Weekly Newsletter 51/2016

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 51/2016

This is the last weekly newsletter of year 2016.  Have a peaceful Christmas time and a joyful new year 2017.  Next weekly newsletter will be published on Monday 9th Jan 2017.

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/ You may read the newsletter also on AYY’s webpage.

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Exceptional opening times for the service points at the turn of the year
  3. AINO’s survey about the Aalto spirit
  4. AYY’s lost property practices are changing
  5. Send a card to someone nice!
  6. Opening hours of Otaniemi FSHS on christmas time
  7. Mindfulness – Compassionate Learning on January
  8. Hanki itsellesi joulumieli tunnelmallisista joulukonserteista
  9. Seminar: OR moves people
  10. Join women’s american football team Aalto Aliens
  11. Fyysikkospeksi is looking for people to take charge of sub-areas


1.    This and next week’s events

Viikko 51

19.12. Advance booking reservation period of AYY’s rental spaces for AYY’s associations /blog/events/tilakahmyt-yhdistyksille/

2.    Exceptional opening times for the service points at the turn of the year

The service points and housing office have exceptional opening times around the turn of the year. You can check the up-to-date details from the front page of ayy.fi.

  • The housing office is closed 19.-28.12.
  • The Otaniemi service point is closed 22.-27.12
  • The Arabian service point is closed 22.12.-2.1.2017

3.    AINO’s survey about the Aalto spirit

AINO and AYY want to figure out how students experience the common “”Aalto spirit”” and what being a member of the Aalto community should mean for the three different fields of study. Now’s your chance to come clean! Answers can be published in AINO anonymously with a nickname. One of the answerers will win an AYY hoodie! The survey can be found at  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftuQcA2oVZD0CVI_aWp-7VcqrHil5Xq–rL

4.    AYY’s lost property practices are changing

Up till now, it has been possible to bring objects from clothes and bags to items of value to AYY, found in the one-off rental premises of AYY or the campus area. Due to a lack of resources, the lost property service will end at the end of this year and such items will no longer be accepted at the office of AYY.

This means that from there on, passing on clothes or bags found in the premises of AYY or the campus to lost property offices or their owners is at the responsibility of the event organisers. It will only be possible to bring phones, wallets, keys and spectacles to the service point of AYY. Travel cards found are to be returned to the service points of HSL or given to bus drivers, who will pass them on to HSL.

So, the period of November and December is the last time that you can come to look for your lost property. At the end of December, all existing lost property will be taken from the storerooms of AYY for recycling or waste collection.”

5.    Send a card to someone nice!

Did you attend an extraordinarily good lecture? Was the janitor kind enough to help you with your heavy luggage? Did the study planning officer help you out with your complex study plans?

It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Now it’s time to say thank you to university staff. Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us who has been nice to you at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/. Let’s remember to thank each other!

6.    Opening hours of Otaniemi FSHS on christmas time

Opening hours during Christmas time the FSHS unit in Otaniemi. The unit is closed 24.12.2016–1.1.2017.  When our unit is closed you should primarily contact your local municipal health center. We wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays and all the best for the New Year!

7.    Mindfulness – Compassionate Learning on January

Mindfulness is a state of open attention on the present. It’s living here and now. Mindfulness involves nonjudgmental conscious awareness of one’s feelings, thoughts and surroundings. In an educational context mindfulness applied to learning is the practice of ignoring distractions, disregarding unhelpful self-criticism and keeping focused. It can deepen our understanding and help us to find learning as fascinating as it should be.

The workshop consists of five session on Mondays 10-12 hrs, January 9th to February 6th, class room Majakka (M140), Otakaari 1. The workshop is in English.

More information: opintopsykologi@aalto.fi,


8.    Hanki itsellesi joulumieli tunnelmallisista joulukonserteista

Dominante – Joulun tähden

  • Maanantaina 19.12.2016 klo 19 Tapiolan kirkossa
  • Tiistaina 20.12.2016 klo 19 Paavalinkirkossa
  • Keskiviikkona 21.12.2016 klo 19 Helsingin tuomiokirkossa

Liput 25/15 €

Lisätietoja: http://www.dominante.fi/

Tapahtumat Facebookissa: https://www.facebook.com/events/339623206390762/

Lisätietoja www.kyn.fi ja fb.com/KYNchoir

9.    Seminar: OR moves people

“How can pedestrian and vehicle traffic be designed to be smart through operations research, and how is this seen in the service provision to passengers? Come and hear in the seminar arranged by FORS (the Finnish Operations Research Society Reg. Assn., see. http://www.operaatiotutkimus.fi/index.html) how companies, such as Kone and the VR Group, make use of the methods of operations research when wrestling with these problems.

In addition, there will be discussion in the seminar about how mobility services will change in the future through demand-guided public transport and the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept.

The event is also a great opportunity to network with specialists in the field alongside coffee and sparkling wine catering. In addition, after the seminar we’ll go for dinner at the adjacent Rodolfo restaurant, payable at one’s own expense.

(http://www.ravintolarodolfo.fi/). See you at the House of Science and Letters in Helsinki on Wednesday, 25.1!

10.                  Join women’s american football team Aalto Aliens

Are you a female student at Aalto University? Are you interested in finding a new sport or continuing a beloved hobby? There is a women’s American Football team at Aalto University, Aalto Aliens! Aalto Aliens practice on Sundays from 15:10-16:40 at Otahalli in Otaniemi, and they are open for students to come try out the sport. American football is a sport that requires players of many different athletic types: from smaller agile skill positions in the secondary and backfield, to the heavy lifters on the line of scrimmage. The team plays in the Finnish Academic League, which is comprised of players of all experience levels: from beginners to Maple league and national team players. No matter what your experience level or athletic type, there is a position for you in Aalto Aliens. The team also organizes evenings for players to watch games, socialize, and hang out. Come check out what the sport and association has to offer! fb.com/aaltoAliens

11.                  Fyysikkospeksi is looking for people to take charge of sub-areas

The search for the director of the next Fyysikkospeksi, which has its premiere in the autumn of 2017, has been completed and now we’re looking for people for the other sub-areas’ positions of responsibility. The application process will be done by the end of the year (31.12.) with the official form of Fyysikkospeksi 2017 (http://tinyurl.com/fyysikkospeksirekry), which is still open with regard to all other positions too. Knowledge of your own sub-area and experience of making speksis is seen as an advantage, but we don’t require any greater qualifications than that from applicants (except for being a member of the Guild of Physics). Note that the application itself doesn’t commit you: if some other role interests you first and foremost, selection to a position of responsibility can be postponed on a case-by-case basis until other recruitment results become clear.

We’re looking for one or more people for the following roles in particular:

  • The person in charge of the band
  • The person in charge of dancing
  • The person in charge of lyrics
  • The person in charge of PR
  • The person in charge of visuals, in whose team there are:
  • The person/people in charge of set design and props
  • The person in charge of the wardrobe
  • The person in charge of make-up
  • The person in charge of technology

The people in charge first have to assemble their own team with the producers. The greatest responsibility is the scheduling and organisation of the work of the team through the whole production, and of course directing the output of the team according to your own preferences. The board of the speksi, i.e. the Politbyroo, which consists of the principal people in charge, convenes from the spring onwards approximately on a weekly basis, and indeed the role includes close co-operation with other people in charge and taking part in the joint decisions of the speksi.

Positions of responsibility can be shared out and customised according to the personal interests of the applicants, so don’t hesitate to show even cautious interest! The producers at tuottajat@fyysikkospeksi.fi will be happy to answer further questions, for example about a more detailed job description, the schedules and the workload.


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