Weekly Newsletter 7/2017

This is AYY’s weekly newsletter 7/2017

Second and fourth year students! The well-being questionnaire will be open until 16th Feb, so you still have time to answer. You find the link from your @aalto.fi –mailbox.

Association-related issues can be found in the association newsletter. Read the newsletter at

  1. Happening this week and next week
  2. There’s still time to fill out the Study well-being questionnaire!
  3. Sweco summer job applications open until Feb 19th
  4. Apply for the Aava Afterparty and Humans vs Zombies- committees
  5. TalviAalto FinLympics at the Alvar square, Feb 21st
  6. Aalto Student Info Hackathon 18.-19.2.
  7. Mindfulness – Compassionate Learning
  8. Silent retreat Mar 31st – Apr 2nd, 2017
  9. Applications for Aalto-kymppi and Espoo Rantamaraton- running events begin on Feb 13th at 9AM.
  10. A:Space x Teemu Keisteri & Windows 95 Man: Ukkeli-workshop & Windows 95 Man DJ keikka
  11. Wondering about what to make your career in? Fill out the career test and find out!
  12. Become Borealis next Borstar with your thesis!
  13. Ticket sales for the Teekkarispeksi – interactive performance open
  14. Tikelo presents: Moonlight
  15. A first Geek Picnic in Helsinki in June – Join the team
  16. The Teekkari sailor’s SRC course applications open!
  17. Taiji beginners’ course 14 Feb 2017

1.    Happening this week and next week

Week 7

Week 8

2.    There’s still time to fill out the Study well-being questionnaire!

Give us 15 minutes of your time – By filling out the Study well-being questionnaire you make an impact on the development of the university and receive feedback of your own strengths and things to improve on, and your own well-being. The questionnaire consists of a HowULearn-survey made by researchers at the Helsinki University, and Aalto’s AllWell?-part. The questionnaire is open From Feb 1st to Feb 16th. The link to the survey has been sent to all second and fourth-year students into their aalto.fi-email address.

More information: https://into.aalto.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=24317460

3.    Sweco summer job applications open until Feb 19th

Attention, technical students of at least third year! Sweco is searching for students wishing to improve their skills as construction- and designer industry specialists for summer job positions.

You possibly have know-how of design tools and previous experience of the field from for example construction- and design work. You are searching for a summer job catering to your studies, hoping to find a job where you might find employment in the future. We offer students jobs in structural design, HVAC-design and indoor air research all over Finland. We are especially searching people for job openings in the capital region, Seinäjoki, Pietarsaari, Kouvola, Jyväskylä and Lahti.

The application interviews are already underway, but you can still apply for a job. The applications close on Feb 18th. See more info and fill out an application: http://www.studentwork.fi/ilmoitus/?jaid=401

4.    Apply for the Aava Afterparty and Humans vs Zombies- committees

Apply for Aava’s Afterparty and Humans vs Zombies committees

AYY’s Community section Aava is now taking in applications for committees! The committees in question are the Afterparty committee and the Humans vs Zombies committee.

In the Aalto Afterparty committee you get to plan and make happen the spectacle that starts the new academic year with a bang! The committee is led by Aava’s Afterparty coordinators, and as a committee member you will get to know nice people and enjoy yourself in a fun group. Go ahead and apply!

The Humans vs Zombies game is coming back to Otaniemi in the spring and in the autumn. Whether you have taken part in HvZ or not, we want YOU to join the committee! You will get to plan the theme and tasks of the game, publicize the event, meet new people in a fun way, moderate the game, and especially realize ideas that might be completely silly! We want to know what YOU specifically can add to the game. If you haven’t even heard of the game, check out the official website first at http://www.humansvszombies.org/

The application period begins on Jan 30th and ends on Tuesday Feb 21st at 11.59pm at:  /stop/kulttuuri-ja-tapahtumat/afterparty/  and /stop/kulttuuri-ja-tapahtumat/humans-vs-zombies/

5.    TalviAalto FinLympics at the Alvar square, Feb 21st

Have you forgotten to hone your skills in throwing a rubber boot for a while? Are you a little rusty on wife carrying? Fear not! AYY’s Community Section Aava has bundled up all the traditional Finnish sports into an astonishing winter spectacle.

Arrive at the Alvari square on February 21st @ 15.00 to experience the most Finnish sports ever created! All this while enjoying the natural beauty of the Finnish winter weather. The best teams will be awarded with more than mere fame and glory 😉 After the sports event, the athletes can freshen up at Otaniemi Rantasauna. In addition to the the steamy sauna, complimentary food is served.

6.    Aalto Student Info Hackathon 18.-19.2.

Not receiving the information you need? Think that our services could work better? If you’re a student at Aalto University and have thoughts and ideas on how to improve our information systems, join this two-day hackathon to build mock-ups, prototypes and come up with new ideas on what we should aim for in the future.

At the end of the hackathon we hope to have some concrete ideas and strategies on how to improve and build new channels for study information and student communication, with user experience guidelines and principles that benefit the whole academic community.

This hackathon is a joint effort by AYY, Aalto Learning Services, IT, Communications, Aalto Studios and the Aalto ARTS Department of Media. Students who wish to participate for credits, register to course DOM-E5008 in Oodi.

We kindly ask all participants to get an Eventbrite-ticket so that we keep track of how many are coming, and can prepare for the event accordingly. All Aalto students are welcome to join! Bring your own favorite tools and an open mind. Please let us know if you have some dietary preferences.

7.    Mindfulness – Compassionate Learning

Mindfulness is a state of open attention on the present. It’s living here and now. Mindfulness involves nonjudgmental conscious awareness of one’s feelings, thoughts and surroundings. In an educational context mindfulness applied to learning is the practice of ignoring distractions, disregarding unhelpful self-criticism and keeping focused. It can deepen our understanding and help us to find learning as fascinating as it should be.

The workshop consists of five session on Mondays 10-12 hrs, February 20th to March 20th, class room Majakka (M140), Otakaari 1. The workshop is in English.

More information: opintopsykologi@aalto.fi, https://into.aalto.fi/display/enopintopsykologi/Mindfulness+-+compassionate+learning

8.    Silent retreat Mar 31st – Apr 2nd, 2017

The Silent retreat offers an opportunity to distance yourself from the stress and requirements of everyday life. All-inclusive service, the surrounding nature and the silence shared together heal the mind and body. Everyone commits to a communal silence at the retreat. The daily activities are rhythmed by shared meals and liturgies of the hours.

Silent retreat for students and faculty of universities, technical universities and technical colleges. Price 90e/faculty, 45e/student (incl. all-inclusive service and transport). Retreat instructors: learning institution reverend Margit Peltovirta and musician Katja Kangas. Applications by Feb 17th to Maria Kantola: yst.toimisto.espoo@evl.fi

The instructors will gladly answer any questions you might have about the retreat. Email: etunimi.sukunimi@evl.fi

9.    Applications for Aalto-kymppi and Espoo Rantamaraton- running events begin on Feb 13th at 9AM.

The traditional Aalto-kymppi and Aalto-vitonen – sports day is held on Sunday  Sep 17th 2017 at 12 AM for the eigth time. The event is free of charge for all aalto-people.

Aalto-kymppi/vitonen is a part of the Espoo Rantamaraton-event. The Marathon and half-marathon take place on the 16th of September, 2017. The first 40 aalto-people to sign up for the marathon can attend free of charge! After the free spots have been filled up, aalto-people can attend the marathons at a reduced fee (40e/person).

Time: Aalto-kymppi/vitonen Sunday Sep 17th, 12AM-4PM, Espoo Rantamaraton Saturday Sep 16th

Time: Start from Otaranta, Otaniemi, on the Laajalahti shore, Espoo.

Signup: begin on Monday Feb 13th at 9AM at https://www.rantamaraton.fi/aaltokymppi/. The signup closes on the 10th of September, 2017 at 11:59 PM.

More information and free code for the marathon can be found on Into:


10.                  A:Space x Teemu Keisteri & Windows 95 Man: Ukkeli-workshop & Windows 95 Man DJ keikka

A:Space x Teemu Keisteri & Windows 95 Man: Ukkeli-workshop & Windows 95 Man DJ Set

Aalto A:Space, Otakaari 15, Thursday February 16th https://www.facebook.com/events/1096895467088308/

Teemu Keisteri, known for his Ukkeli characters, is waiting for you at A:Space Hardware on 16th of February. Come by to do your own Ukkeli-design tote bag! Bags for 130 first attendees!

After the Ukkeli-workshop Teemu transforms into Windows 95 Man, the ultimate party DJ, and hosts a gig on A:Space Bank space! Come by and let’s celebrate the A:Space opening together!

Workshop starts at 14:00.

DJ-gig starts approximately at 19:00.

Drinks will be served during the gig.

11.                  Wondering about what to make your career in? Fill out the career test and find out!

The Career test by Universum, built with 25 years of experience, gives you a comprehensive analysis of your career profile, which will help you greatly in structuring your future career and helps you answer the following questions:

  • What’s my career type?
  • How big are the wage estimations of other students regarding their first job?
  • What ten careers would be suited best for me?

Click here to take part in the career test.  https://careertest.universumglobal.com/s/fiss1014

3 Museum cards are drawn between the participants of the career test, which can be used to visit more than 200 museums in Finland.

12.                  Become Borealis next Borstar with your thesis!

If you’ve written a thesis (bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD) in one of the following subjects you could win up to €5,000 and the networking opportunity of a lifetime:

  • Polyolefin catalysts
  • Olefin and polyolefin processes
  • Polyolefin polymer properties
  • Enhanced olefin analysis and polyolefin characterization methods
  • Polyolefin applications
  • Sustainability in or with polyolefins or base chemicals
  • Discoveries in the polyolefin world that have a practical relevance for society
  • Base chemical processes (ammonia, nitric acid, fertilizer, urea, melamine,phenol)

A jury of high-level Borealis research experts will assess the incoming abstracts. The awardees will be invited to the Borealis Innovation Centre in Porvoo, Finland in May 2017 for a special Researcher Day to network, discuss their ideas and present their theses to Borealis senior scientists and leading innovators. Take the chance to earn recognition with your thesis, all you have to do is submit it for a chance to win! Further information on the competitions webpage: http://bit.ly/2bRBRZO

13.                  Ticket sales for the Teekkarispeksi – interactive performance open

The Teekkarispeksi 2017: Viimeinen sinfonia has its premiere on the 14th of March, after which the shows continue at the Aleksanteri theater until the middle of April. The ticket sales are already open on teekkarispeksi.fi/kauppa, and the shows are filling up fast. Get your ticket in time and don’t miss this unique and high-quality spectacle! Group orders (10+ tickets) are taken in at liput@teekkarispeksi.fi.

More info on the interactive performance at teekkarispeksi.fi and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1834213536793856/ .

14.                  Tikelo presents: Moonlight

After a long and exhausting exam week, why not relax watching Moonlight. The movie has won Golden Globe for Best Drama and eight Oscar nominations, including Best Picture. You are for sure in for a treat!

The movie is played in Riviera (Harjukatu 2) in the middle of Kallio on a Friday evening and it is possible to continue the night in the nearby bars. The movie theatre has alcohol rights (A-oikeudet) and it is even possible to purchase and enjoy beer and snacks during the show.

Cost of this movie is 9 euros, register soon as there are limited tickets. Get your tickets here: https://goo.gl/forms/HsDlfuoUwNb3x5r72

  • WHAT: Moonlight theatre screening
  • WHERE: Riviera, Harjukatu 2
  • WHEN: 17.2. – Tickets are distributed starting from 16.00, The show starts at 17.30
  • HOW MUCH: 9 euros
  • WHY: Quality drama, food and beverages! https://www.facebook.com/events/164531230707743/

15.                  A first Geek Picnic in Helsinki in June – Join the team

Geek Picnic festival is the biggest popular open air festival of high technologies, science and art from Russia. In 2017 we are going to expand to a global scale and conduct a first Geek Picnic in Helsinki. And we would be happy if you will join our journey.

We’ve created Geek Picnic as a reflection of the spirit of modern life. As once the Woodstock festival reflected the values ​​of his days, nowadays Geek Picnic personifies the main symbols of our time – technological progress, researches, contemporary art

We are looking for talented students interested in science, art and high technologies to help us with search of content of the festival (speakers, shows, technological start-ups, artists etc.). Active and well-organized students can use this opportunity to get a practice in big international event and meet local and international gurus in science, art, technologies, gaming and other fields of festival’s interest.

If you feel that it is ‘your thing’ to coordinate participants, find interesting and unique content, activate and embrace local projects  – contact us via e-mail grigoreva@exponenta.me, facebook www.facebook.com/ngry.voice or phone +7 (965) 764 82 27. We will be glad you to join our team!

More info about the festival is here: http://helsinki.geek-picnic.me/?

16.                  The Teekkari sailor’s SRC course applications open!

The Teekkari sailor’s navigation courses start soon and the signup is open! The inshore navigation course is the beginner course on navigational theory and waterway transportation legislation. The studies start from the basics, so no previous knowledge is required. The coastal navigation course gives teaches the same skill but more comprehensively, including tides, weather knowledge and radar operation. You may take both courses side-by-side if you so wish.

The inshore navigation course begins on Tuesday, February 21st 2017. The teaching takes place on Tuesday between 17:30 and 20:00 in the M1 lecture hall at Otakaari 1 (Main building). The coastal navigation course begins on Thursday, March 9th. The teaching takes place on Thursdays between 17:30 and 20:00 in the D-hall, Otakaari 1 (Main building). The courses end in a national exam on Friday 21st of April, held from 18:00 to 22:00.

Teekkaripurjehtijat Ry offers the course to its members at a very student-friendly price! The course fee of 75 EUR includes the exam cost. You may take part in only the exam as well, for a price of 45 EUR. To take part, you must be a member of TRIP. Signups, membership and more info at the club’s webpages: Inshore: http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=211 / Coastal: http://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=214

17.                  Taiji beginners’ course 14 Feb 2017

Taiji is a traditional Chinese martial art for self defence, where movements are generally learned in slow motion. Unlike in traditional Finnish sports which are often based on simply working up a sweat while leaving your brain on a single-minded track (or turned off!), in taiji we aim to move and practice with the whole body, mind included.

Many positive health benefits are known to come from practicing taiji. In the beginning most students will notice that their balance is getting better, the mind and the body are learning to relax, patience is cultivated and one can manage stress better.

Otaniemi Taiji Association Hiipivät lohikäärmeet will organize a beginners’ course during the spring term on Tuesdays at 15:15 – 16:45 in the Multi-Facilty Hall of Jämeräntaival 3A. Classes are taught in Finnish and English. First lesson will be on Valentine’s day

14 February 2017 and it is free of charge.

Come and experience a new way to move! You can also join the course later: on first Tuesday of every month.

More information: www.hiiploh.ayy.fi

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