Weekly Newsletter 4/2017

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 4/2017

Take full advantage of Finnish Student Health Service’s new Self service: Start by entering your contact details http://bit.ly/2iOcg4Z

N.B.! There will be no weekly newsletter in week 6, i.e. Monday 6.2.2017!

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Broaden your horizons – the exchange recruitments are coming
  3. Send a card to someone nice!
  4. Apply for Study Innovation grant
  5. Mosaic’s first Cafe Lingua of the year on Thu 26th Jan
  6. Come and join us for Finland 100 coffee
  7. Annex Aalto 2017 is here 25.-26.1.2017!
  8. The Periods of Working Life in University Studies guide
  9. Take part in MPIDEA competition – Top Prize awaits!
  10. The sale of food that is wasted is being tried out in the Alvari restaurant
  11. Join AIESEC Aalto
  12. Info evening of the sailing club Teekkaripurjehtijat 26th Jan
  13. The gliding licence course begins on Tuesday, 31.1. at 6 pm at Maari
  14. The Oranki climbing club’s spring climbing courses are here!

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 4

Week 5

2.    Broaden your horizons – the exchange recruitments are coming

My exchange time was absolutely one of the best times of my life and I can’t imagine one reason why anyone would choose to not make use of such a fantastic opportunity. A student exchange offers so much more than one might imagine at first, and therefore the most important thing is to set off with an open mind. With the right attitude, you get so much more out of the exchange than just a few travel stories and the obligatory performance points. For me, it was really an experience that changed my attitude to life.

Are you interested in a student exchange during the 2017-18 academic year? The exchange recruitments are coming, so find out about your opportunities in time.

  • The students of the School of Business, the campuses of the capital city area: the main round 11.-31.1.2017, supplementary recruitments 10.-16.3.2017.
  • The students of the School of Business, Mikkeli campus: recruitments in October.
  • Technology disciplines: the students of the Schools of Science, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Technology and Engineering: the main round 1.-20.2.2017, supplementary recruitments 1.-20.9.2017
  • The students of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture: 1.2. – 22.2.2017, supplementary search 15.8. – 21.9.2017

3.    Send a card to someone nice!

Did you attend an extraordinarily good lecture? Was the janitor kind enough to help you with your heavy luggage? Did the study planning officer help you out with your complex study plans? It is nice to get praise on your work but also to praise others. Now it’s time to say thank you to university staff. Aalto University Student Union will send a thank you card on your behalf if you tell us who has been nice to you at https://lomake.ayy.fi/sosiaalipolitiikka/kortti-kivoille/. Let’s remember to thank each other!

4.    Apply for Study Innovation grant

Aalto University and its student union allocate in cooperation study grants for incredible projects that promote studies and learning. You can apply for the grant by yourself, together with your friend or association – as long as the idea is good, we want to help you to implement it!  The application period is continuous and applications are processed on a monthly basis, the idea is that your good idea does not get old and you could implement it straight away. Applications are processed and approved by Aalto University Student Union’s academic affairs sector and Aalto University’s vice president in charge of teaching. More information: https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/2015/04/15/oppirahaa-kansalle/

5.    Mosaic’s first Cafe Lingua of the year on Thu 26th Jan

Are your language skills a little rusty? Would you like to learn to speak like the native or just chat with the international group of friends? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Cafe Lingua is just for you! Once a month, one of the places in Otaniemi turns at casual language cafe, Café Lingua.

Café Lingua is a free-form language learning opportunity, where people interested in a particular language gather around the same table to talk and to learn the language in a fun way. The idea is to practice languages in small groups, meeting people, learning about different cultures and at the same time enjoy a cup of coffee and snacks. On arrival at the scene, you can either join one table with the language you are interested in or set up you’re a table for a new language!

  • WHAT: Café Lingua –
  • WHEN: Thursday 26th of January
  • WHERE: Rantasauna, Otaniemi
  • What does it cost: None!
  • WHY: Meet other (marine) mammals and learn languages!
  • Fb: here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1075844555858497/

6.    Come and join us for Finland 100 coffee

Do you want to hear more about CodeBus Africa? Or, maybe create wild visions of your own for the next one hundred years of Finland and Aalto University?

You are very welcome to get acquainted with Aalto’s Finland 100 projects and the Game Changers timeline on Thursday 26 January 2017 at 9.30 in the Undergraduate Centre’s main lobby (Otakaari 1, entrances F and Z).

Please, register now or on 20 January at the latest. https://www.webropolsurveys.com/Answer/SurveyParticipation.aspx?SDID=Fin1236318&SID=9380668d-b9f2-463e-a49d-f6827f952eff&dy=2070635049

Welcome,  Tuula

7.    Annex Aalto 2017 is here 25.-26.1.2017!

Annex Aalto is a completely new, interactive learning event, for all Aalto students, created by fellow students from KY, Prodeko and Athene. Regardless of your study background, you are warmly welcome to join us during Wednesday and Thursday evenings (25. – 26.1.) in the U wing of Otakaari 1.

The theme of Annex Aalto is 21st Century Darwinism, which is split into two evenings that center around both companies and individuals. Through these two points of view we explore how bigger companies and us as individuals can blossom in the age of fast change, digitalization and robotization! And while at it, you can earn 1 ECTS by attending!

Check out the full program and all the details from our Facebook event (https://www.facebook.com/events/106963386466436/) or website (http://annexaalto.fi)!

8.    The Periods of Working Life in University Studies guide

AYY has worked together with Aalto on making the ‘Työelämäjaksot yliopisto-opinnoissa’ (‘Periods of Working Life in University Studies’) guide. The guide is intended for the use of students, universities and companies too and includes instructions and examples for the different stages of a period of work, from planning to reporting. The guide is intended for the use of all universities and it can be utilised during all study periods that include spells of working life. The English-language version of the guide will come out during the spring of 2017. Read the guide at: http://jultika.oulu.fi/Record/isbn978-952-62-1466-5

9.    Take part in MPIDEA competition – Top Prize awaits!

The Finnish Industry’s great idea competition for creating 100 000 jobs lasts until 15 February 2017. The Main Prize is access to the growth accelerator ReNew Growth of McKinsey & Company, the world’s most respected consultancy. One can participate in the competition with any idea, product, or service, which will create more jobs to Finland. Anyone can take part; individually, as a group, or as a representative of a company.

The best proposals will gain publicity and can present themselves at the Manufacturing Performance Days 2017 (MPD) industrial event at Tampere 29-31 May 2017, where also the winner will be announced.

Send the Proposal to competition@mpdays.com or with a form at www.mpdays.com, where also the Rules are found. One can participate in Finnish, Swedish or English. Also non-Finns are welcome to take part!

For more information: www.mpdays.com

10.                  The sale of food that is wasted is being tried out in the Alvari restaurant

Save a lunch! During the trial, the Alvari restaurant will sell food that would otherwise be wasted from Monday to Thursday, from 5.15 pm to 5.30 pm and on Fridays from 3 pm to 3.15 pm. The price of a portion is €3.

You can get further information about the subject by joining the WhatsApp group or following the Facebook pages (Amica Alvari).

This is how you can order WhatsApp bulletins:

  1. Add the number 040 059 5769 to the contacts of your phone and give the contact the name Amica Alvari. WhatsApp will not work if the number is not in your contacts.
  2. Send the following message to the contact that you created in WhatsApp: “Hi, I want to order an Amica bulletin.”

11.                  Join AIESEC Aalto

AIESEC, with over 40,000 members is one of the largest youth run organizations in the world. We are currently looking for more members to add to our amazing team. AIESEC provides opportunities to go on an exchange for multiple projects.

If you want to practice management skills, public speaking skills or if you want to hang out with students from all around the world then AIESEC is for you. The application period will close shortly! #JoinUs

More info at: http://aiesec.fi/join/

Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact: helen.kesete@aiesec.net

12.                  Info evening of the sailing club Teekkaripurjehtijat 26th Jan

Interested in sailing, but don’t know where to start? Or are you an experienced sailor, but looking for new opportunities or friends to sail with? With technology students sailing club Teekkaripurjehtijat, commonly known as “TRIP”, it’s easy!

You are welcome to take part in our info evening on Thursday 26.1.2017, starting at 17:30 in Ossinsauna (Otakaari 18). We will be serving information on our activities, courses and sailingtrips, as well as some food and drinks. Sauna is also warm. Please invite your friends too!

Link to the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/165254087294561/
Check our website: http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/

13.                  The gliding licence course begins on Tuesday, 31.1. at 6 pm at Maari

PIK, the Polytech Flying Club, is arranging a gliding licence course in the spring of 2017! The course begins with a theory component in February-March on two evenings a week. Find out more and sign up at http://www.pik.fi/kurssi

14.                  The Oranki climbing club’s spring climbing courses are here!

Aalto University’s Oranki climbing club arranges climbing courses at a student-friendly price and helps new people to take up a great hobby. If you want to start climbing, come along to a beginner’s course: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/product/29adf77536313930ccea18c33e7c7e22/

For those who already do climbing and want to start leading, it’s better to go here instead: https://holvi.com/shop/oranki/product/7b8aac485bc4e6fd8e73ff22c370b948/

You can find out more about the courses of the Oranki climbing club at oranki.fi/kurssit and Facebook, on the page of Oranki.

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