Weekly Newsletter 5/2017

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 5/2017

N.B.! There will be no weekly newsletter next week , i.e. Monday 6.2.2017!

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at /en/associations/association-newsletter/

  1. This and next week’s events
  2. Capgemini Young Professionals Academy application period 23.1.-19.2. is open!
  3. Aalto student wellbeing survey open 1.2.-16.2.2017.
  4. Tieto’s summer job application period starts.
  5. Apply for Aava’s Afterparty and Humans vs Zombies committees
  6. Neste summer jobs: apply by February 28, 2017 and spend a #SummerWithNeste!
  7. Shrovetide celebrations and Laskiaisappro pub crawl Tue Feb 28th.
  8. Shrove Tuesday’s official afterparty – Gravitaatio
  9. Get your dream job with LinkedIn -lecture
  10. Ticket sales for Teekkarispeksi open on Feb 9th.
  11. Petteri Orpo as the guest of Kokoomusteekkarit and Kauppiksen porvarit on Tue Jan 31st.
  12. Can Christianity make sense in a modern society?
  13. Super Bowl evening 2017
  14. “Physicists in a changing world” seminar Feb 18th.
  15. Welcome to create a temporary culture space to Otaniemi!
  16. A first Geek Picnic in Helsinki in June – Join the team
  17. Start doing aikido at Otaniemi!
  18. University of Helsinki Taekwon-Do club introductory course begins
  19. PSK Kupla is organising an introductory course to scuba diving and a test dive in the spring of 2017!

1.    This and next week’s events

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

2.    Capgemini Young Professionals Academy application period 23.1.-19.2. is open!

Aiming high? Capgemini offers recent graduates or final year students a chance to develop into top technology professionals with a permanent contract in an international consulting company. Apply here: https://www.fi.capgemini.com/careers/your-career-path/capgemini-young-professionals-academy

3.    Aalto student wellbeing survey open 1.2.-16.2.2017.

The student wellbeing survey will be emailed to all second and fourth year students in Aalto. Give 15 minutes of your time—you will receive personalised feedback and help Aalto develop.

Read more in the student portal Into: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=24317455

4.    Tieto’s summer job application period starts.

Summer + work + fun! Join #tietolife this summer? Expecting your cool application: 6.2. – 26.2. Visit: https://www.tieto.fi/uramahdollisuudet

5.    Apply for Aava’s Afterparty and Humans vs Zombies committees

AYY’s Community section Aava is now taking in applications for committees! The committees in question are the Afterparty committee and the Humans vs Zombies committee.

In the Aalto Afterparty committee you get to plan and make happen the spectacle that starts the new academic year with a bang! The committee is lead by Aava’s Afterparty coordinators, and as a committee member you will get to know nice people and enjoy yourself in a fun group. Go ahead and apply!

The Humans vs Zombies game is coming back to Otaniemi in the spring and in the autumn. Whether you have taken part in HvZ or not, we want YOU to join the committee! You will get to plan the theme and tasks of the game, publicise the event, meet new people in a fun way, moderate the game, and especially realise ideas that might be completely silly! We want to know what YOU specifically can add to the game. If you haven’t even heard of the game, check out the official website first at http://www.humansvszombies.org/

The application period begins on Jan 30th and ends on Tuesday Feb 21st at 11.59pm at:  /stop/kulttuuri-ja-tapahtumat/afterparty/ and /stop/kulttuuri-ja-tapahtumat/humans-vs-zombies/

6.    Neste summer jobs: apply by February 28, 2017 and spend a #SummerWithNeste!

Neste creates responsible alternatives for the needs of traffic, businesses and consumers. We help our customers reduce their carbon footprint everywhere in the world through our high-quality, low-emission renewable products and high-quality oil products that can be combined into customized service solutions. We are the world’s largest producer of renewable diesel made out of waste and scrap and also create renewable solutions for aviation and the plastic industry.

For the summer of 2017, we are hiring hundreds of summer employees in Espoo, Naantali, Porvoo and our other places of business. We offer students from various educational backgrounds an engaging summer experience and an opportunity to develop their skills through tasks in the fields of production, technology, chemistry, sales, marketing and finance. Our summer jobs are displayed at our web site as separate ads, and the tasks include great options for students at all stages of their studies.

Read more about our summer jobs and submit an application: www.neste.com/summerwithneste

7.    Shrovetide celebrations and Laskiaisappro pub crawl Tue Feb 28th.

Come and join the fun in the traditional Shrovetide celebrations (Laskiaisrieha) at Ullanlinnanmäki hill on Shrove Tuesday, Feb 28th, 2017, in Kaivopuisto park, Helsinki, from 11am to 4pm!

In addition to sledding, the program includes music, competitions, and the legendary ABB Academic downhill race starting at 1pm, where teams race for the title of the most amazing and innovative sled. The official afterparty is held at AYY’s Gravitaatio at Apollo Live Club.

However, for a long time there has been a break between Shrovetide celebrations and Gravitaatio, causing trouble for students. What to do before Gravitaatio? …but SAY NO MORE!

Vapaateekkarit are, for the first time ever, organising the Laskiaisappro pub crawl right after the Shrovetide celebrations, starting at 4pm. The theme for the pub crawl can be Shrovetide, ski restaurant, or After Ski. The partner for the first ever Laskiaisappro pub crawl is Ruosniemi Brewery, so the party is guaranteed not to run out of high quality drinks! You really don’t want to miss this—fun times certified by Vapaateekkarit! Buy your pub crawl ticket at bailataan.fi for 6€, beginning on February 1st. There is only a limited amount of tickets!
With: ABB, TEK, Sweco, Fennovoima and AYY!

Shrovetide celebrations (https://www.facebook.com/events/602429626620281/ ) and Laskiaisappro pub crawl (https://www.facebook.com/events/407112759632101/ ) on Facebook.

8.    Shrove Tuesday’s official afterparty – Gravitaatio

Gravitaatio is the biggest and most awesome party of the beginning of the year, held on Shrove Tuesday, Feb 28th, as the official afterparty of Shrovetide celebrations. This year Gravitaatio will be more intense than it has been in a long time. When you are done sledding down Ullanlinnanmäki hill at Shrovetide celebrations, or just want to get your Tuesday night groove on, throw away your woollen socks and head to Apollo for the official afterparty of the Shrovetide celebrations. With Portion Boys and the Swedish Günther & the Sunshine Girls taking the stage everyone is sure to feel the beat.

More information about the event on Facebook and at http://www.gravitaatio.fi/

9.    Get your dream job with LinkedIn -lecture

Tuesday, 7th February 2017 at 16:15 ~ max until 18:00
Location: Nokia hall B-200 (BIZ main building in Töölö, Runeberginkatu 14-16 Helsinki)

Your LinkedIn profile is your professional face to the world! During this lecture Mikkel Preisler, Senior Account Executive from LinkedIn will share their best tips and tricks to make your profile do the work for you. Main focus is on leveraging and expanding your network and perfecting your digital representation.

We’ll also give you a guided tour of other functions on the platform and teach you how to use LinkedIn in the best possible way. We’ll of course guide you to your dream job, but we’ll also show you how the recruiters can find you!

Enrollment: confirm your participation by Monday 6th February 3 pm by filling in the requested information at https:// alumninet.aalto.fi/Portal/ Public/Event/ Apply.aspx?EventID=623. Join also our FB event! https://www.facebook.com/events/1663743080585460/

Event language: English

10.                  Ticket sales for Teekkarispeksi open on Feb 9th.

Ticket sales for Teekkarispeksi 2017 will open on Feb 9th at teekkarispeksi.fi/kauppa. In the last few years the shows have been practically sold out, so it’s best to pick a suitable day for an unforgettable theatre experience now: March 14th (premiere) // March 20th // March 21st // April 3rd // April 4th // April 9th (alumni show) // April 10th // April 11th.

All shows start at 7pm at the Alexander Theatre.

You can already make group orders (10+ tickets) at liput@teekkarispeksi.fi, so now you can guarantee seats in advance for the whole group. Groups get a 10% discount for tickets to the first three shows! More information about the speksi this spring: https://www.facebook.com/events/1834213536793856/

11.                  Petteri Orpo as the guest of Kokoomusteekkarit and Kauppiksen porvarit on Tue Jan 31st.

Minister of Finance Petteri Orpo will arrive in Otaniemi as the guest of Kauppakorkeakoulun porvarit and Kokoomusteekkarit student associations on Tuesday, Jan 31st, from 1.30pm to 2.30pm. You are welcome to come and have a chat at Alvari’s square, near the downstairs lobby of the Bachelor Building. There will be sausages!

12.                  Can Christianity make sense in a modern society?

Ristin kilta (Guild of the Cross) will have an evening in English. We will be hosting Joel Gillin from the UCC (United Community Church) who will be speaking on the topic of: “Can Christianity make sense in a modern Society?” So if you’ve ever wondered about Christianity or want to find out a bit more about the Christian student scene, come and check it out! The evening will also include some worship and a chance to meet new people as well as a snack and a short devotion at the end.

When: 1st of Feb. 2017, 18:45-21:30

Where: Otaniemi chapel, Jämeräntaival 8

What to bring: Yourself, and a friend if you feel like it.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/380775645614829/

13.                  Super Bowl evening 2017

Super Bowl 51 is played on 5.2. and Aalto Predators are hosting their annual Super Bowl evening at KY-yläkertsi (KY-House, 3rd floor at Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21 B). Welcome to watch which one of the two teams will be triumphant in vying for the Vince Lombardi trophy!

Doors open at 20:00 5.2.2016. Kickoff 01:30 (6.2.2016) Finnish time. Event at https://www.facebook.com/events/284466085301724/

14.                  “Physicists in a changing world” seminar Feb 18th.

On Saturday, Feb 18th, the Guild of Physics is organising a Physicist seminar in the B-hall of the Bachelor Building from 2pm to 6pm to honour its jubilee year. The event is open to all and free of charge. The subject of the seminar is “Physicists in a changing world”. The discussion in the seminar will focus on the achievements of physicists in the last 70 years, and what the next 70 years might possibly bring.

Tasty catering ensures the best possible seminar experience. The day will culminate in a panel where we have a chance to ask our speakers intricate questions related to the theme.

The speakers are top notch: Tuomo Suntola, the developer of atomic layer deposition, Matti Lehtonen, Chairman of the Board at GE Healthcare Finland, Antti Vasara, CEO of VTT, Kaija Pöysti, partner at Intosome Oy, and Ville Lehtola, City Council member and research fellow.

More information and sign-up at https://www.fyysikkokilta.fi/ilmo/signup/86

15.                  Welcome to create a temporary culture space to Otaniemi!

Aalto Tribe is a temporary student-led test platform and a “free space”, where people can gather, experiment ideas and co-create events, exhibitions and projects. The goal is to bring together different students, student organisations and locals in Otaniemi.

We are looking for new team members to our main organizing team. You can focus on for example designing the space, building, marketing or creating events.

The project is being planned now and will be realized in April-May 2017. The first meeting is on Thursday 2.2.2017 in Tokyo Space (Otakaari 1 Y) (Location in the link http://jy.fi/tribe/ ).

You’re warmly welcomed to check out the project! The project is started by a self organised group of students.

For more info, contact essi.laurila@aalto.fi

16.                  A first Geek Picnic in Helsinki in June – Join the team

Geek Picnic festival is the biggest popular open air festival of high technologies, science and art from Russia. In 2017 we are going to expand to a global scale and conduct a first Geek Picnic in Helsinki. And we would be happy if you will join our journey.

We’ve created Geek Picnic as a reflection of the spirit of modern life. As once the Woodstock festival reflected the values ​​of his days, nowadays Geek Picnic personifies the main symbols of our time – technological progress, researches, contemporary art.

We are looking for talented students interested in science, art and high technologies to help us with search of content of the festival (speakers, shows, technological start-ups, artists etc.). Active and well-organized students can use this opportunity to get a practice in big international event and meet local and international gurus in science, art, technologies, gaming and other fields of festival’s interest.

If you feel that it is ‘your thing’ to coordinate participants, find interesting and unique content, activate and embrace local projects  – contact us via e-mail grigoreva@exponenta.me, facebook www.facebook.com/ngry.voice or phone +7 (965) 764 82 27. We will be glad you to join our team!

More info about the festival is here: http://helsinki.geek-picnic.me/?

17.                  Start doing aikido at Otaniemi!

Aalto Aikikai welcomes all new beginners to join its activities in late January or early February. We are arranging an aikido performance on Tuesday, Jan 31st, at 5pm in the tatami hall at Jämeräntaival 5. Practice for new beginners starts on Thursday, Feb 2nd, at 5pm in the tatami hall at Jämeräntaival 5.

Beginners’ practice times in the spring of 2017:

Mondays from 4.30pm to 6pm at Otahalli

Thursdays from 5pm to 7pm at Jämeräntaival 5

You can join the practices during the first two weeks, and you can practise for free for a couple of weeks. If you like it, we will ask you to pay a beginner’s fee of 50 euros that will cover all practices for the year 2017.

18.                  University of Helsinki Taekwon-Do club introductory course begins

The Taekwon-Do club of the University of Helsinki is organising an introductory course for the students and staff of the University of Helsinki and Aalto University. At practice you will be acquainted with the different aspects of Taekwon-Do, improve your fitness level, strengthen your core, and learn kicking and punching techniques, as well as body control and maintenance. No previous experience needed.

The course begins on Tuesday, Feb 7th, 2017, and you can join it any time in February. The course lasts the whole spring semester, ending in a grading examination. Practice is held on Tuesdays from 4.30pm to 6pm in the gym hall at Helsingin Normaalilyseo (Ratakatu 6, entrance from the courtyard) and on Sundays from 11am until noon at UniDojo (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 25). The course costs 50€, covering the practice fee, club membership, and examination fee. You can try out the sport for free for the whole of February!

More Information: HYTKD web site (www.hytaekwondo.com/club/course.php ) & the course on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/events/419297768407292 /)

Sign-up: here (http://www.hytaekwondo.com/club/signup.php?ref=club-course-bottom).

19.                  PSK Kupla is organising an introductory course to scuba diving and a test dive in the spring of 2017!

Once you have successfully passed the diving course you receive a CMAS */P1 diving certification that meets international norms and enables you to safely dive to depths of 15-20 metres in Finland and abroad. The course begins with an information lecture, open to all and free of charge, on Friday, Feb 10th, at 5.30pm. The information lecture is held at Kupla’s club room at Kammio, located behind Jämeräntaival 1.

After the information lecture there will be an introductory dive at Leppävaara public pool, where you have a chance to try out scuba diving in a pool, guided by an experienced trainer. The test dive costs 10€. If you are coming for an introductory dive, sign up in advance here: https://goo.gl/forms/BoVLUtAbITgPL5uH3 and write down in the additional information that you are coming for an introductory dive.

You can find the detailed schedule of the course and other information here: http://kupla.org/kurssit/lspk/.

Join the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1864699577102018/

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