Weekly Newsletter 45/2015

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 45/2016

This week the Teekkari tradition week is ongoing! The events are open for everyone. See the program of the week on http://teekkarius144.ayy.fi/english.html and join the fun!

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

You may read the newsletter also on AYY’s webpage.

1.    This and next week’s events

Viikko 45

Viikko 46

2.    A recap of the usage terms of AYY’s one-off rental premises


During the autumn, it has increasingly begun to look as if people have concentrated in the premises on having fun. That’s good; the study years are a unique time and they should be enjoyed!

However, it would be good to remind oneself of certain basic issues, so that the traces of the celebrations don’t spoil the pleasure of other users of the premises at their own event, and so that the premises stay in good condition for coming student generations too. Here’s a summary of the key points:

  1. The rental terms have to be accepted every time that a booking is made by ticking the section “I accept the rental terms” in conjunction with the booking separately. Below this, there is also the section “Read the rental terms here”. In the rental terms themselves, there are parts stating the tasks of the person in charge, other usage instructions, which can be found on the web pages of AYY, and sanctions in the event that terms have been broken. No separate rental contract is made any more for premises, but instead it’s stated in the rental terms that “The rental contract comes into being upon acceptance of these usage terms with their appendices and upon receipt of the key”. In other words, always familiarise yourself with the text in small print too!
  2. Nothing much can go wrong if the usage regulations for the rental premises of AYY are complied with. If rental terms and usage regulations are not complied with, this will result in a sanction, the varying sizes of which can be seen in conjunction with the usage regulations.

In usage of the premises, taking the times of use on board seems to particularly cause the most intentional or accidental misunderstandings, so let’s recap them once more too:

  1. The time of use of any premises is defined separately and times of use can be found not only on AYY’s web pages, but also from the TILA system by clicking the name of any premises. Using the premises at other times without AYY’s permission is forbidden and punishable with sanctions. If one wishes to use any premises at times other than the ones stated, this must be requested separately and permission must be obtained from AYY, in the case of both morning and night-time use.

The rule of thumb is easy to remember: the time of use of any one-off rental premises in a residential building ends at the very latest by 11 pm. Longer usage times that differ from these can only be found in three party premises (the premises of OK20, Smökki and Rantasauna) and in guest cabins. In addition, for the moment the usage time of Gorsu is from 4 pm to 3 am, but because there have been an increasing number of warnings about the noise carrying across to flats from the premises, it’s quite possible that its usage time will also end at 11 pm if the disturbances continue.

  1. In conjunction with the usage regulations, there is also a cross-reference to the regulations of the Teekkari Village, and those should therefore also be taken on board. With regard to them, I will particularly highlight the reference to night-time peace in Section 4:

”On weekdays from 11 pm to 7 am and on weekends from 12 midnight to 9 am, singing, playing of music, use of loud TVs, radios, stereos and equivalent things, and any other kind of causing of noise, is forbidden, not including a teekkari hymn that is performed in an orthodox manner. If the case is one of a haphazard disturbance which cannot be avoided, agreement about the matter must be reached sufficiently early with the residents who would be affected by the disturbance.”

Please note that this Section also applies in the case that the user has been granted permission for night-time use. Therefore, authorised continued use of the premises into the early hours does not grant permission for fooling around, making noise and other actions that disturb residents.

To finish up, here’s still a reminder about returning the keys of the premises and the cancellation of premises:

  1. Remember to cancel premises that are not required as soon as the need for them is no longer there: however, at least 14 days before the date of use of the premises.
  2. Also remember to return the keys of the premises by 12 noon on the next working day to the service point: so, in the case of weekend bookings, by Monday the following week at the latest. Missing keys cause additional work for the service point. If keys are not returned, not only will you be charged for the costs of having new keys, but also for reserialisation of locks, so be careful with keys.
  3. Absolute huge piles of lost property have come to the office of AYY during the autumn from different events, and because we don’t have at all sufficient resources to deal with them, we have to dispose of objects on a regular basis. In addition, things have also been stolen in Otaniemi, for example during sauna sessions, so you should also keep in mind in that sense that no undesired guests come to events. Look after your things at events!

To recap: read the rental terms and usage regulations of the premises and the regulations of the Teekkari Village. Respect the times of use of the premises. Remember to cancel premises on time. Remember to return the keys on time. Take care of your possessions during events. Remember to have fun, but don’t disturb residents with your fun.

If you have any questions about the issue or development suggestions, contact AYY’s premises sector (tilat@ayy.fi).

3.    Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!

In the autumn, AYY is handing out exchange grants to support the internationalisation and active community action of students. The exchange grant can be applied for by those who are going on an exchange, are on an exchange at the moment and those AYY members who have returned from an exchange after April 2016.

The grant can be applied for from 12 noon on 26.10 to 11:59 pm, 16.11.  You can find further information about the grants and an application form here: /jasenille/palvelut/stipendit/

4.    Come and hear about the voluntary positions of AYY at Arabia Campus on 21.11. and in Otaniemi on 24.11.!

The volunteer search of AYY is now open! There are numerous voluntary positions at our Student Union that differ in terms of their tasks and amount of work! Roles can be found from, amongst others, event production, campus development, international affairs, student advocacy and corporate relations. Do you want to know more, what opportunities there are in our student union? Come and hear about the experiences of volunteers at Arabia Campus in front of Tokyo lounge on Monday 21.11. at 1-3 pm and at the Undergraduate Centre lobby (Otakaari 1) on Thursday 24.11. at 1-3 pm! There will be casual discussion and the opportunity to ask about different positions. Snacks will be served. We want YOU!

You can find more information about the search and the experiences of volunteers at /stop/en/.

5.    An accessibility tutor advises Aalto people with accessibility questions

Esa-Pekka Mattila, an economics student, will be working as an accessibility tutor during the 2016-2017 academic year at AYY. The role of the accessibility tutor is to advise the members of AYY with accessibility questions related to the premises of Aalto University and AYY, particularly prioritising helping students with disabilities. The accessibility tutor also maintains contact with the personnel of the University who are responsible for accessibility.

Contact the accessibility tutor: esa-pekka.mattila@aalto.fi or +358408456743

6.    Tieto: Good alone, better together

We at Tieto believe in the power of collaboration and creating greater things together. With e.g. hackathons we invite contributions from large companies, universities, start-up communities – a whole range of interested parties. This is what we call ‘Open Source’ working! https://perspectives.tieto.com/blog/2016/10/good-alone-better-together/

7.    Aalto sitsis with the theme “Weddings and Funerals”, Wed 23.11.

Is a stolen bride ever returned? Does someone dead rise from the grave? What is the largest family party on the face of the Earth? You’re warmly welcomed to come and find out about the subject at the second Aalto sitsis in history on Wednesday, 23.11. at Saha in Otaniemi! The theme of the sitsis is ’Weddings and Funerals’. All Aalto students and Aalto-minded people are welcome, without looking more closely at study orientation or marital status

The event begins at 6 pm and various kinds of festivities continue in the same place after the sitting down part has ended. Signing up for the party is at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/haat-ja-hautajaiset-aaltositsit/ Signing up begins on 7.11. and ends on 18.11. at 11:59 pm, or earlier if the sitsis get filled up. The sitsis cost a paltry 12 euros.


8.    Change the future of the campus – fill in the user satisfaction survey!

“You are most welcome to take the Aalto CRE customer and user satisfaction survey concerning the development of campus areas! The user satisfaction survey for university staff and students is available from 3 November to 18 November 2016. https://maptionnaire.com/en/1488/

The users of the premises are the best experts on their operational environment. By participating in this survey, you can make a difference on how the campus areas are developed. Based on the results of previous user satisfaction surveys, we have, for example, invested in work site communications and improved pedestrian and cycling routes. Through taking the survey you are entered into a lottery and could win a Jopo-bicycle. Further information on Into: https://maptionnaire.com/en/1488/

9.    Apply to be an actor, dancer or to join a band at the Teekkarispeksi!

Teekkarispeksi is looking for actors, dancers and a band for its production next spring. Application events in November are as follows:

You can get more information about the application events on our Facebook pages and our web pages here: http://speksi.fi/yhdistys/hae-bandiin/ . Welcome!

10.                  Apply to Aaltonaut – The Product Development Minor, DL 13.11

Would you like to work in interdisciplinary teams with hands-on product development projects? Do you want to refine your teamwork and communication skills? Are you a first or second year Bachelor’s student in Aalto University?

Apply to Aaltonaut before 13.11.2015 by sending your motivation letter to aaltonaut@aalto.fi.

Aaltonaut is Aalto University’s Bachelor’s Minor Programme on Interdisciplinary Product Development launched for the first time in 2013. In addition to basic courses, Aaltonaut offers integrated language studies and academic mentoring designed to develop students’ skills in planning studies, finding out one’s own interests, and understanding one’s own role in an interdisciplinary team.

More information at www.aaltonaut.fi

11.                  Welcome to ARENA Career Fair 2016 on November 9th!

ARENA Career Fair will be organized for the 25th time at the Aalto University School of Business’ Main building, Töölö on Wed 9th November from 9:30 am to 4 pm. All business students of Aalto (including industrial engineering) are welcome to the largest contact fair organized for business students and companies in Finland! At the fair, you will have a chance to meet potential employers, practice your job hunting skills – and who knows – even land a job!

Check out the fair program, enrolled employers and tips on how to prepare for the fair on ARENA website. Follow the fair also on  Facebook where ARENA-On-Line is in full swing!

Student, why to visit?

  • Meet over 50 exciting employers at stands
  • Get to know potential employers by attending several employer presentations.
  • Polish up your application papers and LinkedIn profile together with company HR professionals at the CV & LinkedIn Clinic
  • Have your CV picture taken for a small fee (3€) in CV photo shooting

Note! There will be a free bus transportation for business students between Otaniemi and Töölö on the Fair Day. Buses are marked with ARENA logo.


  • between 9 am and 4pm, every ½ hour
  • In Otaniemi: Otakaari 1, F door
  • In Töölö: Arkadiankatu tourist bus stop, next to the main building

12.                  Startos Program 2017 application period is open

Are you looking for real-life business project at top companies in Finland? Are you looking for a FREE study trip to one of the world’s top business centers? You can have both by joining us.

Stratos is a program for those interested in global economics and commerce. It consist of three parts:

1) A business project at one of Finland’s leading enterprises, good for 3-6 credits and valuable experience about working globally inside a business. You get to work on a real project the company has to offer.

2) Series of excursions through several enterprises, offering a peek to globalisation from the point of view of different domestic firms.

3) A trip abroad with the other Stratos-students to broaden your perspective of global economics abroad.

If you would find this intriguing, you are approaching the end of your studies and have some economics as your major or minor in Aalto-university, you just might be the perfect applicant!

Please send your application including cover letter, CV and transcript before 27.11.2016 stratosprogram2017@gmail.com

If you have questions, please contact Stratos coordinators via email.



13.                  CEMSies on Stage – Buid your own career  14.11.

“What can you do already at the university to kick start your career? What is ‘CEMS’? Could YOU be a CEMSie yourself next year?

CEMS Club Helsinki invites you to hear keynote speeches from inspiring CEMS alumni who have chosen to build their own kind of global career (think of Uber, Google, Fazer, Nokia…). What is more, we have a fantastic mix of panelists sharing their stories and passion. After the panel, you will also have a chance to network with our speakers and other participants over some refreshments.

  • What: CEMSies on Stage – Build your own path
  • When: Monday 14th of November 2016, 5.00 pm
  • Where: PwC-Hall/Chydenia, Aalto University School of Business (Runeberginkatu 22-24, Helsinki)
  • For who: For all Bachelor and Master level students (you don’t need to be a CEMS Student!)
  • Price: FREE!
  • Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1786513674929879/

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