Weekly Newsletter 48/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 48/2016

Apply to work at AYY! At the moment, we’re recruiting a Service Manager (https://atalent.fi/avoimet-tyopaikat/palvelupaallikko/ ) and a study leave substitute for the student advocacy specialist (/ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/ayy-hakee-edunvalvonta-asiantuntijaa/ ). The application processes are open for Hallopeds as well (https://www.halloped.fi/fi ) and for the voluntary roles of AYY (/stop )! Apply, apply, apply!

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. The volunteer search of AYY is now open!
  3. AYY is looking for a Service Manager and a student advocacy specialist
  4. Apply to get involved in creating the AYY brand
  5. Report delayed course grading
  6. Apply to become a student representative in administration!
  7. My Career in Finland 7.12.
  8. Independence Day Torchlight Procession
  9. FK70: New Year sillis
  10. OUBS camera training evening, Vol. 2 on 30.11.2016 at 6 pm at Studio
  11. The open follow-up party of the 108th Wähäjoulu, 5.12
  12. Come up with a food idea and take part in the innovation competition

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 48

Week 49

2.    The volunteer search of AYY is now open!

The best student union in the world, AYY, is looking for volunteers! There are numerous voluntary roles at our Student Union that differ in terms of their tasks and amount of work, so everyone is sure to find a job that they like! Roles can be found from, amongst others, event production, campus development, international affairs, student advocacy and corporate relations. See the timetable, search objects and the experiences of those who’ve acted as volunteers at /stop/. Also follow the communications regarding the volunteer searches on Instagram (@ayy_fi) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ylioppilaskunta/)

3.    AYY is looking for a Service Manager and a student advocacy specialist

Our service operations need a bold and customer-oriented reassessment and our objective is to raise our member service operations to a new level to meet the changing needs of our members. That’s why we’re looking for a Service Manager for the new task who gets stuck in and has organisational abilities, to supplement our ranks.

The application process is open until 30.11. at:  https://atalent.fi/avoimet-tyopaikat/palvelupaallikko/

The job profile of the student advocacy specialist includes tasks particularly related to new students and, for example, wholes related to the subsistence, well-being and ability to study of students. We’re now looking for a student advocacy specialist to join us, to start as soon as possible. The position is that of a fixed-term stand-in for study leave until 31.7.2017. The application process is open until 4.12. Further information: /ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/ayy-hakee-edunvalvonta-asiantuntijaa/

4.    Apply to get involved in creating the AYY brand

Do you want to be involved in influencing what your Student Union looks and sounds like? Are you interested in brand work? Join in the revision and updating of the AYY brand.

The brand work will be begun right at the beginning of 2017. The aim is that the accomplishments and ideas of the working group will already be taken into use in the autumn of 2017, when new students arrive at Aalto. The working group will work intensively in the spring of 2017. An estimated few meetings per month will be arranged, in the way agreed on by the working group itself. During the spring and summer, meetings will be held when necessary, for example to do with the monitoring of the realisation of the project and its implementation.

We want enthusiastic and motivated students to join us with a vision, or a desire to forma vision. Of how our shared Student Union should look in the future. No previous experience of brand work is required, but it might be of benefit. Taking part in the working group entails a commitment to meetings and a readiness to familiarise oneself with materials, also independently outside the meetings.

The brand working group will consist of two student representatives selected through an open application process and Board members and workers of AYY. The open application process for the working group is open until 12 noon on 7.12.2016. The working group will be appointed at the meeting of the Council on 15.12.2016. Apply at https://lomake.ayy.fi/viestinta/haku-ayyn-brandityoryhmaan/ .

The progress of the brand work will be communicated actively on the communications channels of the Student Union. All those who are interested in the brand work can also join the ayy-brand e-mail list (https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-brand ), through which it’s possible to get information about the work of the working group and comment on the different stages of the brand work.

You can ask for further information from the Information Officer of AYY, Henna Palonen (henna.palonen@ayy.fi or 0505209440)”

5.    Report delayed course grading

Aalto University’s teaching and study regulations provide that exams and other study performances must be reviewed and recorded in the study register within one month. If your exam results or credits are late, you can report it to Aalto University administration.

  • ARTS: Leena Koskinen (leena.koskinen@aalto.fi)
  • BIZ: Markus Torkkeli (markus.torkkeli@aalto.fi)
  • CHEM: Hanne Puskala (hanne.puskala@aalto.fi)
  • ELEC: Perttu puska (perttu.puska@aalto.fi)
  • ENG: Marjo Immonen (marjo.immonen@aalto.fi)
  • SCI: Mari Knuuttila (mari.knuuttila@aalto.fi)

6.    Apply to become a student representative in administration!

The application process is open 7.11.-4.12.2016. at halloped.fi

The Student Union of Aalto University has announced that the positions of the student representatives in administration (Hallopeds) for 2017 are open for application. Student representatives are sought for both University-level bodies, such as the Academic Committee, Equality Committee and Restaurant Committee, and for the college level and the management of training programmes. Whether you’re interested in power, quality or the development of teaching, as a Halloped you will get to influence the operations of a large organisation and make Aalto a better place!


7.   My Career in Finland 7.12.

How does the Finnish job market function? What is the role of the trade unions? What is essential for finding a job in Finland? What do you need to take into account when starting your own business in Finland? How have international Aalto alumni found their ways into Finnish work life and what is the Finnish working culture like through their eyes?

Come to Aalto University Student Union’s career evening for international students “”My Career in Finland”” 7.12.2016 17-21 in Startup Sauna & Design Factory to hear the essentials of working in Finland and to meet and mingle with potential employers.

8.    Independence Day Torchlight Procession

On 6.12. the students of the capital city area are commemorating Finland’s Independence Day with a joint torch procession. Everyone is welcome to join in the parade. Torches will be handed out for the event at the start of the parade. Associations can take part in the parade with their own flag.

Instructions and timetables for the event can be found at: http://itsenaisyyspaiva.ayy.fi/fi/

The timetable will be updated as soon as possible.

AYY traditionally offers its operatives the following services:

Flag taxi: The flag of the association is to be delivered to the service point (Otakaari 11) on Friday, 2.12.2015 by 4 pm AND recorded on the delivery list. Make sure that you record the flag on the list because only the flags on the list can be taken along. The flags will be returned to the same place, from where they should be collected by Friday, 9.12.

Carrying belts and herald sashes in the Finnish national colours:

The Student Union has a limited number of carrying belts for flags and blue and white herald sashes that suit all flags. Reservations in order of time of booking at arkisto@ayy.fi. The equipment can be found on the day of the event by the flags. at the organisation point.

The flag-bearers and heralds can leave their bags safely during the parade in the operational vehicle, which is going to Senate Square. When you hand in your flags for return delivery, you’ll get back the things you left for safe keeping. Flag-bearers and heralds must not have bags when they are carrying out their duties.

9.    FK70: New Year sillis

Forget your New Year’s resolution for one more day and come to spend sillis at Rantasauna on new Year’s Day from 12 noon! At the New Year’s sillis of the Guild of Physics, you can get to enjoy delicious drinks, food and live music.

Exchange the darkness and cold of the winter for the heat, drinks and atmosphere of Las Palmas. Registration is open at fk70.fi/ilmo and the first 50 to register will get a unique Fyysikko beer from the Ruosniemen Panimo brewery. The cost of the sillis is 15 euros for those who sign up in advance and 17 euros at the door. 150 party-goers can be accommodated.

The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1860766044167142/

The countdown to the Fuusio 70 party will also be begun at the sillis when the first window of the FK70 calendar is opened. The last window will be opened on the 70th day of the year at Fuusio.

10.                  OUBS camera training evening, Vol. 2 on 30.11.2016 at 6 pm at Studio

OUBS is holding a camera training evening at Studio at Jämeräntaival 1 on Wednesday, 30.11.2016, from 6 pm to 9 pm. The camera training evening Vol. 2 carries on from where the previous training evening left off. All artistic aspects will be cast aside, and instead we’ll dive deeper into the technology of the camera. Image sensors, storage media, protocols and other deepest level tech sets will become known. No previous experience of cameras is required, but the training does not deal with very basic things either. The event will be in Finnish.

Wishes for the content of the event can be addressed to this Facebook page or on Telegram to Alppi (http://telegram.me/Alphenus)

So that we can prepare for the right amount of small catering, please notify us that you’re coming to the Facebook event (https://www.facebook.com/events/1199986230047033/), or by e-mail to hallitus@oubs.fi

11.                  The open follow-up party of the 108th Wähäjoulu, 5.12

Due to great demand, the follow-up party of the 108th annual celebration of the Guild of Architecture, Wähäjoulu, is open! The location is still secret, but it will be revealed on 5.12. at 8 pm at the event’s Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/197926173992578/

Bring all your friends along, leave Otaniemi for one evening to go to the centre of Helsinki and come and have fun with annual celebration guests! There’s an epic party in store with a top DJ and the party band Hittiputki! Bring cash; you can get tickets at the door and admission is only €5.

  • WHAT: The open follow-up party of Wähäjoulu
  • WHERE: To be revealed later on
  • WHEN: 5.12 at 9 pm
  • PRICE: €5

12.                  Come up with a food idea and take part in the innovation competition

Have you developed a new recipe or foodstuff? Do you have a new method for the production of food or a new packaging innovation? Or have you developed an application or new idea for the distribution or marketing of food?

RUOKAOIVALLUS is a national food innovation competition in which new ideas for the whole food chain from raw materials to marketing are sought. Young people aged 16-29 who are studying in Finland can take part in the competition, either alone or in groups of a maximum of four members. Come up with ideas and take part by 28.02.2017 at www.ruokaoivallus.fi

Further information about the RUOKAOIVALLUS competition: www.ruokaoivallus.fi

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