Weekly newsletter 9/2017

Tomorrow on Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, some of the most energetic winter events of the spring take place. The day starts with the UllanlinnanmÀki Shrovetide celebrations (https://www.facebook.com/events/602429626620281/), continues with the Laskiaisappro (https://www.facebook.com/events/407112759632101/) coming to a finale with Gravitaatio (http://gravitaatio.fi/).

The association information can be found in the association newsletter. Read it at /yhdistystiedote

  1. Happening this week and next week
  2. AYY is searching for a Sales Coordinator
  3. New staff starting at the AYY Central Office
  4. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!
  5. Welcome to AYY’s first Social Policy Committee on the 1st of March 2017
  6. LuovutusAalto – Blood donation challenge for associations operating within AYY starts on the 1st of March!
  7. Applications for sports tutors open on 1st of March at 00:00!
  8. The second application round of the TTE-fund in 2017 is open!
  9. Apply for the AYY acknowledgement working group!
  10. JÀynÀsauna at the Rantasauna on 7th of March at 18:00
  11. Current news from FSHS
  12. Suggest program for Otaniemi Free Space!
  13. Apply for the Fyysikkospeksi!
  14. Apply to Aalto Strategy Case Competition by March 12th!
  15. CEO x 1 Day 2017: We are looking for Finland’s most promising future leaders!
  16. Cheerleading beginner course 12th of March–28th of May 2017
  17. OtaKoppi introductory training sessions at Otahalli
  18. Taiji beginner course 7.3.2017
  19. New players for the FC Kissat!

1. Happening this week and next week

Week 9

Week 10

2. AYY is searching for a Sales Coordinator

AYY is searching for an ambitious and energetic part-time Sales Coordinator! The job can be done alongside studies and lasts until the end of the calendar year.

Your job is to contact and meet potential new clients and sign new cooperation agreements with them. The job is done individually and ambitiously, but you will receive support from the AYY Corporate Relations Coordinator, Corporate Relations Section and the Board Member in charge of corporate relations, and you’ll be equipped with the modern tools for making sales happen. The job garners excellent work experience from sales and you’ll be a part of a young, dynamic team with an important role in expanding AYY’s sales and corporate relations!

Read more and apply by March 1st at https://apply.atalent.fi/ayy-myyntikoordinaattori-2-2017

3. New staff starting at the AYY Central Office

Spring has brought new staff to the central office of AYY. In January, we gained a new Service Manager, Riitu Nuutinen, and Annu Komulainen started working as our Advocacy Expert substitute. The brand work of AYY will be coordinated by Henrik LĂ€hdesniemi for the duration of the spring, and the substitute for our Information Officer, Katarina Vesikko, starts today. In addition, the Representative Council chose Emilia MĂ€enmaa as the new Chief Editor for the Aino magazine at its meeting on the 22nd of February.

Staff (and other) contact info can be found at /en/contact-information/

4. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!

AYY is organizing a Security Officer course as intensive training from the 24th to the 28th of March 2017. The course is free if you commit to working as a Security Officer in four (4) AYY events by the end of 2018.

The course has 20 slots and it’s organized at AYY premises in Otaniemi and Vaasankatu. The signup opens on the 27th of February at 12:00 and closes on the 12th of March at 23:59 or when the course is full.
The course will be held in Finnish.

More info and signup: https://lomake.ayy.fi/vapaaehtoiset/kouluttaudu-jarjestyksenvalvojaksi/

5. Welcome to AYY’s first Social Policy Committee on the 1st of March 2017

Hello, student actives and students interested in social issues!

Are you interested in student income, well-being, health care and equality issues? Or what will happen to student’s income when the cuts to student financial aid come into effect and university students are moved to the general housing allowance? Or what will happen to FSHS as part of the social and health care reform? The Aalto University Student Union calls together the Social Policy Committee to ponder these questions for the very first time!

The Social Policy Committee is for people who are interested in social policy issues. In the Social Policy Committee, they can exchange ideas and improve the everyday life of students together. Whether you’re an active member of a student organization or a guild, a student representative or just interested in the subject, we want to welcome you to our first meeting on 1st March at 5 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Aalto Board Room, at Otakaari 1 (H304).

Please sign up by 28th February, so that we can reserve the right amount of snacks.

Signup link: https://goo.gl/forms/HU0ASFyIR47qXKrk2

6. LuovutusAalto – Blood donation challenge for associations operating within AYY starts on the 1st of March!

Help by donating blood! AYY challenges all its associations to participate! Nearly a thousand voluntary blood donors are needed in Finland every weekday to make sure that about 50,000 seriously ill patients receive the treatment they need every year. Put your blood into circulation and donate now!

During the campaign, from the 1st of March to the 30th of April 2017, the associations that have donated the most blood, both quantitatively and in percentage terms in relation to their number of members, are awarded the use of one of AYY’s sauna facilities of their own choosing for one night.

Instructions on how to participate and more information can be found on ayy.fi later this week or from Facebook-event https://www.facebook.com/events/1937651676466068/. You can and should test whether you are suitable as a donor at www.sovinkoluovuttajaksi.fi.

#LuovutusAalto #VeriRyhmÀ

7. Applications for sports tutors open on 1st of March at 00:00!

Brisk people interested in sports and organizing events are wanted for sports tutoring. The job of a sports tutor is to guide new students into sports. A sports tutor does not need to be an ISO/tutor: Anyone can apply, regardless of their study year! You don’t need to be a top athlete either; the main point is that you’re interested and enthusiastic about sports and you want to do fun stuff with new students. In event creation, the sky is the limit: rock climbing, hiking, dodgeball at Alvar or even a student floorball tournament are all options!

Read more and apply at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/liikuntatutorhakemus-2017-sports-tutor-application-2017/ Applications are open until March 19th.

8. The second application round of the TTE-fund in 2017 is open!

The second application round of the TTE-Fund in 2017 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the associations within it. The TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for grants up to 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The second application round of 2017 will end on Sunday, 19th March 2017, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form, which is available at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/

Deadlines for the application rounds of spring 2017 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the Facebook site at www.facebook.com/tterahasto.

9. Apply for the AYY acknowledgement working group!

The acknowledgment working group receives the proposals for the acknowledgment recipients, discusses the proposals and proposes a resolution on the final recipients to the Board. The Board is now looking for 1-3 AYY members for the working group, which also consists of board members and councilors. The student union’s secretary general will act as the working group’s secretary.

The working group works between 14/03–21/04 and meets approx. 2-3 times.

The Board is looking for motivated students with different backgrounds.

The application period continues till noon on 13/03.

The application form can be found at https://lomake.ayy.fi/koulutuspolitiikka/huomionosoitukset/

For more information, contact the vice chair of the Board, Petteri Heliste (petteri.heliste@ayy.fi, +358 50 520 9428).

10. JÀynÀsauna at the Rantasauna on 7th of March at 18:00

All the important pranks have been planned in a sauna. And what was the formula for a successful prank again? Come to the Rantsu sauna on Tuesday, 7th of March at 18:00 to hear the hottest updates regarding participation in the Pranking competition and enjoy some free food. We recommend you to come on time, for the free pizza will not last forever! In addition to getting our bellies filled, we will have a short introduction to pranking and its history, and will present the Prank competition and awards for this year.

The JĂ€ynĂ€sauna will also reward the winners of the JĂ€ynĂ€jahti competition! By following the Facebook-page of the competition you can get hints on where the little sister of the award trophy, “TyttĂ¶â€, has been hidden at. We hide a total of 6 trophies, so stay tuned online from 15th of February until the 3rd of March. By bringing a found Tyttö-statue to the sauna you can win fabulous prizes!

WHAT: JÀynÀsauna

WHERE: Rantsu

WHEN: 7th March 2017 at 18:00

WHY: Hot tips on pranking, an even hotter sauna and free pizza!


FB-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/982588838507755/

11. Current news from FSHS

Electronic health surveys have regrettably been delayed due to technical issues. FSHS invites all freshmen students for a health checkup, consisting of an electronic survey (SĂ€tky) and, if necessary, a personal visit. You may answer the survey when FSHS has sent you the link to participate. We will inform you of sending the links very soon. The surveys are sent in several rounds, so don’t get worried if you are not among the first ones to receive one. You may visit the FSHS “Self” service to update your info on where to send the link. More info on the “Self” service at http://www.yths.fi/self

Watch out on thin ice and slippery streets! Slipping and falling is the most common cause of pedestrian accidents during the winter, so be careful. Avoid hurry and reserve enough time for transfers. Good winter shoes are a must! Also, remember to wear a reflector during the dark hours of the day.

The season for stomach flu and influenza is well under way. Don’t infect others and take care of yourself. When sick, give yourself time to heal. Throw away used tissues, cough into your sleeve and keep washing your hands with soap. If you catch a dose of either disease, take care of yourself! Tips on how to do that can be found at the FSHS healthcare page, filled with knowledge fit for many situations. Click yourself to http://www.yths.fi/terveystieto_ja_tutkimus/terveystietopankki

12. Suggest program for Otaniemi Free Space!

The Otaniemi Free space is a student-driven, communal cultural and experimental platform in Otaniemi at the former ADD LAB space during April and May. The idea is to create a place to meet people, co-operate, get excited, experiment and do events, workshops, projects, art shows and performance art.

Otaniemi Free Space welcomes all Aalto students, student associations, Otaniemi-folk and other people interested in cultural activities to come together and plan and suggest program!

Check it out: https://www.facebook.com/ofreespace/

13. Apply for the Fyysikkospeksi!

The search for performers in the Fyysikkospeksi is starting! The production for fall 2017 is searching for actors, starting on the 14th of March. We will also host two improv practices on the 1st and 13th of March, meant to warm up the acting muscles for the casting proper. Both big and small roles are up for grabs; with singing involved and without singing. Come improv with us and if you have the enthusiasm, apply to perform!

We are searching for people to work in other sectors of the production as well: band, dance, dress, props, makeup, lyrics, technical staff, translation, public relations, corporate relations, catering
 Most of the sectors start their work in May. The applications process for other sectors is open until Sunday, the 26th of March.

Apply to perform at https://goo.gl/forms/OSbfhCU5svaBZNrJ3  or check more info on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/630851047100461/ , Apply for other roles in the speksi at http://tinyurl.com/fyysikkospeksirekry .

14. Apply to Aalto Strategy Case Competition by March 12th!

The Fifth Aalto Strategy Case Competition (ASCC) will be held on April 20th & 21st this year at the Aalto Design Factory. It is an excellent opportunity to challenge your case-solving skills and to network with the ASCC corporate partners! The winning team will receive a unique prize: an opportunity to meet and network with top consultants from BCG at a private dinner offered by them!

When: April 20th & 21st 2017

Where: Aalto Design Factory

How to apply: Form a team of four and fill out the application form on https://ascc.fi

Application deadline: March 12th, 2017

Please note that the application process is highly competitive. There will be a preliminary case sent to all applicants after the deadline, March 12th. Teams need to return their solutions within five days and only the top 16 teams will be selected for the competition. The admission decisions will be announced by March, 26th.

Please go to https://ascc.fi for more information.

Like the ASCC Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AaltoSCC and stay tuned!

If you have any questions, please send an email to ascc@aalto.fi

15. CEO x 1 Day 2017: We are looking for Finland’s most promising future leaders!

CEO x 1 Day gives university students from third year up the opportunity to spend a day with a prominent Finnish CEO. The program is organized by Odgers Berndtson, one of the largest executive search firms in the world. This season, Odgers Berndtson will identify 8 students with outstanding leadership potential through a rigorous selection process and match them with a CEO from a leading Finnish organization.

Why apply? The selection process gives valuable experience for your future career, including video interviews and personal meetings with executive search consultants. Semi-finalists take part in an activity day which puts their strategic and team work skills to test, as well as receive feedback on a personality assessment to develop their leadership capabilities. The finalists spend a day shadowing a CEO (including one-on-one time), learning about their background, career path, and leadership approach.

Who can apply? University students in Finland from third year up with at least 150 recorded study points. Foreign exchange students in Finland are welcome to participate.

Schedule. Apply online before March 3, 2017. CEO meetings take place in May-June 2017.

Read more and apply: www.ceox1day.fi. For any questions, contact project coordinator: ulla.ahola@odgersberndtson.com

16. Cheerleading beginner course 12th of March–28th of May 2017

Looking for a new hobby? Searching for a team sport that builds your strength and body control? APC Foxes is organizing a beginner course for everyone interested in cheerleading on Sunday, the 12th of March. The course is free and rehearsals are every Sunday from 17:00 to 19:00 until the 28th of May (except Easter on 16th of April and Wappu, 30th of April).

After the course, you may continue in the APC Foxes team, which trains and performs throughout the year. More info by asking via the FB inbox!

All fields of cheerleading are practiced during the course: Stunts, pyramids, acrobatics, jumps and team calls.

Sign up by the 11th of March 2017: https://goo.gl/forms/DHTXneJNgeeOOlln2

More info on the team: https://predators.fi/cheer-liity-joukkueeseen/

Social media: https://www.fb.com/APCFoxes  & https://www.instagram.com/apc_foxes/

17. OtaKoppi introductory training sessions at Otahalli

OtaKoppi Ry organizes an introductory training session (vol 2) on Sunday, the 19th of March, from 14:30 to 16:00 at the Otahalli multifunction room. This session is open for everyone, and all interested people are welcome to join! The OtaKoppi women’s team also organizes their own introductory training session on Wednesday, 8th of March, from 19:30 to 21:00, and on Sunday, 2nd of April, from 14:30 to 16:00 at the Otahalli multifunction room. Players of all skill levels are welcome to the women’s team, and this open training session is a great opportunity to get to know the team!

18. Taiji beginner course 7.3.2017

The Tuesday Taiji course is accepting new participants at the start of March. Come and join us on the 7th of March at 15:15 at the multifunction room, JĂ€merĂ€ntaival 3A. The lesson lasts for 90 minutes. The floor is cold so bring indoor slippers! You may also come and try it, it’s free!

More info: www.hiiploh.ayy.fi

19. New players for the FC Kissat!

The women’s soccer team of the Aalto University, FC Kissat, is searching for new active players for the summer season. We participate in the Helsinki regional hobby series and in tournaments throughout the summer. Our team consists of long-time players and people who have started at a later age. Everyone interested in the sport is welcome regardless of skill level; it’s all about spirit and enthusiasm. If you’re interested, contact us at fckissat@gmail.com or check out our Facebook group,” FC Kissat”.

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