Weekly Newsletter 8/2017

This is the AYY weekly newsletter 8/2017

The applications for Aava’s Afterparty and Humans vs. Zombies committees ends tomorrow on the 21st of February. Read more and apply at: /stop/kulttuuri-ja-tapahtumat/afterparty/ and: /stop/kulttuuri-ja-tapahtumat/humans-vs-zombies/

The AYY Representative Council meeting takes place on Wednesday. Things on the agenda include for example choosing the new Editor-in-Chief for the Aino magazine. Watch the meeting live at ayy.fi/live (English interpretation available) and participate in the discussion on Twitter with the hashtag #AYYedari.

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at /yhdistykset/yhdistystiedote/

  1. Happening this week and next week
  2. TalviAalto FinLympics at Alvar Square Feb 21st
  3. Shrovetide celebrations and Laskiaisappro pub crawl Tue Feb 28th
  4. Shrove Tuesday’s official afterparty – Gravitaatio
  5. Sign up form for AYY’s first social policy council
  1. Chamber choir ”Dissonanssi” searching for new members!
  2. Songs of All Time sitsit on the 22nd of Feb
  3. Apply for the Fyysikkospeksi!
  4. Open Stage Studio evening for the first time on the 23rd of February 2017!
  5. KY Anniversary party at Apollo on the 23rd of February
  6. CEO x 1 Day 2017: We are looking for Finland’s most promising future leaders!
  7. Innovate responsible food consumption and production, win €25 000
  8. National Student Championships on weightlifting and powerlifting, Tampere, 1st and 2nd of April, 2017.

1.    Happening this week and next week

Week 8

Week 9

2.    TalviAalto FinLympics at Alvar Square Feb 21st

Have you forgotten to hone your skills in throwing a rubber boot for a while? Are you a little rusty on wife carrying? Fear not! AYY’s Community Section Aava has bundled up all the traditional Finnish sports into an astonishing winter spectacle.

Arrive at the Alvari square on February 21st @ 15.00 to experience the most Finnish sports ever created! All this while enjoying the natural beauty of the Finnish winter weather. The best teams will be awarded with more than mere fame and glory 😉 After the sports event, the athletes can freshen up at Otaniemi Rantasauna. In addition to the steamy sauna, complimentary food is served.

  • WHAT? Traditional Finnish sports
  • WHERE? Alvari square
  • WHEN? Tuesday 21.1. @ 15.00
  • WHY? Celebrate the 100-year-old Finland!
  • FB-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/413224632352936/

3.    Shrovetide celebrations and Laskiaisappro pub crawl Tue Feb 28th

Come and join the fun in the traditional Shrovetide celebrations (Laskiaisrieha) at Ullanlinnanmäki hill on Shrove Tuesday, Feb 28th, 2017, in Kaivopuisto park, Helsinki, from 11am to 4pm!

In addition to sledding, the program includes music, competitions, and the legendary ABB Academic downhill race starting at 1pm, where teams race for the title of the most amazing and innovative sled. The official afterparty is held at AYY’s Gravitaatio at Apollo Live Club.

However, for a long time there has been a break between Shrovetide celebrations and Gravitaatio, causing trouble for students. What to do before Gravitaatio? …but SAY NO MORE!

Vapaateekkarit are, for the first time ever, organising the Laskiaisappro pub crawl right after the Shrovetide celebrations, starting at 4pm. The theme for the pub crawl can be Shrovetide, ski restaurant, or After Ski. The partner for the first ever Laskiaisappro pub crawl is Ruosniemi Brewery, so the party is guaranteed not to run out of high quality drinks! You really don’t want to miss this—fun times certified by Vapaateekkarit! Buy your pub crawl ticket at bailataan.fi for 6€, beginning on February 1st. There is only a limited amount of tickets!

With: ABB, TEK, Sweco, Fennovoima and AYY!

Shrovetide celebrations (https://www.facebook.com/events/602429626620281/ ) and Laskiaisappro pub crawl (https://www.facebook.com/events/407112759632101/ ) on Facebook.

4.    Shrove Tuesday’s official afterparty – Gravitaatio

Gravitaatio is the biggest and most awesome party of the beginning of the year, held on Shrove Tuesday, Feb 28th, as the official afterparty of Shrovetide celebrations. This year Gravitaatio will be more intense than it has been in a long time. When you are done sledding down Ullanlinnanmäki hill at Shrovetide celebrations, or just want to get your Tuesday night groove on, throw away your woolly socks and head to Apollo for the official afterparty of the Shrovetide celebrations. With Portion Boys and the Swedish Günther & the Sunshine Girls taking the stage everyone is sure to feel the beat.

More information about the event on Facebook and at http://www.gravitaatio.fi/

5.      Sign up form for AYY’s first social policy council

Hello, student actives and students interested in social issues! Are you interested in student income, well-being, health care and equality issues? Or what will happen to student’s income when the cuts to student financial aid come into effect and university students are moved to the general housing allowance? Or what will happen to FSHS as part of the social and health care reform? The Aalto University Student Union calls together the Social Policy Committee to ponder these questions for the very first time!

The Social Policy Committee is for people who are interested in social policy issues. In the Social Policy Committee, they can exchange ideas and improve the everyday life of students together. Whether you’re an active member of a student organization or a guild, a student representative or just interested in the subject, we want to welcome you to our first meeting on 1st March at 5 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Aalto Board Room, at Otakaari 1 (H304).

Please sign up by 28th February, so that we can reserve the right amount of snacks.

Sign-up link: https://goo.gl/forms/HU0ASFyIR47qXKrk2

6.    Chamber choir ”Dissonanssi” searching for new members!

Are you an enthusiastic singer? Would you like to sing in a choir? Our small mixed choir is easily approachable and there are no strict auditions to fear. We are happy with even a small amount of experience about choir singing or a generally good singing voice. We practice on Tuesdays at the machine technology club room 18:00-20:00, and you are free to participate the training session to observe as well. If you are interested, fill up the form: https://bit.ly/dissonanssi and we’ll contact you within a week.

7.    Songs of All Time sitsit on the 22nd of Feb

Welcome to the first Lukkariseminar, where we sing old songs from throughout the ages. Come and get acquainted with the best sitsi songs of all time; you might just find a new favorite!

The sitsit are held at Smökki on the 22nd of February and start with a cocktail event at 6PM. The sitsit proper start at 6.30 PM. The dress code is cocktail with a new/old twist. The fee is 12 euros, paid in cash at the venue. Sign up at: https://goo.gl/forms/YSAiaYt0Y2uVtFZ43

Each lukkari, lukkari-minded person or people just into singing or hearing their own voice; join us! More information and answers to questions can be found at the event’s Facebook page.

8.    Apply for the Fyysikkospeksi!

The search for performers in the Fyysikkospeksi is starting! The production for fall 2017 is searching for actors, starting on the 14th of March. We will also host two improv practices on the 1st and 13th of March, meant to warm up the acting muscles for the casting proper. Both big and small roles are up for grabs; with singing involved and without singing. Come improv with us and if you have the enthusiasm, apply to perform!

We are searching for people to work in other sectors of the production as well: band, dance, dress, props, makeup, lyrics, technical staff, translation, public relations, corporate relations, catering… Most of the sectors start their work in May. The applications process for other sectors is open until Sunday, the 26th of March.
Apply to perform at https://goo.gl/forms/OSbfhCU5svaBZNrJ3  or check more info on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/630851047100461/ , Apply for other roles in the speksi at http://tinyurl.com/fyysikkospeksirekry .

9.    Open Stage Studio evening for the first time on the 23rd of February 2017!

OUBS, Pelmu and Polirytmi are organizing an event where all performances along or with a band are welcome, be it pop, spoken word or modern music with an attitude. Come perform or just enjoy the vibes. We have drums, cajon, piano, amplifiers for guitar and bass and microphones ready on stage for performers. If you wish to perform, bring your own instrument if you need one! In addition to the verbal and musical delights, there will be refreshments by Polku to enjoy. The event takes place at the OUBS Studio in Otaniemi, in the basement of Jämeräntaival 1.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/258995187858453/

10.                  KY Anniversary party at Apollo on the 23rd of February

KY turns 106 years and invites everyone to celebrate the occasion at the KY Kuntis on the Thursday 23rd of Feb at Apollo. The doors open at 21:00 and Reino Nordin will tear the place up around midnight. So that the guests won’t starve or die of thirst, KUJ has cake and punch for the guests. Jump into your overalls and party the night away in honour of KY. FB event at: https://www.facebook.com/events/1837393966542149/

11.                  CEO x 1 Day 2017: We are looking for Finland’s most promising future leaders!

CEO x 1 Day gives university students from third year up the opportunity to spend a day with a prominent Finnish CEO. The program is organized by Odgers Berndtson, one of the largest executive search firms in the world. This season, Odgers Berndtson will identify 8 students with outstanding leadership potential through a rigorous selection process and match them with a CEO from a leading Finnish organization.

Why apply? The selection process gives valuable experience for your future career, including video interviews and personal meetings with executive search consultants. Semi-finalists take part in an activity day which puts their strategic and team work skills to test, as well as receive feedback on a personality assessment to develop their leadership capabilities. The finalists spend a day shadowing a CEO (including one-on-one time), learning about their background, career path, and leadership approach.

Who can apply? University students in Finland from third year up with at least 150 recorded study points. Foreign exchange students in Finland are welcome to participate.

Schedule. Apply online before March 3, 2017. CEO meetings take place in May-June 2017.

Read more and apply: www.ceox1day.fi. For any questions, contact project coordinator: ulla.ahola@odgersberndtson.com

12.                  Innovate responsible food consumption and production, win €25 000

A global student competition Ericsson Innovation Awards 2017.How would you use technology to shape the future of food? If you have a ground-breaking idea, you could win €25,000. It’s all part of our support for the UN’s Sustainable Development goals of Zero Hunger and Responsible Consumption and Production. Register your team and submit your idea not later than March 14 2017. Further information at https://www.ericsson.com/thecompany/events/eia-2017 .

13.                  National Student Championships on weightlifting and powerlifting, Tampere, 1st and 2nd of April, 2017.

The National Student Championships on weightlifting and powerlifting are taking place in Tampere on the 1st and 2nd of April. The annual competitions, held for the 8th time, take place at the Tampere Technical university Tamppi Areena, which offers a spectacular venue for the competition between the brawniest of students.

The competition has its own series for higher education and 2nd degree students. The titles of champion for weightlifting and powerlifting are fought in both a competitive series (participation requirement being a license from the sport’s governing body) and a free series, which is open to everyone. All competitors also participate in a combination of the series; the Supertotal. The points will be tallied in Sinclair points in weight lifting and Wilks points in powerlifting. In Supertotal, the points from both series will be tallied up. In powerlifting, the rules will follow the classic powerlifting ruleset.

Sign up by 28th of March 2017 by filling out the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdQ76n3NB1R-dwlwzohoK5Y-EiIkQmmoiZvCFllZxiaAMAZ5g/viewform?c=0&w=1

More information in the events Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/330665980662948/


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