Weekly Newsletter 2/2017

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 2/2017

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

You may read the newsletter also on AYY’s webpage.

A happy New Year to you all!

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. AYY is looking for a press officer and brand co-ordinator
  3. CGI’s Future Talent event 27.1.2017
  4. Broaden your horizons – go on a student exchange! Aalto’s common exchange fair on Monday, 16.1.2017 in Otaniemi
  5. AINO’s survey about the Aalto spirit
  6. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open!
  7. The Kandipalaute bachelor’s feedback is being revised – if you’ve done a bachelor’s degree, reply to the survey and have an influence!
  8. Apply for a scholarship for the summer of 2017 for the summer school of Stanford University!
  9. Polytech Choir singing auditions 11.1. and 18.1.
  10. Taido’s beginners courses in 2017
  11. Otanko’s pole dance classes for the spring
  12. Join women’s american football team Aalto Aliens
  13. The activities of the student dancing clubs are beginning

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 2

Week 3

2.    AYY is looking for a press officer and brand co-ordinator

Do you want to work in the best student union in the world? We’re now looking for a brand co-ordinator for our team, for part-time and fixed-term project work, as well as a full-time press officer to cover family leave.

Further information:

3.    CGI’s Future Talent event 27.1.2017

CGI is organising the Future Talent recruitment event, aimed at students and fresh graduates in the technological, commercial and service design fields on Friday 27.1.2017 at the Finlandia Hall in Helsinki.

At the event, you can get to hear interesting speeches, take part in various kinds of workshops and network with recruiting managers! The intention at the event is to recruit as many as 50 new trainees for a new trainee programme in the speed meeting spirit. CGI is also arranging free bus transportation from the Otaniemi campus to the event!

The event is in Finnish.

4.    Broaden your horizons – go on a student exchange! Aalto’s common exchange fair on Monday, 16.1.2017 in Otaniemi

Come and find out about your exchange opportunities at Aalto University’s common student exchange fair! At the site, you’ll also hear about training opportunities abroad and the grants of Aalto University’s careers and recruitment services for international training. In addition to the representatives of the colleges, may external parties will be involved, such as Kilroy Education, ISIC Finland, Campus France etc.

As part of the exchange fair, the Finnish-Iranian stand-up comedian, presenter and radio personality Ali Jahangiri is coming to talk to the students of Aalto about internationalisation and the benefits it brings in his own side-splitting style. Ali knows what he’s talking about; he’s an alumnus of Aalto University and was on a student exchange himself during his studies.

You’re welcomed to come and listen to Ali Jahangiri in the Aalto Hall (Otakaari 1) on Monday, 16.1.2017 from 2 pm to 3.30 pm! The exchange fair is in the upper lobby of the Aalto Hall (Otakaari 1) from 12 noon to 3.30 pm. Further information: https://www.facebook.com/events/221651591595388/

5.    AINO’s survey about the Aalto spirit

“AINO and AYY want to figure out how students experience the common “”Aalto spirit”” and what being a member of the Aalto community should mean for the three different fields of study. Now’s your chance to come clean! Answers can be published in AINO anonymously with a nickname. One of the answerers will win an AYY hoodie! The survey can be found at  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftuQcA2oVZD0CVI_aWp-7VcqrHil5Xq–rLMrYfggQzcvXDg/viewform

6.    The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open!

The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The first application round of 2017 will end on Sunday, 22 January 2017, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/

Deadlines for the application rounds of spring 2017 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/ . Also check out the facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto.

7.    The Kandipalaute bachelor’s feedback is being revised – if you’ve done a bachelor’s degree, reply to the survey and have an influence!

The common and national student feedback survey of universities, Kandipalaute, is being revised. From the beginning of 2017, the HowULearn questionnaire developed at the University of Helsinki will be used as the basis of the survey. All students who have done a bachelor’s degree or equivalent studies will respond to the Kandipalaute survey.

Feedback received from students is important in the development of the quality of education, better operating practices and teaching and guidance. The results of the Kandipalaute survey also affect the funding of universities. Since 2015, the Ministry of Education and Culture has distributed a total of about 50 million euros of the basic funding allocated to universities on the basis of the national student feedback.

Further information from the student portal Into (https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=24316322) and kandipalaute@aalto.fi

8.    Apply for a scholarship for the summer of 2017 for the summer school of Stanford University!

Aalto students who are in the last stage of their bachelor’s degree or at the beginning of their master’s degree can apply for a scholarship by 31.1.2017. One scholarship will be granted per college. Further information and application instructions: https://into.aalto.fi/display/ensummer/Summer+Schools

9.    Polytech Choir singing auditions 11.1. and 18.1.

Singing with an attitude! The Polytech Choir is looking for new members to join its ranks! Are you burning with desire to enchant the world with your singing, from the Servi cabin to the Helsinki Music Centre and the ends of the Earth? Welcome!

The singing auditions of the Polytech Choir will be held on two Wednesdays in January, on 11.1. (5 pm to 6 pm) and on 18.1. (5 pm to 6 pm) in the rehearsal room of the choir in the TUAS building in hall AS2 on the first floor (Maarintie 8). At the event, you’ll get to perform one unaccompanied piece of your choice.

Don’t hesitate, sign up for the auditions by boldly contacting our freshman czar Joona Haavisto, tel. 044 2541514, by e-mail at fuksikeisari@polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi, or ask us more on Facebook. See you at the auditions!

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1882477341989571/

10.                  Taido’s beginners courses in 2017

Did you make a New Year’s resolution about increasing exercise or starting a new hobby?

The University’s Taido offers agile movement, half-contact sparring and acrobatics in a budo spirit and with a good bunch of people. Our training sessions offer enough challenges and the experiences of success, regardless of starting level. Taido suits you, whether your aim is to improve your physical condition, practise martial arts skills or learn how to somersault, for example. The starting dates of the spring 2017 Taido Core beginner’s course:

  • Monday, 16.1. at 8.30 pm (display and joint training for everyone)
  • Monday, 20.2. at 8.30 pm
  • Monday, 27.3. at 8.30 pm
  • Wednesday, 3.5. at 7 pm

Guided training sessions during the spring season twice a week: Monday 8.30 pm to 10 pm and Wednesday 7 pm to 8.30 pm at the UniDojo at Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 25.

See what Taido looks like outside the training hall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s2IdTsjaaI

Further information: www.yliopistontaido.fi

11.                  Otanko’s pole dance classes for the spring

Did you make a new year’s resolution to lead a healthier and more active life? Challenge yourself with a knew hobby and come pole dance with Otanko. Our beginner level technique classes for the spring start this week. Furthermore, we will be lauching a knew choreo class later in spring. Check out our website otanko.ayy.fi and find out more about our spring classes. Everyone from the fittest to the fattest is welcome to join!

12.                  Join women’s american football team Aalto Aliens

Are you a female student at Aalto University? Are you interested in finding a new sport or continuing a beloved hobby? There is a women’s American Football team at Aalto University, Aalto Aliens! Aalto Aliens practice on Sundays from 15:10-16:40 at Otahalli in Otaniemi, and they are open for students to come try out the sport. American football is a sport that requires players of many different athletic types: from smaller agile skill positions in the secondary and backfield, to the heavy lifters on the line of scrimmage. The team plays in the Finnish Academic League, which is comprised of players of all experience levels: from beginners to Maple league and national team players. No matter what your experience level or athletic type, there is a position for you in Aalto Aliens. The team also organizes evenings for players to watch games, socialize, and hang out. Come check out what the sport and association has to offer! fb.com/aaltoAliens

13.                  The activities of the student dancing clubs are beginning

Are you looking for a new hobby? Start partner dancing. On the beginner’s courses, the basics of the most common ballroom dances are taught (incl. the waltz, foxtrot, jenkka and bugg). You don’t need your own partner, dancing ability or background for the courses. So bring yourself (+ all your friends!) and come and get acquainted with a fun and diverse hobby, as well as an unbeatable group of people!

The courses of Pohjalaisten tanssikerho dancing club on TUESDAYS from 17.1.

Two free trial sessions. You can also join mid-term. Timetables, prices and further information at: pv.osakunta.fi/tanssikerho/kurssit.htm

The courses of Hämäläisten tanssikerho dancing club on WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 11.1.

Three free trial sessions. Timetables, prices and further information at: facebook.com/events/556847594521500 or hamalais-osakunta.fi/kerhot/hot

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