Weekly newsletter 50/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 50/2016

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

You may read the newsletter also on AYY’s webpage.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY’s lost property practices are changing
  3. Send a card to someone nice!
  4. Mindfulness – Compassionate Learning on January
  5. Get yourself into the Christmas spirit with atmospheric Christmas concerts
  6. Current news from FSHS
  7. Reply to the survey of Nyyti about peer and volunteer action and win cinema tickets
  8. The Christmas show of Polijazz Reg. Assn. and election meeting on Thursday, 15.12.2016, 6 pm – 9 pm


1.    This and next week’s events

Week 50

12.12. Premises bookings for special status associations /blog/events/tilakahmyt-eay/

14.12. The Guild of the Cross: Games Evening /blog/events/ristin-kilta-peli-ilta-3/

16.12. The pre-Christmas party of Metal Club Mökä /blog/events/metal-club-mokan-pikkujoulut/

16.12. KUJ Puurojuhla (The Porridge Party of the Cultural Section) 2016 /blog/events/puurojuhla-2016/

18.12. The Academic Female Choir KYN: the ’Kun se loistavi’ Christmas concert /blog/events/naiskuoro-kyn-kun-se-loistavi-joulukonsertti-2/

Week 51

19.12. Premises bookings for associations /blog/events/tilakahmyt-yhdistyksille/


2.    AYY’s lost property practices are changing

Up till now, it has been possible to bring objects from clothes and bags to items of value to AYY, found in the one-off rental premises of AYY or the campus area. Due to a lack of resources, the lost property service will end at the end of this year and such items will no longer be accepted at the office of AYY.

This means that from there on, passing on clothes or bags found in the premises of AYY or the campus to lost property offices or their owners is at the responsibility of the event organisers. It will only be possible to bring phones, wallets, keys and spectacles to the service point of AYY. Travel cards found are to be returned to the service points of HSL or given to bus drivers, who will pass them on to HSL.

So, the period of November and December is the last time that you can come to look for your lost property. At the end of December, all existing lost property will be taken from the storerooms of AYY for recycling or waste collection.

3.    Send a card to someone nice!

Did you attend an extraordinarily good lecture? Was the janitor kind enough to help you with your heavy luggage? Did the study planning officer help you out with your complex study plans?

It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Now it’s time to say thank you to university staff. Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us who has been nice to you at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/. Let’s remember to thank each other!

4.    Mindfulness – Compassionate Learning on January

Mindfulness is a state of open attention on the present. It’s living here and now. Mindfulness involves nonjudgmental conscious awareness of one’s feelings, thoughts and surroundings. In an educational context mindfulness applied to learning is the practice of ignoring distractions, disregarding unhelpful self-criticism and keeping focused. It can deepen our understanding and help us to find learning as fascinating as it should be.

The workshop consists of five session on Mondays 10-12 hrs, January 9th to February 6th, class room Majakka (M140), Otakaari 1. The workshop is in English.

More information: opintopsykologi@aalto.fi,


5.    Get yourself into the Christmas spirit with atmospheric Christmas concerts

Dominante – Joulun tähden

  • On Monday, 19.12.2016 at 7 pm in Tapiola Church
  • On Tuesday, 20.12.2016 at 7 pm in St. Paul’s Church
  • On Wednesday, 21.12.2016 at 7 pm in Helsinki Cathedral

Tickets €25/€15

Further information: http://www.dominante.fi/

The Academic Female Choir KYN – Kun se loistavi

  • Sunday, 18.12.2016 at 7 pm, Temppeliaukio Church, Lutherinkatu 3, 00100 Helsinki

Tickets €18/€12 from choir members and at the door, from Tiketti €20/€13.50

The events on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/339623206390762/

Further information: www.kyn.fi  and fb.com/KYNchoir   

The Polytech Choir

  • Thursday, 15.12. at 6 pm and 8 pm, St John’s Church (€28/€20/€13)

Further information: http://www.polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi/

6.    Current news from FSHS

The electronic health questionnaires sent to first-year students will come this time at the beginning of 2017.  Thus, health appointments will also be done after the turn of the year. An invitation to a health appointment is sent to those students who have the most need for it on the basis of the health questionnaire. An information system overhaul is currently under way at FSHS, which also includes updating the electronic health survey. The new system will make the health survey process considerably easier.

The name of the MyFSHS service is changing. In the online service, you can check and cancel your own appointment times. If you have received an appointment booking authorisation that entitles you to book an appointment, you can also book a time and move times you have already booked with the aid of the service. From here on, MyFSHS will be known as Self. The name is changing because according to the feedback from students and staff, the names My FSHS and MyKanta were too similar and difficult to distinguish from each other. The Self name will gradually be taken into use during the end of the year. For example, updates to the yths.fi site will be begun soon.

The branches of FSHS will be closed on Independence Day, 6.12. The doors of the Otaniemi branch of FSHS will be closed exceptionally on Monday, 12.12.2016 from 12 noon to 1.30 pm.

The staff of the Otaniemi branch of FSHS wish all students a peaceful and relaxing beginning to December and good luck for the efforts of the end of the year!

7.    Reply to the survey of Nyyti about peer and volunteer action and win cinema tickets

Nyyti Reg. Assn. is developing its operations. Reply to the survey and tell your thoughts and wishes about peer and volunteer action. The results of the survey will be used in developing the operations of Nyyti.

You can find the survey at: https://my.surveypal.com/Kysely—ajatuksia-vapaaehtoistoiminnasta

Replying only takes a few minutes and the results will be dealt with confidentially. You can reply to the survey until Sunday, 18.12.2016. The respondents have the opportunity to take part in a prize draw for cinema tickets.

Nyyti Reg. Assn. is a national association that promotes the mental well-being and ability to study of students. Further information: www.nyyti.fi, www.facebook.com/nyytiry, https://twitter.com/nyyti_ry and https://www.instagram.com/nyytiry/ .

8.    The Christmas show of Polijazz Reg. Assn. and election meeting on Thursday, 15.12.2016, 6 pm – 9 pm

Welcome to the Christmas show of Polijazz on Thursday, 15.12.2016 from 8.25 pm to 9.25 pm in Otahalli, in the Aalto hall. In the show, there’ll be at least modern dance and the dance performances of the Koherenssi performance group. Entry to the event is free! So, you’re free to invite all your kith and kin to come along and watch. Before the Christmas show, the election meeting of Polijazz will be held at Jämeräntaival 3 (the multi-purpose hall at the back of the ground floor) at 6 pm. You’re welcome to come along to arrange nice dance activities for the students! You can get more information about the different tasks and the meeting by contacting polijazzh@list.ayy.fi

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