Weekly Newsletter 46/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 46/2016

Did you miss last week’s weekly bulletin? At least read the reminder about the usage regulations of the premises of AYY (from here).  /en/blog/2016/11/14/a-recap-of-the-usage-terms-of-ayys-one-off-rental-premises/

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY’s lost property practices are changing
  3. Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!
  4. Come and hear about the voluntary positions of AYY at Arabia Campus on 21.11. and in Otaniemi on 24.11.!
  5. Make Aalto Great Again! Apply to become a student representative in administration!
  6. Aalto sitsis with the theme “Weddings and Funerals”, Wed 23.11.
  7. Independence Day Torch Parade
  8. Change the future of the campus – fill in the user satisfaction survey!
  9. Seasonal flu vaccinations for risk groups at YTHS in Otaniemi on Monday, 21.11.
  10. KY-Sub’s and Tikelo’s movie night TODAY at 18!
  11. The Teekkari Girls’ Career Evening 16.11.
  12. WhisKY presents: America Tasting (18th November)
  13. The Christmas Concerts of the Academic Female Choir KYN on Sunday, 11.12 and Sunday, 18.12.
  14. The Intensive Hip Hop Course of Polijazz, 18.11. – 9.12.

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 46

Week 47

2.    AYY’s lost property practices are changing

Up till now, it has been possible to bring objects from clothes and bags to items of value to AYY, found in the one-off rental premises of AYY or the campus area. Due to a lack of resources, the lost property service will end at the end of this year and such items will no longer be accepted at the office of AYY.

This means that from there on, passing on clothes or bags found in the premises of AYY or the campus to lost property offices or their owners is at the responsibility of the event organisers. It will only be possible to bring phones, wallets, keys and spectacles to the service point of AYY. Travel cards found are to be returned to the service points of HSL or given to bus drivers, who will pass them on to HSL.

So, the period of November and December is the last time that you can come to look for your lost property. At the end of December, all existing lost property will be taken from the storerooms of AYY for recycling or waste collection.

3.    Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!

“In the autumn, AYY is handing out exchange grants to support the internationalisation and active community action of students. The exchange grant can be applied for by those who are going on an exchange, are on an exchange at the moment and those AYY members who have returned from an exchange after April 2016.

The grant can be applied for from 12 noon on 26.10 to 11:59 pm, 16.11.  You can find further information about the grants and an application form here: /jasenille/palvelut/stipendit/

4.    Come and hear about the voluntary positions of AYY at Arabia Campus on 21.11. and in Otaniemi on 24.11.!

“The volunteer search of AYY is now open! There are numerous voluntary positions at our Student Union that differ in terms of their tasks and amount of work! Roles can be found from, amongst others, event production, campus development, international affairs, student advocacy and corporate relations. Do you want to know more, what opportunities there are in our student union? Come and hear about the experiences of volunteers at Arabia Campus in front of Tokyo lounge on Monday 21.11. at 1-3 pm and at the Undergraduate Centre lobby (Otakaari 1) on Thursday 24.11. at 1-3 pm! There will be casual discussion and the opportunity to ask about different positions. Snacks will be served. We want YOU!

You can find more information about the search and the experiences of volunteers at /stop/en/ .

5.    Make Aalto Great Again! Apply to become a student representative in administration!

The application process is open 7.11.-4.12.2016. at halloped.fi

The Student Union of Aalto University has announced that the positions of the student representatives in administration (Hallopeds) for 2017 are open for application. Student representatives are sought for both University-level bodies, such as the Academic Committee, Equality Committee and Restaurant Committee, and for the college level and the management of training programmes. Whether you’re interested in power, quality or the development of teaching, as a Halloped you will get to influence the operations of a large organisation and make Aalto a better place!


6.    Aalto sitsis with the theme “Weddings and Funerals”, Wed 23.11.

Is a stolen bride ever returned? Does someone dead rise from the grave? What is the largest family party on the face of the Earth? You’re warmly welcomed to come and find out about the subject at the second Aalto sitsis in history on Wednesday, 23.11. at Saha in Otaniemi! The theme of the sitsis is ’Weddings and Funerals’. All Aalto students and Aalto-minded people are welcome, without looking more closely at study orientation or marital status

The event begins at 6 pm and various kinds of festivities continue in the same place after the sitting down part has ended. Signing up for the party is at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/haat-ja-hautajaiset-aaltositsit/ Signing up begins on 7.11. and ends on 18.11. at 11:59 pm, or earlier if the sitsis get filled up. The sitsis cost a paltry 12 euros.


7.    Independence Day Torch Parade

On 6.12. the students of the capital city area are commemorating Finland’s Independence Day with a joint torch parade. Everyone is welcome to join in the parade. Torches will be handed out for the event at the start of the parade. Associations can take part in the parade with their own flag.

Instructions and timetables for the event can be found at: http://itsenaisyyspaiva.ayy.fi/fi/ .

The timetable will be updated as soon as possible.

AYY traditionally offers its operatives the following services:

Flag taxi:

The flag of the association is to be delivered to the service point (Otakaari 11) on Friday, 2.12.2015 by 4 pm AND recorded on the delivery list. Make sure that you record the flag on the list because only the flags on the list can be taken along. The flags will be returned to the same place, from where they should be collected by Friday, 9.12.

Carrying belts and herald sashes in the Finnish national colours:

The Student Union has a limited number of carrying belts for flags and blue and white herald sashes that suit all flags. Reservations in order of time of booking at arkisto@ayy.fi. The equipment can be found on the day of the event by the flags. at the organisation point.

The flag-bearers and heralds can leave their bags safely during the parade in the operational vehicle, which is going to Senate Square. When you hand in your flags for return delivery, you’ll get back the things you left for safe keeping. Flag-bearers and heralds must not have bags when they are carrying out their duties.


8.    Change the future of the campus – fill in the user satisfaction survey!

You are most welcome to take the Aalto CRE customer and user satisfaction survey concerning the development of campus areas! The user satisfaction survey for university staff and students is available from 3 November to 18 November 2016. https://maptionnaire.com/en/1488/

The users of the premises are the best experts on their operational environment. By participating in this survey, you can make a difference on how the campus areas are developed. Based on the results of previous user satisfaction surveys, we have, for example, invested in work site communications and improved pedestrian and cycling routes. Through taking the survey you are entered into a lottery and could win a Jopo-bicycle. Further information on Into: https://maptionnaire.com/en/1488/

9.    Seasonal flu vaccinations for risk groups at YTHS in Otaniemi on Monday, 21.11.

On Monday, 21.11. from 1.20 pm to 3 pm, a seasonal vaccination afternoon for risk groups is being organised at the Otaniemi office of YTHS (the Finnish Student Health Service), without booking of appointments. When you arrive, register at the patient office.

Those to whose health influenza presents a substantial threat, or whose health benefits significantly from an influenza vaccination, are eligible for a free flu jab. Further information from the pages of the National Institute for Health and Welfare (https://www.thl.fi/fi/web/rokottaminen/rokotteet/kausi-influenssarokote ). If you are not entitled to a free vaccination, you can get a prescription for a seasonal flu jab by calling YTHS.

10.                  KY-Sub’s and Tikelo’s movie night TODAY at 18!

Do you want to find out what it is like to become a man in Finnish culture? Come check out Jalmari Helander’s Big Game starring Samuel L. Jackson to see a humorous and action packed take on the subject. What will happen when the Air Force One crashes in the middle of the Finnish archipelago? Can a small boy save the day with his bow and arrow? The film is partly spoken in Finnish and English subtitles are provided.

Come to Yläkertsi on the 14th of November to see this entertaining Finnish movie. Of course movie snacks and beverages are provided. In addition to that there will be punch. The event starts at 18:00. After the film, there’s activity, such as beer pong and sauna.

Check out the event on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/1194467030648251/

  • What? Movie night
  • Where? At Yläkertsi on the 3rd floor of KY -building
  • When? 14th of November at 18:00
  • How much? 0 euros.

11.                  The Teekkari Girls’ Career Evening 16.11.

Would you like more advice and tips for job searching? Are you thinking about ways to stand out positively from other applicants? Now there’s an excellent opportunity to get to hone your own working life and job search skills, for example for the coming summer job search!

The Teekkari Girls’ Career Evening will be held in the Donor’s Lounge of T-talo on Wednesday, 16.11. from 4.30 pm. In the workshop-style event, there will be tips on things like job searching, polishing up the CV and finding your own expertise. Experts from various fields will take part in the event; at the moment, confirmed performers are Konecranes, Futurice and ICT ladies.

There will also be small snacks on offer and a warm sauna to cap off the evening, as well as an excellent opportunity to talk more with experts.

The event is free of charge and does not require membership. Registration for the event can be found at: https://tety.fi/urailta/

Further information about the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/268397090228153/

12.                  WhisKY presents: America Tasting (18th November)

Join WhisKY as we get together, sit down, and enjoy some good ol’ American sippin’ whiskey. We’ll be sampling a variety of high quality whiskies displaying the varied talent of American whiskey makers. Bourbons, ryes, and single malts!

Tickets: https://goo.gl/forms/EqJi7kckGoP7SXK22

More info on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1134926239922868/

13.                  The Christmas Concerts of the Academic Female Choir KYN on Sunday, 11.12 and Sunday, 18.12.

The ’Kun se loistavi’ Christmas concert is like a Christmas before Christmas itself. With its music, KYN creates a warm and timeless moment. The cold and hurry are left outside. In the concert, old Christmas songs with traditional and new arrangements will be heard alongside modern-day Christmas classics. Some pieces have also been included which were not originally composed as Christmas music, but which in this whole tell the story of Christmas.

We extend you a heart-felt welcome to go with us towards Christmas.

The Academic Female Choir KYN, ’Kun se loistavi’ Christmas concert. Conducted by Kaija Viitasalo.

  • Sunday, 11.12.2016 at 7 pm, Old Church, Lönnrotinkatu 6, 00120 Helsinki
  • Sunday, 18.12.2016 at 7 pm, Temppeliaukio Church, Lutherinkatu 3, 00100 Helsinki

Tickets €18/€12 from choir members and at the door, from Tiketti €20/€13.50

Concessionary ticket (students, pensioners, national servicemen, unemployed, children aged 7-17). Children under the age of 7 go free.

Further information from www.kyn.fi and fb.com/KYNchoir

14.                  The Intensive Hip Hop Course of Polijazz, 18.11. – 9.12.

Polijazz is arranging an intensive hip hop course on four occasions. The lessons will be on Fridays from 6.30 pm to 8 pm. The teacher will be Sofia Levonen.

There will be a lot of dancing on the intensive hip hop course, as well as learning choreographies and, above all, having fun. The lesson consists of a warm-up, movement and technique exercises and a dance routine made on the basis of the exercises. What’s important is the development of the dancers’ own dance style with the aid of the techniques and exercises learnt. The course is open in terms of level, so everyone come along!

The price of the course is €20 and registration is done at: https://goo.gl/forms/7r8xmyHAS94dKq783


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