, in Kansalaistori Square on Wednesday, 2.11. from 12 noon!

In the programme, there will be music performances, speeches and a panel discussion on the importance of comprehensive schooling. In addition, the audience can get to follow directly everything that happened at the schools during the last two days.

The event begins at 12 noon, and the actual main show gets going at 1 pm, ending at about 3 pm. So come on time! The Tempaus Party is open to everyone and free, regardless of whether you’re a student, comprehensive school pupil. teacher or concerned citizen. You’re all welcome to come along!

Please note that the large crowd event may cause some congestion in the event area.

Attending: Kummit Reg. Assn., TTER, Neste, IBM, Finnish Energy, Ekonomit, TEK, Fun Academy, Onnibus, the KAUTE Foundation, KY and AYY

What on Earth is Tempaus?

Tempaus2016 is a student project through which the aim is to get school pupils excited about learning and bring up the importance of comprehensive schooling in national discussion. 1,400 Tempaus participants will move around Finland and visit nearly 1,500 Finnish comprehensive schools on Monday, 31.10. and Tuesday, 1.11. An invigorating and motivating programme package will be carried out at the schools, together with the pupils. After this, the project that concerns the whole of Finland will be crowned by the Tempaus Party, to which we welcome all of you to see how the Tempaus went and hear how the comprehensive school stands in the Finland of the future.

4.    An accessibility tutor advises Aalto people with accessibility questions

Esa-Pekka Mattila, an economics student, will be working as an accessibility tutor during the 2016-2017 academic year at AYY. The role of the accessibility tutor is to advise the members of AYY with accessibility questions related to the premises of Aalto University and AYY, particularly prioritising helping students with disabilities. The accessibility tutor also maintains contact with the personnel of the University who are responsible for accessibility.

Contact the accessibility tutor: esa-pekka.mattila@aalto.fi or +358408456743

5.    SPR’s blood donation point in the Kanditalo building on 1.11. from 11 am to 3 pm

Become a lifesaver! SPR’s touring blood donation point is coming to the Kanditalo building in Otaniemi on Tuesday, 1.11. from 11 am to 3 pm. Blood can be donated by a basically healthy person aged 18–70 who weighs at least 50 kg. A new donor must be under 60 years old, and someone who has passed the age of 66 must have last donated blood less than two years ago. Further information from the free info number 0800 0 5801 or online at www.veripalvelu.fi. Remember to bring ID! Welcome!

6.    Aalto sitsis with the theme “Weddings and Funerals”, Wed 23.11.

Is a stolen bride ever returned? Does someone dead rise from the grave? What is the largest family party on the face of the Earth? You’re warmly welcomed to come and find out about the subject at the second Aalto sitsis in history on Wednesday, 23.11. at Saha in Otaniemi! The theme of the sitsis is ’Weddings and Funerals’. All Aalto students and Aalto-minded people are welcome, without looking more closely at study orientation or marital status 🙂

The event begins at 6 pm and various kinds of festivities continue in the same place after the sitting down part has ended. Signing up for the party is at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/haat-ja-hautajaiset-aaltositsit/ Signing up begins on 7.11. and ends on 18.11. at 11:59 pm, or earlier if the sitsis get filled up. The sitsis cost a paltry 12 euros.


  • What: Sitsis for all Aalto people
  • When: Wed 23.11. from 6 pm
  • Where: Saha, Konemiehentie 1
  • Price: €12
  • Theme and dress code: Weddings and Funerals
  • Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1272726319474057/

7.    Apply to be an actor, dancer or to join a band at the Teekkarispeksi!

Teekkarispeksi is looking for actors, dancers and a band for its production next spring. Application events in November are as follows:

  • Casting sessions for actors 20.-21.11. Sign up by 12.11. here: https://goo.gl/forms/PXRnJF5vyz1ziYky1
  • Dance auditions 19.11. Sign up by 11.11. here: https://goo.gl/forms/mZ86AjDK0Bi6ViB32
  • Band jams 15.-16.11. Sign up by 6.11. here: https://goo.gl/hkII8A

You can get more information about the application events on our Facebook pages and our web pages here: http://speksi.fi/yhdistys/hae-bandiin/. Welcome!

8.    TalentIT Fair 3.11. – Boost your career

Are you looking for career opportunities in the field of ICT? TalentIT 2016 Career Fair offers an excellent chance to land an internship, summer job or Master’s thesis position. There are over 80 great employers at the fair this year from small startups to widely known ICT businesses and exciting operators in Otahalli, on Thursday November 3, 11am – 5pm.

This year, we are taking networking to the next level with Snap Meeting service that enables you to book 15-minute meetings with interesting companies. Read more about the service and get to know our Career Forum’s other offerings from our website, talentit.aalto.fi. Only one month to go – get ready.

TalentIT @ Twitter / TalentIT @ Facebook

9.    Welcome to ARENA Career Fair 2016 on November 9th!

ARENA Career Fair will be organized for the 25th time at the Aalto University School of Business’ Main building, Töölö on Wed 9th November from 9:30 am to 4 pm. All business students of Aalto (including industrial engineering) are welcome to the largest contact fair organized for business students and companies in Finland! At the fair, you will have a chance to meet potential employers, practice your job hunting skills – and who knows – even land a job!

Check out the fair program, enrolled employers and tips on how to prepare for the fair on ARENA website. Follow the fair also on  Facebook where ARENA-On-Line is in full swing!

Student, why to visit?

  • Meet over 50 exciting employers at stands
  • Get to know potential employers by attending several employer presentations.
  • Polish up your application papers and LinkedIn profile together with company HR professionals at the CV & LinkedIn Clinic
  • Have your CV picture taken for a small fee (3€) in CV photo shooting

Note! There will be a free bus transportation for business students between Otaniemi and Töölö on the Fair Day. Buses are marked with ARENA logo.


  • between 9 am and 4pm, every ½ hour
  • In Otaniemi: Otakaari 1, F door
  • In Töölö: Arkadiankatu tourist bus stop, next to the main building

10.                  Aalto Beer Pong Road Trip 4.11.-6.11.

See fb event for more details : https://www.facebook.com/events/302256990157819/

It’s time for the legendary Aalto Beer Pong Road Trip ! The journey starts from Otaniemi on Friday 4th of November and lasts until the 6th of November. During these three days we will travel to Tampere and another surprise city to have a beer pong tournament with local students. This trip is also a great way to get to know ABP better !

Registration is open at : http://abp.ayy.fi/events/road-trip-2016/ and closes on 30th of October.

  • WHAT ? Aalto Beer Pong Road Trip
  • WHERE ? In Tampere and another surprise city
  • WHEN ? From 4th to 6th of November
  • WHY ? Ball games are fun and the road trip is epic !
  • REGISTRATION : http://abp.ayy.fi/events/road-trip-2016/

11.                  Digital Media Club Learning Sauna 2.11. 18:00 @ Rantasauna

It’s time once again to come and learn new and cool stuff with DOT. There will be interesting presentations, for example the people behind the game Shadow Bug will come and tell you about making your first game. There will also be free food and refreshments.

Facebook-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/247261559010391/


12.                  AIESEC global Volunteer programmes applications are open

The application for AIESEC’s Global Volunteer programmes is open. If you want to participate in social programmes around the world check out the opportunities we offer http://aiesec.fi/vapaaehtoistyo/

AIESEC is still looking for new members to facilitate these Global Volunteer exchanges so if you want to be part of the best international group in Aalto University join now! Apply by signing up at: http://aiesec.fi/join/ or e-mail krzysztof.plecinski@aiesec.net

13.                  NääsPeksi in Helsinki on 28.11.

NääsPeksi from Tampere is coming to Helsinki, to the Alexander Theatre on 28.11. to present its speksi for 2016, ’Naamat Taulussa’ (’Faces on the Board’). Ticket sales are now open at http://speksi.fi/kauppa/ and tickets cost €15/€20.

Come and witness this Tampere-style cultural experience! Here’s a description of what’s to come:

The seed of the renaissance is germinating in 13th-century Florence. Artists are struggling with the conflict between their own progressive ideas and the conservative church. Cardinal Agusta Vespasianus has commissioned a portrait from the great artist da Linssi. However, the all-round genius is interested in astronomy and his patron is prepared to do almost anything in the cause of enlightenment. Fortunately, young love draws attention away from the potentially explosive situation when da Linssi’s apprentice Fiat meets his childhood sweetheart.

Will da Linssi break under the pressure of the church? How will Fiat solve his woman trouble with his friend? Big emotions, world-revolutionising ideas, avoiding the Inquisition…and ankles. The reputations of people of great influence are hilariously in the balance in this year’s NääsPeksi: ’Naamat Taulussa’.


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